• 2 days ago
La activista y presa política Donaida Pérez Paseiro denuncia que ha sido citada por la seguridad del estado para este 5 de marzo de 2025. Pérez Paseiro se mantiene firme en su lucha y asegura que si la citación implica una revocación de la libertad condicional, regresará a la cárcel, pero no se dejará amedrentar.
Video cortesia Jorge Luis García Pérez (Antúnez)


00:00My name is Donaida Pérez-Paceiro, political prisoner of conscience,
00:04wife of the also political prisoner of conscience, Loreto Hernández-García,
00:08and I want to inform you that I am cited, look at the citation here,
00:12for tomorrow, March 5, before the execution court here in the municipal court of Placera.
00:18I am almost sure that it may be a possible revocation,
00:21because when I left, when they gave me the famous conditional freedom,
00:28I was forced not to participate in the activities,
00:33that I was not active in social networks.
00:36I am almost sure that this is a reprisal of my constant activism,
00:40of my daily activism on social networks.
00:42I am almost sure that it is a revocation.
00:45I am almost sure that it is to continue to threaten me,
00:48to see if I go down the head.
00:50That will never happen, that's why I ask everyone,
00:54to international organizations, religious organizations and human rights organizations,
00:58to the whole world, I ask them to be attentive,
01:02everyone attentive, because this may be a possible revocation.
01:06Well, I'm not going to shut up, I'm not going to work,
01:08and I'm going to keep doing what I want.
01:10I will continue to raise my voice, not only for my wife Loreto Hernández-García,
01:15but for all and every one of the political prisoners who are still in prison,
01:19even if this means that I return to prison again.
01:23And do you see this backpack that I have here?
01:26With it I will go to court, because if it is a revocation, I am already prepared.
01:30I am prepared because I am proud that it is a revocation to continue in my struggle,
01:36to continue defending the rights of the Cuban people.
01:40I am very proud, with the same pride that I participated in that glorious march on July 11, 2021.
01:47With the same pride I will return to prison again.
01:51Long live human rights, freedom for all political prisoners.
