• 2 weeks ago
*The country is famously known for its vibrant carnival celebrations
*This is the final day of parades for local carnival groups
00:00Meanwhile, it's the final day of Carnival in Brazil, and here's our correspondent
00:04by Amir with more.
00:08It's Fat Tuesday in Brazil, and this only means one thing.
00:11Carnival ends at midnight.
00:13To all of the Catholics in Brazil, the majority of the population, although it's a shrinking
00:18majority, this means that tomorrow Lent starts, a period of 40 days in which good Catholics
00:24are supposed to sacrifice something they love.
00:27Even this sacrifice involves things like giving up drinking, giving up dancing, all
00:31of the things that are popular in Carnival, which has been going on for the past few days,
00:36a period when historically, in the Catholic Carnival tradition, people have enacted all
00:43of their vices for the final stretch before Lent.
00:46But we know that there's many other traditions that have fused with Carnival here in Brazil,
00:52the Afro-Brazilian religions and other folk culture from the indigenous people and the
00:58Roma people, but even so, it means that traditionally, at midnight, it's all over.
01:04So for the local neighborhood Carnival groups, like Estrela, a fragile organization founded
01:12in 1915, one of the oldest in Brazil, which is about to take the streets here in the city
01:18of Pau D'Alho, about 60 kilometers outside of Recife, this is their last performance.
01:25It's the end of Carnival for them, and they're planning on going out with a bang, like all
01:29of the other neighborhood groups that are taking to the streets in small towns and cities
01:34across Brazil right now.
