• 18 hours ago
Sigue la compleja situación legal entre Wanda Nara y Mauro Icardi, centrada en la custodia de sus hijas. La disputa se intensifica con acusaciones mutuas y el temor de Wanda a que Icardi lleve a las niñas a Turquía sin su consentimiento. Además, se discuten las tensiones con la China Suárez.



00:00We're at 1pm, and I was awake until 5pm.
00:04After Elba's score at the DMs, at the same time.
00:08I was here, I was warm. Let's listen to the first part.
00:12If you ask me if I'm upset being with the Chinese, I'd say the same,
00:17maybe I'm more upset with Victoria's Secret's model,
00:20which Mauro targets, because he's a millionaire player and he did so this time.
00:24I'd be more upset if she were with a mother like me, with Cesaria.
00:28I see you as if you were a friend, do you understand?
00:31The truth is that it is a problem of her with who she wants to be.
00:34The truth is that she is a girl who is very trashy,
00:37and has a shitty image.
00:39So the truth is that if I have to choose someone to be with her,
00:42it's the same for me.
00:44I say, I can't believe it,
00:46I think that even a single girl from Victoria's Secret,
00:48without a son, would say to her,
00:50skinny, she is the mother.
00:52How the fuck do you fight like that?
00:53How do you want to get her out of custody?
00:55So it seems strange to me,
00:56and there I question the feelings of this woman,
01:01I don't know her,
01:02and I don't know if she was empathetic or not,
01:04I don't think so,
01:05because of her history with women.
01:08Well, first part,
01:09angry with China,
01:10where she destroys her,
01:11a pathetic image.
01:12But sorry, you say you don't know her,
01:14where we saw all the messages
01:16that she was exchanging,
01:18that the girl was beautiful.
01:19What did this come from?
01:20It came from a conversation where she can't believe,
01:22beyond the whole topic.
01:23I talked a lot,
01:24I questioned the issue of the minors.
01:26That I don't give them back.
01:27Beyond everything that was happening,
01:29because today the minors are not with Mauro,
01:31and she began to make a whole explanation.
01:33What she told me the other day,
01:35is that she does not want the girls to go with Mauro,
01:38because she is afraid that he will take her to Turkey,
01:40and second,
01:41because before they go with the father,
01:43she wants the visitation regime to be signed,
01:45which seems logical to me.
01:46It's not bad.
01:47It's not bad.
01:48It's perfect.
01:49And food.
01:50And food.
01:51Obviously, this is very long,
01:52but also what she explained to me is that she knows
01:54that Mauro is living in the Chinese apartment,
01:56today, here in Palermo,
01:58that the house is empty.
02:00What happened?
02:01It's empty.
02:02Because she was rented.
02:03She was rented?
02:04She was rented.
02:05What a deception.
02:06No, here we show the contract
02:08that she was going to rent with the possibility of buying.
02:10Yes, but it seems that the possibility was not there.
02:12The issue is like this,
02:13the issue is like this,
02:15Mauro told Laura at the time,
02:17here in LAM,
02:18that he had to return to Turkey soon.
02:19It was once,
02:20now he has to return again.
02:21I think on Saturday he has to return.
02:23Before April 1st,
02:24I think he had told me that.
02:26Obviously, he is not going to buy that house,
02:27because he has to go like this,
02:28to fulfill that contract,
02:29until May.
02:30Then he can decide
02:31if he renews it or not.
02:33there are also many things,
02:34issues that Mauro asks,
02:35he is with the girls
02:36when he goes to Turkey,
02:37about why Wanda
02:38does not deliver them today,
02:39for me it is terrible,
02:40but he says,
02:41he will not deliver them today,
02:42if on Saturday he goes to Turkey,
02:43for a possibility of
02:45because the key data
02:46is the one that has already been explained a thousand times.
02:47The issue is like this,
02:49the issue of taking the girls
02:50to Turkey,
02:51yes or no,
02:52which is the key to everything.
02:54according to Wanda,
02:55the girls do not want to see the father,
02:56which is good.
03:00that is another issue.
03:01But with the issue of,
03:02with Wanda,
03:03when she was going to Punta del Este,
03:04the judge gave her permission
03:05to take her,
03:06then she says,
03:07and if a judge gives her permission
03:08for Mauro to take her,
03:09then Elba says,
03:11in no way,
03:12with Turkey,
03:13it is not the same
03:14that happened in other cases,
03:15but there is a protection
03:16that yes,
03:17he has to return them,
03:18yes or yes,
03:19bla bla bla bla bla bla,
03:20but the girls themselves
03:21are afraid of that,
03:22because they heard all that issue,
03:23like the men,
03:24they are afraid to stay there,
03:25I would not go to Turkey,
03:26I will not go,
03:27it is horrible.
03:28Why did Wanda call you
03:29on time?
03:30What did she want to explain to you?
03:31She called me to explain
03:32this whole issue to me,
03:33we talked a lot
03:34and she was talking to me
03:35point by point
03:36everything that was happening
03:37with respect to the issue
03:38of delivering the minors
03:39and she told me
03:40the whole new issue
03:41of this hearing
03:42of the minors
03:43that was on Tuesday,
03:45because the judge asked
03:46that this issue,
03:47the new judge,
03:48the judge of Juárez 85,
03:50asked that there be
03:51an interdisciplinary team
03:52between psychologists
03:53and psychiatrists
03:54and psychopedagogists
03:55and psychopedagogists
03:56to listen to the minors
03:57and that has already happened,
03:58Wanda went today,
03:59she was three hours
04:00and on Friday
04:01Mauro is going to go,
04:02as a result of that
04:03they are going to make
04:04a new report
04:05and from there
04:06they are going to see
04:07if what Agopian says
04:08can have a new effect
04:09or they are going to run it
04:11and they are going to start
04:12to see the cause again.
04:13But there was also
04:15who is a defender of minors.
04:17Of course,
04:18he is very happy.
04:19The defender of minors.
04:20Let's listen to the second part.
04:48I don't have time for strangers.
04:49I mean,
04:50are you screwing your daughter
04:51in front of her new stepdaughters
04:52and in front of the woman
04:53who got into your family?
04:54Are you screwing
04:55your ten-year-old girl?
04:57I have to think
04:58that Mauro
04:59is a piece of crap
05:01or he went crazy now
05:02because obviously
05:03I was not going to plan
05:04to have more children
05:05or have a family
05:06like I had with Mauro.
05:07Of course,
05:08I thought
05:09he was a good person
05:10if not,
05:11I was not going
05:12to continue
05:13next to him.
05:14When they did
05:15the psychological
05:17he went crazy.
05:18The analysis
05:19was that I
05:21things of violence.
05:23this is the second part.
05:24This is the second part.
05:26I had never spoken
05:27since this mess
05:29which we told here
05:30I think on November 13
05:31to today.
05:32Wanda never answered
05:33my phone
05:34and I could never speak.
05:36the talk came
05:37from that time
05:38to now.
05:39She tried to explain
05:40many of the things
05:41that she does not understand
05:42about Mauro.
05:43And there is also something
05:44that has to do
05:45with the fact
05:46that now
05:47she does not understand
05:48why Mauro
05:49intends to go there
05:50when Mauro's visa
05:51in Turkey
05:52ends in May.
05:53Because Mauro
05:54no longer lives there.
05:56he could ask for
05:57the center of life
05:58in Italy,
05:59but in Turkey
06:00he has a different visa.
06:02doesn't he have to
06:03fulfill the contract
06:04he has with the U.S.?
06:05Mauro, yes,
06:06but there is a visa issue
06:07that the girls
06:08and Wanda
06:09and everyone
06:10have a visa
06:11that expires now.
06:13but he will have to go
06:14when in reality
06:15we are for a period
06:16of time
06:17we have to retire
06:18because the country
06:19does establish it.
06:20And also
06:21regarding this topic,
06:22obviously Wanda
06:23tells me that
06:24she does not know Mauro
06:25and she talks a lot,
06:26I also talked a lot
06:27about her youngest son,
06:28how the whole thing
06:29had been
06:30that she found out
06:31and did not.
06:32I questioned her
06:33for going to Istanbul
06:34to receive him.
06:35This is the Wanda
06:36that did not know you
06:37the other day
06:38on the cell phone,
06:39is it the same?
06:40It's the same.
06:41It's kind of weird.
06:42As if she does not know you
06:43she would have told you
06:44the name of the child
06:45that she said
06:46she had seen him
06:47and had not told her before.
06:48On Friday
06:49I sent you something
06:50that a lawyer sent me
06:51that she said
06:52that if she fell
06:53for many years
06:54the fact that the boy
06:55was hit
06:56has a serious problem.
06:57But she did not find out now.
06:58She said
06:59she told you
07:00that she saw him
07:01she said
07:02that she had seen it.
07:03That she had seen things.
07:05this lawyer
07:06told me
07:07that in the hypothetical case
07:08that she says that
07:09can call her
07:10in the courts
07:11and ask
07:12Can you call her to the court to see what the things are?
07:15Because she would be an accomplice.
07:18Let me finish. An adverse situation.
07:21And she told me that we also have to take into account
07:23what is the place where she is going to be judged
07:25because the justices are not the same in all places.
07:28And in some places, the fact, for example,
07:30Turkey, that the father represses a boy with a blow,
07:33is authorized. Nothing happens.
07:35So, here in Argentina, for a long time, nothing happened,
07:38but now it does.
07:40What did she say? It depends on the court where she sits.
07:43The things that the boy talked about happened now
07:46in Santa Bárbara in December.
07:48No, but still, here Wanda is saying that,
07:50according to the psychological appearance that they did to her,
07:53she naturalizes the facts of violence,
07:55so she would also have been a victim of violent situations,
07:59so you can't blame her if she didn't have the necessary tools.
08:02I'm telling you what a lawyer tells me.
08:04I'm telling you what a lawyer tells me.
08:07Did your lawyer tell you that? I tell you this.
08:09We know more than the lawyers.
08:11But let me give my opinion too.
08:13But it's not a matter of opinion, it's a matter of a lawyer.
08:16But let me finish the sentence of what I want to say,
08:18then I'll continue with yours. You already said it.
08:20What I say is the following.
08:22Let's say, if a mother is in a situation of violence,
08:25in which her children can also be,
08:27and she can't react, it's because she doesn't have the tools
08:30in that context to react.
08:32We're talking about something else.
08:34We can condemn Wanda for hiding what happened to the boy.
08:38She is now reacting and realizing
08:41that there were situations that were not normal.
08:43We already talked about that last week
08:45and we said that she may have been afraid.
08:47Yes, we point that out.
08:49Not just fear.
08:51Not just fear, not having the tools to react,
08:53but to realize.
08:55But don't let me explain what I'm saying.
08:57But don't let me speak.
08:59Don't let me speak, Nancy.
09:01I'm saying that we already talked about it
09:03and that it's okay, that it's within the possibilities of fear.
09:06She's saying that she saw things
09:08and they're really going to call her to say what those things are.
09:12Because the violence against her is one thing
09:15and the violence against her children is another.
09:17It's another.
09:18Because in reality, what we have to take into account here
09:21is the safety of the children, not of the two of them,
09:23of the babbling they do, of the kids.
09:25That's all.
09:27But that's what the minor defender said.
09:29What I'm saying is that just as she doesn't realize
09:32that certain situations were violent to her,
09:34the same could have happened to her with her children.
09:36Maybe she thought that the child abuse
09:38wasn't a violent act to go and report.
09:40Because she was in a context of reality.
09:42She's talking about Santa Barbara, that this happened later.
09:44Of course.
09:45Here a lawyer tells me that the care regime is shared.
09:48The girls are Italian and have a home in Turkey.
09:51It's so difficult to understand, dear Wanda,
09:54that he brainwashed the girls, kidnapped them,
09:57a month ago he should have returned them to their father,
09:59who has the same right as her.
10:01The one who lives lying is Wanda
10:03and some defend her.
10:05Well, this is the point of view of another lawyer.
10:07I don't defend her, I don't defend her.
10:09What catches my attention is that...
10:11Besides, if one wants to stand on one side of the other...
10:13I don't even defend her, I don't even attack her.
10:15I'm surprised that Constellinos and Quilombo
10:17take the time to call Pepe and explain
10:19what they feel about Mauro.
10:21Let's go to another part of Wanda to see what else she says.
10:25You go to the center of Norvelta,
10:27to the cinema exit of Notener,
10:29and ask 40 kids, ask them,
10:31and they tell you, of the 40 kids, the 40.
10:33Because this is more viral than
10:35Instagram's Twitter and LAM.
10:37It's more viral on TikTok.
10:39The kids know everything about China,
10:41and maybe this story of 10 years ago
10:43they didn't remember it so much.
10:45But today, with everything that happened,
10:47everyone knows who he is.
10:49My daughters tell Mauro about Pampita,
10:51about Tobal,
10:53and they saw him on TikTok.
10:55His friends tell him.
10:57My boys have girlfriends
10:59who are with my daughters all the time,
11:01who are older.
11:03The information is very latent in Argentina.
11:05I went to the entrance of Santa Barbara,
11:07to the neighborhood,
11:09and there were like 8 little kids
11:11and they told me,
11:13I was with the girls,
11:15hold on, hold on,
11:17let Tatiana die,
11:19let Tatiana go to hell.
11:21Tuesdays and Thursdays,
11:23a weekend yes,
11:25a weekend no.
11:27The fat guy.
11:29Why Tatiana?
11:31I asked him,
11:33but where does it all come from?
11:35Mauro lies, why?
11:37Why do you call her Tatiana?
11:39It's a term by Martin Sirio,
11:41referring to the women
11:43who steal his boyfriend.
11:45He wants to be serious all the time.
11:47And it had to do with that.
11:49What they shout on the street
11:51has nothing to do with what happens
11:53in court.
11:55The lawyers can't agree.
11:57And how much do the lawyers help
11:59by giving media statements?
12:03I say it for Pajarola
12:05and I say it for Elba as well.
12:07Because if Elba comes out
12:09and says that Wanda is perverse
12:11and toxic, she's a psychologist.
12:13Elba is in favor of the defense
12:15of Mauro and that's it.
12:17The only thing she said,
12:19Elba can tell you,
12:21because she can't say
12:23that Icardi is an angel
12:25and the other is perverse and toxic.
12:27The toxic relationship is of both.
12:29But it's not serious.
12:31Wanda's toxicity is contagious.
12:33So he passed it on to Mauro
12:35and to the girls.
12:37That's what he said.
12:39But what I mean is that
12:41the only important thing
12:43is that they won't allow
12:45the police to look for the girls
12:47and that Icardi's lawyer
12:49will do everything
12:51to prevent that from happening.
12:53That's the only important thing.
12:55What I'd like you to tell us
12:57is what's really going on
12:59with the agreement
13:01with the court.
13:03What's going to happen
13:05is that Mauro has to declare
13:07that they're leaving
13:09because they have an audience outside.
13:11Because Mauro never accepted
13:13that the girls do therapy
13:15and he doesn't want to do therapy.
13:17I'm not going to say it
13:19because it's confusing.
13:21This is my personal opinion
13:23because I've been talking
13:25to a lot of people
13:27and they call me
13:29and I lose a lot of information.
13:31So I call friends
13:33and psychologists
13:35and it's the first time
13:37that the girls are going to be
13:39in a context where it's logical
13:41and what they hear
13:43could be taken.
13:49the girls came home
13:51and ate with Mauro
13:53and they're friends.
13:55On the other hand,
13:57the girls came and wrote
13:59about Wanda.
14:01So all of that
14:03would be underestimated
14:05and it would start all over again.
14:07Let's listen to the fourth part
14:09of Wanda with Pepe.
14:17I'm trying to listen to her.
14:19Mauro also calls me toxic, violent
14:21but this is crazy.
14:23They're reporting Mauro.
14:25A school that I don't know.
14:27I came because of a friend's friend.
14:29I said, Maxi kills me directly
14:31because I put Mauro in my house.
14:33Who is it that is answering
14:35the psychologist's calls?
14:37Do you think Mauro cares
14:39how the girls are?
14:41He called the school,
14:43answered the emails
14:45My daughters? No.
14:47Who is it that is asking
14:49the girls to be listened to
14:51by a psychologist?
14:53I am.
14:55Do you think Mauro
14:57sits down and talks
14:59to the girls' psychologist?
15:01The only thing he wants
15:03is the girls to take him
15:05to San Abel to go for a walk
15:07with the children of China.
15:09But being a father is a day-to-day
15:11of a lot of things.
15:13Of homework, exams,
15:15of the psychologist,
15:17of my children's crying.
15:19I'm also the one who says,
15:21don't take the girls 15 days
15:23because then they go back to this shit
15:25and I'm the one who wakes them up.
15:27When my 10-year-old daughter
15:29says, dad, come to my birthday,
15:31I'll see if I have the schedule available.
15:33He hung up the phone.
15:35I have my daughter on her birthday
15:37with an attack of anguish
15:39that only I woke up.
15:41I have all the messages.
15:43I'm eating a delicious hamburger.
15:45It's like I'm eating the pussy of China.
15:47I can't take care of the girls.
15:49I'm eating a hamburger.
15:51The hamburger is back.
15:53Beyond the hatred
15:55that China has for him.
15:57What did you say, Laura?
15:59It reminded me of Sabina Rojas
16:01and Luciano what they said the other day.
16:03It's true, it's day-to-day.
16:0524 hours.
16:07And men often underestimate
16:09the permanent upbringing.
16:11Juanda has help.
16:13It's not like many mothers
16:15who really do it alone.
16:17She has to understand
16:19that justice will establish
16:21what are the days left for them.
16:23I think it's a discussion
16:25to the divine button
16:27when in reality,
16:29the one who determines,
16:31determining, is justice.
16:33It's a mess that a lawyer
16:35is talking badly
16:37about everything they exposed.
16:39No, it's not that part.
16:41It's the father's fault.
16:43The lawyer can't.
16:45In TikTok, the girl sees everything.
16:47It's wrong for a lawyer to do it.
16:49The lawyer has to be somewhere else.
16:51But Matilda,
16:53they hire those lawyers
16:55to sit down and defend themselves.
16:57To say, Juanda is perverse.
16:59Now, for three months,
17:01the justice didn't do anything.
17:03They didn't say goodbye to each other.
17:05You can't do that twice a week
17:07in one place.
17:09There's no judge here
17:11that says,
17:13this is how it is.
17:15We were asking
17:17to call those guys
17:19so they could talk.
17:21We've been asking for two months.
17:23We're not important.
17:25I'm not saying it's important,
17:27but I think it's logical.
17:29It's a reality.
17:31It's a reality.
17:33They've been waiting for years.
17:35We forgot about the fair.
17:37The kids are from the mother.
17:39The kids are from the mother and the father.
17:41Next week.
17:43Where are they?
17:45They have to be with the mother.
17:47I wanted to find out who travels
17:49and who doesn't.
17:51I don't know if Icardi and Juanda
17:53have to travel to the hearing
17:55because they have lawyers.
17:57It's the first hearing.
17:59I don't know if they or the lawyers
18:01have to go to the hearing.
18:03Josep has a lawyer in Italy.
18:05He wants to talk about adultery
18:07and all that stuff.
18:09He was in China before
18:11but it doesn't matter.
18:13He has to go back to Turkey.
18:15That's what Pepe says.
18:17He has to go back to Turkey.
18:19He has a contract
18:21until May.
18:23In May,
18:25the contract expires.
18:27He has a contract until next year.
18:29They explained it to me today.
18:31In May,
18:33there's a part of the contract
18:35that expires.
18:37The club isn't happy
18:39with what's happening.
18:41The media said a lot
18:43about rehabilitation.
18:45They told me
18:47that everything the nanny said
18:49coincides with
18:51what they've been asking
18:53since December.
18:55There should be a judge
18:57for this issue.
18:59It's all very confusing.
19:01They confirmed that Wanda would travel
19:03because they don't want
19:05to leave anything
19:09because Mauro
19:11wants to use
19:13adultery outside.
19:17They're also trying
19:19to refuse
19:21Mauro's house
19:23on a Saturday night
19:25What they told me
19:27at the time
19:29was that
19:31the minors were the ones
19:33who said
19:35that he was there.
19:37The conversation is detailed.
19:39I'm not going to question
19:43I'm talking about something
19:45that the minors
19:47said about Wanda.
