Love Is Blind S07 E12
00:00:00Welcome to Love is Blind.
00:00:14You'll finally have the chance to fall in love based solely on who you are on the inside.
00:00:19I want someone who sees me for who I truly am and loves me truly and I feel like with
00:00:24you I can like fully be me.
00:00:27If you fall in love, you'll get engaged.
00:00:30Will you marry me?
00:00:32Will you marry me?
00:00:34I would be honored to marry you, Tyler.
00:00:37I want to know if you will marry me.
00:00:42Then you'll finally see your fiancé for the very first time.
00:00:51Oh my god.
00:00:52You're so cute.
00:00:53How does it feel to be married?
00:00:55What have I done?
00:00:56Up until now, your attraction has been based entirely in an emotional connection.
00:01:11Hopefully you turn that emotional connection into a physical one.
00:01:14I didn't think I'd find someone even close to you.
00:01:23So looks, race, age, family, or financial considerations come into play?
00:01:27You were texting a girl that you want to do dirty kinks while you are engaged.
00:01:34What a selfish piece of shit.
00:01:36You put a ring on my finger and now it's just like taking that away from me?
00:01:42There's only more I want in this world than to get there.
00:01:44I think I'm just done trying.
00:01:47When do I take off the rose-colored glasses and just like see this for what it is?
00:01:52There is no scenario that I see myself standing there and saying yes to making you my wife
00:01:58What I have with Taylor, that is like the holy grail of life.
00:02:05I love you.
00:02:06Love you too.
00:02:07If I could have you by my side, I feel like we can literally do anything.
00:02:16Do you have any doubts right now about like us making it to the end?
00:02:22Love you.
00:02:23I love you too.
00:02:24If both of our families are not cool with the timeline, does having a wedding make sense?
00:02:34I'm not upset by you trying to help a couple have kids, but they are your kids.
00:02:39I didn't see this coming at all.
00:02:42I don't question like whether I love you or not.
00:02:45I don't want to lose you.
00:02:46It scares me because I don't want to get to a place where like down the road we're getting
00:02:50That's literally the risk of falling in love, Ramses.
00:03:05We have a great future ahead of us.
00:03:09I want to marry you.
00:03:13That's literally the risk of falling in love, Ramses.
00:03:28I understand like falling in love is a risk.
00:03:30You're risking heartbreak.
00:03:32I understand that.
00:03:34But last night, I spoke with my niece's mother, LaDallas, and then my brother.
00:03:39We had a long conversation about my previous marriage, just talking about this decision.
00:03:44I learned about things and fuck, I just learned that my ex was hurting much more than I realized
00:03:50after that divorce.
00:03:51And I'm just scared that something may happen where I end up hurting you.
00:03:59I don't, like I don't, I know that's a risk, I know, but like it's, I don't.
00:04:04You cannot.
00:04:05It's killing me.
00:04:07We do have this beautiful thing coming up and it's very nerve-wracking and it's scary
00:04:10and there's a lot of people involved and a lot of feelings involved, but like ultimately
00:04:14it's just about you and I.
00:04:15I don't know, after being married and just like seeing other marriages and like hearing
00:04:19from other married people, like I just don't think like love alone is like enough.
00:04:24Like I think there needs to be other things that are also working and like that come together.
00:04:29Like love is super important, but it's just kind of like.
00:04:31So we only have love between us?
00:04:32It's not that we don't only have love between us, like we have, like we built an incredible
00:04:35bond and we have like, we, we, you know, like this connection is amazing, but it's
00:04:40just like, there is like certain things that like, that you can't get around.
00:04:45Like, like the things that you, especially when it comes to like this, when it comes
00:04:49to living together and it comes to like just spending our day to day together, like that's,
00:04:54that's like crazy important.
00:04:55Like that's the thing that could like potentially, like if it's not working well, that can like
00:04:59potentially grind us down over time.
00:05:02There is more than love here.
00:05:05I haven't loved the person that I've been seeing, like, especially yesterday, but we
00:05:09talked about that.
00:05:11We talked about you needing your space and I love you enough to like, to understand what
00:05:17you need and like trying to meet you.
00:05:20This marriage is a promise and a commitment.
00:05:23And with commitment comes a responsibility of like getting through whatever we got to
00:05:29get through.
00:05:30I'm promising to go through life with you forever because I do think we'll be great
00:05:38I do think we are great together.
00:05:39I think you bring out really good characteristics that I don't usually show.
00:05:43And I think that I bring out good characteristics that you don't necessarily always show.
00:05:53I've always followed my emotions.
00:05:54I've always followed my feelings and like, I do think love is important.
00:06:05My feelings are telling me to move forward, but like that's caused me to make some like
00:06:11wrong decisions in the past.
00:06:15I don't want to come back to this moment and be like, why was I led by my feelings?
00:06:18I've told myself time and time again, like don't allow yourself to be led completely
00:06:22by your feelings.
00:06:23Like I need to be like more logical about my reasoning.
00:06:25And so like, I don't want to get to that point where I'm like, I look back and I'm just like,
00:06:31fuck, I did it again.
00:06:32Like I fucked up again.
00:06:33Like I made that same fucking mistake that I always do.
00:06:35But you don't truly feel that way right now.
00:06:38What do you mean?
00:06:39Like you don't feel like you're making a mistake.
00:06:42For this, for the, up to this point, no, I haven't felt like I've been making a mistake.
00:06:45But like now, like after, again, after having these conversations, like I feel like there
00:06:49might have been moments or things that I was brushing aside, wasn't giving the priority
00:06:55to that I should have because they are important.
00:06:58I hear everything you're saying, but like, I have nothing tangible to work with.
00:07:03There are things that you brushed under the rug or like thought were a big deal, but now
00:07:07are a big deal.
00:07:09Just like us.
00:07:10Can I know about them?
00:07:11It's about your energy and my energy living and coexisting in the same space is what it
00:07:23Is your energy going to be like too much for me or is it going to like make me feel, you
00:07:27know, like overwhelmed?
00:07:28Is it going to be like too much for me?
00:07:31And it was great.
00:07:32Like it was fine.
00:07:33Like, you know, in Cabo and everything else, but like here and every day, like with me,
00:07:37we bring in like work and you bring in just like day to day, like stresses or whatever.
00:07:42There's so much going on.
00:07:43And I just, I didn't, I feel like I didn't have a moment to really like for myself.
00:07:46I didn't like this.
00:07:47It's not you.
00:07:48Like it's me.
00:07:49It's like you are literally saying that I don't want you to think like, it's like you're
00:07:53there's something wrong with you.
00:07:54There's a fault.
00:07:55There's nothing necessarily wrong with me, Ramses, but it's like you told me you fell
00:08:00in love with me because of who I am and like we get this experience and you just like,
00:08:05well, maybe the energy is too much for you.
00:08:08Like, because I know, I know that sounds in the pot, but in the pods, like it felt amazing.
00:08:13Like it felt like I'd love to be, I've loved feeling your energy.
00:08:15That's what every guy feels.
00:08:16They love the first couple of months of dating me because it's great.
00:08:19The energy is just so fucking great.
00:08:22Like I get it.
00:08:23I've heard that before.
00:08:34Your energy is different from mine, but I don't, I haven't seen it as a negative.
00:08:37I've seen it as, there are times where I do need to fucking relax and calm down and just
00:08:42like chill on the couch and watch TV.
00:08:44But it's like, I can envision it.
00:08:46I can literally see it.
00:08:48It's like, why can't you see it?
00:08:57It's like you already know.
00:08:58You already made up your mind.
00:09:00Like you already know that like I'm too much to live with.
00:09:05These three weeks is all I have.
00:09:06In the last four weeks is all I have.
00:09:07But you don't even, you can't see beyond that.
00:09:08You can't see, you can't see a change beyond that.
00:09:09Because I don't want to make, I don't want to make assumptions.
00:09:11Like I don't want to like.
00:09:12But we're in control of our future.
00:09:14And I can't say what that's going to look like because it's, it's like we haven't lived it.
00:09:31I think you should not have come to this experience.
00:09:34Because like, Ramses, it's very clear that you need to like live with someone for a long
00:09:38time before you even.
00:09:39This, this three weeks would have been fine.
00:09:40It would have been enough time.
00:09:41I was just like, I couldn't anticipate that I was going to arrive at this point.
00:09:43And like, I wasn't going to like feel like, you know, feel the way that I feel or, or,
00:09:48or have the conversations that I had.
00:09:49I anticipated it the moment you had the conversations with other people.
00:10:01For the first time, I was like a hundred percent myself.
00:10:05I feel like I've been like the most understanding person.
00:10:08How could I feel so sure?
00:10:11And you're not, you know.
00:10:14I just like want someone to be sure about me.
00:10:18You know.
00:10:20I just want someone to choose me, right?
00:10:27I did fall in love with you for who you are.
00:10:29Like I did love your energy.
00:10:30Like all of that was part of the reason why like we bonded.
00:10:35At the end of the day, like we couldn't tell like what exactly that would look like in person.
00:10:43I just don't know how we go from like how we were like two days ago to this.
00:10:54It's literally insane.
00:10:57There's nothing like left to be said then.
00:11:05It's the worst day of my life.
00:11:21I'm sorry.
00:11:29Are you sure?
00:11:32Are you sure?
00:11:33I'm so sorry.
00:11:35I'm sorry.
00:11:50Stop it.
00:12:05I'm sorry.
00:12:15Are you sure?
00:12:24This already fucking hurts me so much.
00:12:27It came unsure so fast.
00:12:29It doesn't feel real.
00:12:32Like it's like it just came out of nowhere.
00:12:35You know it's like.
00:12:37Like how did it become so unsure so fast?
00:12:40It's not that I'm unsure about my love for you.
00:12:43It's just like I'm unsure about like.
00:12:45About what do you mean?
00:12:46We're supposed to both go into this like fully sure of like this decision.
00:13:00I think you're making a mistake.
00:13:02I mean this is a big mistake.
00:13:03I believe that wholeheartedly and I just.
00:13:06I can't convince you otherwise like I don't know.
00:13:08But I just know this is not right.
00:13:10Like this is not.
00:13:12This is not right.
00:13:15Sleepover is the worst heartbreak I've ever experienced.
00:13:19It hurts so bad.
00:13:33I'm sorry.
00:13:50I just feel like.
00:13:52I feel like I'm dying inside.
00:13:54Like I'm just.
00:13:56I don't know.
00:13:57I just.
00:13:58I don't know.
00:13:59I don't know.
00:14:00I don't know.
00:14:03I don't know.
00:14:06Two days ago he told me that he's so excited to get married.
00:14:10And we picked out our first dance song.
00:14:13He got emotional because he was just like envisioning us getting married.
00:14:17And like we both got emotional because we were just like it's actually happening.
00:14:21And so it's just really hard for me to come to the conclusion that we're done.
00:14:28I like I feel insane.
00:14:30I feel crazy.
00:14:32Because I feel like did I make it all up in my head?
00:14:40Are you okay?
00:14:42No we called off the wedding.
00:14:46And I didn't see it coming.
00:14:48Like how am I supposed to like not have him around and not be with him when I love him so much.
00:14:56Thank God.
00:15:00I don't feel so bad.
00:15:22It just hurts.
00:15:30No one but you.
00:15:35Can make it better.
00:15:42Make some noise for your Washington Wizards.
00:15:50Oh my God.
00:15:55Going to my bachelor party.
00:15:56I'm finally ready to celebrate with my boys.
00:15:58I haven't been to a Wizards game since I was like a little kid.
00:16:00And I sat way up in the upper seats.
00:16:02And now we get this suite and we're here with all of our closest friends.
00:16:05It's a cool ass bachelor party.
00:16:10That look like me.
00:16:13We're days away from our wedding.
00:16:14This is my last pretty much single time partying.
00:16:18I love basketball.
00:16:19And we're about to have a good time.
00:16:44Oh, I knew it was pajama party.
00:16:48That is so pretty.
00:16:58Sugar, sugar, too sweet, too sweet.
00:17:06You look so cute.
00:17:07You too.
00:17:08Oh my God.
00:17:09This is adorable.
00:17:12You all mean so much to us.
00:17:14That's why you're here.
00:17:15The most.
00:17:16The mostest.
00:17:17Thank you for celebrating with us.
00:17:18We are Engaged AF.
00:17:22Love to see you.
00:17:23Love that for us.
00:17:24We are besties in the pods.
00:17:25Besties now.
00:17:27So to be the last two standing is crazy.
00:17:30It's really crazy.
00:17:31I'm very happy to have you here.
00:17:33I love you.
00:17:34I love you, too.
00:17:38Happy Bachelorette, baby.
00:17:41At this time, will Garrett Hoseman and Tyler Francis please make their way to the port side entrance.
00:17:47Oh, shit.
00:17:48On the floor?
00:17:49Are we in trouble?
00:17:53Can you explain the game to them, please?
00:17:54Yeah, of course.
00:17:55We're just going to be playing musical chairs.
00:17:56Musical chairs.
00:17:57In the center of the court.
00:17:58But we're going to make it basketball.
00:18:00When the music stops, you're going to dribble down the court.
00:18:03Try to make a layup.
00:18:04And first one back to the chair after you make the layup gets the chair.
00:18:09Keep going.
00:18:10Dribble down the court, layup, come back to the chair.
00:18:12All right.
00:18:13He's cute, isn't he?
00:18:15I get it all the time.
00:18:17Oh, sorry, sorry.
00:18:18Is it halftime already?
00:18:19Check me out.
00:18:20You guys can stretch before I pull something.
00:18:21Please welcome from Netflix's Love Is Blind, Garrett and Tyler.
00:18:26Let's go.
00:18:27I don't like to lose, and I won't lose in basketball for sure.
00:18:30Definitely not Garrett.
00:18:34The cheater, man.
00:18:49Big science guy.
00:18:50Big science guy.
00:18:52Garrett's out.
00:18:54You let us down.
00:18:57She wins for Tyler.
00:18:58Make a layup.
00:18:59Want to make a layup?
00:19:01Cheer it on, Disney family.
00:19:05Let's go.
00:19:11Tyler, congratulations.
00:19:12You're winning a quarter for our basketball.
00:19:17Hey, bud.
00:19:18Look at his head.
00:19:19It's like, no, I can't make it.
00:19:20When you went to the same court as me, I was like, what are you doing, dude?
00:19:23This has by far exceeded expectations.
00:19:25Bachelor party in my head was go out, a few drinks, not getting to go in front of thousands
00:19:31of people and do layups.
00:19:33It's so dope.
00:19:37Yo, are y'all even friends after that anymore?
00:19:39God damn.
00:19:40Come on, dude.
00:19:41Yeah, there's nothing to that.
00:19:42Unfortunately, I got that on video.
00:19:44He's my new friend.
00:19:50I didn't go yet.
00:19:56Very nice.
00:20:05Ashley and I are very strong women that if something comes up like that would have been
00:20:11a non-negotiable thing before, we would have just like walked away.
00:20:15Immediately done, like my go-to thing is I delete all their text messages, I delete
00:20:21their number.
00:20:22Pretend like they died.
00:20:24That's the best way.
00:20:25They are no longer with us.
00:20:27And so I think for this, it's very fast moving.
00:20:30And so we have to give a lot more grace.
00:20:33A lot more grace.
00:20:34To ourselves.
00:20:35To ourselves.
00:20:36And when our men mess up.
00:20:38They're still men.
00:20:39They're going to mess up.
00:20:43The I do crew.
00:20:45The I do crew.
00:20:50Love you girls.
00:20:51Love you guys.
00:20:53Love you guys.
00:21:14Thank you so much.
00:21:23I know you feel it.
00:21:28I am getting married.
00:21:30So cute.
00:21:32Just knowing that this is a day I've waited for, you know, since I was a kid, it's just
00:21:38so crazy to me.
00:21:41I'm in pride.
00:21:43I always dreamt about my wedding.
00:21:46I obviously didn't dream about it in this scenario, but I'm actually living my own
00:21:50fairy tale.
00:21:51Got my peonies.
00:21:52My hydrangeas.
00:21:59To Ashley from Tyler.
00:22:02Oh my goodness.
00:22:05So sweet.
00:22:06So special.
00:22:07Just like, oh, Tyler's ring.
00:22:11I'm literally getting married.
00:22:21I feel so happy.
00:22:32Today is my wedding day and I'm feeling all types of nerves.
00:22:36I didn't sleep at all last night, actually.
00:22:43This is probably going to be the biggest day of my life.
00:22:52I'm sitting in the corner reading a book.
00:22:58It's the biggest day of your life.
00:23:00I've overcome so much throughout my life, mentally, physically, and with Ashley.
00:23:05Just felt like love coming through a wall.
00:23:08Tyler, you deserve love more than anyone I've ever met.
00:23:14I don't want to question it for another second.
00:23:17Ashley, I love you so much.
00:23:22Will you marry me?
00:23:24I would be honored to marry you, Tyler.
00:23:37Ashley, Ashley, Ashley.
00:23:39My best friend.
00:23:40Like, my soulmate.
00:23:41Just a great person in general.
00:23:43She's the most beautiful person in the world to me.
00:23:45Can't wait to spend the rest of my life with her.
00:23:47Ashley is everything.
00:24:00Bro, I'm tripping, dog.
00:24:01You really about to get married, bro.
00:24:02This shit is crazy, bro.
00:24:04That shit's hitting you now?
00:24:06We used to gangsta tie.
00:24:07Gangsta tie?
00:24:08Fuck love.
00:24:10Fuck love.
00:24:11I ain't getting no marriage.
00:24:13I don't know what kind of kiss you to gave you, hugs.
00:24:16It had to be something, dog.
00:24:18Yeah, let me be happy, dog.
00:24:20Tyler been wanting to be in love his whole life.
00:24:22So when y'all get out of here, what y'all got planned?
00:24:25The wedding.
00:24:26Then there's a reception.
00:24:27But after all of us, all of us leave, where y'all going?
00:24:31To the baby making station.
00:24:34You trying to have a baby right off the bat?
00:24:36You see how he started smiling cheek to cheek?
00:24:38You trying to have a baby soon?
00:24:39She sure have a baby?
00:24:40She does in like, no, like a year.
00:24:42My boy in love, dog.
00:24:53Oh, my gosh.
00:24:56Oh, my God, you look so cute.
00:24:58Oh, my God, you guys.
00:25:00Oh, my gosh.
00:25:02You guys just made it feel so much more real.
00:25:04Oh, my God.
00:25:06Look at you getting ready.
00:25:07I know.
00:25:08Hi, hi, hi.
00:25:09I brought you a gift.
00:25:11I can't wait for you to see it.
00:25:12Oh, my gosh.
00:25:13You should open it now.
00:25:17What the?
00:25:18Wait, this is stunning.
00:25:20It's a robe.
00:25:21Wait, what?
00:25:24Sexy time.
00:25:26So that's the key.
00:25:27I wanted to know, I'm like, did you try?
00:25:30Oh, yeah, girl, reach out.
00:25:31You got to.
00:25:32You got to.
00:25:33I love this.
00:25:34I'm obsessed.
00:25:35Thank you so much.
00:25:36I need to hang it.
00:25:37If anybody deserves a girl.
00:25:38Yeah, for sure.
00:25:39You deserve it.
00:25:40That part.
00:25:42That part.
00:25:44Are you ready?
00:25:45Are you ready?
00:25:47You know me, I'm a relationship girl.
00:25:48And I just thought I would reach this point a while ago.
00:25:51And then it looked like I wouldn't reach this point for a while.
00:25:55You know, because the quality of men ain't, you know.
00:25:57Slim picking.
00:25:58Okay, slim picking.
00:25:59We going to clearance a rack.
00:26:01Clearance rack.
00:26:02We parking.
00:26:06So now I'm just like, I like that I found someone that loves as hard as I do.
00:26:11I feel safe.
00:26:13I don't, you know, the protecting physically is like cool.
00:26:17But like, I feel protected emotionally, which is the most vulnerable part of myself that
00:26:23I don't share with everyone.
00:26:25For sure.
00:26:26I love that.
00:26:27So wait, are you the big spoon and he the little spoon?
00:26:29Like, how is that?
00:26:30He's big in areas and I'm big in areas.
00:26:33And the one thing I always tell people I love about him is that he allows me to be powerful.
00:26:38I don't want to be put in this little box.
00:26:40I don't want to be put in the kitchen.
00:26:41I have a career.
00:26:42I'm successful.
00:26:43So who cooks?
00:26:44You or him?
00:26:46I love that.
00:26:47My ex couldn't boil an egg.
00:26:49He does a lot.
00:26:50Every day he wakes up and gets me coffee.
00:26:52Every single day.
00:26:53Let me tell you that the beginning stages, all of that is, look, she know.
00:26:59It's not that they don't love you.
00:27:01But, you know.
00:27:02But the thing is, he likes to be that way.
00:27:04He likes to do for me.
00:27:05I don't ask him to get me coffee.
00:27:06I love that.
00:27:07He just started doing it.
00:27:08He won't continue all habits, especially once we have kids.
00:27:11But I genuinely feel like he is just a lover.
00:27:14This man is willing to leap out of place for you, girl.
00:27:17Yeah, literally.
00:27:18You can't make a man go to 7-Eleven for you, get you a soda.
00:27:22I can't wait to meet him.
00:27:24I can't wait to, like, see, like, when he sees you come down the aisle.
00:27:28I know, right?
00:27:30You deserve it.
00:27:31Like, so much.
00:27:36I know Ashley.
00:27:37If she's going to say yes, she should.
00:27:39The only thing that could make me not say yes is for something catastrophic
00:27:43to happen within the next few hours.
00:27:48It would have to be something as me walking down the aisle.
00:27:50Something on his face.
00:27:51Something that he, something that I'm like, mmm.
00:27:53Like you feel it.
00:27:54I feel it.
00:27:55You know, my intuition is insane.
00:27:58That energy, that aura.
00:28:00Oh, yeah.
00:28:01He's going to be crying.
00:28:02But from what she's telling me, it seems like he's been waiting for this moment.
00:28:05Oh, yeah.
00:28:06For sure.
00:28:07Here's the thing.
00:28:08It's an actual leap of faith.
00:28:09No, 100%.
00:28:10Like, I am diving in.
00:28:11I'm trusting this person 180% to protect me, to care for me,
00:28:15for me to do the same.
00:28:17And it's a leap of faith.
00:28:18But leaps of faith don't always mean that, you know, the outcome.
00:28:27Today's the day.
00:28:29Nervous as shit.
00:28:30I can tell.
00:28:31My hands are cold as shit.
00:28:32Are they?
00:28:36What the hell?
00:28:37This happened so fast.
00:28:38You know what I mean?
00:28:39Like two months ago.
00:28:40It's two years in our mind.
00:28:41That's what it feels like?
00:28:43How do you guys feel about it, though?
00:28:45I think we're good.
00:28:46You think?
00:28:47That's a key word there.
00:28:48I mean, you always, I'm not 100% until she says yes.
00:28:52I don't know.
00:28:53I'm 100%.
00:28:54You're 100%.
00:28:55Yeah, yeah.
00:28:56That's what I'm saying.
00:28:57I'm 100%.
00:28:58No, I would definitely think that she's 100%.
00:29:00It's just you can never be certain about things.
00:29:04Not until they happen.
00:29:05You know, we've talked about it.
00:29:07This whole concept from the get-go was kind of wild to me.
00:29:17I gotta be honest.
00:29:18I'm excited for you.
00:29:20I hope this shit works out.
00:29:22I really do.
00:29:23Because I see it.
00:29:24I see in your mannerisms, in the way you talk,
00:29:27in the way that you've been acting in general,
00:29:30like you're all in.
00:29:34That's what I've got on my mind.
00:29:37I want her to hear what I gotta say.
00:29:39I'm just ready to see her.
00:29:47Is your dad coming, Ash?
00:29:49Like, he's gonna walk me down the aisle,
00:29:51and at the end, he'll hand me to my mom.
00:29:52My mom will hand me to Tyler.
00:29:53How you think he gonna feel about that?
00:29:54Hey, you lucky you here, brother.
00:29:56We have a great relationship now,
00:29:58but my mom did the heavy lifting.
00:29:59No, I was surprised you even said that.
00:30:02Yeah, he met Tyler.
00:30:03He cried.
00:30:05So he likes him for you.
00:30:08This is not a drill.
00:30:09James Bond is walking down the aisle.
00:30:11Butterflies is kicking in.
00:30:13I mean, I was nervous, but now this feels like god damn.
00:30:16What's up?
00:30:17My stomach hurt right now.
00:30:18I feel like I'm on a roller coaster.
00:30:20You good.
00:30:21Come on, take these shots real quick.
00:30:22Free throws.
00:30:23You better end this game.
00:30:24Appreciate y'all boys coming here today
00:30:26to celebrate this with me.
00:30:27Love y'all boys.
00:30:28Appreciate y'all boys.
00:30:29Love you, brother.
00:30:30Love you, man.
00:30:31Let's go.
00:30:33Let's go.
00:30:36Oh, can we go glasses?
00:30:38I don't want to cry in front of everybody.
00:30:39I'm taking my glasses just in case.
00:30:41Better together.
00:30:43We're better together.
00:30:45We're so much better together.
00:30:49Oh my god.
00:30:50She looks so good.
00:30:51It fits you so good.
00:30:52So beautiful.
00:30:53So beautiful.
00:30:55I remember when you were a little baby.
00:30:57You had a little pink dress in your hair
00:30:59with a little pink bow.
00:31:00And I put toenail polish on you.
00:31:02Our little perfect princess.
00:31:05You believe me?
00:31:06The key to the whole thing is following your heart.
00:31:10That's for sure.
00:31:11And it will bring you to your true destination, and it has.
00:31:14Yes, it has.
00:31:15And I'm nervous, y'all.
00:31:16Don't ask something else.
00:31:18You each mean a lot to me.
00:31:20And obviously, my mom and my grandma
00:31:22and the leading ladies in my life.
00:31:24It's a blessing to be able to have this moment
00:31:26and to share this moment that some people don't get to share
00:31:29with their loved ones.
00:31:31So yeah, I'm just really happy.
00:31:36And we're happy to be here for your happiness.
00:31:39We all knew that this day was going to come.
00:31:43Never had any doubt.
00:31:45Sometimes we hit bumps in the road,
00:31:47but once we get there, this is the result.
00:31:51Tyler is going to shed tears when he sees you.
00:31:54He has to.
00:31:55You're a beautiful young lady.
00:31:58You look absolutely stunning.
00:32:02I don't think there's enough words for how you look.
00:32:04You look so beautiful.
00:32:06I've always said, like, I want to get married and stay married.
00:32:10You know, and I want a happy marriage.
00:32:12Someone that was going to be my friend, my partner,
00:32:14that I was sure of and that I could trust.
00:32:17As much as I love Pop, you know,
00:32:19I learned just from watching the things I want
00:32:23and the things I didn't want.
00:32:24They were great things, like the longevity you guys had
00:32:26that no one could take from you that I want.
00:32:28You know, but I want someone that I can enjoy
00:32:32and that's my friend and my partner
00:32:34and that doesn't leave me doing things alone.
00:32:37It was Pop's death that led me to build my life
00:32:40and it was Pop's death that led me to building
00:32:42my relationship with my father.
00:32:44I was like, I don't want to leave any stones unturned
00:32:47in that scenario either, and that's when I began
00:32:49to appreciate my father for who he is
00:32:52versus what I wanted him to be.
00:32:54With that, I'm able to still find the good in him.
00:32:58Like, what do I have to look up to him for?
00:33:00But he has other things I can look up to him for.
00:33:02He's done very well.
00:33:03He's done very well.
00:33:04I admire him for that aspect, but I knew one thing for sure
00:33:07is I didn't want any man that was going to treat me
00:33:12like he's treated women and my mom.
00:33:16You always craved that friendship, you know what I mean?
00:33:20We're human.
00:33:21We all make mistakes.
00:33:23Instead of being angry and holding on to past feelings,
00:33:27you chose to heal and you chose to forgive.
00:33:31Look how healed you are.
00:33:32Look where your journey has taken you.
00:33:36And you're about to be married, so...
00:33:38Yeah, I'm very, very, very proud of you, Ashley.
00:33:41I love you guys.
00:33:42I'm so super happy.
00:33:55I'm stressed.
00:33:59What's wrong?
00:34:10You're good.
00:34:13You're not feeling that kind of second guessing?
00:34:15No, second guessing yet.
00:34:18I don't know.
00:34:19My emotions are all over the place.
00:34:21It's a big step, Tyler.
00:34:24What's going on?
00:34:25Just your nerves.
00:34:28You're fine.
00:34:30You're fine.
00:34:31It's just a lot.
00:34:32I know.
00:34:33I know.
00:34:35But I've only heard you say, like, amazing stuff about her.
00:34:39You know?
00:34:41I don't think it's...
00:34:42It's just...
00:34:43I think it's normal.
00:34:44It's just normal.
00:34:46Gibbers and...
00:34:47I've asked you how many times already.
00:34:49You sure?
00:34:50You sure?
00:34:51You sure?
00:34:52You're sure?
00:34:53You're definitely sure, right?
00:34:59I'm gonna be in shambles when she comes out there.
00:35:02Well, you better get it together.
00:35:03I can't.
00:35:04I've been trying.
00:35:06My palms are sweating.
00:35:08You're gonna be fine.
00:35:10You're gonna be fine.
00:35:12You love her.
00:35:13You know what I mean?
00:35:14You've never said once you weren't sure.
00:35:20Yeah, but...
00:35:22But what?
00:35:23Through a wall, you know?
00:35:25I know that's just crazy to me.
00:35:28But what is...
00:35:29You've always done the outside part.
00:35:31No, I know.
00:35:32That's what I'm saying.
00:35:33That's never worked.
00:35:34I think we'll be good.
00:35:35Big step, Tyler.
00:35:37You still okay with, like, fighting your dad and...
00:35:40Yeah, I thought about that this morning.
00:35:42Like, him not being here, but...
00:35:44Again, only because I was like,
00:35:46he's probably sitting at home,
00:35:47like, damn, I'm dying and I'm not, you know,
00:35:49I don't get to go, but...
00:35:53He put that on himself, though.
00:35:55Like, I couldn't...
00:35:57There's no way I could be emotional like this around him.
00:36:00Like, that's a random grown man.
00:36:01A stranger.
00:36:02This is your day.
00:36:04I think it's fine.
00:36:05But your grandma said it, like...
00:36:06I'm glad he didn't, you know?
00:36:11Yeah, we talked about it a little bit on the way up.
00:36:13She does.
00:36:14He has to blame himself for that.
00:36:17I'm ready, though.
00:36:19I know you are.
00:36:20I know you are.
00:36:21You deserve to be happy.
00:36:23You've always gave, gave, gave so much.
00:36:25You know what I mean?
00:36:26It's your turn.
00:36:27You definitely deserve this.
00:36:51This is actually really nice.
00:36:52Everybody's looking at us.
00:36:54Yeah, yeah, yeah.
00:37:06This is your mama.
00:37:11Go ahead, handsome.
00:37:15He's so nervous.
00:37:44Oh, wow.
00:37:50I love you so much.
00:37:51Love you, too.
00:37:52You look so beautiful.
00:37:57What's happening?
00:37:59You imagine these days, but to see it?
00:38:02This is my only daughter.
00:38:04You make me so proud.
00:38:06So proud of you.
00:38:07Your life about to change.
00:38:12You know, a lot of ways.
00:38:15I believe that, yeah.
00:38:16It's fine.
00:38:17It's going to be fine.
00:38:19Life is fun.
00:38:22There's always negative, but don't dwell on the negative.
00:38:26Thrive and enjoy the positive side.
00:38:28That's what got me through life.
00:38:31Because, you know, it's the bad weather that make you appreciate the good weather.
00:38:38That's so true.
00:38:39It's good.
00:38:40And a lot of us run when it gets bad.
00:38:44And then later on, we look down and be like, ooh, I should have stayed.
00:38:50So when it gets bad, just know there's always bright skies after the rain.
00:38:57Yeah, sure.
00:38:58It's a journey.
00:39:00It's a journey.
00:39:02Just stick in there.
00:39:03I will.
00:39:04Good or bad, you got to stick in there.
00:39:06I love you, and I'm sure.
00:39:18I love you.
00:39:19I love you, too.
00:39:29Let's do this.
00:39:30Let's do it.
00:39:36Will everyone who is able please rise for the bride?
00:39:49Oh, my God.
00:39:55Can I have my tongue back?
00:39:56I know.
00:40:16I love you.
00:40:17I love you.
00:40:19Thank you so much, Mom.
00:40:28I ask today who presents his bride to be married?
00:40:31Her mother.
00:40:35Everyone may be seated.
00:40:39You look great.
00:40:40You look amazing.
00:40:42Can everyone please bow your heads for a prayer?
00:40:45Heavenly Father, we come before you today
00:40:47to celebrate and witness the union of Ashley and Tyler
00:40:50in holy matrimony.
00:40:53We thank you for bringing Ashley and Tyler together.
00:40:56Today, as they stand before you and their loved ones,
00:40:58we ask your abundant blessings upon them.
00:41:01We pray this in Jesus' name.
00:41:07There are no perfect marriages
00:41:09because there are no perfect people.
00:41:11There will be obstacles.
00:41:13There will be loss, and there will be hardships.
00:41:16There will be joy.
00:41:18There will be much laughter.
00:41:20There will be somebody to hold your hand and lift you up.
00:41:23Remember that love isn't something you feel.
00:41:26Love is something that you do.
00:41:28But if you work at it every day,
00:41:30you will have your shot at a happily ever after.
00:41:33And I believe that Tyler and Ashley will have just that.
00:41:37Ashley, from the moment I heard your voice,
00:41:40I knew there was something special about you.
00:41:45You become my confidant, my joy, and my greatest adventure.
00:41:51You've shown me what love truly is.
00:41:53I promise to cherish every moment, support your dreams,
00:41:57and embrace the beautiful unknown that lies ahead.
00:42:00I love you.
00:42:02I love you.
00:42:04I love you.
00:42:06I love you.
00:42:07I love you.
00:42:09I love you.
00:42:10I love you.
00:42:12I love you.
00:42:13I love you.
00:42:15I love you.
00:42:17I love you.
00:42:19that lies ahead with you every day as a new chapter and I can't wait to fill the pages
00:42:23of our love story together.
00:42:28I commit to building a future filled with laughter, understanding, and joy.
00:42:33As we embark on this journey together, I pledge my heart, my loyalty, and my deepest love
00:42:38to you.
00:42:39I promise to love you, keep God at the center of our lives, and continue to keep taking
00:42:43these leaps of faith with you.
00:42:46I love you.
00:42:53Tyler, my Tyler.
00:43:10The man who makes me feel soft, adored, and protected, heart and body.
00:43:17I've never felt a love this pure yet fierce.
00:43:24I feel like we can do anything in life as long as we have each other.
00:43:31I feel like I'm living my own fairy tale.
00:43:34You're my soulmate.
00:43:36I think the Lord created you just for me.
00:43:40From symbolic leaps to emotional leaps, you showed me every time that you're there for
00:43:50You literally jumped out of a plane for me and you're afraid of heights, which is nuts,
00:43:54but you didn't fold and I love you for that, for always making sure I know that you have
00:44:00my back.
00:44:02With that, I promise to love and respect you as my best friend, my future, and my partner
00:44:07in life.
00:44:08It's you and I.
00:44:20So Ashley and Tyler, you chose to get engaged and spend the rest of your lives together
00:44:25based on a deep emotional connection.
00:44:28Looks, age, finances, and all the superficial things of the world were not a factor for
00:44:33you two.
00:44:36Now is the time to decide if love is blind.
00:44:41Will you get married and commit to face life together as husband and wife, or will you
00:44:49walk away forever?
00:44:53Tyler, do you take Ashley to be your wife, to have and to hold from this day forward,
00:45:05for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, do you
00:45:11promise to love and cherish her till death do you part?
00:45:26I do.
00:45:29Ashley, do you take Tyler to be your husband, to have and to hold from this day forward,
00:45:38for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, do you
00:45:44promise to love and cherish him until death do you part?
00:45:55I do.
00:46:02With this ring, I marry you.
00:46:04I marry you.
00:46:11I now pronounce you officially married, you are now husband and wife.
00:46:16You may kiss your bride.
00:46:22Oh my god, he's married.
00:46:24Can you believe it?
00:46:27You are a married woman.
00:46:29I'm married now.
00:46:31I'm married now!
00:46:35I'm married now!
00:46:37So we're going to end this ceremony
00:46:39with the African tradition of jumping the broom.
00:46:41During the days of slavery
00:46:43in this country, Tyler and Ashley
00:46:45would have not been permitted to marry.
00:46:47Jumping a broom was a formal and public
00:46:49declaration of the couple's commitment to one another.
00:46:51Sweeping away all the negative
00:46:53energy and making for all
00:46:55things that are good to come into your lives.
00:46:57So Tyler and Ashley
00:46:59will now begin their life with a clean sweep.
00:47:01One, two,
00:47:09Alright, it's now my privilege
00:47:11to introduce to you, for the very first time,
00:47:13Mr. and Mrs. Tyler
00:47:15and Ashley Francis! Let's go!
00:47:25Oh my gosh!
00:47:27Good job!
00:47:29Good job!
00:47:37Hello, my name
00:47:39is Ashley
00:47:41Adianza Francis.
00:47:43Say it again.
00:47:45She got a husband.
00:47:47I have a husband. You have a wife.
00:47:49I do. Can you believe this?
00:47:51We are married!
00:47:53We made it.
00:47:55I'm so excited. I feel like all the nerves
00:47:57that I felt now are just gone.
00:47:59I'm flowing.
00:48:01I can't stop smiling. My cheeks hurt.
00:48:03Best feeling in the world.
00:48:09Love you.
00:48:13Cheers to us.
00:48:15To a
00:48:17fun future of love
00:48:19and happiness.
00:48:21We're married.
00:48:23Babe, look at my shoes.
00:48:25You don't even realize. Well, you can't see, but
00:48:27it says, I
00:48:29do. On the bottom?
00:48:31How crazy, right?
00:48:33I wish you would have shown me that this morning.
00:48:37We started this journey two months ago
00:48:39and it's changed our entire lives.
00:48:41And now we get to spend the rest of our lives
00:48:43together. Two people on the other side of a wall.
00:48:45Do I look cute?
00:48:47You look pretty.
00:48:49I'm looking forward to
00:48:51daily, simple things
00:48:53with you. Just little things that makes her
00:48:55happy. Weekly, monthly.
00:48:57The net builds up.
00:48:59And before we know it... Kids?
00:49:01Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine with that.
00:49:07I love you.
00:49:09Love you more.
00:49:11You a married man.
00:49:13You a married woman. I sure am.
00:49:15I sure am.
00:49:17I love it.
00:49:21I love it.
00:49:51It's like
00:49:53seeing yourself
00:49:55for the first time.
00:49:59It's so peaceful
00:50:01inside of my mind.
00:50:05So let's
00:50:07start something
00:50:09new. I'm in
00:50:11the mood for something
00:50:15When I'm with you.
00:50:17Oh my god.
00:50:19So cute.
00:50:21Today's the day.
00:50:31I'm so happy.
00:50:33Yeah. I'm gonna cry
00:50:35a lot today, I can tell.
00:50:37Like happy tears.
00:50:39It has been
00:50:41a wild ride.
00:50:43I actually specialize
00:50:45in something called clean hydrogen energy.
00:50:47I have a little hydrogen
00:50:49tattoo on my wrist.
00:50:51That's cool. I've got a
00:50:53quantum equation on the back of my right arm.
00:50:55No way. What is it?
00:50:59Heisenberg. Okay.
00:51:01You're never gonna know where I am then.
00:51:03Yeah, exactly.
00:51:05I have no idea what you look like.
00:51:07But I feel
00:51:09a very strong, intimate connection with you
00:51:11already. I feel it too.
00:51:13It's like magnetic. It's crazy.
00:51:15When it comes to you, Garrett,
00:51:17I really think we could have it all.
00:51:19And I didn't think that was
00:51:21possible before coming in here.
00:51:23Taylor Morgan Krause?
00:51:25Will you marry me?
00:51:33I gotta see the tattoo.
00:51:35Little hydrogen molecule.
00:51:37It's like I'm
00:51:39willing and ready to change
00:51:41my life for you. We're really lucky, aren't we?
00:51:43I know you're the best catch in the hall.
00:51:55I love
00:51:57everything about Garrett.
00:51:59He's thoughtful and generous
00:52:01and kind. I dream of him
00:52:03playing with our kids. He's coaching
00:52:05the Little League team, and I'm bringing all the snacks afterwards.
00:52:07Oh my goodness.
00:52:09It's happening.
00:52:11I see us
00:52:13being grandparents together.
00:52:15I see a forever future.
00:52:17I'm just so excited
00:52:19and I'm so happy.
00:52:29Oh my god!
00:52:31I've never gotten
00:52:33my hair and makeup done done before.
00:52:35Really? No.
00:52:37What is in that cup?
00:52:39I am ready to
00:52:43Where's that champagne?
00:52:45Yeah, baby.
00:52:49It's wedding day.
00:53:09That's my wedding day.
00:53:11That's my wedding day.
00:53:13It's kind of a surprise.
00:53:15How did I get here?
00:53:39I never want to be
00:53:41far away from you.
00:53:43Look who it is.
00:53:45What do we have here?
00:53:47What are you guys doing here?
00:53:49It's a book.
00:53:51It's green.
00:53:53Did y'all match it?
00:53:55Yeah, it's the vibe, dude.
00:53:57Big day. Is it?
00:53:59Apparently. For somebody.
00:54:01This feels pretty crazy.
00:54:03I was super tired last night
00:54:05and just sat there thinking and talking
00:54:07to my parents for over last night.
00:54:09How's the climate with the parents?
00:54:11It's good.
00:54:13I think it's good.
00:54:15This is really heavy.
00:54:17Is there room for improvement?
00:54:19This is really heavy.
00:54:21It's just a lot.
00:54:23It's just so much. It's just a heavy ass decision.
00:54:25My wedding day was like
00:54:27and I had known Shelby
00:54:29for quite a bit longer than you
00:54:31and Taylor, but dude,
00:54:33nerves all day.
00:54:35Just a lot of feelings, man.
00:54:39And I feel it. I just feel it.
00:54:41I'm still checking myself.
00:54:43I'm like, are you sure?
00:54:45I'm really inspecting my feelings.
00:54:47I've been doing this all along.
00:54:49I'm inspecting my feelings every day.
00:54:51We owe that to one another.
00:54:53We promised each other we would
00:54:55and we wouldn't get up here and say yes
00:54:57unless we truly, truly meant it.
00:54:59That's why I'm making sure that I do right by her
00:55:01by making sure.
00:55:09Compliments of Mercy Hospital Medical Center.
00:55:11The hospital I was born in.
00:55:13The magic hanky.
00:55:15I'm just a little hanky, as square as square can be.
00:55:17But with a stitch or two,
00:55:19they made a bonnet out of me.
00:55:23For her special wedding day,
00:55:25so we've all been told,
00:55:27every well-dressed bride must carry something old.
00:55:29So what could be more fitting
00:55:31than to bring out little me
00:55:33with stitches snipped and ribbons pulled
00:55:35a wedding hanky I will be.
00:55:37Oh, Mom.
00:55:39You've kept this for how long?
00:55:41How old are you?
00:55:43You were born, Taylor.
00:55:45Oh, Mom. Thank you.
00:55:47I love you.
00:55:51It's been hiding in the back of my closet.
00:55:53Waiting for this day.
00:55:57Is that cute?
00:55:59Put it on.
00:56:07I love you so much.
00:56:09There he is.
00:56:11Oh, man, look at you.
00:56:13Cleaned up pretty nicely.
00:56:15How you doing?
00:56:17Can we give you a hand with something, actually?
00:56:19Do you know how to tie a pocket square?
00:56:21Or help me out with this bow tie?
00:56:23I can help with a bow tie, pocket square.
00:56:25I have no skill set of.
00:56:27Want me to give it a shot?
00:56:29I think I've even already screwed it up.
00:56:31No, it's all good.
00:56:33Where's Fong when we need her?
00:56:37How does that feel?
00:56:39I can go tighter.
00:56:41Let's take a look at the mirror real quick.
00:56:43I think it feels good, though.
00:56:45How does the neck look?
00:56:47Just tuck it down a little bit
00:56:49and I think we're in good shape.
00:56:51I wish I could say I remember my day
00:56:5335 years ago, but I was pretty hammered.
00:56:57This is wild.
00:57:01I feel how big this decision is today.
00:57:03It feels so, so, so heavy.
00:57:05There's no way in the world
00:57:07that I could go through with this
00:57:09and get up there and say yes
00:57:11to Taylor if I wasn't so sure
00:57:13about her and how great she is.
00:57:15She's an amazing person.
00:57:17I don't have to convince you of that, obviously.
00:57:19It feels so right and it feels so good.
00:57:21I couldn't go through with this
00:57:23with anyone else.
00:57:25I'll tell you what.
00:57:27Fong is very intuitive.
00:57:29Fong's kind of quiet,
00:57:31but she reads people spot on
00:57:33and if there was something
00:57:35weird or strange about any of this,
00:57:37she would have said something.
00:57:39I knew my daughter
00:57:41was going to get married someday
00:57:43to a great guy like you.
00:57:45I had no doubt about it.
00:57:47I just didn't think it was going to happen
00:57:49in a matter of weeks.
00:57:51Normally it's a couple years.
00:57:53If you're in love, you're in love.
00:57:55You can't make that up.
00:57:57It was a huge thing for us
00:57:59to come out there and see you guys
00:58:01and be able to talk to you and shake your hand
00:58:03and ask you for permission.
00:58:05It was big for us.
00:58:07One thing that really hit me was you said
00:58:09Taylor's your gift to the world.
00:58:11My job isn't to receive that gift,
00:58:13but to accentuate it and to help her
00:58:15be the best person she can be
00:58:17because she's already going to be great.
00:58:19She's always going to be great.
00:58:21My job is to make sure she fulfills
00:58:23who she should be and who she wants to be.
00:58:25I promise to take great care of her.
00:58:27I promise to be there for her
00:58:29and always respect her and put her feelings first.
00:58:31That's what I plan to do.
00:58:33I don't doubt it.
00:58:35You have more than my blessing.
00:58:37You have my undivided attention
00:58:39anytime, anywhere
00:58:41on this planet.
00:58:43If you ever need anything,
00:58:45Fong and I are there for you and Taylor.
00:58:47It doesn't matter where you made that connection.
00:58:49You and Taylor have
00:58:51gone through those
00:58:53tough conversations
00:58:55because marriage,
00:58:57there's a tough day coming.
00:58:59This is my brother's time.
00:59:03Taylor was with me
00:59:05when my brother died.
00:59:07For two weeks,
00:59:09she was there
00:59:11with me.
00:59:13She'll do the same for you.
00:59:17you know,
00:59:19life will have its challenges.
00:59:23having the right partner,
00:59:25you know,
00:59:27and Fong kept the family together
00:59:31you know,
00:59:33it will happen. There's no doubt about it.
00:59:35I had eight groomsmen
00:59:39I have four left.
00:59:41One of my good buddies passed away last month.
00:59:43So, we have to
00:59:45be there for our friends and our family
00:59:47when they need us.
00:59:49So it's not, you know,
00:59:51it's not always going to be fun and games.
00:59:53You know, there'll be some tough times.
00:59:55But you'll get through it.
00:59:57I appreciate it.
00:59:59I appreciate you being here. I know she appreciates you being here.
01:00:01You being here, I know, means so much to Taylor.
01:00:03It means so much to Taylor that you're here
01:00:05and you're going to walk her down the aisle.
01:00:07I got a happy wife. I got a happy daughter.
01:00:09Got a killer son-in-law coming in.
01:00:11It's all good.
01:00:13It doesn't get any better than that.
01:00:15Thank you. I love you, man.
01:00:17Sorry I couldn't help you with the pockets.
01:00:19No, it's good.
01:00:31It's just beautiful.
01:00:37It's beautiful!
01:00:39It's beautiful!
01:00:41Oh, my God, the veil goes perfect.
01:00:43Thanks, guys.
01:00:47You guys look beautiful, too.
01:00:49Oh, my goodness.
01:00:51It actually, like, goes so nicely.
01:00:53Oh, my gosh.
01:00:55This dress is beautiful.
01:00:59You look absolutely stunning, Taylor.
01:01:03It's happening.
01:01:05Hi, Dad.
01:01:07Hey, honey.
01:01:09Look at you.
01:01:11My beautiful daughter.
01:01:13Thank you. You guys are matching.
01:01:15Yeah, kind of, huh?
01:01:17How was seeing Garrett?
01:01:19It was awesome. I helped him with his bow tie.
01:01:21You did?
01:01:23Good. How are you feeling?
01:01:25I'm so excited for you guys.
01:01:27You know what today is, right?
01:01:29Today is the 13th.
01:01:31How about that? What a coincidence.
01:01:33All right.
01:01:35All good signs.
01:01:37This is definitely not the way I thought it was going to go,
01:01:39but I'm so happy.
01:01:41And, like, when something just, like,
01:01:43presents itself like this, like,
01:01:45sometimes you just have to jump.
01:01:47I'm jumping, and I'm trusting
01:01:49that Garrett's going to catch me.
01:01:51And even if not,
01:01:53I know that I have
01:01:55an incredible safety net
01:01:57that will.
01:01:59So I'm really happy,
01:02:01and I just, like, love
01:02:03that you guys are so supportive
01:02:05and can be here with me today.
01:02:07I haven't seen your mom this happy in a long time.
01:02:09I'm glad you're so happy, Mom.
01:02:11My little girl's getting married
01:02:13to a great guy.
01:02:15To a really great guy.
01:02:17It's pretty freaking awesome.
01:02:19It is.
01:02:21It's pretty freaking awesome.
01:02:23I'm so lucky.
01:02:25Well, I love you guys so much.
01:02:27You too.
01:02:31That's you too, Tom. Good hug.
01:02:39Good, man. How are you, man?
01:02:41I need a pocket square. Help me out.
01:02:43Just fold it up. Make it look good.
01:02:45How was the chat with Sir Krause?
01:02:47I can't believe how, like,
01:02:51That's awesome, man.
01:02:53It means a lot.
01:02:55It's good, man.
01:02:57Is this your husband's wedding party?
01:02:59I believe so. Now that you two have arrived, it is.
01:03:03I like that.
01:03:05Yes, I like that.
01:03:07Now look at you.
01:03:09This old thing?
01:03:11I cleaned up all right.
01:03:13You want water or a beer or something?
01:03:15Nothing stronger, huh?
01:03:17No whiskey. I don't think so.
01:03:19So how you doing?
01:03:21I'm feeling lighter now,
01:03:23but, like, this morning it was very heavy.
01:03:25It's a big day. It is a very big day.
01:03:27It's an important decision.
01:03:29One of the biggest ones you'll ever make.
01:03:31The weight of it was real, real heavy.
01:03:33You're overwhelmed.
01:03:35It's a shock for everybody.
01:03:37To all of the people closest to you,
01:03:39it is kind of hard to imagine
01:03:41that you would make such a decision,
01:03:43a weighted decision, so fast.
01:03:45Quickly, yeah.
01:03:47I know you guys haven't spent much time with her,
01:03:49but you will, but she's brilliant
01:03:51and she's very logical and considerate.
01:03:53So you're writing...
01:03:55Yeah, you know, the vows.
01:03:57You aren't typically very spontaneous
01:03:59when it comes to serious things,
01:04:01and this seems spontaneous.
01:04:03How'd you sleep last night?
01:04:05Really well.
01:04:07And I thought that was a great sign.
01:04:09I didn't sleep well. Is that a good, not a good sign?
01:04:11Well, you don't have to make a decision here.
01:04:13That's right.
01:04:15Even though Taylor and I are very sure about each other,
01:04:17you're still making a decision,
01:04:19and, you know, we promised each other
01:04:21this whole time that we would very much
01:04:23take it seriously and that I wouldn't get up there
01:04:25and say yes,
01:04:27unless I was absolutely sure,
01:04:29as sure as I can be in this moment,
01:04:31and her as well.
01:04:33So, like, I've been doing my best to really honour that,
01:04:35and if I say yes, it's, like, a very honest answer.
01:04:37It's a heavy decision.
01:04:39It's a lofty decision.
01:04:41It's one of the biggest things that you'll ever decide in your life.
01:04:43Or you'll be regretting it like your mother's done
01:04:45for the last 35 years now.
01:04:47Like, you know, I know the one thing you've been worried about
01:04:49is going to San Diego and travelling around
01:04:51and not being around, but having a wife
01:04:53and having a family,
01:04:55having somebody like Taylor.
01:04:57These are all things that I wasn't sure,
01:04:59and it went in the cards for me.
01:05:01I didn't think anyone was out there for me
01:05:03that I would totally feel compatible with
01:05:05and comfortable with,
01:05:07and who would challenge me in the right ways,
01:05:09but also, like, was caring and humble and respectful,
01:05:11and I'm so grateful.
01:05:13I'm so grateful to have found Taylor
01:05:15and to feel the way that I feel,
01:05:17and I think I'd be a fool not to act on it.
01:05:19I know that feeling.
01:05:25Your mind's made up,
01:05:27and I don't have any intention of trying to talk you out of it.
01:05:29You're a very smart, intelligent man.
01:05:31Being married and having a family
01:05:33is no doubt one of the happiest things
01:05:35that you can have happen to you in your life,
01:05:37and I'm glad that you get the opportunity
01:05:39to experience that.
01:05:41You got somebody to share all your successes with.
01:05:45You have so much to share, anyway.
01:05:47You're a wonderful human being.
01:05:49A wonderful human being,
01:05:51and I know that she's a great human being, too.
01:05:53She has to be
01:05:55for you to have fallen for her so hard.
01:05:57She is. She's incredible.
01:05:59I'm still surprised.
01:06:01I'm still just, like, in shock that, like, Taylor was there.
01:06:03Yeah, well, sometimes it's meant to be.
01:06:07Do you realize you're getting married on the 13th?
01:06:09Like, we got married on the 13th.
01:06:11No, I didn't know that.
01:06:13It's a good, lucky number.
01:06:15Yeah, it is. I know.
01:06:17Mom didn't think that that was a good thing to get married on.
01:06:19Oh, the 13th? Yeah.
01:06:2113th's a good number.
01:06:23No, it's good. We feel it.
01:06:25We're excited for you, baby.
01:06:27Thank you, guys. Thanks for being here.
01:06:29Thanks for supporting us.
01:06:31She's a lucky lady, and you're a lucky man.
01:06:33And it's just really cool to watch you
01:06:35have grown from such a little curious...
01:06:37Little curious George?
01:06:41Well, he's still curious.
01:06:47Oh, I can't get up.
01:06:49We just love you so much.
01:06:55It's definitely not like watching you play soccer.
01:06:57You know?
01:06:59It's a lot more weighty than that,
01:07:01but we're excited. We're excited.
01:07:03We're happy. We love you.
01:07:05We want to be here to support you 1,000%,
01:07:09And we're not questioning it at all.
01:07:11I know you've given it a great deal of thought.
01:07:13Probably more thought
01:07:15than we gave when we got married.
01:07:17For sure. For sure.
01:07:19That's a definite.
01:07:21Yeah, that's a definite.
01:07:23But your mom's a little more spontaneous, though.
01:07:25A lot.
01:07:27A lot more, yeah.
01:07:29Oh, my goodness.
01:07:31So we're comfortable with it all,
01:07:33and I'm looking forward to
01:07:35experiencing you as a married man.
01:07:39Because now it's Garrett plus one.
01:07:41I love you so much.
01:07:43Oh, yes.
01:07:47You're going to be such a wonderful man.
01:07:51It's been a joy.
01:08:07I love you.
01:08:25I'm so glad to see you.
01:08:27I love you.
01:08:45You ready?
01:08:47Yeah, I think so.
01:08:49She's adorable.
01:08:57This is every father's dream.
01:08:59I don't think I could do this day without you.
01:09:01I love you so much.
01:09:03And thank you so much for being here today
01:09:05and making this.
01:09:07I love you, too.
01:09:09You got this, girl.
01:09:11It's the biggest game of your life.
01:09:13Fourth quarter, let's go.
01:09:15Let's go, baby.
01:09:17Please rise.
01:09:47Please rise.
01:10:07Who presents this woman
01:10:09to be married to this man?
01:10:11Her father does.
01:10:19Please be seated.
01:10:23Family and friends,
01:10:25thank you all for coming today
01:10:27to share in this wonderful occasion.
01:10:29Today we're here together
01:10:31to unite Taylor and Garrett in marriage.
01:10:33Taylor and Garrett,
01:10:35as scientists,
01:10:37you've just conducted the most important experiment
01:10:39of your lives.
01:10:41In a laboratory of double-blind pods,
01:10:43you compressed yeast
01:10:45years of dating experience
01:10:47into an accelerated search
01:10:49for your perfect mate.
01:10:51The results of those efforts
01:10:53brought you to each other
01:10:55and today bring you here to be married.
01:10:57Oh, my God, I'm so glad to be here, too.
01:11:03The notes help, huh?
01:11:09you've said it many times,
01:11:11the beautiful thing about us is that
01:11:13we came into this expecting to find our person
01:11:15that was just coming in here
01:11:17and learning more about ourselves
01:11:19and just with a very small glimmer of hope
01:11:21that we might find someone
01:11:23that we wanted to spend the rest of our lives with.
01:11:25To find the connection that we had in the pods
01:11:27and to find that feeling that I hadn't felt before
01:11:29and that I never thought I would ever find,
01:11:31that magnetic connection that we talked about,
01:11:33and then to have that
01:11:35just buoyed by seeing you
01:11:37and I did not think it was possible
01:11:39to feel this way.
01:11:41Finding a partner
01:11:43that I just think is so
01:11:45perfectly matched for me
01:11:47and that I feel just perfectly matched for you,
01:11:49that's exactly what I feel like this is,
01:11:51is a partnership.
01:11:53I promise to keep singing and dancing with you,
01:11:55to never give up,
01:11:57to always be at your side and support you
01:11:59through everything that life throws at us,
01:12:01to be patient and understanding.
01:12:03I promise to always put your feelings first.
01:12:07I promise to make every day
01:12:09a special day.
01:12:11I told you every day since the pods
01:12:13that I loved you and I'll continue to tell you that
01:12:15every day and more importantly continue to show you
01:12:17that every day,
01:12:19show you how special you really are.
01:12:21I love you, Taylor. You mean the world to me.
01:12:23I promise to always be there for you.
01:12:29I also have some notes.
01:12:33In very Taylor fashion.
01:12:35Yeah, it even says notes.
01:12:37Prettier than what I had written down.
01:12:39Well, G,
01:12:41it's rare to see someone with a soul
01:12:43like yours, it really is.
01:12:45You truly are a person who sees people
01:12:47and I know that you truly see me.
01:12:49I also love your sense of humor
01:12:51and wit.
01:12:53You truly are an incredible glassblower.
01:12:57But more importantly, you're going to be
01:12:59the person that helps me make the really heavy
01:13:01things in life that will be thrown our way feel lighter.
01:13:03You lovingly challenge me
01:13:05and make me want to be better every day.
01:13:07And I feel that with you as my partner,
01:13:09there truly isn't anything that we can't do.
01:13:11And I really mean that.
01:13:13There's a term for the feeling of warmth
01:13:15on your skin in the sun during wintertime,
01:13:17which is called a pristine.
01:13:19It's just a term that really resonated with me
01:13:21throughout this process.
01:13:23And when I reflect on when this opportunity
01:13:25came up in my life, I was purposely giving
01:13:27dating the cold shoulder.
01:13:29I would think I still have so much to do.
01:13:31But you've really made me realize
01:13:33that I just hadn't opened up to finding
01:13:35the right person.
01:13:37And now I see an incredibly bright future together.
01:13:39We are the kind of people that were always
01:13:41going to do the things in life that we wanted
01:13:43to do individually.
01:13:45But everything I do with you is more meaningful.
01:13:47I promise to always love, respect
01:13:49and appreciate you.
01:13:51And I'm sure our future family is going
01:13:53to be one that we've always dreamed of.
01:13:59When I look at you, I feel like I've known you
01:14:01for years, not weeks.
01:14:03Wild, right?
01:14:0542 days.
01:14:0742 days.
01:14:09You're the numbers guy.
01:14:13Garrett, you truly are one of a kind.
01:14:15I'm so lucky and so thrilled
01:14:17to have you as my partner
01:14:19for the rest of our days.
01:14:21I really caught a big fish.
01:14:31Taylor and Garrett,
01:14:33you chose to get engaged and spend the rest
01:14:35of your lives together based on a deep
01:14:37emotional connection.
01:14:39Looks, age, finances and all the superficial
01:14:41things of the world were not a factor
01:14:43for you two.
01:14:45Now is the time to decide
01:14:47if love is blind.
01:14:49Will you get married
01:14:51and commit to face life
01:14:53together as husband and wife?
01:14:55Or will you walk away forever?
01:14:59do you take Taylor to be your wife
01:15:01from this day forward
01:15:03for better or worse,
01:15:05for richer or poorer,
01:15:07in sickness and in health,
01:15:09to love and to cherish
01:15:23I absolutely do.
01:15:29Taylor, do you take Garrett
01:15:31to be your husband from this day forward
01:15:33for better or worse,
01:15:35for richer or poorer,
01:15:37in sickness and in health,
01:15:39to love and to cherish always?
01:15:43I do.
01:15:51Taylor, I give you this ring as a symbol of my love.
01:15:53With the pledge to love you
01:15:55today, tomorrow and forever.
01:15:57I now pronounce you husband
01:15:59and wife. You may kiss each other
01:16:01and seal your vows.
01:16:33Is this like a thing,
01:16:35always pour your wife's glass first?
01:16:37You're catching on.
01:16:39I told you, I'm a quick learner.
01:16:41I feel like I'm dreaming right now.
01:16:43I know, I know.
01:16:45I really feel like we're
01:16:47in another simulation.
01:16:49Yes, yes, a very out-of-body experience.
01:16:51But it feels so right.
01:16:53That's what is guiding me
01:16:59I had so much fun today.
01:17:01Such a wonderful day.
01:17:03That's how your wedding should be.
01:17:05I always thought I'd be panicking.
01:17:09Panicking somewhere.
01:17:11Today was like
01:17:13the wedding that I
01:17:15didn't even dream of,
01:17:17but I'm so glad
01:17:19it turned out the way that it did.
01:17:21I'm so happy.
01:17:23I love you.
01:17:25I love you too.
01:17:41Okay, okay, okay.
01:17:43The rest of your life too.
01:17:47Oh wow.
01:17:49Look at this.
01:17:53This is how you naturally transport
01:17:55people in Fredericksburg, right?
01:17:59Love is absolutely blind.
01:18:01Love is totally blind.
01:18:05Love you.
01:18:07Love you too.
01:18:09He's very us.
01:18:11Garrett is the kind of man
01:18:13that only comes along
01:18:15once in a lifetime.
01:18:17I'm so excited.
01:18:19This girl
01:18:21is gelatinous.
01:18:31I wouldn't want to jump in the deep end
01:18:33with anyone else.
01:18:35I love you so much.
01:18:37I'm so excited
01:18:39for what's to come.
01:18:41You too.
01:18:45It's just the start of the rest of our lives.
01:18:47That's the beautiful thing about him.
01:18:49We're just getting started and I can't wait.
01:18:51I'm so excited.
01:18:53I love you.
01:18:55I love you too.
01:19:07Love is blind.
01:19:09Love is blind for me, I'll say it again.
01:19:11I have my person and my best friend.
01:19:13I wouldn't have found a love like this
01:19:15if it wasn't for this experiment.
01:19:17Look at someone for who they are on the inside.
01:19:21You don't always get married to your soulmate.
01:19:27I'm sorry.
01:19:29I'm looking forward to tomorrow
01:19:31waking up and being a married woman.
01:19:33Now you got a ring on your hand.
01:19:35I was solidified.
01:19:37I got a second ring.
01:19:39Now I'm no longer engaged.
01:19:41I'm married.
01:19:43I'm happy.
01:20:13Again and again.
01:20:17I gave you all.
01:20:25I gave you all of me.
01:20:33I just need you to love me.
01:20:43I just need you to love me.
01:21:13I just need you to love me.
01:21:15I just need you to love me.
01:21:17I just need you to love me.
01:21:19I just need you to love me.
01:21:21I just need you to love me.
01:21:23I just need you to love me.
01:21:25I just need you to love me.
01:21:27I just need you to love me.
01:21:29I just need you to love me.
01:21:31I just need you to love me.
01:21:33I just need you to love me.
01:21:35I just need you to love me.
01:21:37I just need you to love me.
01:21:39I just need you to love me.
01:21:41I just need you to love me.
01:21:43I just need you to love me.
01:21:45I just need you to love me.
01:21:47I just need you to love me.
01:21:49I just need you to love me.
01:21:51I just need you to love me.
01:21:53I just need you to love me.
01:21:55I just need you to love me.
01:21:57I just need you to love me.
01:21:59I just need you to love me.
01:22:01I just need you to love me.
01:22:03I just need you to love me.
01:22:05I just need you to love me.
01:22:07I just need you to love me.
01:22:09I just need you to love me.
01:22:11I just need you to love me.
01:22:13I just need you to love me.
01:22:15I just need you to love me.
01:22:17I just need you to love me.
01:22:19I just need you to love me.
01:22:21I just need you to love me.
01:22:23I just need you to love me.
01:22:25I just need you to love me.
01:22:27I just need you to love me.
01:22:29I just need you to love me.
01:22:31I just need you to love me.
01:22:33I just need you to love me.
01:22:35I just need you to love me.
01:22:37I just need you to love me.
01:22:39I just need you to love me.
01:22:41I just need you to love me.
01:22:43I just need you to love me.
01:22:45I just need you to love me.
01:22:47I just need you to love me.
01:22:49I just need you to love me.
01:22:51I just need you to love me.
01:22:53I just need you to love me.
01:22:55I just need you to love me.
01:22:57I just need you to love me.
01:22:59I just need you to love me.
01:23:01I just need you to love me.
01:23:03I just need you to love me.