• 2 weeks ago
Seeing these past contestants battle it out for $500,000 was wild
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Thank you to @LoveSacHQ for the Lovesac MovieSacs in Charcoal Wombat Phur, check them out at www.lovesac.com


For any questions or inquiries regarding this video, please reach out to chucky@mrbeastbusiness.com

Music Provided by https://www.extrememusic.com

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00:00Behind me are a hundred circles with a hundred people inside of them
00:04I don't care if this takes weeks months or even a year the last one of you to leave your circle wins that
00:11$500,000 the rules are simple if at any point you cross the red line around your circle you lose half a million dollars the challenge
00:18Has officially started good luck
00:22Right back there that's a half a million dollars. I got nothing but time
00:25This is my home from now on you can't take me out of the circle even if you wanted to
00:29$500,000 all for myself
00:32It's like 27 hours to be here, so I got a lost at least 27 hours as far as I see it
00:36Believe it or not this challenge is much harder than it looks because after only 30 minutes in
00:43This happened
00:46We have our first elimination, Oh somebody touched it someone touched the line. I'm so nervous food on the screen
00:56Touched your circle which means you're eliminated someone's got to do it, and I'll take the sacrifice all right
01:01You're free to go Taylor. You weren't the first out. You're out of each other
01:05I wasn't the first, but I will be the second wait what?
01:10And if you're wondering why Chandler and a bunch of other familiar faces are competing
01:15It's because every star competitor from all of my videos are here for the biggest crossover in mr.
01:21Beast history everyone here has been in a mr.
01:23Beast video before they know what it takes to win, so it's very tough competition I
01:28Watch the one to a hundred video 42 is the biggest threat
01:32this is the lady that jumped off the platform and
01:36eliminated 99 people
01:40Is this bigger than your house in the woods?
01:42Yeah, it is literally bigger than me and girls house throw them in here with me
01:45Let's do it and on the back of everyone's shirt is all the money
01:47They've won and lost in previous videos the land in here has lost two hundred thousand dollars two hundred fifty thousand dollars a million
01:53Dollars a 2.5 million dollar private jet and another million dollars to be cute
01:58I like hanging out with Jimmy because he reminds me of all my failures and our next elimination happened in the most surprising way
02:04I could have imagined
02:08Why'd you get out you didn't want to use the porter potty no okay Porter potty got so it out
02:13Thanks for having me though. This was a big
02:16This is a last-to-leave video so all these contestants will literally be sleeping in their tiny circle
02:22Except it seemed like Gio had other plans, and if you've seen our videos before you might already know what he was planning
02:36Trying to keep everyone from sleeping seemed like it was actually working sit. I'm out of here. Good luck guys
02:41I'm tired. I'm going home. This is an old man's game. This is a man's game
02:45This one was too much for me
02:46And they weren't the only ones because while they were sleeping seven people
02:50Accidentally touched the red line and one of them was none other than Carl
02:54I woke up with this big toe touching the line
02:58After the first night 14 players had already lost their chance at half a million dollars and more are about to go during this all-time
03:05favorite next game
03:07guards bring in the
03:15Because all of you are very experienced players. It's only fitting. I bring back one of the hardest games
03:21We've ever done. This is how I got out on these games. This is not going to happen again
03:25All I need you to do is build a tower on the red block make sure your tower is very sturdy
03:32I'll come back in a couple minutes. I've seen this on these games, and it looks so hard
03:36I don't know how I'm going to do this. I don't see a lot of people coming out of this
03:40Hopefully I'm not one of them
03:42I am one of them in the wilderness video. You guys were against each other. Are you working together now?
03:47I trust him right now. I give it a jump test or no. Yeah. All right. Well you if you hold it
03:55How's everyone feel about their tower
03:59Control room throw up a 24-hour timer
04:02Starting now if your tower falls over in the next 24 hours
04:07You will be eliminated. Oh my god, and to spice things up guards hand everyone a dodge ball
04:18When that 24-hour timer hits zero the lights will turn red and you will have exactly 10 seconds to throw your dodgeball at someone
04:26Else's tower if you knock it over they will be eliminated
04:29Make sure you make some friends because you probably don't want 20 people throwing their dodgeball at you
04:34Let's figure out who we're gonna take out. Hopefully you trust your neighbors. We created a nice little pact here
04:39There's some people on our perimeter
04:41I don't really trust someone can throw a dodgeball at my tower, and I can't get eliminated. I'm tired. I want to sleep
04:49That's I don't know how can I sleep?
04:51But some people didn't sleep
04:53Focusing instead on guarding their tower against the challenge ahead. It's officially day number three, and I'm kind of scared for it
05:00This is a game of endurance
05:02So just been sitting here waiting because this is an endurance challenge a few people inevitably touched the red line
05:09And one player literally got eliminated by a raisin not only did he touch it
05:15But then he proceeded to caress the circle
05:22But the majority of this time was spent forming alliances and deciding who they were going to target with their dodgeballs
05:28That's the thing you don't know who's aligned with who who's gonna try to defend each other
05:35Jeremy I saw him on TV. I feel like he should have made better decisions. There's a couple people on my hit list
05:40It's right. I know he was not gonna do nothing, but aside from him
05:45Already see after nearly 24 hours of all of you protecting your towers
05:51Finally one minute remains you had ample time to form alliances
05:57Develop a strategy figure out your enemies. This is gonna be crazy
06:03three two one
06:51Can't believe I survived dude, huh?
06:53All right, Jeremy you lost in beast games and now you might be the first person to lose to Joey and not be a hot
07:00dog eating contest
07:02You can leave
07:06But by far the most brutal elimination is when Hugo eliminated rain
07:11What you just witnessed is what I would call instant karma. You go. What do you have to say for yourself?
07:18Maybe if she would have cooked a little more in the bunker
07:21Go don't act like I didn't clean up the bathroom mop the floor you too. You can just leave you're good
07:28Alright, take care and to the rest of you
07:31You can kick your tower over you survived get some rest while you can because tomorrow half of you are going home
07:44This isn't just another last to leave challenge the 62 people you see here have all competed
07:50before some have won hundreds of thousands and others have lost everything so the only question is
07:57Who will last the longest?
08:00Slept a little better tonight now that there's not a giant tower in my circle
08:04Jimmy said that we're gonna eliminate a lot of people today
08:06Which I'm down for whatever challenge comes next because we need to thin the numbers out the end of the day only one person's gonna
08:11Take home the $500,000 attention everyone. I have an announcement to make I hate to do this
08:17But half of you are about to go home 50% of us going home
08:21Absolutely diabolical. I'm so scared right now. Yeah, it's terrifying. I'm probably gonna home
08:25I'm just hoping it's a game of skill and not a game of luck
08:28We have a line going through the middle of the room
08:30Since they're putting tape down it seems like they're dividing the room into four quadrants
08:34We're gonna try to figure out a way to make sure that half of the room that goes in a matter of seconds
08:39Gio and I are literally separated. Yeah, this is by far the worst
08:41I felt in this challenge yet now all of us are about to get out in less than 30 seconds
08:46We have now split the circles into four quadrants. We are going to be playing a game of hot potato
08:52I'm going to start a one-hour timer that none of you can see and at the end of the one-hour timer
08:58The two quadrants with these balls inside of them will be eliminated everyone get the balls out
09:03There's a lot of strategy in this coming up game
09:06It's up to you to work with your team to figure out the best way to keep track of time
09:11If you want any chance of moving on I'll give you a little bit of time to strategize
09:16Who wants to count we need to keep track of the time somehow one person's counting the seconds the other person's counting the minutes
09:21We get enough people counting the average should be pretty accurate
09:24Do you think they're gonna be able to time it perfect not in the slightest?
09:26Yeah, they serve when they need counters and I can't even count
09:29There's no way you can guarantee a perfect count especially to an hour. You know, you can maybe get close for a minute
09:35We are panicking. We have no idea what to do
09:37There's a hundred different strategies and now everyone's like freaking out and after we spun to see which two quadrants got the balls first orange team
09:45Green team
09:47three two one go
09:51The 60-minute timer has begun. How long you holding on to the ball for I'm holding it on to the last second, baby
09:56Well, what if you hold on to it a second too long your team's out? Oh, yeah multiple different counters
10:01These are the counters over here. It's counters in the back
10:06This entire game six is reliant upon your team's ability to keep track of time
10:13If you're just a second off, they could hold the ball and you all go home
10:17They're trusting their teammates to count to stay focused to be right
10:22But what if they're not orange team thinks it's been nine minutes and 20 seconds
10:27But green teams on 10 minutes and 15 seconds
10:30We already have a minute difference between the two sides. I'm hoping they're holding the ball too long
10:36It goes red while it's still in their hands because that's the thing about time. No one here knows exactly how much they have
10:43We're locked in everyone's quiet
10:46Drum major. Are you guys gonna throw at each other? No, no, no, we're going and while some we're trying their hardest to keep track
10:53Of the time. Hey, how you feeling dude? As soon as those balls get down time goes out the window
10:58It's just gonna be a frenzy others would inevitably try to throw them off
11:14We're done Noah
12:04They're both over here
12:08Trying to keep track
12:09I don't think anybody really in here had a proper count with how much chaos is going on the lights turn red both balls
12:15On the yellow quadrant. I'm sorry, but you guys are eliminated as for the other three of you
12:20We'll be running it back
12:22but this time with a 10-minute timer and one ball between pink green and
12:28Orange to figure out which is the other team that will be going home
12:34Before we settle the tiebreaker six of you stepped on your red line if you see your name up there you are eliminated
12:43Right, oh he took his shirt off
12:47I don't know what's going on. Don't encourage this behavior
12:52That was the most intense game I've ever played in my entire life and getting the ball first is orange
12:59three two
13:01One go the 10-minute timer has now begun
13:06When it hits zero whoever's quadrant has that ball will be eliminated
13:11You think after the first round they'd have this figured out but nope same panic the same confusion
13:17Just a little bit more desperation
13:20What time are you at like nine, but they're at seven she said she's at nine, but they're at seven
13:26Which one are you trusting? We'll let you know Noah
13:30Hold it. Hold it Noah
13:55My god
13:58I can't wait to save the day once again
14:03Big team you guys are eliminated and can now head out
14:08That was the most heart-wrenching thing I think we've faced so far man
14:12We'll bring out the love sacks of another game in the morning
14:19Stay five energies feeling good, you know, we got a good night's sleep. Everyone is acting maybe a little too confident
14:25I think at this point it's gonna start getting pretty intense now
14:28We're all thinking about our chances of winning five hundred thousand dollars. It comes down to me or another competitor
14:34I'm not gonna hesitate before we can play the next game. Look at the screen one of you stepped on your red circle
14:49You've spent five days in this circle or nothing. I have one thing to say to everyone here
14:54Obviously, this is not how I expected to get out
14:56But the right person is gonna receive that money and as for me, I'm gonna go get my wife pregnant later
15:04We're a family-friendly channel Gio close your ears you heard nothing for this next game
15:10We're gonna be randomly pairing you up. You're gonna be going head-to-head with a different circle to eliminate each other. That's great
15:16I want to reveal the first two circles going head-to-head
15:25Will you please connect these two circles for me in between your circles is a balance beam and two gold balls
15:32the first contestant to grab their ball and return to their circle will move on while the other will be eliminated and
15:39If you both lose your balance and fall, you will both be eliminated three two one go
15:47All right, they're off. Oh
15:49Oh, she's going quick, but she might fall or she might have graceful. Oh
15:54She's beating you. You gotta hurry
16:01I don't know if I'd celebrate just yet. You guys look at this screen over here
16:06She won but then literally one and a half seconds later touch the red line they have both sadly been eliminated I
16:16Celebrated so hard start set up the next game
16:21Noah are you ready? I'm ready Preston. Are you ready? Yeah. Well before you go
16:26I want to let you know that Shopify is the best way to start me
16:29Do you say go so I can get on this balance beam? No, do you want to start a business?
16:32Yes, but when you do make sure you Shopify to build it grow it and manage it. Okay shop all the way, baby
16:38Let's go go
16:40Shopify has literally powered my businesses since I had three million subscribers. That's what I used to sell merch on
16:45It's what I started selling feast tools on basically anything I've ever sold online. I've used Shopify. No one touched it first. Oh
16:54Oh my gosh
16:56That was a blowout let's go
16:59I want to help you start your own business as well to get started go to shopify.com
17:04Mr. Beast or scan the QR code on his face right now
17:07I'm gonna be buying random products from a hundred stores that start a brand new business never been a better time go do it
17:12reveal the next opponents
17:16If you lose that means you've lost to a 12 year old
17:21Geo you're gonna win this one. I'm gonna cook. I'm gonna saute. I'm gonna deep-fry
17:26Good luck
17:29All right, they're off oh he's beating you Geo
17:34All right, just don't fall
17:45And as more and more players were eliminated
17:56We arrived at the final game from me and Akira who's going home you or him?
18:02Unfortunately, it's gonna have to be Rami today. He's standing in the way of me in 500k right now
18:06Now Akira is known for doing many challenges and he's won plenty. You just want a brand new Lamborghini
18:12That's pretty cool. I will beat you no matter what Akira any last words. It's go time, baby. Hey last words
18:18I don't care what you've done my friend. It's over. Oh the best for last
18:25No, you can't talk all that smack and lose you can
18:37Pleasure doing business with you, baby. I am here in the top 10 to prove that I belong top 10, baby
18:42We got top 10
18:45After five days and 90 eliminations we had narrowed down to our top 10 a week ago
18:51All 100 of these circles were filled and now just the top 10 remain
18:58This top 10 is stacked with Beast veteran
19:01We have Lowe's who's been in several videos Akira is back from Beast King Ronnie competed in laser me Noah did
19:0932,000 curl Omar took his hand off the 1 million dollars
19:12Geo was in both of our ages 1 to 100 videos Allison left her previous circle for an iPhone Julia
19:17Lasted 20 days in the wilderness Gabriela was in the top 10 for a 1 million dollar island and Mallory
19:24Actually won that 1 million dollar island and because each of you have already competed in my video
19:29We are going to do something. I have never done before
19:32For this next game. I'm going to let the 10 of you
19:36Pick the game yourselves
19:40It could be a game of chance a game of skill
19:43It could be who jumps the highest whichever game gets the most votes
19:47We will play and I need that game to eliminate half of you
19:50We'll give you guys some time to mingle just remember
19:54$500,000 depends on your decision. That's why we pick the game the faster
19:59We come to an agreement the faster we can get this over with would anybody want to do rock-paper-scissors. No, I'm not taking chance
20:05I'm not taking a chance for 500k now. All right, I got an idea. How about we do a bench press competition?
20:13Who can stand on one foot the longest that's actually a really good idea first five to drop off one foot, okay
20:20Yeah, let's do it. All right, we got it. Jimmy. We have a game. I am a dancer
20:26But I won't tell them that you guys want to leave
20:30$500,000 up to balance it. Well before we play Patrick, come on in. This is our standards of practice guy
20:36You're gonna have to explain exactly what the rules are
20:38He's gonna be the one upholding him and in case you were all wondering for these challenge videos
20:42We have someone whose literal job is to make sure they're fair. You got to pick one leg. You can't change legs
20:47You cannot use your other foot for support you if your foot touches your leg
20:51You're out. If you agree with the rules Noah laid out raise your hand
20:58Oh my gosh, okay any last words cuties. Love you made the best man win guys
21:10And the game is off
21:12There's a timer on the screen. Let's see how long it takes for five of them to touch the ground
21:21Okay, it's been ten seconds. It is dead quiet in here. No one is talking Wow
21:28Do any of you guys want some feastables? I'll take one. There you go help distract you appreciate it
21:34Cookies and cream instead. Yeah, that's good. I have a theory that if I say I mr. Beast merch I mr
21:40Beast lab forms everything you can find mr. Beast related. Yeah feastables like this. Yeah. Yes
21:45I get a 50% plus chance of survival
21:47That's not true, but I will put that clip in the video. We'll come over here. Hi, Jimmy. Hey
21:53Okay, if your foot touches the turf you lose half a million dollars. I'm aware. Okay, how long do you think you could?
22:02Okay, how long do you think you could go hello 20 minutes, I don't know an hour
22:07Maybe five hours, maybe could go a day could go a day. I would say his toes maybe two inches off the ground right now
22:14All right. Well now it's five inches off the ground. See a little shakage in the feet. He's not responding
22:18He's locked in and that seemed to be the case for everybody and with laser like focus
22:22They were about to close in on five minutes of standing on one leg, but not before our first elimination
22:30Four and a half minutes. Yeah, even though I didn't win I feel fulfilled last time
22:34I made it to the final ten for my video. I felt like I gave it my all this time around
22:38I'm proud of it back-to-back top ten. Yeah
22:41Thanks, Jimmy. Appreciate it nine remain. Oh, I'm seeing some shaking over here
22:45I'm not gonna lie. My calves are burning and if my calves are burning, I know everybody else. Why are your calves burning?
22:50You're a gymnast. You're wobbling more than anyone else here. What is going on?
22:54No, Lowe's is wobbling a lot
22:55Lowe's is dancing all over the place while this challenge may look simple after a certain point
23:00Comfort does not exist and after lasting over five minutes longer than Gabriela. You're good. You got this you Lowe's was feeling just that
23:10Lowe's that's a second one down. It's tough man. What gave out my hip my ankle. It was fair
23:16I didn't know I was gonna cave that hard. But oh actually she's about to touch it. I'm sorry
23:22Mallory it's not looking good for you over here. You don't think I could see that foot shaking from across the room
23:27I'm good, but just to make sure we decided to review the footage you can listen to what I'm saying Mallory over here
23:34Do you think you touched the ground? I don't if I did I don't feel it
23:37I don't feel my legs at all. If you look at this shot right here, you'll see that counts as a touch
23:42Okay. All right Mallory touch the ground three people have been eliminated and with two eliminations still remaining
23:49It has been over 16 minutes everyone here wants it badly, let's see how far they're willing to take it
23:55Oh, oh, we're getting some hoppage over here minor hoppage. Oh, there's some hopping over there
23:59I'm seeing hopping everywhere Omar's hopping Omar. I'm seeing a lot of moving over here. How bad's it like burning?
24:05It's okay and Omar wasn't the only one feeling fatigued because Ronnie. Whoa, are you sweating? You see that? Oh my gosh
24:12He is sweating a pool over here. Don't run. You got this bro. My foot is burning. Stay strong. Oh my gosh
24:19Bro, how much pain are you in? I can literally see every strain of your calf moving right now
24:23He wants it and as time crawled along things weren't getting any easier for Omar. How bad is your calf burning right now?
24:30It's okay. I'm gonna do this
24:32No matter what. He is literally half an inch off the ground breathe Omar. You can do this
24:38Don't give up 23 minutes has gone by
24:41Well Omar be the next to drop or will it be Ronnie? Y'all doing great almost a half an hour
24:46That's crazy actually and with resolves truly being tested we had to review footage once again, but not for who you're thinking
24:54Everyone I have footage someone has touched the ground
24:59That's someone
25:02Thought so
25:09Which one of you will give up first we're going
25:13Until we find out truthfully, I would say out of everyone Akira is shaking the least he is not moving an inch
25:19Omar is constantly jumping around. It looks like Ronnie is really struggling
25:28And this seemed to be it as the clock was reaching 38 minutes
25:32He and Ronnie were reaching their breaking points and both were on the verge of collapse. I'm sweating up strong
25:38I've been dripping since like 13th minute, bro. Don't think about your leg. Don't think about it
25:44You got this breathe find your belly
25:52He's out he's out the five of you are now moving on
26:03You gave everything that's what you gotta keep telling yourself, okay be proud of yourself you Fox the end. Hey Allison, you're an animal, dude
26:11I'm the last girl
26:13Cuties hey Omar, you're a beast man. I heard you fight for your life down here. That was incredible, bro
26:19It's amazing. I will say I regret getting doing that challenge. Are you getting flashbacks to when you took your hand off the million dollars?
26:27This is the moment to redeem myself and I couldn't do it I would not beat yourself up too much
26:32You definitely gave it everything you had
26:44Now that you've made it to the top five I'm gonna give you a choice
26:49You can choose to play a final game that will eliminate four of you giving us the winner of this half a million dollars
26:55Or you can choose endurance and we settle this like a traditional last to leave challenge
27:01Let's do it man endurance all day endurance
27:03Keep in mind if you choose endurance, you could be stuck in these circles for days weeks or even months
27:11We'll have one minute to either write endurance or game start the timer
27:17What do you think game or endurance? I don't play a game. I want to end this on a high note
27:21I think we played too many games. This is the last to leave the circle challenge and I think
27:26They're all so sure it's up to the five of you to decide your fate
27:32What are you feeling I
27:34Don't I'm torn. I don't know
27:38Do you want to win $500,000?
27:40You won't listen to a 12 year old
27:42They don't want to be here any longer. That means they're gonna leave before you do
27:47Hello, the 12 girls got to go to school
27:50Come on don't listen to them. I know it's a big decision Allison. Listen to your own self. Don't listen to them
27:58Drop your markers
28:01Akira what did you write? I wrote game deal game
28:05Noah and there is Ronnie waiting it out, baby and the tiebreaker is
28:16I'll go set it up. Hey, can you see my sign? This is what I really chose. Oh
28:22You should have picked them during yeah, I'm sorry, hold on
28:29Everybody's gonna roast me to pieces if I lose to a 12 year old and honestly
28:33It doesn't matter what challenge it is at this point. I feel like I'm a challenge beast. It's fine. We'll have fun
28:38It'll be fun. It'll be fine. No more friendships
28:40It's all about who's winning this one right now, and I'm walking out with that money a hundred percent
28:44Oh fine, and we'll all be friends after this Allison let a 12 year old manipulator 12 year olds not going home with money
28:50We're locked in now. We're locked in bro. I want to kill her over there. I never said oh, we're all gonna hate each other
28:55In order to play this final game the guards will be moving your circles to a new location
29:01Stay calm and be careful because the rules still apply if you leave your circle
29:06You will lose half a million dollars and leave it for someone else. You guys have defeated
29:1295 competitors lived in these circles for over a week and it all comes down to this
29:18Feast your eyes on your very own mannequins. Whoa. Whoa. Whoa, that's me, bro
29:25I've equipped each of you with a different color paintball gun
29:28On my cue all five of you will fire one shot at the same time
29:34If your mannequin gets hit we will shrink your circle after three streaks you will be eliminated
29:41Oh, it is up to you who you want to aim at. I
29:45Think a gear is coming for me a hundred percent. He's not gonna say it out loud, but he's intimidated by me for sure
29:50I got a pretty big target on my back
29:52I have a feeling some of them are gonna come out to me early on I gotta make my shots count
29:56I'm just gonna hit the cleanest shot. I can just try to hit every single target
29:59Akira and then Noah, I think. So I didn't tell no one but I play airsoft
30:05You're awesome. Are you guys ready? Yes
30:10Guards load the rounds
30:13You get shot three times you're eliminated last one standing wins half a million dollars game on baby
30:20Let's go, baby. I'm ready
30:22Three, two, one, fire!
30:27My god
30:29They all missed everyone in the mist. They fire a little higher than you aim
30:33So that's good good good note, but now everyone clearly saw where I was shooting at. So hey Allison's going first
30:41Allison's going first. All right. All right, if they're all three going for her
30:45I might as well aim for someone on the right. Guards load the paintball guns
30:57Somebody got hit. You got hit. Oh my gosh, Ronnie got hit
31:02That's a hit. Oh wait Akira got hit. My leg. Wait, who's yellow?
31:08Ronnie you shot Akira? Let's go baby. And Akira shot Ronnie. That's a good shot. Shrink their circles
31:17Stood on one foot for 38 minutes yesterday. We're good. My money's going towards kids. So y'all are taking it out of their hands as well
31:25I'm a kid
31:30Load their gun!
31:33$500,000 on the line. Three, two, one, fire!
31:41Oh, you got me in the nuts. Oh. Akira got hit in the nuts
31:47That's what I was going for the first time too. The only person who got hit was Akira in his genitals. That's brutal
31:53That's personal. Shrink a circle!
31:56As you can probably tell Akira, next shot you will be out of room to stand. This is true
32:01This is your last leg, your last life. Hey Akira, they might be missing on purpose to let us battle it out
32:07You got two targets already. We might want to put one on somebody else now this time. It's true
32:11I'll go Allison this time. Hey, we agreed to go Allison if he agrees to go Allison
32:15I'm down. Three shots right to her. All three of you? You were the one who chose this game girl
32:19Are you agreeing to target Allison like the rest of them? Yeah, I have to, yeah. This is my last round
32:24Love you guys. Love you too. Guards, load the guns!
32:31Three, two, one, fire!
32:40Ronnie stuck to his word and shot Allison. Hit her right in the nuts. Hit me in my nuts. Oh my gosh, wait, wait. What is this?
32:47Wait, Ronnie! What color is it?
32:52It's blue. End of the day, only one of us can win. You're going down bro. This time I'm going right for your forehead
32:58Whoa, I gotta take him out. If I take him out and he goes down with me, it's a poetic way to go
33:03I should have knocked him out. I should have knocked him out. We'll see what happens. Load him!
33:13Three, two, one, fire!
33:21Oh my gosh. All right, Akira got hit right here on the side
33:26And if you look over here, Ronnie also got hit
33:30The two of you were so stubborn that you cost each other half a million dollars. Game's the game
33:37He's already got a Lambo. I needed that. We both battled our hearts out. We got this far
33:42Looks like one of these three deserves it more. I feel like you should have been standing there instead of the cardboard
33:47Tough man, I'm sorry. Akira, Ronnie, you both have been eliminated
33:52But if it makes you feel better, you can drop your gun. Here's 10 grand. You're not going home empty-handed
33:58Doesn't make me feel bad. Oh, 10 D's. That's what's up. Boys, remove Akira and Ronnie, please
34:04Three players remain. Let's keep shooting. Three, two, one, fire!
34:12Gio hit her right in the chest. No, Gio was holding back this whole time
34:18When do you become John Wick? Allison, you're one shot away from losing half a million dollars. Three, two, one, fire!
34:27Wait, it went through Gio's head. You were hit. You sure you want to keep duking it out with Allison?
34:32So what if you hit Allison here, she hits you one more time. Then it's Mr. No Circle versus you with two hits. Noah's got nothing
34:39Guards, load them! Three, two, one, fire!
34:46That's a hit. Oh, that's a hit
34:50You're eliminated. Noah, hell of a shot. Gio, you're the youngest contestant to ever get this far. You can make history
34:57I could. You can do this. Allison, here's your $10,000 in cash. Oh, thank you. Never mind. Bye, Gio
35:03All right, Nolan, do you mind knocking it over?
35:07Did he just tackle a girl? I think now would be a great time, Gio
35:11To hear from your father. Come on in. Oh my god. Your son is this close to half a million dollars
35:19How are you? I'm so amazing
35:23Are you having fun? Yes. Whether you win or not, you have literally shown the world
35:30Like how incredible you are. You have truly impressed everybody. Like you
35:40Does that uh, does that make you want to go easy on them? No. That was absolutely heartwarming, but
35:46They're not my family and I came here to get mine. Oh my gosh
35:51This is gonna be good. Guards!
35:54Load their guns!
35:56$500,000 on the line. Three, two, one, fire!
36:05Oh! Gio landed a hit! Yes!
36:08Right on the neck! Guards, bring out the circle. You had a lead. Now it's a tied ball game
36:15All of a sudden you both went quiet on me
36:20All right, load them up. You guys fought hard to be here. Don't let it be for nothing. Three, two, one, fire!
36:32Whoa, whoa, whoa, come here. Noah hit the foot! He just hit Gio
36:39Straight Gio circle! That is Gio's second hit. You are one shot away from
36:45$500,000. This kid's not gonna miss too much. I gotta, I gotta put one on target real fast. Guards, load them up!
36:52$500,000 on the line! Three, two, one, fire!
37:00Oh my god! Oh, Gio!
37:02You hit it!
37:04I can put my finger through the hole. Bro, you can't make this up. Dude, it's tied up again. Oh my gosh
37:10I'm gonna barf. It is now tied. We are now one shot away
37:15Yo, guards for you, bro. Yeah, good game. That's all about it, man. Their circles are shrunk to the max.
37:22I cannot believe this
37:24But next shot wins half a million dollars
37:27This is the most important moment of both of your lives
37:31Will it be Gio or will it be Noah? Who is walking away with this
37:37$500,000 right now?
37:40Two, one, fire!
37:55Gio won!
37:59Hug your dad! Hug your dad! Your son just won half a million dollars!
38:05Come on in, come on in!
38:07Gio has had one of the most amazing journeys of any competitor
38:11we've ever had. Always standing out amongst their peers. My last in this entire road. And winning the hearts of everyone they competed against
38:18Save Gio!
38:20Save Gio!
38:22And because Gio never gave up, they are now the winner of half a million dollars!
38:28This is so crazy!
38:30Oh my god!
38:34Oh my god!
