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It's finally here. After the terrible launch of the 5090, followed by the terrible launch of the RTX 4080, followed by the terrible launch of the 5070 Ti, followed by the terrible launch of Nvidia's RTX 5070. We FINALLY have a new GPU from AMD in the form the the 9070 XT and 9070. Built on RDNA4 this new generation of team red GPUS looks to bring the hurt to both Nvidia and Intel. But how much hurt, and where will it hurt the most? Find out in our review.

Discuss on the forum: https://linustechtips.com/topic/1604046-amd-i-could-kiss-you-9070-and-9070-xt-review/

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0:00 Intro
1:26 1440 Raster
3:13 4K Raster
4:54 RDNA4 Architecture
6:32 1080 and 1440 Ray Tracing
8:07 1080 Raster
8:47 FSR4 and AFMF 2.1
11:00 Productivity
13:11 Power and Thermals
14:24 Key Takeaways
00:00Oh, Linus Sebastian kommt aus Texas, um unser nächstes Gewinn zu präsentieren.
00:05Und das schlechteste GPU des Jahres 2025 geht an...
00:11AMD für das Radeon 9070 XT!
00:16Das ist richtig, Leute!
00:17Nach jahrelanger Verwirrung hat AMD endlich herausgefunden,
00:21wie man ein GPU herstellen und verkaufen kann, das tatsächlich verkaufen wird.
00:25Alles, was es brauchte, um das zu schaffen, war,
00:27dass Nvidia auf einem Bananenpil fiel,
00:30einen Elevatorschachtel fiel,
00:31und dann ein Piano dropped off.
00:34Was die 9070 ohne XT betrifft,
00:36ist sie auch hier.
00:39In aller Ernst,
00:40bei 599 und 550
00:43sind beide Karten gut bezahlt,
00:45können 4K-Spiele spielen
00:47und wirklich gute Raytracing
00:49und zusätzlich AI-führende Upscaling-Fähigkeiten.
00:53Aber laut AMDs langen, stolzen Tradition
00:56kommen sie auch mit Hinweise,
00:58wie Leistungs- und Produktivität
01:00und Stromverbrauch.
01:02Das gesagt,
01:03wenn sie in Einkauf bleiben,
01:05werden wir die kleinen Details
01:07in Richtung einer brichteren Zukunft für die Spieler
01:10und einer brichteren Folge
01:12für unseren Sponsor sehen können.
01:14Wartet ihr, dass der Boxer mich hört?
01:16Unser Sponsor War Thunder wartet darauf,
01:18dass ihr ihr komprehensives Fahrzeug hört, das zurückkommt.
01:20Nehmt die Kontrolle von über 2500 Tanks,
01:22Flugzeugen, Helikoptern und Schiffen.
01:24Downloadet sie und beabschiedet euch mit über 70 Millionen Spielern gratis.
01:36AMD sagt, dass diese Karten
01:38für High-Resolution-Spiele sind.
01:40Also sprechen wir später über 1080p
01:42und gehen direkt in die 1440p-Rasterisierung,
01:44wo, wow,
01:46macht die 9070 XT
01:48und die NVIDIA
01:50aussehen wie eine Menge gruseliger Idioten.
01:52Es passt fast zur Leistung
01:54des RTX 5070 Ti,
01:56während es
01:58150 Dollar unter dem MSRP
02:00dieser Karte kostet.
02:02Was natürlich
02:04ein imaginärer Preis ist,
02:06den kein Spieler je bezahlt hat.
02:08Auch die letzte non-XT-Variante
02:10sieht hier gut aus,
02:12mit der 5070
02:14über all unsere Benchmarken.
02:16Z.B. in Alan Wake 2,
02:18wo die non-XT
02:20über die non-Ti
02:22um 17% gewinnt.
02:24Die einzige definitive Verluste
02:26für AMD in unserer Suite
02:28war in Black Myth Wukong,
02:30wo die Ti über die XT
02:32um 9% gewinnt.
02:34Aber wenn man den Preis betrachtet,
02:36wird AMDs kleine L
02:38in eine große W.
02:40In unserem Vulkan-Benchmark
02:42Red Dead Redemption 2
02:44wird der Preis für die neuen Karten
02:46aufgrund ihrer schlechten 1%-Werte
02:48aufgrund der schlechten 1%-Werte
02:50unter dem Preis von AMD
02:54Überall sind wir
02:56auf einem tollen Start.
02:58Die 9070 XT ist ein verdienter Gewinner
03:00in Leistung und Preis.
03:02Und die 9070, naja...
03:04Sie ist so schlecht wie die
03:06RTX 5070,
03:08zumindest auf Papier.
03:10Wir werden später noch darüber sprechen.
03:12Ich möchte über 4K sprechen, denn unabhängig von NVIDIA gab AMD ihre 550 Dollar Karte
03:17genügend VRAM für Ultra HD Gaming.
03:21Klar, es ist GDDR6 und nicht GDDR7, aber schneller zu erinnern wird irrelevant, wenn du keine
03:28Kapazität hast, um aufzuhalten.
03:30Und es gibt keinen besseren Beweis dafür, als wie der 9070 seine Leitung auf höhere
03:35Resolutionen erweitert.
03:36Besonders, wenn wir auf die wichtigsten 1%-Lagen schauen, was die Flüssigkeit deines
03:42Gameplays betrifft.
03:43Schaut euch Last of Us Part 1 an.
03:46Der 9070 führt mit etwa 23% über dem RTX 5070.
03:53Schaut euch den VRAM-Ausgleich an.
03:55Auf dem 5070 ist er voll, was diese Gameplay-Hitschel, die ihr hier seht, bedeutet.
04:01Vergleicht das mit dem 9070 oder NVIDIAs eigenen Karten, die 16 GB haben, und die Hitschel
04:08Klar, nicht jeder hat einen 4K-Monitor, und diese Grenzen sind nicht in jedem Spiel
04:14oder in den meisten Spielen zu sehen.
04:16Aber trotzdem, es ist ein bisschen enttäuschend, wenn du der Marktleiter in Gaming-GPUs bist,
04:22Allgemein fällt die 9000-Serie ein bisschen zu kurz für das echte 60-FPS-4K-Ultra-Gaming,
04:29und in unseren Tests hat es die niedrigen Grenzen über den 7900-GRE nicht erreicht,
04:34die AMD in ihren Slides versprochen hat.
04:36Aber wir sind noch nicht so enttäuscht, weil AMD Reihenträger in ihren Average-Ausgleichen
04:42eingeführt hat, und das ist eine ganz andere Geschichte mit diesen neuen Karten.
04:46Bevor wir auf diese Ergebnisse schauen, schauen wir uns an, was AMD getan hat, um diesen
04:51generationalen Schritt in die Leistung zu bringen.
04:53Für mich ist das Schränkungsmodell das beeindruckendste.
04:56Der neue monolithische Die, der sowohl die 9070 als auch die 9070 XT verbindet, sollte
04:59code-named Frightened Turtle genannt werden.
05:01Er wird auf TSMCs N4C-Prozessnode gebaut, und er schraubt 92% so viele Transistoren
05:06wie die 7900 XTX in nur zwei Drittel der Die-Regel.
05:10Dies, zusammen mit einigen großen Verbesserungen in Leistung pro CU, ist das, was diese Karten
05:15so einen beeindruckenden Wert macht.
05:16Wenn wir tiefer in den Computer-Motor gehen, sehen wir viel verbesserte Matrix-Operationen
05:19mit Unterstützung für mehr Daten-Typen, einen neuen Dynamik-Register-Alligator und
05:23Verbesserungen für den Scheduler.
05:25Wenn man das zusammenfasst mit Dual-SIM-D32-Vektor-Uniten, überholt AI-Akzeleratoren und
05:28beeinflusst Reiterziehungskompetenzen, bekommt man eine Karte, die viele Calculations
05:32gleichzeitig machen kann.
05:33Besonders, wenn es um Reiterziehung und AI geht.
05:36Aber warte, es gibt noch mehr.
05:38Beide Karten bekommen einen verbesserten Medien-Motor, der eine bemerkenswerte Verbesserung
05:42für die niedrige Bitrate im Streaming-Coding bietet.
05:44YouTubes Kompression macht das vielleicht unmöglich zu sehen, aber für die menschliche
05:47Augen, diese Twitch-optimierten Aufnahmen von Returnal, gibt es eine klare Verbesserung
05:51über die 7900 XTX.
05:54Und es ist sogar schwierig, AMD von NVIDIAs NVENC-Coding zu unterscheiden.
05:57Wir reden später noch mehr über Coding, aber es ist wirklich toll, dass AMD hier endlich
06:00auf dem Weg ist.
06:01Aber wo AMD noch hinter ist, ist in 4.2.2-Hardware-Coding und Decoding.
06:06Das könnte das für professionelle Videokreationen eine weniger erforderliche Option machen,
06:09aber es ist unwahrscheinlich für Non-Pros.
06:12Ein weiterer kleiner Verschleiß gegenüber der RTX-50-Serie ist AMDs DisplayPoint 2.1a,
06:17die nur UHBR 13.5 sind, statt UHBR 20.
06:21Also, diese neuen Karten können immer noch 4K 240hz machen, aber sie werden auf DisplayStream-Kompression
06:26Kein großartiges Deal für mich, ich finde es sehr unbeherrschend, aber euer Mileage
06:29kann sich verändern.
06:30Enough Specs, let's talk Raytracing, where BOTH the new cards beat the 7900 XTX, a card
06:37that was well received at 1000 US Dollars.
06:39Too bad they don't fare quite as well against NVIDIA.
06:42In Alan Wake 2, the 9070 keeps up with the 5070, showing just how bad the 5070 is, but
06:49the 5070 Ti provides substantially better performance than the 9070 XT, giving NVIDIA
06:55one clear win for their overpriced 50-series cards.
07:01One win so far.
07:02In the heavily path-traced Black Myth Wukong, the 9000 cards handily outclass the 7000-series,
07:09but fall substantially behind NVIDIA's latest.
07:12And as for F124, AMD looks great across the board here, while the 5070 gets beaten by
07:19its own predecessor, the 4070 Super.
07:25The clown show.
07:26Removing Black Myth Wukong from the equation, the 9070 family is neck and neck with the
07:30competition, showing that AMD is no longer two generations behind in Raytracing.
07:37With that said, Black Myth Wukong does in fact exist, and shows that AMD is still one
07:43generation behind, which may matter in future games.
07:47And even in AMD's own tech demo, we can see that their path-tracing implementations struggle
07:52with boiling artifacts and ghosting that reminds me more of last gen's Ray Reconstruction.
07:57Hey, but here's hoping that AMD can continue to catch up and maybe even surpass NVIDIA
08:03in the future.
08:05A guy can dream.
08:06Hey, did we leave a 1080p raster?
08:09We ran those numbers, so dammit, I want them in the video.
08:12Even if the story remains largely the same, the 5070 Ti is still a pretty bad deal.
08:17It does win, but its margin of victory is so small compared to the pricing chasm between
08:22these cards that it's really hard to recommend.
08:25So if you are looking for an overkill 1080p upgrade, the 9070 XT looks like a great way
08:30to push huge FPS numbers in esports titles.
08:34Or any title, if you don't mind a little AI upscaling.
08:36AMD said at one point that they don't think AI is necessary for upscaling and they could
08:40get the same results using more traditional means.
08:43Ah, spoken like a company that did not have AI figured out yet.
08:46The good news is that AMD has used their slow start to squeeze a lot of image quality out
08:50of temporal upscaling, and now that they've added their proprietary FP8 machine learning
08:53model to improve upscaling even further, the results are very impressive.
08:58Compared to FSR 3.1, we see reductions in artifacting and improvements in the rendering
09:01of fine lines.
09:03There are a few instances where it even beats DLSS 4, like with these butterflies in Horizon
09:07Forbidden West.
09:08On FSR 3, there's unsightly trailing and dissolving, and on DLSS 4, they just kind
09:12of are blurry, but with FSR 4, they appear much crisp and clearer than either of the
09:16other technologies.
09:17Sure, when you look closely, the artifacts are still there, but it's a marked improvement,
09:21just like haloing around detailed character models.
09:23It's very heavily reduced and motion is just sharper in general.
09:26I would say that at least when upscaling to 4K, I found the image quality of FSR 4 to
09:30be no more distracting than that of DLSS 4.
09:32But none of the reduced image quality trade-offs matter if we don't get better performance.
09:36When compared to DLSS, FSR gives a less substantial performance uplift at each quality setting
09:41than NVIDIA, in both The Last of Us Part 1 and in Horizon Zero Dawn.
09:46But we do see that AMD's frame gen provides a better uplift than NVIDIA's solution, which
09:50indicates that FSR 3.1 frame gen has less overhead than NVIDIA's multi-frame gen.
09:55While AMD doesn't quite match NVIDIA yet, this is the most competitive their upscaler
09:59has been ever.
10:01Except support is a problem.
10:04Even though you can use the driver to force the updated FSR 4 model in games with FSR
10:083, AMD just has less games that use FSR 3.
10:10And unlike DLSS 4, older cards are not able to take advantage of the new machine learning
10:15and enhanced upscaling.
10:16And AMD still doesn't have a competitor for multi-frame gen yet.
10:19However, FSR 4 does have frame gen, but it makes use of FSR 3.1's frame gen implementation.
10:25But you can bring frame gen to any game using AMD's driver-level fluid motion frames, now
10:29on version 2.1.
10:31But even with the additional decimal point, AFMF still sucks.
10:34Without game integration, you get all these weird UI issues and overlays get mangled
10:38with motion-heavy heck and even motion light scenes.
10:40Let's be real, it's just frame interpolation, and no number of fancy names can change that.
10:45And if the use case for NVIDIA's frame gen was already weak, AFMF feels like it exists
10:49only so AMD can say, actually, we support frame gen in way more games.
10:55But no, it's gar, no one wants it.
10:57It's, I don't know, who cares?
10:59Despite the swath of shareholder-approved AI junk in their latest driver software, AMD
11:06falls pretty well short of the mark here.
11:09There are some great gen-over-gen improvements in computer vision, but even the 4070 Super
11:15manages a sizable lead over the 9070 XT.
11:19The generational gains are even more apparent in stable diffusion, but the story remains
11:23the same.
11:25Finally, there's AI text generation, and I bet AMD wishes an AI could rewrite these
11:30benchmark results where the new cards failed to improve substantially over last gen, and
11:36get absolutely dunked on by NVIDIA, regardless of which model you're using.
11:41The one silver lining is that either of these cards can run all the same models that the
11:465080 can, and can run some that the 5070 cannot.
11:51Thanks to AMD's generous 16 gigs of VRAM.
11:55I mean, it's only generous compared to NVIDIA, but thank you, guys.
12:00Don't be too thankful, though.
12:01AMD still needs to impress in content creation, where they do okay.
12:06For video editing, the 9070 and 70XT provide good, but not exceptional, performance in
12:11Premiere Pro and DaVinci Resolve.
12:14And in Blender, the 9070 and 70XT perform about on par with the flagships from AMD's
12:19last generation.
12:21But they still just don't really get anywhere close to NVIDIA, thanks to optics rendering.
12:25Yeah, there was a transition that I was written that made more sense before we had to record
12:31Speaking of updates, we have some encoder testing for you.
12:34While AMD has made strides to improve their encoder, they still fall behind in quality
12:38compared to NVIDIA and Intel, especially at lower bitrates in H.264.
12:42For this encoding test, we only set the bitrate and no other parameters.
12:46Depending on what encoder tweaks are used, any of these cards could have improved quality
12:50compared to our tests.
12:52But the simplest way to improve quality is to use AV1.
12:55But sadly, we've excluded the 7000 series from our results due to a hardware bug.
13:00The good news is, everyone outputs better quality in AV1, and AMD is sadly still in
13:04last place.
13:07We are almost there.
13:08Let's talk power and thermals.
13:10Over the past several generations, AMD has made some substantial improvements to efficiency,
13:14but in their announcement, they didn't really talk much about it.
13:16I guess they were being modest.
13:18In F1.24, the 9070 pulls lower power on average than the 5070, but with less stable power
13:23delivery, having transient spikes as high as 321 watts.
13:28Speaking of which, the 9070 XT has a massive spike to 426 watts, and its average is 306
13:34watts, which is already higher than its rated TBP of 305 watts.
13:38And that propensity for pulling profuse power can be found in Combustor, where both AMD
13:42cards also use more than their rated TBP on average.
13:47But AMD is allowing some partner cards to use a higher power budget, so I guess this
13:51isn't fully out of spec, but I would definitely recommend you stick with the manufacturer
13:55recommended power supply capacity.
13:58And I recommend you check out PSU Circuit if you need to make an upgrade decision.
14:01Lots of good info there.
14:02Thankfully, despite the power draw, thermals seem to be under control on our provided Sapphire
14:06Pulse samples.
14:07I'm sure in part to their use of PTM7950, which you can buy for yourself over at lttstore.com.
14:12That's a double-plug, double-whammy, self-promo, baby!
14:15AMD doesn't feel the need to hide GPU hotspot metrics like Nvidia does, and in Combustor
14:19we see that Sapphire's coolers provide ample thermal headroom.
14:23Which is good.
14:24And they're a little big.
14:25They're not obnoxious, but, you know, come on.
14:27It does allow the cards to stay much cooler than, say, the 5070 or the 6700 XT in F124.
14:32So if you're coming from an older card, you can confidently upgrade to either the 9070
14:36or the 9070 XT and know you'll get a solid improvement in raster performance and ray
14:41Which is a big plus for folks who are on older ray tracing cards, like the 2000 series,
14:45or if you're coming from the 6000 series on AMD.
14:47It's just, it's good, it's good, it's cool, it's nice, we like it, we're happy.
14:51They could be cheaper.
14:53They could be cheaper.
14:54There's kind of two conclusions here, a short one and a long one.
14:58The short one is that the 9070 XT is a winner.
15:02If AMD can keep this thing in stock and you have $600 to spend on a gaming GPU, you are
15:07going to love this thing, and Nvidia needs to respond now, or AMD might actually take
15:12some real market share for a change.
15:15The long conclusion is that it seems like AMD is trying to eat their cake and have it
15:19too here.
15:20See, the XT's $599 price point is giving real good guy AMD vibes, but the 9070 non-XT's
15:27price is giving maximized margins while GPUs are in short supply vibes.
15:33By matching the 5070 in both price and performance, unfortunately you've also matched it in value.
15:40And let's be real, the 5070 is not a great value.
15:45Once nobody buys the non-XT because the XT is so much better for just $50 more, you're
15:51gonna end up dropping the price on this thing after the reputational damage has already
15:57been done to it.
15:58Did you guys learn nothing from the terrible initial reception to the 7900 XT?
16:04And it's not like you have just reputation for days to give up, you have nothing to
16:08compete in the high end.
16:10And sure, 85% of gamers do buy cards under $700, I'm sure that's true.
16:16But without a high-end card at all, you're giving up precious mindshare.
16:20I mean, we didn't even bother to compare the 9000 series against Nvidia's last-gen flagship,
16:26the 4090, let alone their new flagship.
16:29And yes, 16 gigs of VRAM at $550 is nice, but it's a bummer that the cheapest way to
16:35get more VRAM in your lineup is still a last-generation 7900 XT.
16:41If you have no plans to compete in the high-end, we need you guys dominating the mid-range
16:46and enthusiast segments, especially because your non-gaming performance is still kind
16:52of lacking.
16:53Another thing that we need to acknowledge in our longer conclusion is the PlayStation-shaped
16:57elephant in the room.
16:59As impressive as these cards are, there is still a strong argument to be made that PC
17:03gaming has just plain gotten too expensive, when you can pick up an all-in-one gaming
17:08box that will already run at 4K for less than the MSRP of a 9070, and even lesser if you
17:15buy it second-hand.
17:16Sure, you'll pay more for games and online services in the long run, but boy, is it ever
17:21a reasonable upfront cost.
17:23But hey, maybe the best is yet to come on the discrete GPU side.
17:27AMD has announced that 9060 cards will be coming in Q2, and those could provide even
17:32better value, assuming, of course, that AMD doesn't launch them at a high price in order
17:37to maximize margin for those ones, which grosses me out just thinking about it.
17:41What I'm not grossed out by is ending this video saying that this is truly probably the
17:46best GPU launch of the year and, save for Intel's B580, perhaps the best launch of
17:51the past several years, if they can keep it in stock.
17:56But, as per usual, for you the consumer, there is no single right answer, just what's
18:00right for you.
18:01So whether you want to go with these new cards, or pay extra for Team Green, or go
18:05for a console, all the power to you.
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