• 2 weeks ago
The Raiders release Gardner Minshew, Maxx Crosby wants Aaron Rodgers in Las Vegas! Would the Dolphins be interested in Gardner Minshew as a backup? Was Tobin right about Kirk Cousins? We have the saddest argument in sports concerning the Dolphins backup QB.
00:00Max Crosby said on his podcast that he wants Aaron Rodgers in Las Vegas
00:06Yeah, okay. They by the way have announced that they're going to release Gardner Minshew
00:11Does Minshew mania coming to Miami tickle your fancy Lee, right? No little backup. No, not released
00:20Nothing tickles your fancy at the back of position. Oh, so
00:24Let me get this straight
00:27So you think Gardner Minshew
00:31Be a valid backup to two and if by some chance you play five games
00:39How miserable will you be? I?
00:42Mean, it's gonna be horrible for sure, but you can say that about anybody. We brought up Justin Fields. You said no
00:48I think we brought up Kirk Cousins. You said no
00:52Here's what I would say about Gardner Minshew what I can see it working. Okay, and
00:57Both he and Mike McDaniel are a vibe and I feel like the two weirdos
01:03Could come together in some kind of football universe and have an understanding of each other
01:08Like this is a man who does naked lunges in the locker room, right? I feel like he and my red Daniel
01:14There's something about them. I feel like could be a kinship
01:19Like when when when when Mike McDaniel asked him like what would Socrates say to that
01:24Gardner Minshew would give a thought
01:27And be like, oh as he rolls up his jorts, yeah
01:34Man like I'm just trying to save you so you guys from yourselves
01:42Because if Gardner Minshew has to play
01:46He's a gamer
01:49You would say he's a gamer you can't you cannot disagree with the term that he's a gamer
01:53Said that about Snoop. Oh
01:56I think Snoop had moments. I think Snoop had moments. I'd be okay if Snoop came back
02:02It's kind of Thompson, I'm not okay with him going back right it's a stealer let me down
02:09Stupid let me down Skyler's
02:14Gardner Minshew though, that's you think that's
02:17More of a better fit
02:22Kirk Cousins
02:25Played very similar games. He's
02:27Get rid of the ball make reads. Well, I said the Kirk Cousins thing two weeks ago and jump down my throat
02:33I did jump down my throat I did but
02:36Considering all the options that you gave me
02:40I'm not gonna say that I'm not gonna say that I'm not gonna say that
02:44Considering all the options that you gave me
02:48That's the best of the options keep in mind
02:51I actually think what you mean to say is, you know Tobes you actually I marinated on what you said and you made a good
03:03And you you I don't think I've ever had you that mad at me this month because because here here's here's why
03:14One of the things that drives me crazy about you is you'll turn on the TV
03:21see a name and
03:23then one
03:25Like it's like any sport any team you but that's not like you
03:30You know, I I bring things to the show every day. Okay, and then we've had a very successful relationship
03:36You don't always have to say, you know what Tobin? That's a stupid idea
03:39Maybe this could be want to be like, you know what Kirk cousin on the cheap skis that does make sense
03:44You were in some loony world where you thought it was gonna make 20 million dollars
03:48I don't think you can get him on the cheap. So dude, he's it offsets his salary
03:53He's not going to make a lot of money this year. Okay. All right. He's going to be cheap. That's why I brought it up
03:59I wouldn't pay Kirk cousins off his noodle pastrami Achilles
04:05So after saying all that
04:10You still want him as a backup
04:13For the cheapskate. Yeah low risk low risk high reward, but no risk
04:18It might be no reward, but he's also got a relationship with Mike McDaniel and Mike McDaniel knows him in the offense
04:23Cuz of Washington time together
04:25Okay, so I just thought it made sense. All right, but if you told me
04:32Marcus Mariota Gardner Minshew such a loser debate or Snoop Huntley
04:39Who would you take?
04:43About you Marcos
04:46This is such a loser debate
04:50Just like do you want your eyes poked out or your nails pulled out, right?
04:56I'd think Snoop because he's familiar with the system
05:05Here's what I would like to say about
05:08All of this
05:11That if your complaint on your football team is we don't have a good backup quarterback
05:20Your ass is done anyway
05:25Right, do you know how lucky Minnesota got by Sam Bradford
05:31Having the year he had Sam Donald Sam Donald
05:35Right that that was like lightning in a bottle I'm still curious where he's gonna end up
05:44Somebody gonna pay him give him a little something. What would think somebody is gonna pay him?
05:52How can we lose Mariota or Minshew, yes, like Gardner met you last year we're having about this football team right now
06:00Not about the old line
06:02Not about trying to get something that resembles an offensive line
06:08But whether we should have
06:10Marcus Mariota or Gardner Minshew as backup quarterbacks
06:14Terrible. I just feel I feel like I need to go take a shower after this conversation
06:19Minshew was an eagle
06:21Yeah, I remember that
06:24He went from the Giants to the Eagles, right?
06:28Jaguars to the Eagles
06:31He had a year where his rookie year he was 21 and 6 on touchdown interceptions got a team suck though
06:40When his fault
06:42It was not his fault. They had a lot of things that were terrible about it, but he also didn't get much better
06:47Right. So like you understand the conversation we're having right now
06:51I remember one Thursday night football the Jaguars and Gardner Minshew one and his dad for Mississippi like was on the state
06:58I'm like man
07:00That's a sports dad right there
07:03It basically brought everybody from Mississippi to this game
07:11Nope it's a crazy conversation. It's a sad conversation. I don't like I
07:18Don't feel like we've made each other better
07:22And I feel like there's no spacing
07:28Well, I think we did make each other better because you admitted that I was right about the Kirk Cousins thing
07:33No, I didn't say you were right. I just said of all of your bad
07:39Options that was the best one. That's like saying hey
07:44This turtle was really fast. There's not even like another one. That's like remotely sexy
07:50Because everybody needs a quarterback, so if there's anyone that's remotely sexy he gonna be starting somewhere
07:58You think Kirk Cousins gonna get a starting job or you gonna be a backup
08:05If I was Kirk Cousins, this was my whole philosophy with it
08:11Okay, I'll answer your question you're right, okay, I was I was skating I
08:16Think he could have a starting job if he wanted it
08:20Because like we said, there's no quarterbacks. But what I would say if I was sneaky Kirk Cousins, what I would do is
08:29Similar to what Russell Wilson did last year. I would pick a spot where I was like, maybe I'm not the starter right away
08:37This guy who is gonna be the starter
08:39Shaky ground and to a shaky ground is his body
08:42And so if I was Kirk Cousins, and I was looking for one last dance
08:47One last chance to foist an organization. I go with a coach in a system. I know the quarterback
08:55All right, maybe I do sit the whole year. All right, what's the word happen?
08:59I get my ass healthier Dolphins is a lovely place to live. The kids are gonna love the beach and
09:03on the good end
09:06To a can't hold up for a season because to it never holds up for a season I
09:11go out there with these incredible receivers and a coach who's gonna let me sling that pill and
09:17I have a monster year. Boom one more fat contract
09:23I don't think it's that crazy. Would you rather do that or go start for the Giants?
09:29Get it 100 mil. No, he's he's okay. Do you keep doing this you keep doing he's not getting a new contract
09:35That's monster like okay, then he would have to go to the Giants. Have a good year of the cheapskies
09:40I'd be like, okay pay me up the next year
09:46But the Giants are gonna suck the only way you have a chance of getting that is by playing there's no guarantee
09:53You're gonna play here. There is it but there kind of is cuz it's to
10:00He's at he's on the back nine, hmm, right
10:07It would be
10:08It would be low
10:10It would be low rent to go into a team saying my only chance to get in another contract is if this guy gets hurt
10:17It's not low rent. It's just playing the odds
10:24You can go and actually play and try to get your money that way
10:29But the problem is the teams that need a quarterback exactly may not be that good. Exactly. Oh, but but
10:38you can only get paid for playing by play and the risks that you would take coming here is
10:46Even though small there's a chance you never play and then where would that put you?
10:54Yeah, that would put you in a tough spot that would put you in a tough spot. So the only solution
10:59To getting another contract is going somewhere where you know, you're gonna play
11:04but but but I think the thing is like you're you're going to a situation where it's as safe that you're gonna get some games
11:12As any in the league, he's gonna probably miss some games
11:16And I hate to say that it just is what it is with two. Oh, you guys know I love to uh, okay
11:20I mean, I hear you
11:27I just think you don't like it just because you're you're you're
11:35You're making an assumption
11:38That you're playing the history, which is fine. Yep
11:44How is Kirk Cousins gonna get starter money?
11:48by only playing three or four games
11:52That Flynn did
11:54Not really he got a contract he never started for but he got started money he got big money. Yeah
12:05If anybody could give it like I think this is a situation just because one they seem to be good at attracting players
12:12Mm-hmm to
12:15You know, it's it's it's a nice location. Becky and the kids are gonna like it down here and
12:20I think her name is Becky and I
12:24Feel like but I feel like Kirk Cousins would be married to a Rebecca Rebecca cousins and the kids
12:29He doesn't have a lot of kids though, right? Like we did this research Marcus. He just has a normal amount of kids
12:34Yeah, normal amount of kids. Okay
12:40Cody says Kirk's a stealer. I can see that too. Ah
12:46Seems like a if they could get somebody on the cheapskies Steelers like that just that reeks of Steelers
12:52Yeah, that's a good pairing
12:56They really alone don't have many wide receivers don't I think about it
13:01They got pickings. Yeah, they do. Although he seems like he's pissed all the time
13:06Yeah, which I mean if you have the quarterbacks he has I think I would understand why
13:13You mentioned to start this segment Crosby wanted Aaron Rodgers in Vegas
13:20Devontae Adams is welcome back there. Or do you think they're kind of like now we did this already
13:25Hmm, I think if Aaron Rodgers wants it he gets it
13:29That's what that's what happens and I think they'll go on McAfee and they'll do it again
13:36Three times a time
