• 2 weeks ago
00:01:03Muggers. Right here in our own neighborhood.
00:01:06Can you picture that?
00:01:08We know as soon as we get finished making the east side a safe and quiet place to live in, then that has to start.
00:01:13But we're going to get rid of those muggers. We've got to get rid of them.
00:01:16They're spoiling our reputation.
00:01:18The first thing I'm going to do is deputize each one of you guys to watch a corner.
00:01:21We'll do it in sections. Then we'll make up a bunch of signals.
00:01:25Hey, Muggs! Muggs! Look who's here.
00:01:28What's that?
00:01:29He's my cousin on my mother's side.
00:01:31What's on your father's side?
00:01:32Mustard plaster.
00:01:33You're demoted. That's three times this week you've been demoted.
00:01:36You're not a lowest member in the club. Get out of here and take it with you.
00:01:39He wants to join the club.
00:01:41We ain't taking in any new members.
00:01:42Just wants to pay his dues in advance.
00:01:44Oh, oh, Glimpy. Glimpy, uh...
00:01:46In fact, Glimpy, you're not demoted anymore.
00:01:48You got your old job back, in fact.
00:01:50Pay dues in advance, huh? Well, that's different.
00:01:53How old are you?
00:01:55How old? Fourteen.
00:01:56That makes 28. That's a little bit closer.
00:01:58When's your birthday?
00:01:59What do you care? You're not going to give me nothing.
00:02:01How do you know? I'm a very magnanimous man.
00:02:04You got a name?
00:02:06What is it?
00:02:07Uh, uh, uh...
00:02:08Think, think.
00:02:09Don't rush me.
00:02:10Uh, uh, it's right on the tip of my tongue.
00:02:12I got it!
00:02:13Yeah, you got it.
00:02:14I'm Herbie.
00:02:15You're Herbie.
00:02:16Overwhelmed with yourself because you thought of your own name, ain't you?
00:02:19Overburdened with intelligence. Almost as smart as you are, Glimpy.
00:02:22What did I tell you?
00:02:23Here, my cousin.
00:02:24Wouldn't brag about it.
00:02:26You ever flown any other clubs?
00:02:28What kind of club?
00:02:29I used to fly to an aviation club.
00:02:33I'm all right.
00:02:34Flown to an aviation club, huh?
00:02:35Yeah, flew my own plane for two years.
00:02:37What happened?
00:02:38The rubber band broke.
00:02:42Are you sure you're going to pay your dues in advance?
00:02:45You know, I don't have to stand for this idle chatter.
00:02:47I'm the president of this club.
00:02:49Mm, pretty big man.
00:02:53All in favor of admitting Herbie to the club, say aye.
00:03:01You're my cousin.
00:03:02Don't get excited, kid.
00:03:03His vote don't count.
00:03:06I thought you told me you were a big shot.
00:03:08What a liar you are!
00:03:09It's OK.
00:03:10Your vote won't count either.
00:03:13Oh, there's a little matter of dues.
00:03:15That advance.
00:03:16You know, I'd like a little advance on the advance.
00:03:19How much you got?
00:03:2110 cents.
00:03:22That's fine.
00:03:23That'll cover the first month's dues.
00:03:24After that, it's only a nickel a month.
00:03:25There you are, Glimpy.
00:03:26You're the treasure.
00:03:27You'll be Glimpy's assistant.
00:03:29Say, Glimpy, let me a dime.
00:03:30I don't know you that well.
00:03:31Oh, please let me a dime.
00:03:33Say, Mr. President.
00:03:35Here's another dime.
00:03:36What for?
00:03:37For the second and third month's dues.
00:03:38Hey, you're a pretty good member.
00:03:39Maybe you ought to make Glimpy your assistant.
00:03:40Just the initiation hat.
00:03:43How long do I have to wear it?
00:03:44Just for the rest of your life.
00:03:46That's a long sentence.
00:03:47Oh, why don't you make it easy on it, kid chief?
00:03:49Make up about 99 years.
00:03:51I don't think I can do it.
00:03:52Just try the best you can.
00:03:53Perseverance is a virtue.
00:03:55As president of this club, I now demand that we break up,
00:03:57adjoin, and annul the meeting.
00:03:59Hey, chief, I'm hungry.
00:04:00Let's go over to Ginsburg and get something to eat with my dime.
00:04:02What do you mean your dime?
00:04:03I just gave you two dimes.
00:04:04I loaned Herbie a dime.
00:04:05What, are you in the lending business?
00:04:06What, do you think this is a non-profit organization?
00:04:08You see?
00:04:09You worked on my good nature, and I got hit.
00:04:10Don't come here anymore.
00:04:13This job may require a little diplomatic handling,
00:04:15so I better go in alone.
00:04:16I'll go with you, Muggs, in case you need help.
00:04:18But the rest of you guys stay here.
00:04:24I said the rest of you guys stay here.
00:04:33Have you located the trouble, Oscar?
00:04:34Yes, sir.
00:04:35I'll have it fixed in a few minutes.
00:04:42I'm going to the drugstore to phone.
00:04:43I'll be right back.
00:04:44Wait here.
00:04:45Yes, sir.
00:04:49Come on, kid.
00:04:50I'll be right with you.
00:05:11Keep walking, and you're trapped shut, and you won't get hurt.
00:05:14Hey, fellas.
00:05:15Come here.
00:05:21Look, there's a mugging going on in that alley.
00:05:23Hey, Muggs!
00:05:34What's the trouble?
00:05:35There's a mugging going on in that alley over there.
00:05:38Let's go take a look.
00:05:41Hey, you!
00:05:44Hey, you!
00:05:45Come here!
00:05:57Hey, little guy!
00:06:00All right, now, man.
00:06:01We'll get him later.
00:06:02I think I'm pretty good looking, that one.
00:06:05The guy's taking a swing at me.
00:06:06I think he busted his hand on that concrete wall there.
00:06:09He clipped me right on the jaw.
00:06:12You hurt, mister?
00:06:13Well, not too bad, I guess.
00:06:15Help him up, boys.
00:06:16All right, up you come.
00:06:17I think they sneak up behind you, mister.
00:06:19Well, unfortunately, I have an ice in the back of my head.
00:06:23You ain't got a stiff neck, have you?
00:06:24You could look around once in a while.
00:06:26I didn't realize I was in such a bad neighborhood.
00:06:28What do you mean, bad neighborhood?
00:06:29Those muggers don't live around here.
00:06:30Well, have you noticed?
00:06:31Neighborhood is as pure as Pittsburgh snow.
00:06:33Please, now.
00:06:34I'm sorry I offended you boys, because you really
00:06:36saved me from a severe beating.
00:06:38Eh, maybe a beating would have done you good, huh, Muggs?
00:06:40Stop making with the cracks.
00:06:41Can't you see this guy's a gentleman?
00:06:42He's got on a white collar and a tie.
00:06:44Must be entrenched well.
00:06:45Well, I'm a shorn lamb at the moment, boys.
00:06:47But if you look me up tomorrow, I'll take care of you.
00:06:51Here's my card.
00:06:53Ah, forget it.
00:06:54We'd have done the same thing for any old Joe.
00:06:57Yes, I believe you would.
00:07:00Well, good night, boys.
00:07:01Good night.
00:07:02Stay out of dark alleys.
00:07:04Hey, what do you turn a card up for?
00:07:06It's one of you telling me what to do.
00:07:12Come here.
00:07:16Oh, you chump.
00:07:17Let's look for that card.
00:07:19Come on.
00:07:23Look what I found.
00:07:25Hey, Muggs.
00:07:26You should have traveled and showcased
00:07:28the old boys riding around in.
00:07:29I'll bet he'd have slipped as a saw about the piece
00:07:31if he hadn't been cleaned out.
00:07:32Yeah, I bet he would have.
00:07:33I wonder what he's doing down in this neck of the woods
00:07:39I'll tell you what.
00:07:41You hold the wallet.
00:07:42I'll hold the money.
00:07:43Who's going to hold you?
00:07:44Well, we've done our good deed for the day.
00:07:46We've got nothing to worry about.
00:07:49Aren't you satisfied with the wallet?
00:07:51No, I shouldn't have to travel with Raptor out.
00:07:53Oh, let's go get some.
00:07:55Hey, Muggs!
00:07:57Look what we found.
00:07:58A million dollars.
00:07:59Maybe even a thousand.
00:08:00The Muggins must have drooled.
00:08:01Come on, we're rich.
00:08:02As president of the club, I'll take charge of it.
00:08:04I'm treasurer.
00:08:05So what?
00:08:06You only handle the tinkling money.
00:08:07I take care of the cabbage.
00:08:08Well, what a club we're going to have, huh?
00:08:09What do you mean, what a club we're going to have?
00:08:10The first thing in the morning, this dog
00:08:11goes back to Mr. High Hat.
00:08:13Finders keepers, losers weepers.
00:08:15Losers weepers, huh?
00:08:16Well, you're the loser.
00:08:18Don't feel bad, Glimpy.
00:08:19Muggs is right.
00:08:20You don't belong to us anyway.
00:08:22I'm going to take this down to the club
00:08:23and hide it until tomorrow.
00:08:24Oh, Muggs, let me hold it for a second, huh?
00:08:27Two seconds?
00:08:30On second thought, I think I will let you hold it.
00:08:32It's discriminating evidence.
00:08:34You boys keep an eye on him.
00:08:35Hey, let me hold him.
00:08:39It's a very small hat.
00:08:41Harvey, you saw a grapevine.
00:08:42Institutionized French assault.
00:08:43Watch out.
00:08:44Don't apologize.
00:08:45Glimpy, can I have a dollar?
00:08:47All right.
00:08:48Stan, who are you, Muggs?
00:08:50Hey, there's only one guy named Muggs around here,
00:08:52and that's him.
00:08:53Muggs, eh?
00:08:55It's a good name, and it fits all of you.
00:08:57Why do they always put new cops on his beat for?
00:08:59They clean up the mugging in this district.
00:09:02Wait a minute there.
00:09:03Where'd you get that?
00:09:04That's something I saved up from the Christmas club.
00:09:05I'll take care of that.
00:09:06Come on, you boys.
00:09:07Take a little ride.
00:09:08We didn't want to wait.
00:09:09We didn't want to wait.
00:09:10We didn't want to wait.
00:09:11What about this?
00:09:12What do you think?
00:09:13Forget it.
00:09:14Get on.
00:09:15Get in here.
00:09:16What about my conscience?
00:09:17After you, John.
00:09:18Oh, you want me to go first?
00:09:21Come on, boys.
00:09:22Climb in.
00:09:25Get me out of here.
00:09:26Get me out of here.
00:09:27Get me out of here.
00:09:28Get me out of here.
00:09:29Get me out of here.
00:09:30Oh, no.
00:09:31I didn't say his office.
00:09:33Bring him home.
00:09:35You know, the least you could do is let me get in touch
00:09:37with my mother.
00:09:39Fill us up.
00:09:40Your lawyer couldn't get you out of this jam, sonny.
00:09:42Look, Cap.
00:09:43If you took one look at my face, you could tell
00:09:44I got an honest kisser.
00:09:46If you were to wash that face, maybe
00:09:47we could see it a little better.
00:09:48What is this, a beauty parlor or a police station?
00:09:54Cortland's home?
00:09:56This is the Cortland residence.
00:09:58Is this Mr. John H. Cortland?
00:10:03I want to speak to him.
00:10:04This is a police station.
00:10:07Mr. Cortland, you're wanted on the telephone, sir.
00:10:18Yes, this is John Cortland speaking.
00:10:21Was I mugged?
00:10:26Oh, you mean, was I robbed?
00:10:29I certainly was.
00:10:30I intended to report it to you, but...
00:10:32No, no.
00:10:33You don't have to, Mr. Cortland.
00:10:34We've already picked up the muggers.
00:10:36Now, if you can come right over to the station
00:10:38and identify them.
00:10:42All right, Jim.
00:10:43Lock them up.
00:10:44What do you mean?
00:10:45What do you got?
00:10:46That's a hideous coffin.
00:10:47What do you say?
00:10:48Come on.
00:10:49Get it like this.
00:10:50Good God.
00:10:51You can't tell us what it is.
00:10:53You can't tell us what we want, because we ain't going to do it.
00:10:56Yeah, well, we ain't going to do it, see?
00:10:58You're to be congratulated on the prompt efficiency
00:11:00of your department, Captain.
00:11:01Purely routine, Mr. Cortland.
00:11:07All right, now, boys.
00:11:09Line up there.
00:11:10Now, Mr. Cortland.
00:11:11See if you can identify any of these youngsters.
00:11:14I can identify every one of them.
00:11:16Oh, that's fine.
00:11:18See, he knows us.
00:11:19Quiet, quiet.
00:11:20Why shouldn't I be able to identify them?
00:11:22These are the boys who rescued me.
00:11:24Oh, come, come now, Mr. Cortland.
00:11:26You're not going to fall for a run-around like that,
00:11:28are you?
00:11:29You're not going to fall for a run-around like that, surely.
00:11:31Well, I never even saw the man who waylaid me.
00:11:33Oh, that's just it.
00:11:34I'm telling you, we caught these youngsters red-handed
00:11:36with your pocketbook on them.
00:11:37Ah, you're prejudiced.
00:11:39No confidence.
00:11:40I told you we found it.
00:11:42They recuperated it from an ash can.
00:11:43Me and Harvey.
00:11:44I'm Harvey.
00:11:45Hiya, Harvey.
00:11:47Well, what's the purpose of arguing?
00:11:49You've simply made a mistake, Captain.
00:11:51I know that these boys are innocent.
00:11:54And if they say they found the pocketbook, well,
00:11:56I believe them.
00:11:57He did.
00:11:58He believes us.
00:11:59What'd I tell you about my honest face?
00:12:01Well, someone around here is simply dumb.
00:12:04I'll give you three guesses.
00:12:05One, two, three.
00:12:07I'm sorry this happened, boys.
00:12:09Don't be so exhilarated about it.
00:12:10We all make mistakes.
00:12:11That's why they put erasers on lead pencils.
00:12:14And you're a mug.
00:12:15And they pick you up for mugging.
00:12:17That's a pretty good joke.
00:12:20I don't think it's very funny.
00:12:22Well, perhaps not.
00:12:24Here's your pocketbook, Mr. Cortland.
00:12:28Hey, look.
00:12:29Maybe he'll give us a reward, huh?
00:12:30Yeah, maybe he'll give us enough to buy some gymnasium
00:12:32equipment for our club.
00:12:34So you boys are interested in gymnasiums, eh?
00:12:38Well, now I'll tell you what.
00:12:40You come out to my home in the morning,
00:12:42and perhaps I can arrange a reward for you worth your while.
00:12:46Yeah, what about that with the measles?
00:12:48All right, now, now, boy, you're free.
00:12:50Go on.
00:12:51Clear out of here.
00:12:52Go ahead.
00:12:53I should make you eat this.
00:12:54What'd I do now?
00:12:55Come on, boys.
00:12:56I'll be seeing you later.
00:12:59Oh, leave my cousin alone.
00:13:01You're going to make me silly.
00:13:04Well, Captain, if I can be of any further service to you,
00:13:06just call her.
00:13:09Hey, Pipey, we've almost got 30 years.
00:13:11We beat the case, don't we?
00:13:12You know what it is.
00:13:13Pipey, you're crazy to get around with such a big gun.
00:13:17Can I give you a lift, boys?
00:13:18Pipey, let's go.
00:13:19Free ride, come on.
00:13:20Back here.
00:13:21No thanks.
00:13:22We'll use our legs.
00:13:23They're safer.
00:13:24I understand.
00:13:25Well, good night, boys.
00:13:26I'll be looking forward to seeing you in the morning.
00:13:28Don't look too hard, because you may not find us.
00:13:30That's right.
00:13:32Get off, Dan.
00:13:34I didn't do nothing.
00:13:35You're always picking on me for.
00:13:36Hey, look, fellas, I'm a radiator cat.
00:13:37Did I just tell him to get off, Dan?
00:13:39Well, that means you, too.
00:13:40What do you want?
00:13:41Don't touch my cousin Herbie.
00:13:42You might bite him.
00:13:43I'll take your cousin Herbie and hit you in the head with him.
00:13:44No reward, no nothing.
00:13:45First guy I ever spent my life driving around in a hurry.
00:13:47Pipey, come on.
00:13:48Come on.
00:13:51I'm telling you, there's no future in it.
00:13:53So we go up to this high hat's house.
00:13:55So what?
00:13:56So maybe we'll get some money.
00:13:57Herbie's fresh out of money, ain't you, Herbie?
00:13:59Why do I care about Herbie?
00:14:01I'm in favor of getting the whole ink in it.
00:14:03Not me.
00:14:04Look, Muggs.
00:14:05What's with that Muggs there?
00:14:06Mr. President to you?
00:14:08All right, Mr. President, the point is this.
00:14:10If we go up to this guy's house, maybe he'll give us some real dough.
00:14:13Then we can get some gymnasium equipment.
00:14:15That's right.
00:14:16All right, all right, all right.
00:14:18So we'll take a vote on it.
00:14:20All those in favor of going up to this Cortland's house, say aye.
00:14:24Oh, steamroller politics, huh?
00:14:26Bunch of yes-men.
00:14:28Go up there.
00:14:29But just remember, I was against it.
00:14:31The meeting is now consummated.
00:14:33Herbie, if we get that equipment, I'm going to build you up, make you very strong.
00:14:44Hey, Glimpy, give it a buzz.
00:14:46All right, give it a buzz.
00:14:48That, that, the bell, the bell.
00:14:50The bell, who's that?
00:14:52All right, all right.
00:14:54Why does it always take them so long to answer these places where they got money?
00:14:57That's the Hoyt Bloydy up across, the 400.
00:14:59Why is it 400? It might be 398 or something.
00:15:03Guess what?
00:15:04Do you wish to see someone?
00:15:05Certainly wish to see someone.
00:15:07What do you think we're doing here?
00:15:08The boys would like to talk to Mr. Cortland.
00:15:10Yeah, tell them the boys are here to save this bacon last night.
00:15:13Yeah, you know, moolah, cabbage, potatoes.
00:15:16You know, the stuff you buy at Foodwood, if you've got the points.
00:15:18I shall tell Mr. Cortland you're here.
00:15:20There's another entrance below this.
00:15:23Pleased to use it.
00:15:26Pleased to use it.
00:15:27What's the matter with this entrance?
00:15:29Maybe it's not wide enough.
00:15:30Maybe it's not wide enough.
00:15:31If it's wide enough for him, it's wide enough for us.
00:15:33Use the sign, the entrance.
00:15:35They haven't done it since I worked at Kid's Place Delivery in Tennessee.
00:15:38Can you imagine us having to go through that sign, Adrian?
00:15:43Moss Bevan.
00:15:44Yes, sir.
00:15:46Has my son been called yet?
00:15:47No, sir.
00:15:48He was out quite late last night.
00:15:50Out late again, eh?
00:15:51Who was that rang the doorbell?
00:15:53A crowd of urchins, asking for you, sir.
00:15:55Well, why didn't you let them in?
00:15:57Let them in?
00:15:58I sent them down to the other entrance, sir.
00:16:00Well, you shouldn't have done that.
00:16:01They're friends of mine.
00:16:03Really, sir?
00:16:05I told you guys we shouldn't have come down here in the first place.
00:16:10Pretty bad service.
00:16:12Fine boys.
00:16:13If he comes to this door, he's really going to hear from me.
00:16:17I'll let them in from below.
00:16:23I guess he changed his mind about seeing us.
00:16:26Let's go back to the club.
00:16:28Good idea.
00:16:29Good morning, boys.
00:16:33My butler made such a terrible mistake.
00:16:35Come on in.
00:16:36Now you're being hospitable.
00:16:37One thing I love is hospitality.
00:16:39That's what I like about you boys.
00:16:41You have spirit.
00:16:42Forthright honesty.
00:16:43Properly directed, disciplined.
00:16:45And what have you got?
00:16:46Apple pie.
00:16:47Oh, that's right.
00:16:48In a sense, apple pie.
00:16:49The kind that mothers make.
00:16:51You know, it typifies good, sound Americanism.
00:16:54Did you ever know a boy who liked apple pie who ever went wrong?
00:16:58Used to love apple pie.
00:16:59Wound up with 43 bullets in his belly.
00:17:01Now listen, you push-face, little sawed-off pickle, you.
00:17:04Whether you like it or not, I sort of like you.
00:17:07And don't ask me why.
00:17:09I told you boys I had something here I thought might interest you.
00:17:11So come along.
00:17:12About time we got around to it.
00:17:19Hey, I thought they only had these type of places in movies.
00:17:21This is where my oldest son held forth.
00:17:24But he won't be using it for some time now.
00:17:26And my younger son doesn't go in for athletics.
00:17:28So very nice.
00:17:29But where do we fit into the picture?
00:17:31It belongs to you boys.
00:17:33Night of the day.
00:17:34Oh, well, it's different.
00:17:35Let's take a look.
00:17:37Wait a minute.
00:17:38I want something.
00:17:45What is this?
00:17:48Ice candy.
00:17:50Oh, this reminds me of the time I was in Central Park.
00:17:53Brought my fishing line with me.
00:17:54But I didn't need it because the fish would jump in the boat.
00:17:56All I had to do was hit them in the head with the oars.
00:17:58Hey, Harvey.
00:17:59Look at me.
00:18:00I'm a cowboy then.
00:18:01Yeah, a Bowery cowboy.
00:18:03Hey, that's good.
00:18:04Harvey, I'm getting seasick.
00:18:05I feel like I'm Walter Milton.
00:18:07Stop it, Willis.
00:18:08Stop it.
00:18:09What do you think I am, a genius?
00:18:10I don't know how to stop this thing.
00:18:11Oh, Harvey.
00:18:12Come on.
00:18:13Oh, Harvey.
00:18:14Mr. Collins.
00:18:15Mr. Collins.
00:18:16Can you make this thing go long?
00:18:22There you go again.
00:18:23Always getting yourself in trouble.
00:18:25What'd I do now?
00:18:26You didn't do nothing.
00:18:27You just rattled up those two brains you got left.
00:18:29Nobody will be able to do anything with you now.
00:18:31Harvey, come on.
00:18:32Come on.
00:18:33I won't tell them nothing.
00:18:34You're wrong this time.
00:18:35Oh, that thing.
00:18:36I'll show you how to drive a cowboy right.
00:18:38Oh, she does just fine.
00:18:40By the way, uh, Speffen.
00:18:42Did you send these boys down to the servant's entrance
00:18:44because, uh, they weren't dressed, did you?
00:18:47Speak up, my good man.
00:18:48Speak up.
00:18:49They appeared hardly respectable, sir.
00:18:51He's just mad because we didn't have a monkey suit on like him.
00:18:54I beg your pardon?
00:18:55Oh, the prisoner type, huh?
00:18:57Look, I wouldn't give you a pardon if you begged all night.
00:18:59Well, never mind, Speffen.
00:19:01But hereafter, remember, my friends call on me through the main door.
00:19:05Just as you say, sir.
00:19:07Remember that, Zeppelin head.
00:19:09Time to go.
00:19:10Let's try it.
00:19:12Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh.
00:19:14That's it.
00:19:16Of those time, my good man.
00:19:18That was all for your little outfit on your feet there, ain't you?
00:19:22Mr. Kaufman.
00:19:23You will please accept my resignation.
00:19:25I will not.
00:19:26You're fired.
00:19:27You can't do this to me.
00:19:29I have rights.
00:19:30I'll stand on them.
00:19:31Anything you stand on will take an awful beating.
00:19:33Speffens, old boy, you're excommunicated.
00:19:36Bounce out in your rear.
00:19:37My daughter will pay you off, Speffens.
00:19:39I hope she pays you off in bagels.
00:19:44The boys didn't mean any harm, Mr. Kaufman.
00:19:46I hope they ain't inconveniencing you by making you get rid of that barrage balloon.
00:19:50Forget it.
00:19:51I was going to fire him anyway.
00:19:53Well, what do you say?
00:19:54How do you like the joint?
00:19:56Well, it's right along the lines of something we was going to put up in the clubhouse.
00:20:00Then it's a deal?
00:20:01Well, I don't know.
00:20:02How about that other son of yours, the one that's away?
00:20:04Well, he's overseas, flying for Uncle Sam.
00:20:08Hey, I thought rich kids didn't have enough smalls to fly.
00:20:10Shut up.
00:20:11Pardon the detrusion, Mr. Kaufman.
00:20:13As secretary, chairman, and president of the Eastside Social Improvement and Athletic Club,
00:20:18we wish to acknowledge and receive and accept this gymnasium for our personal use pro tem ad infinitum.
00:20:24Well, thank you, gentlemen.
00:20:26And here's the key to the lower door.
00:20:28And I'd like to donate $50 to the treasury of your club.
00:20:33A lot of money you've got there.
00:20:34Excuse me.
00:20:35Let me hold it.
00:20:36Get away.
00:20:38All right.
00:20:42Why, certainly, dear.
00:20:43I'll be right up.
00:20:45Pretty nice place.
00:20:46There's going to be some regenerating center around here.
00:20:48We're all going to turn over new leaves.
00:20:50What are we going to do with the old ones?
00:20:51Save them for posterity.
00:20:52Why don't you shut up?
00:20:53You see this?
00:20:54Yeah, what about it?
00:20:57Hey, boys, as long as you're going to be in and out of here,
00:21:00perhaps you'd better come upstairs with me and meet my daughter.
00:21:02A good idea.
00:21:03How old is she?
00:21:07What a cut.
00:21:08Oh, you're so mean.
00:21:09Oh, mean.
00:21:11This is Louise Kaufman.
00:21:12I want to verify my appointment for today.
00:21:14Yes, thank you.
00:21:15Louise, I want you to...
00:21:16Father, what were you thinking of before I spent all my time like this?
00:21:19His nose was too high.
00:21:20But don't worry, dear.
00:21:21We'll get another butler.
00:21:22And another maid and another cook.
00:21:23They've all left with spasms.
00:21:24And I'm to entertain tonight's lieutenant of prey.
00:21:26I'm chicken.
00:21:27You're not chicken.
00:21:28That's pheasant.
00:21:29Blue-blooded pheasant.
00:21:31Next week, you go out with girls.
00:21:32Not this week.
00:21:33Friday, now, please.
00:21:34We have company.
00:21:36Oh, I'm sorry.
00:21:39Boys, I want you to meet my daughter, Louise.
00:21:41And she's really a very nice girl.
00:21:43How are you?
00:21:45Nice to meet the gang.
00:21:46Flippy, Skinny Dave, Rocky, Lou, and Slug.
00:21:49Hey, you forgot Heidi.
00:21:51You forgot Heidi.
00:21:52Sorry, I forgot myself, too.
00:21:53But let's not be technical about it.
00:21:55I'm glad to know you all.
00:21:56And I'm afraid I owe you an apology.
00:21:58But you see, all of our servants have left.
00:22:00And I'm entertaining tonight for a very dear friend.
00:22:02Yes, so we heard.
00:22:03So we heard.
00:22:04What did you say your name was?
00:22:06Oh, I didn't say.
00:22:07It's Mugs.
00:22:08I'm glad to know you, Mugs.
00:22:10Glad to know you, too.
00:22:11I hope I see more of you.
00:22:14You will.
00:22:15You will.
00:22:16You see, your old man there, that is, your father there,
00:22:18he thought we could use the gym downstairs.
00:22:20That's a wonderful idea, Dad.
00:22:22Now, I hope you'll excuse me.
00:22:23I have a very important engagement.
00:22:26Good luck, Mugs.
00:22:27Happy engagement.
00:22:28Let's go down and examine that equipment.
00:22:30Wait a minute, boys.
00:22:31I want you to meet my son, Roy.
00:22:32Roy, I want you to meet these boys.
00:22:34Mugs, Flippy.
00:22:36I'm afraid I've forgotten your other names.
00:22:38I'm Heavy.
00:22:39I'm Rocky.
00:22:40How are you?
00:22:42Well, son, what happened to your hand?
00:22:44Oh, it's nothing.
00:22:45I just sprained it.
00:22:46I've invited these boys to use the gymnasium.
00:22:49Oh, really?
00:22:50What's the idea?
00:22:51Well, what's the harm?
00:22:52You never use it, Roy.
00:22:54I guess it's all right.
00:22:56Hey, son.
00:22:59Let's go down and warm up a little bit.
00:23:00Get a little chilly here.
00:23:01All right.
00:23:02Come on, Mugs.
00:23:03See you, kid.
00:23:04See you later.
00:23:05Roy, I want to have a little talk with you.
00:23:09I haven't had a chance to tell you before,
00:23:12but last night I was attacked and robbed.
00:23:15You were?
00:23:16Yes, and those boys you just met
00:23:18not only recovered my pocketbook,
00:23:20but saved me from a possible beating.
00:23:22Oh, I see.
00:23:24Well, I'm sorry if I was rude to them.
00:23:26I thought you would be.
00:23:28Sit down.
00:23:30Roy, is anything bothering you?
00:23:32Are you in any kind of trouble?
00:23:34No, of course not.
00:23:35Why do you ask?
00:23:36Oh, I was just wondering, that's all.
00:23:40Hey, you guys.
00:23:42Did you notice the bandage on that cauldron kid's hand?
00:23:44Yeah, so what?
00:23:45He said he sprained it.
00:23:46Maybe he's cutting out too many paper towels lately.
00:23:48Maybe so.
00:23:49He could have done it hitting a brick wall, too.
00:23:52Are you saying he's the guy who took a poke at you
00:23:54last night in the alley?
00:23:55I'm not saying nothing.
00:23:56I'm doing a lot of thinking.
00:23:57Oh, Mugs, you're back on your heels
00:23:59from meeting that swell gal.
00:24:00Hey, Mugs.
00:24:01You know something?
00:24:02You never told me you were such a lady killer.
00:24:06Before your brother John went away,
00:24:08you were so much alike.
00:24:11But since then,
00:24:12well, you seem to have changed.
00:24:14Honest, Dad.
00:24:15There's nothing the matter with me.
00:24:17It's just that I...
00:24:19Oh, stop worrying about me, will you?
00:24:21You're staying out late at night.
00:24:23Everybody stays up late these days.
00:24:25Oh, I'm not preaching, Roy.
00:24:27I'm just trying to be friendly.
00:24:30Oh, I know that most boys have their troubles sometimes.
00:24:33Or perhaps you've been disappointed or something.
00:24:36Or perhaps I...
00:24:38We both miss your brother.
00:24:40Good evening.
00:24:41You know what I mean.
00:24:42You know what I mean.
00:24:44Sure, I know what you mean.
00:24:47I guess I don't deserve a dad like you.
00:25:01Well, good morning, Captain.
00:25:02Come in.
00:25:03Good morning, Mr. Cartman.
00:25:04How are you?
00:25:05Oh, pretty good.
00:25:06Just happened to be in the neighborhood.
00:25:07Thought I'd drop by and say hello to you.
00:25:09All right, where are you going?
00:25:10Just going out.
00:25:12I want you to meet Captain Matthews.
00:25:15Hello, Roy.
00:25:16Just paying a little friendly visit is all.
00:25:18Glad to know you.
00:25:20Well, if you'll excuse me, I'll be going.
00:25:25Well, Captain, let's sit down.
00:25:27How have you been?
00:25:28Fine, thanks.
00:25:29Just the same.
00:25:30I like to know where those guys are, that mugged Cartman.
00:25:32Ah, what are you worried about?
00:25:33It ain't our funeral.
00:25:34It ain't our funeral, huh?
00:25:35They're just ruining our name, that's all.
00:25:37Just slanderizing us.
00:25:38First thing you know, people will be going around calling us the East Side Kids.
00:25:41You're right.
00:25:42I never thought of it that way.
00:25:43You never think, period.
00:25:49Sorry to intrude, boys.
00:25:51But Captain Matthews is anxious to get a more detailed description
00:25:54of the fellows who attacked me last night, so...
00:25:59Now listen, boys.
00:26:00Mr. Cartman here has pretty well convinced me you're innocent.
00:26:02But I thought you might be able to give me some sort of a hint,
00:26:05some sort of a description, which I could sort of...
00:26:08What are you drooling about?
00:26:10One of these days I'm going to bust you right in the larynx.
00:26:12Wait a minute, did I say anything?
00:26:14Look, we don't know nothing.
00:26:15We ain't going to inscribe nobody.
00:26:16Yeah, but listen, boys.
00:26:17These monkeys have been working right here in your own neighborhood.
00:26:19I thought it was a matter of pride that...
00:26:21What do you mean?
00:26:22You're trying to say we ain't got no pride in our neighborhood?
00:26:23Look, we've got lots of pride.
00:26:25More pride than you'd think.
00:26:27All right, boys.
00:26:28Forget it.
00:26:29All right, boys.
00:26:30I'm sorry that I was a part of this intrusion.
00:26:35Why, what is it you like about copper?
00:26:37Oh, why don't you keep quiet?
00:26:38Go on back and punch your bag.
00:26:41I think we'd better get out of here.
00:26:42Yeah, but munch.
00:26:43Old man Corlin didn't mean nothing personal.
00:26:45I know that, but I got a lot of thinking to do,
00:26:47and I imagine we ought to go someplace else and do it.
00:26:50Yeah, let's go.
00:26:53What are you doing?
00:26:55You told me to punch the bag.
00:26:56Yeah, yeah.
00:26:57I told you to punch the bag.
00:26:58So what?
00:26:59So the bag punched back.
00:27:00Get out of here.
00:27:01What's the matter with you?
00:27:03I'm going to talk to you.
00:27:10Hello, boys.
00:27:11Hi, Mr. Corlin.
00:27:12How are you?
00:27:13Well, did you get some servants for your party yet?
00:27:16I suppose it's the war.
00:27:17I haven't been able to find a cook or a maid.
00:27:19Oh, boys, I'd like you to meet Lieutenant Andre Dupre.
00:27:22I'm sorry, but I don't know your real name.
00:27:24Oh, Muggs.
00:27:26Just Muggs.
00:27:27Capital Muggs.
00:27:28It is an honor and a pleasure.
00:27:29Monsieur Mugg.
00:27:31You too, monsieur.
00:27:32All right.
00:27:33What's with the thing there?
00:27:34Do you mean you could run a shindig with just a cook and a maid?
00:27:36Yes, I suppose so.
00:27:38That's all I wanted to know.
00:27:39Let's go, boys.
00:27:40See you later, Mr. Corlin.
00:27:41Monsieur, monsieur.
00:27:44These Americans.
00:27:53Here comes that kid.
00:27:59Hello, Roy.
00:28:00Hi, kid.
00:28:01Hello, fellas.
00:28:02Why don't you grab yourself a cue?
00:28:03Right amok, Spike.
00:28:10What was your idea of trying to take a poke at me last night?
00:28:13Oh, because you had no reason to hit that fella like you did.
00:28:18What's the matter?
00:28:19You going soft?
00:28:20Do I look soft?
00:28:22Skip it.
00:28:23Go ahead.
00:28:24Break him up.
00:28:40Where's the dough from last night?
00:28:43I got it.
00:28:55What, only 12 bucks?
00:28:57Is that all?
00:28:58That's right.
00:28:59I thought that old guy would have at least a grand on him.
00:29:03Oh, thanks.
00:29:04Here you are, kid.
00:29:06Here you are, kid.
00:29:07Forget it.
00:29:14Hey, what is this forget it, Lupe?
00:29:16The way you refuse money, you think you're working with us for the fun of it.
00:29:20Maybe I am.
00:29:25I don't get you, kid.
00:29:26What plays?
00:29:27Who are you, anyhow?
00:29:28Look, Baptiste.
00:29:30I don't ask you any questions, so don't ask me any.
00:29:37Ma chérie.
00:29:38Your music, it is divine.
00:29:40Thank you, André.
00:29:42It makes me long to fly away with you to my villa on the Riviera.
00:29:47My beloved France.
00:29:50You make it all sound so romantic, André.
00:30:07Oh, hello, boys.
00:30:08Come in.
00:30:09Hi, Mr. Cortland.
00:30:10Look, we brought you some hired help.
00:30:11What do you mean?
00:30:12Ain't no hired help.
00:30:13No, Mr. Cortland, my old lady here, that is.
00:30:15My mother used to be a cook at the Biltmore's.
00:30:16Yeah, and my mother used to work for the Whitley's.
00:30:18She was the best chambermaid they had.
00:30:20Let me.
00:30:21I was the housekeeper, if you must know.
00:30:23You told me chambermaid.
00:30:24Why don't you keep your mouth shut?
00:30:26And seeing as how you've been so nice to our old young'uns, we thought you...
00:30:29See, Mr. Cortland, we didn't want your daughter to be disappointed about the party she wants to throw.
00:30:33Well, I'm very, very glad to meet the mothers of such unusual boys.
00:30:37I'll have you meet my daughter.
00:30:38Come right along.
00:30:39Hey, look at his heart, son.
00:30:42Feel wonderful.
00:30:44Excuse me just a moment, please.
00:30:47I shall fight for my country.
00:30:49My honor.
00:30:51But more, I shall fight for you, my little white dog.
00:30:55Oh, Mr. Cortland.
00:30:57Louise, will you come out in the hall a moment, please?
00:30:59Yes, Doc.
00:31:01Excuse me, André.
00:31:02Yes, certainly.
00:31:05Louise, these are the mothers of Mugs and Glimpy.
00:31:07They've kindly offered to help out.
00:31:09I'm Mrs. McGinnis.
00:31:10How do you do, Mrs. McGinnis?
00:31:11I'm Mrs. McCluskey.
00:31:12Very glad to know you.
00:31:13Happy to know you.
00:31:14Well, I have to be running along, if you'll excuse me.
00:31:17It's so nice of you to offer to do this.
00:31:19Oh, don't mention it.
00:31:20Oh, that's perfectly all right.
00:31:22Would you care to look about now?
00:31:23Oh, that I would, and there's nothing like getting the job started.
00:31:26Well, come this way, please.
00:31:31Get a load of that flamingo.
00:31:41I think you're out, kid.
00:31:42Too much competition.
00:31:43What do you mean?
00:31:44That guy wouldn't offer competition to a Eubangee.
00:31:47If that's the way Eubangee looks, I'd take that last crack back.
00:31:57Out of the kitchen.
00:31:58This is no place for you brats.
00:32:01Okay, Ma, see you later.
00:32:02No, dear, of course I'm not.
00:32:03I'm phoning from a drugstore.
00:32:05Yes, yes, yes, I am.
00:32:06I know.
00:32:07But you don't understand.
00:32:08Yes, dear.
00:32:09Yes, yes, of course.
00:32:13Okay, okay, I'll meet you there right away.
00:32:29Will you please send a cab to 472 Southern Place right away?
00:32:39Hey, Mugs.
00:32:40That guy talks English just as good as we do.
00:32:42Don't be silly.
00:32:43Nobody talks English as good as we do.
00:32:46It arouses my curiosity.
00:32:49Hey, gentlemen.
00:32:50What did you say your name was?
00:32:51Lieutenant André Desprez.
00:32:53At your service.
00:32:55Hey, André, did you hear about that guy
00:32:56who was walking on the sea side of the street
00:32:57with a bruiser on his side there?
00:32:59At your service.
00:33:00Basic item.
00:33:02No, no, no.
00:33:03That is not the French.
00:33:04Ah, yes, yes, yes.
00:33:06Said he's the French.
00:33:07He's bleep.
00:33:08He speaks it.
00:33:09Arabian boy.
00:33:11No, no, no.
00:33:12That is not the French.
00:33:13Ah, yes, yes, yes.
00:33:14Said he's the French.
00:33:15He's bleep.
00:33:16He speaks it.
00:33:17Arabian boy.
00:33:18You and Miss Courtney, it's poor relations, eh?
00:33:24But if you stay around here long enough,
00:33:25you're going to see a lot of us from now on.
00:33:27I take the good with the bad.
00:33:29How about the medium?
00:33:31Hey, André, come here.
00:33:32I want to talk to you.
00:33:33Eh, what does that medal there for?
00:33:35Distinguished service.
00:33:36You mean extinguished, don't you?
00:33:38You know something?
00:33:39My brother got two medals.
00:33:40He did?
00:33:41What for?
00:33:42Well, he got one for jumping off the Brooklyn Bridge.
00:33:43And where did he get the other one for?
00:33:44For getting killed when he landed.
00:33:46Well, where's your old shoulder pads?
00:33:48Control yourself, Monty.
00:33:49Control yourself.
00:33:51Hey, André.
00:33:52Still, don't forget about the guy in the CSI
00:33:54with the bruise on the street at your service.
00:33:56Eh, what?
00:33:57Still French.
00:33:58Still Arabian.
00:34:01You leave everything to us.
00:34:02You haven't got a thing to worry about.
00:34:04Well, is it a deal, Mom?
00:34:05It is that.
00:34:06And we're starting right now,
00:34:07and there's lots of work to be done.
00:34:08You better go on.
00:34:10We'll see you later.
00:34:13Well, we better get to work.
00:34:15I'm sorry I kept you waiting so long, André.
00:34:17For you, I would wait forever.
00:34:19But now, I must go.
00:34:21I have business at the embassy.
00:34:22Then I'll see you this evening.
00:34:24This evening?
00:34:25You'll announce our engagement?
00:34:26Will you?
00:34:32My cherie.
00:34:38I'm sorry.
00:34:39I'm sorry.
00:34:40I'm sorry.
00:34:41I'm sorry.
00:34:42I'm sorry.
00:34:43I'm sorry.
00:34:58Zigzag Club.
00:34:59231 Houston.
00:35:13Well, hiya, Maisie.
00:35:14I'm sorry to keep you waiting.
00:35:16Well, what are you made up for?
00:35:17Where'd you get the fancy suit?
00:35:18From the costumers.
00:35:19I wear it my new way.
00:35:20Oh, say, baby, if you got a little money for the cabbie,
00:35:22I'm a little fresh out of funds.
00:35:24What, again?
00:35:25Well, you know how those things are.
00:35:27Say, why don't you get a steady job?
00:35:29Uh, I think maybe I have got one.
00:35:32Well, that's good news.
00:35:33I've got a job.
00:35:34I've got a job.
00:35:35I've got a job.
00:35:36I've got a job.
00:35:37I've got a job.
00:35:38I've got a job.
00:35:39I've got a job.
00:35:40I've got a job.
00:35:41I've got a job.
00:35:42Well, that's good news.
00:35:44Uh, 15.
00:35:46Say, about this act you mentioned.
00:35:48What sort of an act is it?
00:35:49Oh, it's a brand new idea.
00:35:51Very original.
00:35:52Well, it better not be with any dame.
00:35:54You get that, don't you?
00:35:55Oh, now, Maisie, dear, you know me.
00:35:57Yes, I know you.
00:35:59Oh, now, that's a fine way to talk, isn't it?
00:36:01I wish I could swear with you.
00:36:06Well, can you picture that?
00:36:08Maybe we should tell that other thing.
00:36:09You making reference to Miss Cortland?
00:36:11Well, she ought to know, shouldn't she?
00:36:12I thought maybe we should keep it a secret.
00:36:15Hey, Mark, what does that mean?
00:36:19I don't know.
00:36:20It probably means she does a fan dance.
00:36:22Oh, without her clothes on, huh?
00:36:23What do you mean without her clothes on?
00:36:25She's no cover.
00:36:26No cover.
00:36:27No cover charge.
00:36:28That means you don't pay nothing for the tablecloth.
00:36:30Now, come on.
00:36:31We've got an important mission to do.
00:36:32Who wants the tablecloth?
00:36:36Hey, Danny.
00:36:39Mark, look who's fighting Tuesday night.
00:36:40Oh, he's good.
00:36:44Hey, fella, look.
00:36:49The Cortland kid.
00:36:50Well, what do you know?
00:36:51Hey, how do you figure a rich kid like him
00:36:53playing around with those guys?
00:36:54I don't figure it.
00:36:55It don't add up.
00:36:56Wait till Muggs hears about this.
00:36:58Well, maybe Muggs was right about him after all.
00:37:02Come on.
00:37:03Let's go back to the club.
00:37:05Let's go.
00:37:06Hello, boys.
00:37:07Hi, Miss Cortland.
00:37:09I've got something important to tell you.
00:37:10What is it?
00:37:11Well, it's kind of personal.
00:37:13Come right in.
00:37:18It's about the, uh...
00:37:19Sit down.
00:37:20Oh, sure.
00:37:23It's about that lieutenant friend of yours.
00:37:25You mean my fiance?
00:37:26Yeah, yeah.
00:37:27That's right.
00:37:28You don't really expect to marry that guy, do you?
00:37:30Well, I'd plan to keep our engagement a secret,
00:37:32but I may announce it tonight at the party.
00:37:35You know, Miss Cortland, marriage is a very confiscated
00:37:38sentimental affair.
00:37:39You can't rush into it too headstrong.
00:37:42Muggs, what are you talking about?
00:37:44Well, the guy may not be exactly right for you.
00:37:47I mean, you're a very nice girl.
00:37:48He may not be your type.
00:37:49Muggs is trying to tell you the guy's a phony.
00:37:51He's out after your money.
00:37:52He's even got another girl.
00:37:53Oh, please, boys.
00:37:54Who gave you the right to intrude on my private affairs?
00:37:57We didn't mean to intrude, Miss Cortland.
00:37:59We're just telling you the truth.
00:38:00I don't want to hear any nonsense.
00:38:02Well, if that's the way you feel about it,
00:38:04I guess we'd better go.
00:38:05We probably made a mistake.
00:38:09Won't be mad at us, will you?
00:38:11Well, no.
00:38:12But I think you boys better keep your gymnasium.
00:38:15Maybe you're right.
00:38:16Bye now.
00:38:23How do you like that?
00:38:24She just wasn't in the mood, I guess.
00:38:26Ah, James, you're all alike.
00:38:27Dumb like me.
00:38:31Just the same, she ain't going to marry that guy,
00:38:33because I got other plans.
00:38:35Ah, it doesn't look like Mugs or Glimpy's coming.
00:38:37Say, you know, I wonder if they went back to the gym.
00:38:39Maybe we ought to go look for them, huh?
00:38:41All right.
00:38:42You don't have to look for us.
00:38:43Hey, Mugs, we've been waiting for you.
00:38:44We found out some circumstantial evidence
00:38:46against the Cortland kid.
00:38:47Yeah, we saw the kid playing pool over in Fink's
00:38:49with those two characters we tangled with last night.
00:38:51Did, huh?
00:38:52Maybe we better call this meet and order.
00:38:55What are you doing?
00:38:56Taking down your water.
00:38:57Oh, shut up.
00:38:59So you saw this Cortland kid playing pool in Fink's
00:39:01with a couple of Jacobos.
00:39:02So what?
00:39:03That don't prove nothing bonafidal against them.
00:39:05It does.
00:39:06Good luck.
00:39:07Good luck.
00:39:08Dummy up.
00:39:09Look, kids like him don't pal around with those guys
00:39:11for nothing.
00:39:12They must be up to something.
00:39:13Maybe you and I should tell the cops.
00:39:17We ain't going to tell them nothing
00:39:19until we get the goods on them.
00:39:21In the meantime, another matter has arisen
00:39:23which demands our immediate attention.
00:39:29Mr. and Mrs. Barnes, may I present Lieutenant Andre
00:39:32Madam, it is a pleasure, I assure you.
00:39:44Here, here.
00:39:45What's going on here?
00:39:46Don't you know we need those things?
00:39:48Now, you're going to stay at the other end of the kitchen.
00:39:50On you go.
00:39:51Everyone eat.
00:39:52Go on.
00:39:53Come on.
00:39:54Get out of here.
00:39:55You don't get to eat.
00:39:57Don't you dare.
00:39:58Mrs. Russell, may I present Lieutenant Andre Dupre?
00:40:03Sit down there.
00:40:05And Mr. Van Sickle, Lieutenant Dupre.
00:40:07Sit up here.
00:40:13This is for you, Lieutenant Dupre.
00:40:19Look for yourself.
00:40:20Hey, hey, hey.
00:40:23American women are so beautiful.
00:40:25Why, that low-down devil.
00:40:27Look at him.
00:40:28I'll tear him apart.
00:40:29Wait a minute.
00:40:30Wait a minute.
00:40:32You can't rush into this thing.
00:40:33But he can't get away with that.
00:40:34Excuse me, son.
00:40:35You can't be precipitant.
00:40:36Hiya, Ma.
00:40:37Oh, that's, uh, that's Miss, uh, Miss, Miss Maid.
00:40:39Yeah, Miss Maid, the new maid.
00:40:40She's going to serve the drinks, you know.
00:40:41Come on.
00:40:42Get that apron up there.
00:40:44Give me those tablecloths.
00:40:46Genius at work.
00:40:47Going to serve the drinks, you know.
00:40:48New maid, new maid.
00:40:49Yeah, put that apron on quick.
00:40:50Give her the drinks, Ma.
00:40:51Great maid.
00:40:52Got it from the agency.
00:40:535% down.
00:40:55Remember, don't be too melodrastic.
00:41:00This, we got to see.
00:41:01This is so giant.
00:41:05Oh, wee.
00:41:07Bon appetit.
00:41:24Andre, what's the matter?
00:41:25You seem so nervous.
00:41:26Don't you feel well?
00:41:27Oh, no.
00:41:28No, I feel fine, thank you.
00:41:29Oh, but I just remember a most important telephone
00:41:32call I might make.
00:41:33You will excuse me, please.
00:41:34Of course.
00:41:35You know where the phone is.
00:41:55What kind of a game is this?
00:41:57That's just what I'm here to find out.
00:41:59You big phony.
00:42:00Shh, shh.
00:42:02It's one of the biggest deals of my life.
00:42:03I'll leave a scram out of here before it's too late.
00:42:05You better scram before I lay this play over your noggin.
00:42:07Oh, now look.
00:42:08I can explain it all.
00:42:09It's very simple.
00:42:11Would you mind telling me who this girl is, Lieutenant?
00:42:16If he's a lieutenant, I'm a whack.
00:42:17Oh, now, now, Louise.
00:42:18If you'll just listen, I can explain.
00:42:19I think your loss of accent explains well.
00:42:22I can explain.
00:42:24I can explain a lot more.
00:42:25Please don't.
00:42:26Just take your brawl or whatever it is outside.
00:42:28Dear, you don't understand.
00:42:29I understand enough.
00:42:30Please leave.
00:42:33But my legal wife, Dove, I...
00:42:35What am I, a black menorca?
00:42:37Oh, you...
00:42:39You fixed everything up fine, didn't you?
00:42:41You just ruined my whole career.
00:42:44I'll ruin your whole career.
00:42:48If I do say so myself, you handled that very
00:42:50diplomatically and energetically.
00:42:52Well, he deserved it.
00:42:53Nice kid.
00:42:54Good to a mother.
00:42:55Never goes home.
00:42:58Nice work, boys.
00:43:00You mean you're not mad?
00:43:01No, of course not.
00:43:02Handled it with skill.
00:43:03I'm grateful.
00:43:04Hey, you know, we're thinking of forming a club
00:43:05to take care of Daffy Baines.
00:43:06You going to pass the hat around?
00:43:09Well, start passing it.
00:43:10What kind of way is that to talk to a blossoming
00:43:14Miss Copeland, if I said anything to offend you,
00:43:16I thank you.
00:43:17Dinner's all ready, ma'am.
00:43:19I hope these brats haven't been causing you any trouble.
00:43:22Oh, no.
00:43:23Of course not.
00:43:24Far from it.
00:43:25Hey, Ma, in case you run short of dishrags or something,
00:43:28why, there's a...
00:43:29Oh, and speaking about dishrags, come on,
00:43:31it's a good idea.
00:43:32Into the kitchen, both of you.
00:43:34Why don't you keep your big mouth shut?
00:43:37Well, I swear to say nothing.
00:43:42Friends, I regret to announce that our good friend,
00:43:45Lieutenant Andre Dupree, was suddenly called away
00:43:48on important business.
00:43:50I hope you'll accept his sincere apologies.
00:43:52And now if you'll go into the dining room,
00:43:54you'll find your place cards on the table.
00:43:59Hey, gang.
00:44:03We're getting ready to stow the chow.
00:44:05What's a chow?
00:44:06Something like that.
00:44:07We've got a little business to attend to.
00:44:12What happened to your young lieutenant, Louise?
00:44:15As your friend Mugs would say,
00:44:17the lieutenant was a bummer.
00:44:19Well, that's what I suspected all the time.
00:44:22You'd better not get into any mischief, any of you.
00:44:25We're not going to get into any.
00:44:26We might cause a little trouble.
00:44:27You'd better not dare.
00:44:29Yes, we will.
00:44:30You'd better behave yourselves now.
00:44:33Hang on upstairs.
00:44:34I'll stay and look out.
00:44:35All right.
00:44:47This don't look like it.
00:44:48Take a look somewhere.
00:44:51That's it.
00:45:03John Cortland live here?
00:45:04Yeah, he lives here, Shorty.
00:45:06Ah, don't give me that Shorty stuff.
00:45:08Don't be bitter about it.
00:45:09Yeah, listen, here.
00:45:10I got a telegram for him.
00:45:11I'll take it.
00:45:13Right here.
00:45:17There's no smoking around here.
00:45:19I ain't smoking.
00:45:20You've got a cigarette in your mouth, haven't you?
00:45:22Sure, I got shoes on my feet, but I ain't walking.
00:45:26This is very important.
00:45:27See that he gets it right away from the water pump.
00:45:30The water pump?
00:45:34Yes, I have a letter from John Jr. last week.
00:45:37He's just been made a first lieutenant.
00:45:39Oh, you must be very proud, Mr. Cortland.
00:45:42I am indeed.
00:45:52Uh, Roy tried to enlist too, but they turned him down on account of his eyes.
00:45:56There's nothing the matter with my eyesight.
00:45:59What are you doing, Mom?
00:46:01Fixing the turkey.
00:46:02That's good.
00:46:06Yeah, how much does Cortland like to see him in the hall for a minute?
00:46:09Is there anything wrong, son?
00:46:11Oh, no, no.
00:46:12Not exactly.
00:46:13He'd just like to talk to him.
00:46:15Well, I'll take it.
00:46:29Wait a minute.
00:46:30What a cousin.
00:46:31I'm going to put my mother on you.
00:46:32Yeah, so what?
00:46:33Hey, Parker, look at this cap.
00:46:34Yeah, nice one.
00:46:35Hey, Roy, what do you think this is worth?
00:46:36It's worth a buck.
00:46:39Oh, you dope.
00:46:40The hat, the cap that was on the kid.
00:46:43Mugs, your mother said you wanted to see me.
00:46:45Yeah, she was talking to me about a program for you.
00:46:48I didn't think you'd want to read it in front of all those people.
00:46:51Oh, that's very considerate of you, Mugs.
00:46:59I hope it ain't bad news.
00:47:15Don't deserve a break like that, Mr. Corton.
00:47:17For a fellow like you.
00:47:19Just don't figure.
00:47:22Could be worse, I guess.
00:47:25I still have one.
00:47:27I still have one son left.
00:47:29What do you mean?
00:47:32Yeah, that's right.
00:47:33You've got one son left.
00:47:36Let's go see Mugs.
00:47:40Hey, Mugs, have you found our boy?
00:47:42Shut up.
00:47:43We'll talk about that later.
00:47:45Corton made such bad news about his son.
00:47:47I want it to fly out.
00:47:49Oh, that's a shame.
00:47:53Hey, Mugs, he's fading.
00:47:57You better call a doctor.
00:48:00Yes, sir?
00:48:01Don't disturb my daughter's party.
00:48:04I'll be all right.
00:48:07Just help me upstairs tomorrow, please.
00:48:09Hey, Mr. Corton, if I could say, give him a hand.
00:48:13Take it easy now.
00:48:22Excuse me a minute, please.
00:48:26Which room is yours, Mr. Corton?
00:48:27Right here.
00:48:37Here, try to set up one of those pillows.
00:48:44Father, what's the matter?
00:48:46Are you ill?
00:48:47No, no, he just had a faint spell, Ms. Corton.
00:48:49We didn't call you because he asked us not to disturb the party.
00:48:52Don't be alarmed, dear.
00:48:54It's nothing serious.
00:48:55Just the same, I'll call Dr. Miller.
00:49:03Is Dr. Miller in?
00:49:05May I speak to him, please?
00:49:08Hello, doctor?
00:49:09This is Louise Cortland.
00:49:11I'm sorry to disturb you.
00:49:12My father doesn't feel very well.
00:49:14Could you come right over?
00:49:25We've just had some bad news.
00:49:28You mean, John?
00:49:39I won't be so excited about it. What did you find?
00:49:41This cap.
00:49:42He wore it last night.
00:49:43That proves he's a murderer, all right.
00:49:46You better not tell Mr. Cortland about this.
00:49:48I don't know what just happened.
00:49:50He'd probably kick over if he found out his other kid was a crook.
00:49:53Maybe Roy ain't as bad as we paint him to be.
00:49:55Oh, look, he's a mugger, ain't he?
00:49:57Maybe so.
00:49:58You know, they have rich kids that kind of got bored with life, you know,
00:50:01and they just want to know a thing like that for the excitement they got out of it.
00:50:04You mean this Cortland kid's being pushed around by something?
00:50:06Like being bored with life?
00:50:08That's the idea.
00:50:10Might even be dragged into it by a few other guys.
00:50:12Yeah, I get it.
00:50:14Hey, maybe we could help Roy.
00:50:16His old man wouldn't even have to know about it.
00:50:17What do you think I've been trying to say, stupid?
00:50:19I'm not stupid.
00:50:20You're not stupid.
00:50:21You just got as short as your corrugations in the cerebellum.
00:50:23Oh, that's different.
00:50:24Hey, Mouse, is that contagious?
00:50:26Hey, I don't know. I read it in a book.
00:50:31Pardon me, please.
00:50:51It's a fine time for him to be going out.
00:50:53We'd better investigate that.
00:51:07I'll give you three guesses where he's going.
00:51:09Let's use a guess and let's tail him.
00:51:16If you need about 20 more pointers, you'll be all right.
00:51:19You know that.
00:51:20Looks good to me.
00:51:22What took you so long, kid?
00:51:24What's the idea of that soup and fish?
00:51:26He looks pretty, doesn't he?
00:51:27Never mind that.
00:51:28I came down here tonight to tell you fellas I'm through.
00:51:31What do you mean, through?
00:51:32Hold your steam.
00:51:33You can't walk out on us like that.
00:51:34Be yourself.
00:51:41Hey, Lefty, look out there.
00:51:50What do you kids want around here?
00:51:52We didn't come in to shoot pool.
00:51:54We'd like to have a little talk with Roy here.
00:51:56You're coming with us.
00:51:57I am not.
00:51:58Oh, yes, you are.
00:51:59Leave him.
00:52:07All right, let me get those guys.
00:52:10Get caught.
00:52:20What are you guys trying to do?
00:52:21Wreck this joint?
00:52:22Ah, shut up, will you?
00:52:23We were minding our own business when those guys jumped us.
00:52:26We ought to sue you.
00:52:27Well, that's different.
00:52:32What do you guys want with that kid, Roy?
00:52:34Leave your business to us, Roy.
00:52:36Oh, yeah?
00:52:37Let me work him over, will you, Lefty?
00:52:38No, not yet.
00:52:39Come on, let's take him along with us.
00:52:44Steady, Mike.
00:52:47Steady, Mike.
00:52:52Up we go.
00:52:53Just stand still now.
00:52:54We're going to have a little conversation.
00:52:56What do you tramps think you're getting away with?
00:52:58You, pal.
00:52:59You having anything on me?
00:53:00That's what you think.
00:53:01Who do those two geraniums been hanging out in the pool room with?
00:53:03It's none of your business.
00:53:04Take your hands off me.
00:53:05Take it easy.
00:53:06All right, bring him down to the club.
00:53:07Hey, wait a minute.
00:53:08We can't take him to the club.
00:53:09The cops might come there.
00:53:10That's right.
00:53:11We'll bring him down to his old man's place.
00:53:13Wait a minute.
00:53:14Where's Skinny?
00:53:15Must still be back in the pool room.
00:53:17Hey, Glimpy and Herb.
00:53:18Go look him up.
00:53:19OK, Chief.
00:53:22Let's go.
00:53:23If you don't come peacefully, carry him.
00:53:24Come on.
00:53:25Come on, let's take a walk.
00:53:35Tie him up.
00:53:37Going to make a phone call.
00:53:40What am I doing this in front of your father?
00:53:42You made my father out of me.
00:53:45You know, with the evidence we got on you,
00:53:46we could put you in jail behind the bars.
00:53:48Go ahead.
00:53:49My father will hand me out just like that.
00:53:51Don't be so exorbitant about it.
00:53:53You're a million dollar kid.
00:53:54Nobody can touch you.
00:53:55Nobody can lay a hand on you, huh?
00:53:57Hey, Dave, give me those gloves.
00:53:59Take off that obligatory suit and coat there.
00:54:01I don't want to soil any garments when I'm doing my work.
00:54:04You asked for it.
00:54:05I asked for it.
00:54:08Before I get through with you, you'll be sorry you didn't use this gymnasium
00:54:10for a playground instead of those pool rooms and streets.
00:54:14You ain't going to be able to see nothing.
00:54:16Come on, tie those gloves.
00:54:17I am, I am.
00:54:18What are you making with those fancy knickers?
00:54:19Hey, what's the matter?
00:54:20Your hand's cold.
00:54:21Where's Skinny?
00:54:22We couldn't find him.
00:54:23Yeah, we looked all over for him, too.
00:54:24We'll take care of that later.
00:54:25What's going on here?
00:54:26Oh, we're going to have a little boxing match.
00:54:28He's going to fight you?
00:54:29What's the matter?
00:54:30You crazy?
00:54:31You're going to get mighted.
00:54:32Don't forget, mockers are king's buried rules.
00:54:34I can't stand blood.
00:54:35Me neither.
00:54:36Come here, boy.
00:54:37Let's get out here where we've got a little room.
00:54:38Oh, this is going to be awful.
00:54:40Oh, boy.
00:54:41Oh, I don't need any room.
00:54:42But he'll have a little room when he falls.
00:54:44See you around, kid.
00:54:45I'm not getting mugged.
00:54:46Come on.
00:54:47Come on.
00:54:48Hey, hey, hey.
00:54:49I only did a couple of punches.
00:54:50You like it?
00:54:51Come on.
00:54:52Get up, kid.
00:54:53Come on.
00:54:54Come on.
00:54:55Get up, boy.
00:54:56Bring it on, mate.
00:54:57That's right.
00:54:58Put up your lap.
00:54:59That's right.
00:55:00Come on.
00:55:01Come on.
00:55:02Come on.
00:55:03Come on.
00:55:04Get up.
00:55:05Get up.
00:55:06It's me.
00:55:07Take it easy, kid.
00:55:08Take it easy.
00:55:09Come on.
00:55:10Take it easy.
00:55:11Oh, boy.
00:55:12Take it easy.
00:55:13Take it easy.
00:55:14Come on.
00:55:15Throw it in there.
00:55:16Throw your right hand over there.
00:55:17Throw it in there.
00:55:18Oh, boy.
00:55:19Hit him right in the mouth.
00:55:20Throw it in there.
00:55:21Let me show him.
00:55:22I got him, again.
00:55:23The left side.
00:55:24The left again.
00:55:25Watch that.
00:55:26Watch that.
00:55:27I love it.
00:55:28I love it.
00:55:29Oh, boy.
00:55:30You got it, brother.
00:55:31Come on.
00:55:32Where am I hitting?
00:55:33Get him.
00:55:34Get him.
00:55:35Get him.
00:55:36Come on.
00:55:37I don't have that stuff.
00:55:38That's a good thing.
00:55:39Come on in and sit down. I want to have a little talk with you.
00:55:42You're beating out there.
00:55:44But I didn't have to do it.
00:55:45Because all the time you're beating yourself.
00:55:47You're defeating your own purpose in life.
00:55:49For instance, why are you hanging out with those two gilads at Fink's pool?
00:55:52I don't know.
00:55:53I don't know why I did it.
00:55:55I didn't have to.
00:55:56My dad gives me plenty of money.
00:55:58All right, who were those guys?
00:55:59What were their names?
00:56:01Oh, look.
00:56:02I may be rotten, but I'm no squealer.
00:56:05You're getting into this thing pretty deep, Roy.
00:56:07There's something that happens I think you ought to know.
00:56:09It's about your brother.
00:56:11What about my brother?
00:56:12He killed.
00:56:14You're the only son your father's got left.
00:56:17I think it's about time you straightened yourself out.
00:56:19Hello, boys.
00:56:22What are you doing prowling around at this time of night?
00:56:24You're supposed to be sick. Remember that spell you had?
00:56:30I've been waiting up.
00:56:32There's something I wanted to tell you.
00:56:34About John.
00:56:36Yeah, I know him.
00:56:39He was a swell brother.
00:56:42A better son to you than me.
00:56:46You're trying to say Mr. Cortland is dead.
00:56:49You know what he means.
00:56:53I know.
00:56:57What are you doing down here?
00:56:59Well, I just came down to say goodnight to the boys.
00:57:02You shouldn't be out of bed.
00:57:05Roy, someone telephoned you by the name of Lefty.
00:57:08Lefty? Oh, that's a friend of mine.
00:57:10Sure. Good old Lefty.
00:57:12He said if any talking was done, something might happen to Skinny.
00:57:17Oh, yeah, yeah, Skinny.
00:57:19Well, see, sometimes they call Skinny Lefty and Lefty Skinny.
00:57:22It's very confusing.
00:57:23Roy, do you have a friend by the name of Lefty?
00:57:26No, he's no friend of mine.
00:57:28Oh, he's my friend. I know him.
00:57:32Come on, Father. You better get back to bed.
00:57:34Good night, boys.
00:57:35Good night, Mr. Cortland.
00:57:41It appears like this guy Lefty is holding up how Skinny is a hostage.
00:57:44Are you with us or against us?
00:57:46Of course I'm with you.
00:57:47They live over on the west side.
00:57:49I'll take you there.
00:57:50That's fine.
00:57:51Boys, you go over on the west side and have a little practice.
00:57:53Take off those tools of destruction.
00:57:59Now you get right back to bed.
00:58:00And don't you disobey the doctor's orders again.
00:58:04I won't.
00:58:07Good night, dear.
00:58:08Good night.
00:58:12Let's go.
00:58:27I'd like to speak to Captain Matthews, please.
00:58:32There it is.
00:58:34Okay, you're not going to do it. We'll take care of the rest.
00:58:48Who is it?
00:58:49It's Roy.
00:58:56You go on home and forget about this whole thing.
00:58:58What? Nothing.
00:58:59Going home ain't scaring you, Roy.
00:59:06Fire! Fire!
00:59:19We did it!
00:59:20We did it!
00:59:27All right, just got him there.
00:59:29Let me know you're going in and look for Skinny.
00:59:34The fellow's put up a strong fight.
00:59:35You've got to give us a little resistance.
00:59:36I see.
00:59:41Well, your family's been looking for you.
00:59:42Yeah, what's the matter? You mad at us?
00:59:43Now, quit the conversation.
00:59:44Untie him.
00:59:45And use that same rope on those lugs out in the hall.
00:59:47Come on, untie him.
00:59:51Pull that gag off.
00:59:52That's good.
00:59:53Oh, who tied these square knots?
00:59:54Sir, there's a bullet.
00:59:55I don't care what kind of knots there is.
00:59:56Just untie him, will you?
00:59:58Wait for his key card.
01:00:03How'd you happen to miss this?
01:00:04My bad eyes.
01:00:06Never do nothing thorough, do you?
01:00:13All right, roll him in.
01:00:19Well, Captain, you wanted us to find the crooks
01:00:21who was decorating our neighborhood
01:00:22and giving us a bad name.
01:00:23Well, we finally put the finger on them.
01:00:24Yeah, looks like they had more than a finger put on them.
01:00:27What's the evidence?
01:00:28All right, ten of them.
01:00:29I mean, nine.
01:00:30I got one bad one.
01:00:31We caught him red-handed.
01:00:32We'll swear to it.
01:00:33All right, what do you guys got to say?
01:00:34Ask him why they didn't bring the other guy in.
01:00:35Yeah, he's got delusions.
01:00:37Oh, yeah?
01:00:38There's a couple of things I want to do, man.
01:00:40A little slap-happy, you know, punchy.
01:00:42Back in his heels, a little know-it-a-guy, know-it-a-guy.
01:00:44Let's see him.
01:00:45Lock him up.
01:00:46All right.
01:00:47Come on, you folks.
01:00:51All right now, you boys.
01:00:52Come on.
01:00:53Who's the other member of the outfit?
01:00:55Captain, I told you 33 times, there is no other member.
01:00:58Shut up.
01:00:59Cops are never satisfied.
01:01:00I want the name of the other looker.
01:01:01Who was I?
01:01:06What are you doing up here?
01:01:08You don't know nothing, get it?
01:01:09It's okay, Margie.
01:01:10I'll take my medicine.
01:01:14You're Roy Cortland, aren't you?
01:01:15That's right, Captain.
01:01:17But he ain't no member of nothing.
01:01:18He's just got hallucinations
01:01:21Yeah, he fell on his head when he was a baby.
01:01:23This looks serious for you, Roy.
01:01:25Captain, Roy comes from a good family.
01:01:28He's got a great old man.
01:01:30You know, you met him.
01:01:31He's got a swell brother.
01:01:32He's a flyer in his service.
01:01:34As he was until he got killed recently.
01:01:38His sister, she's a regular peach.
01:01:40Roy here decides to look a little, or cut off the beaten pathway.
01:01:44He just did it because he was looking for excitement, like his brother.
01:01:48Can't let this old man know about it, because...
01:01:50Just break him up, and he's really a sweet guy.
01:01:53Roy here is, too.
01:01:55Regular thoroughbred, if there ever was one.
01:01:57That is, he is, since we beat some sense into him.
01:02:01He done anything wrong, he didn't really mean anything bad by it, Captain.
01:02:04Honest, he didn't.
01:02:07I understand.
01:02:12Roy, I'm going to release you on your own recognition.
01:02:17Well, there is such a thing as a suspended sentence.
01:02:20Especially if these boys can feed your taste to the court as well as they have to me.
01:02:24Hey, did you hear what he said?
01:02:27There's someone waiting here to take you home.
01:02:37Hello, Roy.
01:02:39It's all right.
01:02:45You boys all know how I feel.
01:02:49It's all right.
01:02:58Hey, Mugg.
01:03:00That was a very good deed of yours.
01:03:02Oh, we were just protecting our own interests.
01:03:04You know, Captain, I never liked cops very much.
01:03:07But I'm beginning to realize I was wrong.
01:03:09You're really a regular guy, and I'd like to shake your hand.
01:03:12Well, thank you, Mugg.
01:03:14Consequently, this event will go down in the history of the East Side Social Improvement Club
01:03:19as their greatest deed.
01:03:22Signed, Muggs McGinnis.
01:03:24President and Treasurer.
01:03:29Got that, Secretary?
01:03:30Right, Mr. President.
01:03:32As well.
01:03:33And there's one more...
01:03:34Muggs, Muggs!
01:03:35Cousin Ivy!
01:03:36How are you?
01:03:37You come say hello to me?
01:03:38Be quiet.
01:03:39What's the matter with you?
01:03:40I just found out that you are not my cousin.
01:03:41Who told you that?
01:03:42I'll talk with my parents.
01:03:43They told me that...
01:03:45It's Muggs that...
01:03:47Read the vault.
01:03:53Is that murder?