A concerned member of the public called 999 after spotting a man with what appeared to be a ‘gun’ tucked into the back of his pants staggering down Cog Lane, Burnley at 3.15pm on October 28.
The man was seen near Cherryfold Community Primary School which police said “understandably” caused a great deal of concern to parents.
A spokesman for Lancashire Police said: “Gorton committed this offence close to school around pick up time and as a result caused unnecessary fear and concern to unsuspecting members of the public.”
Officers quickly responded and arrested the man - identified as Jason Gorton - in Tay Street.
Gorton became verbally abusive during the arrest, threatening to headbutt and elbow one of the officers.
He was charged with possessing an imitation firearm in a public place.
Gorton, 49, of Girvan Grove, Burnley, pleaded guilty to the offence and was sentenced to 17 months in prison when he appeared at Preston Crown Court last month.
The man was seen near Cherryfold Community Primary School which police said “understandably” caused a great deal of concern to parents.
A spokesman for Lancashire Police said: “Gorton committed this offence close to school around pick up time and as a result caused unnecessary fear and concern to unsuspecting members of the public.”
Officers quickly responded and arrested the man - identified as Jason Gorton - in Tay Street.
Gorton became verbally abusive during the arrest, threatening to headbutt and elbow one of the officers.
He was charged with possessing an imitation firearm in a public place.
Gorton, 49, of Girvan Grove, Burnley, pleaded guilty to the offence and was sentenced to 17 months in prison when he appeared at Preston Crown Court last month.