• 6 hours ago
'I just had a sip,' says driver drinking beer behind wheel before failing breathalyserCredit: Essex Police


00:00Sorry about that, I was just literally dropping my mate off, that's all I wanted to show you.
00:05With a nice glass of Stella in your hand?
00:07No, I literally just pulled over, that's it, sir.
00:09I was literally pulling over and dropping my mate off.
00:11I was literally getting out of the car, sir.
00:14I was literally just getting out of the car.
00:17You're more than welcome to breathalise me if you want, sir.
00:19I don't even mind that as well, sir.
00:21Have you had anything to drink beyond that?
00:23No, I have not, sir. I promise you that.
00:25I've just had a sip, that's it.
00:27You know what I mean? I don't really want to cause any more hassle, obviously.
00:32Like, I really...
00:33Sounds to me like, from what you're saying,
00:35that maybe you've had a little bit more than just a sip in the pub.
00:37No, no, no, no, no, no.
00:38A hundred percent, I don't mind.
00:39Keep going, keep going, keep going, keep going.
00:41That's better.
00:44Right, let's analyse him.
00:47How much do I owe, sir?
00:48It's your 56.
00:51Okay, so what does that mean, of course?
00:53Unfortunately, it means you're under arrest
00:56on suspicion of driving a motor vehicle
00:59whilst over the subscribed limit for alcohol.
01:03Can I have the same thing but made on defence?
01:04If you do like to mention any questions,
01:05something which relates to Ryan and Cole,
01:07anything you do say, maybe we can give him evidence.
