Paradise (2025) | Season 01 Episode 06 - You Asked for Miracles - Full HD 1080P
00:00We all lost something on our way here.
00:02I didn't lose my wife. I know exactly where she was.
00:05She was in a different city when it happened,
00:07and she died because he didn't get her to a goddamn plane.
00:14I saw her that night.
00:16I saw her.
00:19Got the news of the world right here.
00:23Agent Pace, take them out.
00:27Take them out.
00:31People need to know that there are survivors,
00:34and I'm gonna tell them the truth.
00:35No, you're not.
00:36First Cal, then Billy.
00:39This was her.
00:41We take her down.
00:42It's gonna be hard taking anybody down without weapons.
00:45They're weapons.
00:46The sub-basement of the arena.
00:48You just punch in a code.
00:50It's the day of my inauguration.
00:52And I know how to get them.
00:53Go upstairs and get your brother.
00:55Pack a bag, whatever you can fit into a backpack.
00:58Hey, Carl, I need to call in that favor.
01:16My flight is still on time.
01:19I need to finish packing.
01:22Getting summoned to the principal's office for a lecture
01:25is the last thing I needed right now.
01:27Yeah, I know.
01:31She's in trouble because of cake?
01:34Yeah, shitload of cake.
01:40Hey, have you seen my blue jacket?
01:42I need to pack it.
01:48Well, either you have a problem with my jacket
01:51or you have a problem with me.
01:52I didn't say anything.
01:56My work takes me to Atlanta.
01:58It's everything I've worked for.
02:00I know.
02:04I know.
02:07Hey, if POTUS doesn't keep you late again tonight,
02:10you could get home in time to kiss me goodbye.
02:12Metro's been dicey this week.
02:14Might even get a quickie.
02:16Don't worry about that.
02:22Mr. and Mrs. Collins.
02:24Mr. Collins and, uh, Dr. Rogers-Collins, actually.
02:28Of course.
02:33Each eighth grader was asked to explore an issue
02:36that is negatively impacting our world today.
02:39Presley's project was entitled
02:41An Exhibition of Food Inequality.
02:46The title of her project was
02:48An Exhibition of Food Inequity, not Inequality.
02:51Inequities are the result of unjust inequalities.
02:54They're not the same.
02:55Does the title matter?
02:57The project was a bunch of BS.
02:59Excuse me?
03:00Okay, uh, we got the title.
03:02We're good.
03:03Please continue.
03:04According to the teacher,
03:06Presley assigned each student a country
03:08or a class of society to represent.
03:10She then passed out one piece of cake to each student
03:13to show ideal global food security.
03:15Afterwards, she redistributed the cake
03:18to illustrate the current state of food inequity.
03:22Yeah, she made Charlie a goddamn billionaire.
03:24She took the cake away from everybody else
03:26and shoved it all at him.
03:27She had all children representing poor countries
03:30chanting at him to eat.
03:31He ate so much cake that...
03:33All right, okay, well, he didn't have to eat it.
03:36She was making a point.
03:37It was a nut job project, and you know it.
03:39My daughter is not a nut job.
03:41Five years from now, you ask those kids
03:43whose project made an impact?
03:44Mrs. Collins, that's not the point.
03:46That's not the point?
03:47Presley will be issued a warning.
03:48Explore an issue.
03:49That was the point, right?
03:51She explored the shit out of that issue.
03:53You wanted her to make a point.
03:54She made the point.
03:55She made it so those kids are gonna think twice
03:57before they toss half their macaroni in the trash.
03:59Okay. But you folks...
04:00Presley will be given a stern warning.
04:02We understand. Thank you.
04:03Charlie vomited in the garbage can.
04:05The kid's humiliated.
04:06He's refusing to come to school.
04:07Well, hey, hey, here's a thought.
04:09Put his ass in the car and tell him he's going to school.
04:11All right.
04:12Try that.
04:13Talk to me about who's a goddamn nut job.
04:16It's good to see you, Cliff.
04:24You love me so much right now.
04:26Not even a little.
04:28The strings we pulled to get her in this school,
04:31we can't be pissing off the other parents like that.
04:33Oh, come on.
04:34Those people call themselves parents?
04:36That Charlie is like a proper bully.
04:38Straight out of 1984.
04:40He's old-school Cobra Kai.
04:42The dirty duct tape incident?
04:44With the toilet water?
04:46That was that Charlie?
04:48I thought it was Charlie G that was the bonehead.
04:49Yeah, no, it was him.
04:51Actually, your daughter didn't just do a hell of a project.
04:53She pulled off the payback of a century.
04:56You didn't need to make a scene.
04:59That's all I'm saying.
05:01Well, sometimes making a scene
05:03is the only thing you need to do.
05:06Sweetheart, I love you.
05:08You are the kindest, calmest,
05:11most centered human being on the planet.
05:14But one day, you're gonna hit your limit.
05:20One day, some poor bastard is gonna force you to make a scene.
05:27And when that happens,
05:29tell you what,
05:31I would not want to be the motherfucker
05:33on the other side of it.
05:57Answer me this.
06:02How much cake did this kid hold down before he acted?
06:05At one point, Terry was looking like
06:07she might take a swing at the dad.
06:09It's probably good she's getting out of town.
06:12Atlanta again.
06:14Yeah, she's making big leaps at her job.
06:17She's, uh, she's amazing.
06:21Well, I'll leave you to it, sir.
06:27Hey, Collins, wait up.
06:29Yes, sir.
06:33Field trip, what do you say?
06:36It's getting late,
06:38and you don't want to finish up here?
06:41What's there to do?
06:43I don't know.
06:45I don't know.
06:48What's there to do?
06:50It's all unfixable.
06:54I want you to walk me through the Versailles protocol.
06:58Where do they take me if the shit hits the fan?
07:01I mean, I know you don't know any of the details
07:04about what the actual shit might be
07:06or when it could hit said fan,
07:08but from a logistical standpoint,
07:10how do they get me out of here?
07:12You know the protocol.
07:14I don't, actually.
07:16When you come in here,
07:18Xavier's gonna take me on a little walk.
07:21We can call it a night.
07:23Sounds good, Mr. President.
07:25Don't keep him up too late, Xavier.
07:27It's a school night.
07:29That's a promise.
07:47Why are there still words on my sky?
07:49You said you were on it.
07:51Turns out we can't take them down.
07:53What do you mean, you can't?
07:55Whoever did this locked us out of the system.
07:58Carl Jenkins?
08:00Oh, yes.
08:04And this is Lucy.
08:06The fuck? How'd you get a dog down here?
08:08It's why Xavier wants me to hide
08:10in case they go searching for you.
08:12I can't let them find me.
08:14I have to get out of here.
08:16I have to get out of here.
08:18I have to get out of here.
08:20I have to get out of here.
08:22I have to get out of here.
08:24I have to get out of here.
08:26It's why Xavier wants me to hide in case they go searching.
08:28Where do I go?
08:30All I know is he said to stay put.
08:32Safest thing is to have you all here.
08:33Kids are in the back room.
08:43What are you doing?
08:47You're leaving?
08:48Dad told us to stay here until he came back for us.
08:50I know what he said.
08:53But James, listen to me.
08:55You know how you're always begging
08:56me to let you do cool shit?
08:59Well, I'm going to need you to do some cool shit for me.
09:11It's quite the scene out there.
09:15Let's cut the bullshit.
09:18Yes, um.
09:22Well, I'm glad that you called me in.
09:23Because whatever's going on out there,
09:26we're going to need some carefully crafted messaging
09:28to calm the collective anxiety of all of the-
09:30I'm sorry.
09:31I thought we just agreed to cut the bullshit.
09:33Whatever's going on out there, Agent Collins
09:36is what's going on.
09:37So no need for us to act like we don't know what's what.
09:50Screw a guy in the shower, and he doesn't even tell you,
09:52well, the city-wide status quo.
09:55Man, am I right?
10:03I picked you up off the floor, Samantha.
10:07You violated the privacy of my home?
10:09Here's the thing.
10:12You love this city.
10:14I love this city.
10:17If we want to preserve it, you need
10:20to go have a nice meal with your man
10:22and find out what he's up to.
10:24He just checked in at the diner.
10:36Strange out there, huh?
10:39The last time you were in, you barely touched your cheese
10:42You want to try again?
10:44I'm good with steak.
10:52You know, I thought I was going to miss real meat more.
10:57I actually don't mind this plant-based stuff.
11:00Puts on a pretty convincing show.
11:03Plus, there's this thing that's been caught in my head, Doctor.
11:09It's this thing from before, before the world ended
11:13when we used to eat real meat.
11:17I can't stop thinking about how they used to catch the cows
11:19to buy the meat.
11:20And how they used to catch the cows to butcher them.
11:28And back then, you wouldn't let your mind go there.
11:30But now, I can't stop thinking about it.
11:38I can picture it, what it must have looked like,
11:43sounded like.
11:46And they corralled them.
11:49And they shrank the space smaller and smaller
11:51until the animals broke.
12:03They would line up, single file, and march
12:07down a chute to their death.
12:15All that muscle, all that heft.
12:17And they just surrendered.
12:22And it makes you wonder if that's what she did to us.
12:27Let us down here, corralled us, and sent us to slaughter.
12:33Xavier, what's going on?
12:36What happened?
12:41President is dead.
12:44Billy Pace is dead.
12:48Now, here you are.
12:53So why don't you tell me what happened?
12:57Why did she kill them?
13:01Xavier, Samantha Redmond is a lot of things.
13:05She's wildly imperfect.
13:09But she's not a monster.
13:10She's a mother.
13:12And she's trying to protect the people in her charge.
13:14Well, what does she think of the sky?
13:20I did it for her.
13:24She's trying to take it down.
13:25Yeah, no shit.
13:34What is it?
13:40Tell you, girl, I'm coming for her.
14:10Hey, if a side protocol is launched,
14:18this is the most direct route to the West Wing PIAG.
14:28You know, the first time I saw that,
14:30I thought, what the hell kind of gift
14:31does he have to the White House?
14:34Two old women reading books.
14:37Then you look a little closer, and you realize
14:42they're just passing time, covered by mosquito nets,
14:48fooling themselves into thinking there's
14:49anything they can do to protect from the violence of nature.
14:59Good evening, sir.
15:04Hey, you're in a hurry tonight.
15:07You got some place to be?
15:09Thought you wanted the tour.
15:10Southwest staircase also has restricted access.
15:14West Wing bunker is five flights down.
15:18Hang on, hang on.
15:22A little stress reliever.
15:25Yeah, I know.
15:26John McClane didn't believe it at first, either.
15:29Diehard, you make little fists with your toes, remember?
15:33Never saw it.
15:35You've never seen Diehard?
15:38That's a bridge too far, Collins.
15:40We're going to have to remedy that.
15:41Yes, sir.
15:42All right.
15:44Where do we go next?
15:51He sent the message, and this guy was for you.
15:55He said he was coming for you.
15:57Who the hell talks like that?
16:00Then he hacks off his band with a knife.
16:02What the fuck is he doing?
16:04He decides dramatically eating.
16:08He was waiting at that diner.
16:12Waiting for me to send someone.
16:15Any information on his kids?
16:19Must have removed their bands too.
16:21Who else is offline?
16:23Band removal happens more than you think.
16:24Any given moment, there's usually
16:25a couple dozen or more.
16:27Any of them known associates of Xavier Collins?
16:29Known associates.
16:31A member of his team, Melvin Rainey,
16:33and the special agent in charge of the Secret Service detail,
16:35Nicole Robinson.
16:38You think they're helping him?
16:40Before Robinson's wristband went offline,
16:41she used it to access the southeast sub-basement door.
16:49The weapons.
16:51Go keep an eye on my family.
17:31Come on.
17:47It's me.
17:52It does feel good to have it back, though.
17:54The weight, that recoil, grass flipping through the air.
17:59Need a moment?
18:00I'm good.
18:02All right.
18:03Who we got?
18:04Well, Garcia was in from go.
18:07Brooks told them both to get together a crew of folks
18:10they trust, folks who know how to handle themselves.
18:14They'll be here any minute.
18:15Should be enough manpower.
18:20What about Jane?
18:22She with us?
18:23She was here yesterday.
18:24She was practically catatonic over pace.
18:26I didn't even bother.
18:27She's loyal.
18:28She'd be an asset.
18:30Xavier, even on her best day, she's barely a notch
18:32above a fucking intern.
18:34She's Holly Holby with a gun.
18:36How much time we got?
18:38Should be starting soon.
18:44Why the fuck is he talking like Santa Claus?
18:46It's a die hard records, Beth.
19:00We don't know what the subsequent messages are
19:12or when they might appear.
19:13What we do know is the sky seems to be cycling through some kind
19:16of locked program.
19:19He's taunting you.
19:21He's threatening to expose something.
19:22What does he have on you?
19:24I want it fixed.
19:25I want it off the sky now, whatever it takes.
19:28Ma'am, we don't have a clear path
19:29to overriding this program.
19:31The only other option is a hard reboot.
19:34We shut down the sky, turn it back on.
19:38How long?
19:41We don't know.
19:42It's never been done before.
19:46Absolutely not.
19:47Sam, a shutdown would be like reliving
19:49everything all over again.
19:50The sheltering protocols, the illusion of world being broken.
19:54The sky would go out.
19:56People would remember they are living in a cave.
19:59They know they're living in a cave.
20:01Listen, have you ever been on a ride at Disneyland?
20:04When it breaks down, they turn on the lights,
20:07and then it is never the same for you again.
20:10Samantha, look at me.
20:12Look at me.
20:15Fine, Xavier, you can work this out.
20:26Yes, ma'am.
20:29Reboot isn't an option.
20:31Find another way to disable the program.
20:33Yes, ma'am.
20:36I want all authorities alerted.
20:38Be on the lookout for Collins.
20:39Arrest him on sight.
20:41Copy that.
20:56I'm on it.
21:21It was nice to lose the bracelet.
21:23Appreciate you, Garcia.
21:24All of you, amen.
21:26Face was an asshole.
21:28Laying off himself.
21:30So, think you can handle this thing?
21:36Five years in the seals before I got fat, baby.
21:40You got a bolo out on you.
21:41Good, means he's taking the bait.
21:43Weapons stay out of sight as much as possible.
21:46We're not trying to panic the people.
21:47Last resort only.
21:48Hey, look, I am all in.
21:50Now how the fuck are we going to pull this off without firing?
21:52It's a little bit of magic, right?
21:55I appreciate you taking advantage of this place.
21:58Most people never set foot in here.
22:01Yeah, well, I just, uh, just like the music.
22:04Well, if you're interested, you should really check out
22:07our exhibit on the bunker design.
22:09You know what?
22:10I'm going to turn on the lights in a minute.
22:11All right?
22:20Dude, I really don't care how this.
22:22How can you just be sitting here?
22:25Weird stuff is happening.
22:27And I need to tell you something.
22:29It's OK.
22:34Billy is dead.
22:36And I don't know what my dad is doing,
22:40but I think it might be because of this.
22:45Where did you find that?
22:47Sometimes I went to your dad's to play Wii with Billy
22:51because they turned the cameras off.
22:53That's what I was doing.
22:54I was going there that night.
22:58I was heading inside, and it was just laying there.
23:06I shouldn't have taken it, but I thought maybe you could tell me
23:10something about my mom, about what happened in Atlanta.
23:17Maybe if I knew what happened to her,
23:21it won't feel so much like she died alone.
23:27But it's protected.
23:29I couldn't even get the stupid thing
23:31to open to give me that much.
23:37I can help.
23:41I told you the president died of natural causes.
23:45I saw the body.
23:48I saw the blood.
23:50President Bradford was murdered.
23:54Many of you knew Agent Billy Pace.
23:58They told you he killed himself.
24:01That's a lie, too.
24:05Samantha Redmond, code name Sinatra, is behind this.
24:10She's pulling the strings, and the other billionaires
24:13are marching in step.
24:16But that ends now.
24:18We're taking control of the city.
24:21And when we do, we will find justice for the president,
24:27for Billy, and for every one of us who went through hell
24:30to get here.
24:33Because we didn't come this far to be fed a bunch of lies.
24:37We didn't come this far to nod our heads and play along.
24:42So if you're with me, we're going to go out there,
24:47and we're going to rip the fucking
24:48lies right from underneath us.
24:50Let's go.
24:51We're going to make a scene.
24:53You know why?
24:56Because sometimes making a scene is
24:57the only thing you need to do.
25:06All staff cleared for Versailles have biometric access
25:08to the West Wing bunker.
25:12Nothing like being hermetically sealed.
25:14Yeah, I say we lock the VP out as a joke.
25:17You imagine the look on his face?
25:18On the day, a special agent in charge of evacuation
25:21will escort our group to Marine One.
25:23Now, the bunker was built to withstand a direct nuclear hit.
25:26It has a self-contained food and air supply
25:28that will support the entire West Wing indefinitely.
25:33But no one's going to be camping out here.
25:35The minute Versailles is called, you record the speech.
25:37We'll escort it down.
25:38Wait for confirmation of the safest route
25:40to Joint Base Andrews, then we're out.
25:42So go to finish the whole thing's what, 30, 40 minutes?
25:46Beside the bunker, to South Lawn Tunnel, to Marine One,
25:49to Andrews, to Air Force One.
25:5120 minutes tops, then we're airborne.
25:53And then we soar off to Xanadu.
26:02Sir, I'd like to know what's happening.
26:04And I'd like to know when it's happening.
26:07I know it's not my place to ask, but I'm asking.
26:11When does this mysterious shit hit the fan?
26:14And where exactly are we going?
26:20I can't.
26:30Collins, I think it's time you put
26:34your foot down with your wife.
26:38Trips to Atlanta are not as risk-free as they used to be.
26:44My wife hasn't listened to me for 20 years, sir.
26:48I have no details.
26:50It all sounds so far-fetched.
26:58Well, then if it comes to that, I
27:01guess we'll just have to go pick her up from there.
27:16I'm going to be the man in charge when the world ends.
27:29Feels good, doesn't it?
27:32Stay vigilant.
27:33Watch your squads.
27:34Get to your assigned posts.
27:35Robinson and I are going for the explosives.
27:38Tell me, we got RPGs stashed somewhere around here?
27:41Just a little bit of magic, Randy.
27:43Let's move!
27:44Alpha, on me!
27:45Move it!
27:46All right.
27:47You heard him. Let's move.
27:48Let's move!
27:49Let's go!
27:52What's written on the sky is cycling
27:54through a locked program.
27:55Reboot isn't an option.
27:57The effects on the population would be too costly.
28:00Our techs are finding another way to disable the program.
28:03You keep saying program.
28:05The message is going to change again?
28:07We don't know.
28:08It's possible.
28:09The sky is the least of our problems.
28:11Can we address the fact that some agent breached
28:13the goddamn weapons cache?
28:16I'm sorry, what agent?
28:17How does he know about the weapons cache?
28:18Samantha, what do you know about this?
28:20Our city doesn't have a weapons cache.
28:22What do you know about it?
28:27How many people does he have?
28:31How are we containing them?
28:34How are we containing them?
29:00How are we containing them?
29:04How are we containing them?
29:28Provide stability.
29:30We may all come from different worlds,
29:32We're all the same team now
29:37You good
29:42I've been back here since the day we arrived. I was so busy barking out orders. I never even really
29:55That day, you know, I'm sorry we're cool come on
30:26The words they
30:30They pour through
30:32Backup I can catch him
30:35Well, um
30:37Grandpa, this is this is Presley
30:40remember her
30:41You were right. You you did see her here before but she wasn't doing anything bad
30:47I'm trying to help her. She's she's
30:50She's important to me
30:54Look grandpa
30:57We're trying to um, we're trying to get this open
31:02Can you help
31:06You get stationed on Air Force One you memorize all the stats
31:09Like that the underbelly of this thing is filled with defensive measures
31:13Including flares capable of misguiding a targeted missile when deployed
31:18We don't have to blow shit up Robinson. We just need her to think we are
31:25Go for Collins weapons secure how we doing on the magic we're about to bring it
31:37It's not that simple cow never was
31:46I've seen that before. I saw it that night
31:56I want to help you son
32:20Thank you
32:48You're doing the right thing
33:01Hadley has a biology test today
33:06She's really been studying for it you're up late prepping
33:13It's amazing how much time we spend studying just to forget everything when we grow up
33:21You're doing the right thing waiting this out
33:26The police will find Xavier and then you can talk to him
33:30Find a resolution
33:35Do you really think that's possible
33:47What does he know
33:56Why did you find something
33:58There's stuff about Atlanta on here
34:02To thermonuclear weapons hit there
34:06And I found something else
34:11What are you afraid of him exposing Samantha, what did you do?
34:54Boss clear spot for you
35:06The music is a part of the luck program you can't turn it off
35:50Come on wait shut it down shut it all down
36:46Yippee-ki-yay, motherfucker
36:54Listen to bunker tour was 11 out of 10. Really you even walk me home. I'm blushing
37:01But I gotta tell you I really undersold diehard. You gotta see it man. It's not all about feet
37:08You off the clock about to be sir Metro's been dicey want to get home before Terry heads out. She leaves tonight
37:15Yes, sir. I told you you told me she was leaving. You didn't say she was leaving tonight. Fuck the Metro
37:20I'm gonna get you a car. I appreciate that sir. Thank you. Just do yourself a favor and watch the movie
37:25Will you we all about Hans Gruber? He's the bad guy, but he's classy smart like you
37:30Think he's doing one thing. But really he's just getting the FBI to play right into his hand
37:34Yeah, can we get our boy Xavier a car stat?
37:37Thank you reboot initiated
37:40commence shelter protocol
37:42Return to your home shelter phone. Let's move now. Stay low
38:19Just got work your husband and daughter have landed
38:34Don't look at me right now, this is the only way to stop
38:45Everybody can I please get your attention?
38:48Whoever wrote that up there is right
38:51They are lying to us
38:58Where are they taking us shelter protocol all senior officials and families are taken to a secure location
39:19Everything on point it's not just bringing up everywhere
39:25We hold until all the vehicle fuck it's not just a no
39:30I'm secure to rest inside. She's not getting away. Wait
39:39It's all made to make us feel safe we are not fucking safe
39:43They lied about what happened to four people. They sent outside. They lie about everything
39:48You think they tell the truth, but how my dad came?
39:54Really I know
40:01Can't find your head against the wall. No pants open the door
40:08Inside both of you
40:12All I can think to do is hide from all of this and eat a shitload of ice cream and just
40:19Wish the world would go back to the way it was. I
40:22Know that sounds ridiculous. I
40:25Just really don't want to be alone right now
40:27Would you come with me
40:33I got you
40:56Couldn't let her be one of them
41:01Got all down the chute
41:03She and I have history you tipped her off
41:07We built this place together
41:10The city has to hold
41:42Talked to her
42:12Was about to walk into that safe house I
42:16Would have been stuck in there with veins and that wife of his
42:22And you would have what
42:24Ransack my office my computers my underwear drawer looking for proof of my sins
42:28You murdered the president
42:30you killed Billy I
42:34Didn't murder the president I
42:37Might have if he kept digging where he was digging, but I didn't
42:42Billy though
42:46Unfortunately, he left me no choice turn around put your hands on your head
42:50Hey, you cleaned out the weapons, but there was one bullet. You didn't know about turn the fuck around
42:56You think I'll stand down you're not seeing me
43:01I'm seeing you fine Xavier
43:06I'm seeing a man who loves his family a man who loves his wife
43:15Appreciate that. Thank you
43:25What's this the president's carriage
43:48Don't go I
43:52Love you, baby
43:54But you're late
43:59See you in 10 days
44:08Eyes on me Collins
44:16Your wife is alive out there Xavier
44:25And if you stop all this nonsense I can help you find her
44:35In the ground
44:41I can't