• 2 days ago
Leandro, un conductor de aplicación, fue asesinado por Tobías Rodríguez Ochoa durante un intento de robo. El crimen ocurrió en Esteban Echeverría. La familia de Leandro está devastada al ver cómo el asesino se burla desde la cárcel usando un celular. La comunidad local apoya a la familia del fallecido, mientras que las autoridades enfrentan críticas por su manejo del sistema penitenciario.



00:00He was dedicated to driving an application car, he had it as his job, until he was murdered.
00:08Insecurity, he was killed, but now the news is that murderer, Javi.
00:14Just like Tobias Rodríguez Ochoa.
00:17This is the man who, the young man, actually a criminal, a murderer,
00:21actually who killed Alejandro with a shot in the back when he was transporting him in his car.
00:29He was driving an application car.
00:31Leandro, Leandro...
00:33This is the victim.
00:35Yes, yes, this is Leandro.
00:37He has a son, he was separated from his wife, from his son's mother, but they had a very good bond.
00:44And nothing could be done.
00:46The criminal killed him in the back to rob him.
00:50He couldn't even rob him.
00:52Not the car, not the cell phone, absolutely nothing.
00:56Three days later, three days later, after an investigation by the prosecutor,
01:01they arrested Ochoa.
01:04And he was taken to a police station.
01:07From the police station he was transferred to, in this case, the prison of Virrey del Pino.
01:12But there, in the prison of Virrey del Pino, like so many other criminals, unfortunately,
01:18he dies laughing at what is happening to him and what happened to the victim, look.
01:23I feel so bad, so bad, so bad.
01:28I feel so bad.
01:31I'm serious, man.
01:32Don't buy with the network you have.
01:36It's a lie, man.
01:43So much pain, ha ha.
01:46Suddenly, they never activated Piola.
01:50What does that mean?
01:51What this means is that he is proud of what he has done.
01:55That is, others have not done it, I did it.
01:58Practically, this is the translation of the language,
02:01you will see, because it is not even almost tombero, right?
02:04Of this murderer.
02:07The family, of course, is outraged.
02:09Of course, this has transcended.
02:11The prosecutor, who is the prosecutor, who has understood the cause, who has worked.
02:16They were looking for him for three days.
02:18The police and the prosecutor.
02:20And finally they arrested him.
02:21For what?
02:22So that inside the prison, whatever happened to that prisoner,
02:27He did the tour through his cell, through the place where he eats.
02:31That is, the tour through the prison.
02:33Well, exactly the same.
02:34What happens is that he is proud of what he had done.
02:37But let's go back to the same thing.
02:39It is not clear who can have that place in prison and who does not.
02:42Because if it is as forbidden as they say, well, take it out.
02:46And if not, explain clearly.
02:48It is a reward for good conduct.
02:51Because if it is a reward for good conduct, this boy also has to go to prison.
02:54The worst thing about this situation, I think, Javi, and here you know it better,
02:58and you are going to be able to expand this information to us,
03:01is that many say that cell phones are not taken out for fear of riots.
03:04Yes, among other things.
03:06And also for the business.
03:08And also for the business that there is with the issue of cell phones within prisons.
03:12Chips, devices, well, a myriad of things that we have also counted here.
03:16Fornado is the prosecutor. Fornado is the prosecutor.
03:19Each thing, I'm going to read it in text from how badly written it is.
03:23Each thing is in the networks.
03:25Here I, Toby, for Tobias, he is Tobias, more accommodated than in my house.
03:30More accommodated than in my house.
03:32Not a trace of a video.
03:34Here we are better than him.
03:36And here, this is a little angel.
03:38This is a little angel.
03:40Here we are better than him.
03:42The little angel is Leandro.
03:44Leandro is the victim.
03:46I walk better than the one I killed.
03:49This is what it means and this is the translation.
03:52In the Tumbero language it is this.
03:54We are going to make contact with Lee and Carolina,
03:56who are respectively relatives of the murdered boy.
04:01Do you hear us?
04:04Hello, yes.
04:06Well, what an impression, I imagine, to see all this for you, right?
04:12Yes, a quarrel, an impotence that he can have so many benefits
04:18and continue to make fun that he killed my brother
04:21and we have to be taking my brother Flores to a cemetery.
04:25And he is there, daring to stop the phone,
04:29to keep making fun that my brother is dead.
04:33How did you find out about this?
04:36People who we did not even know began to pass by.
04:41He began to send us on the page that we have,
04:44that he was uploading all those things.
04:48What could they reconstruct from the murder of your brother?
04:55What could they reconstruct?
04:57Why did he kill him?
04:59How was there a resistance?
05:01What do you know about that moment?
05:05Hello, how are you?
05:06What we know is that this person asked for a car with his own photo,
05:13with his own home, which appears everywhere.
05:18And he asked for a car from Esteban Echeverria to Catan.
05:24My son's father accepts the trip, takes him,
05:27and in the middle of the trip, before finishing the trip,
05:32he takes out his gun to steal it.
05:38And in the middle of that situation, we do not know what happened,
05:42because he refused to testify.
05:44This murdering criminal refused to testify,
05:46so we do not know what happened.
05:48What we know is that everything ends with this murderer
05:52killing him from behind, inside the car,
05:57and Leandro runs away because he realized that he hurt him
06:01and he wanted to save himself, and he collapsed in the corner.
06:04Of course, he did not come to talk to anyone.
06:08He did not even come to ask for help,
06:10the neighbors tried to assist him, but the ambulance did not arrive
06:16because he killed him from behind,
06:18and in a way that broke his chest,
06:21he threw him to kill from behind, inside the car.
06:24How did this murderer know?
06:29According to us, he was already wanted,
06:34that he had committed several crimes.
06:37So he should have been in prison.
06:39People told us, of course, yes,
06:42but if this had happened a month ago,
06:46he was a minor and he was not going to go to prison,
06:48he was going to go to a juvenile court.
06:51So everything is wrong.
06:53The system is wrong, everything is wrong,
06:56because it cannot be that they are old enough to steal and kill
07:00and they are not old enough to be tried.
07:02Here, what we are raising,
07:05because we have been doing it for several days,
07:07is what happens, that the criminals seem to claim their acts.
07:14But it seems important to me,
07:16because I want to take you to this point,
07:18because I want you to tell us, as a family,
07:20what happens to you when you see that this murderer,
07:23Leandro's murderer, your family's murderer,
07:27has fun, laughs, uses the phone.
07:30How do you live it?
07:34How do we live it?
07:35Basically, like the day we were told that he was murdered.
07:38It is to live every day,
07:42while he rejoices and mocks.
07:46Basically, it is to relive every day the same thing
07:50as when we were called and told that this person
07:53murdered my son's father.
07:55And my son's father was working,
07:57he was not on the street doing anything,
08:00he was working for his son,
08:02and this rat killed him, because he is a rat.
08:04They broke our family, he ruined us.
08:07And he laughs on Instagram about what he did,
08:11saying that I am better than him.
08:14Saying that I am better than the dead.
08:16Yes, saying that I am better than the dead,
08:19just like that, crudely saying it like that.
08:21So, for us, it is a...
08:23We can't cry calmly about Leandro,
08:25because it is always something new.
08:27This person keeps victimizing us
08:30over and over and over again.
08:34Yes, and they leave him cell phones so he can do it.
08:38Just like that.
08:39That is what we are so hurt about,
08:42because how can it be that this human scum,
08:46because she is a scum,
08:48who is only 18 years old,
08:50and we have to be happy that she is 18 years old
08:53so she can be in prison in this country,
08:56and on top of that she has a cell phone
08:59and access to social media
09:01to make fun of what she did.
09:04Look at Leandro's mother.
09:06Look at how Leandro's mother is.
09:08He is a murderer, son of a bitch.
09:11My grandson started school today.
09:13My grandson started school today.
09:15My son took him to kindergarten on the first day.
09:18Every year he went out with his mom and his dad.
09:20My grandson started school today without his dad.
09:24And he is filthy, he is a rat,
09:26he is a scum, he has a cell phone,
09:28and he is like nothing.
09:30We live and suffer from him every day,
09:33every day of our lives.
09:35My son was killed cowardly,
09:38my son was killed cowardly.
09:41They killed all of us,
09:43and he makes fun of us, and he has a cell phone.
09:45Where is justice in this country?
09:48Where is justice?
09:50How can he have a cell phone?
09:52Everything is isolated.
09:54He has more rights than we do.
09:56We are the victims.
09:58He is the murderer of my son,
10:00and the murderer of all of us,
10:02the murderer of our lives,
10:04the murderer of the lives of my grandson.
10:06My grandson is going to grow up without his dad.
10:09At least he has his mom,
10:11but she is in the murderer's face.
10:13Please, let justice do something.
10:15And let it not allow him to be
10:17freely inside a cell
10:19with a cell phone making fun of us,
10:21because we have the pain.
10:23You know what?
10:25There is something I want to say.
10:27Today I was talking with Lía,
10:29and the courage, not only of the family
10:31of the victim, of Leandro,
10:33but of the neighbors.
10:35They were threatened by the family
10:37of the murderer.
10:39They threaten you?
10:43In spite of that,
10:45the neighbors take to the streets
10:47to support this family.
10:49Explain something to me,
10:51because it is beyond me.
10:53I understand that the prisoners
10:55have to have a cell phone
10:57to communicate because of the pandemic.
10:59But you see that a prisoner
11:01is making a post and is making fun
11:03of the murderer.
11:05And you take his cell phone.
11:07Let's not be absurd.
11:09It is not the absurd of human rights.
11:11This is not human rights.
11:13This is stupidity.
11:15This is cruelty.
11:17This is psychopathizing the victim.
11:19Why don't they do it, Javi?
11:21Why don't they do it?
11:23Because there is no political decision
11:25to do it.
11:27Just as there was a political decision
11:29to let them have cell phones,
11:31the same person,
11:33the same executive power
11:35that decided it,
11:37including, in this case,
11:39the Supreme Court of Justice
11:41of the province of Buenos Aires,
11:43has to erase what he has signed
11:45and tell the prison service,
11:47gentlemen, you will have to stop
11:49collecting with cell phones.
11:51Look for another method
11:53and take out all the phones.
11:55Society is not stupid.
11:57If they gave you a cell phone
11:59because it was a pandemic,
12:01the pandemic was over,
12:03goodbye cell phone.
12:05With the aggravating factor
12:07that we already know
12:09that there is a crime of drug trafficking,
12:11there is an adjustment of accounts.
12:13In Rosario they had to make high-profile prisons
12:15of the number of deaths
12:17that were ordered from the prisons
12:19and those people directly
12:21do not have cell phones,
12:23but they are the high-profile prisoners.
12:25In fact, in the Federal Penitentiary Service
12:27there are also cell phones circulating.
12:29So we have to make a unified decision
12:31that in the different provinces
12:33and in the Federal Penitentiary Service
12:35to end with cell phones.
12:39Just as the requirements for drugs are made
12:41and many times it takes a long time
12:43for them to do it again,
12:45they also have to make requirements
12:47to remove cell phones
12:49and especially
12:51by monitoring these
12:53who continue to threaten from prison
12:55and continue to laugh
12:57at the relatives of the fatal victims,
12:59those that they themselves killed.
13:01Let's see,
13:03this murderer laughs
13:05at the family and society
13:07and those who are not in charge
13:09of solving the issue
13:11of the use of cell phones in prisons
13:13also laugh at that family
13:15and society.
13:17Because the good people who go out to work
13:19every day,
13:21like Leandro,
13:23who is now lost
13:25from taking his son to school,
13:27we do not have to tolerate
13:29using cell phones to threaten
13:31or to make fun of the families
13:33of their victims.
13:35I want to thank Lía, Carolina
13:37who also chatted with us,
13:39Leandro's mother who gave a testimony
13:41that really breaks our hearts
13:43because it is of pure common sense,
13:45a sense that is missing
13:47in many decisions
13:49and in this case it is very clear.
