Cooking Up a Royal Storm Engsub
Short filmTranscript
00:00:00《The Legend of Qincheng》
00:00:03《The Legend of Qincheng》
00:00:05My Lady, don't leave me alone.
00:00:11What are you doing?
00:00:16Search for valuables from him.
00:00:20What are you doing?
00:00:21Don't touch her.
00:00:23What Lady?
00:00:24I haven't seen His Majesty for five years.
00:00:26I'll be angry if I enter the Cold Palace.
00:00:28Yes, you are.
00:00:29Get out of the way!
00:00:31Don't touch my lady!
00:00:32Even if she's in the Cold Palace, she's still a concubine of the Emperor.
00:00:36She's always been good to you, but now she just got up.
00:00:39If you treat her like this, aren't you afraid of the thunder and lightning?
00:00:42Then you should let her get up for me!
00:00:51Look at her eyes!
00:00:52Her eyes!
00:00:53Did her eyes open?
00:00:54Today is Lantern Festival!
00:00:56What nonsense are you talking about?
00:00:59I... I...
00:01:06What's going on?
00:01:07Why does my head hurt so much?
00:01:10Your Highness!
00:01:11Your Highness!
00:01:12Your Highness, it's great that you're okay!
00:01:15You have a headache because of the cold.
00:01:16The cold hasn't healed yet.
00:01:19How did she hear me?
00:01:29Translation and Timing by Tomb Riders Team at
00:01:59我说出声了 I said something.
00:02:06陛下 您就吃一口吧 Your Majesty, please have a bite.
00:02:09撤了吧 朕吃不下 Leave it. I can't eat it.
00:02:13撤了吧 Leave it.
00:02:30撤了吧 Leave it. I can't eat it.
00:02:38呸呸 Peipei!
00:02:39她们是怎么把鸡腿都做得这么难吃的呀 Why did they make the chicken legs so bad?
00:02:42还得本姑娘自己出马 I have to do it myself.
00:03:00啊 Ah.
00:03:05已经三更了 It's already three o'clock.
00:03:06陛下可是要用些宵夜 Your Majesty, do you want to eat something?
00:03:08不必了 No need.
00:03:10朕出去走走 I'll go out for a walk.
00:03:12不必跟着 No need to follow me.
00:03:16陛下这整日不吃不喝的 Your Majesty, you don't eat or drink all day.
00:03:18这可如何是好吧 What should I do?
00:03:30三更了 It's already three o'clock.
00:03:31怎么还有人在御膳房 Why is there still someone in the imperial kitchen?
00:03:38真香啊 It smells so good.
00:03:44怎么连个牢糟都没有啊 Why isn't there even a dungeon?
00:03:46这可 This is...
00:03:53起来说话 Get up and talk.
00:03:57好巧啊你 What a coincidence.
00:03:59你也是来吃饭的啊 Are you here to eat, too?
00:04:01你 You...
00:04:02我怎么看你有点眼熟 Why do I find you familiar?
00:04:10没有没有 No, no.
00:04:11肯定没有 You must be mistaken.
00:04:12你一定是看错了 You must be mistaken.
00:04:20好帅啊 So handsome.
00:04:25是你在说话 Are you talking?
00:04:27明明无人说话明明无人说话 No one is talking.
00:04:29朕为何能听见声音 How can I hear a voice?
00:04:31瞧这鼻子这眼睛这么水灵 Look at your nose. Your eyes are so beautiful.
00:04:35怎么长得跟男大学生似的 How do you look like a college student?
00:04:37男大学生又是何物 What is a college student?
00:04:39看他这打扮不会是太监吧 Look at his outfit. Could he be a eunuch?
00:04:42你 You...
00:04:43肯定不是 No, I'm sure he isn't.
00:04:44这么帅的脸多浪费 Such a handsome face is such a waste.
00:04:46你不认识 You don't know him?
00:04:47你一定是侍卫吧 You must be a guard.
00:04:48他竟不认识朕 He doesn't know me?
00:04:50有趣 Interesting.
00:04:54侍卫大哥 我是那个宫的宫女 Brother guards, I'm the maid of that palace.
00:04:58我叫 My name is...
00:05:00小的叫汤圆 My name is Tang Yuan.
00:05:02我就是太饿了 I'm just too hungry.
00:05:03所以出来找点吃的 So I came out to find something to eat.
00:05:05您就别告诉上面了 Please don't tell the superiors.
00:05:07拜托拜托 Please.
00:05:10这个是我做的汤圆 This is my dumpling.
00:05:11您辛苦了 您尝尝 Thank you for your hard work. Try it.
00:05:19嗯 Um.
00:05:20哎 溜了溜了 It's dripping.
00:05:21要是个皇帝发现肯定会掏的头 If the emperor finds out, he will definitely behead me.
00:05:23你说什么 What did you say?
00:05:24朕怎么可能会 How could I...
00:05:32陛下 您就吃一口吧 Your Majesty, just have a bite.
00:05:34朕每日都不用饭 How can I survive
00:05:36身子怎么扛得住啊 without eating every day?
00:05:37朕跟你说了 朕没胃口 I told you I'm not hungry.
00:05:44朕前日让你打听那个宫女如何了 I asked you to ask about that maid the other day.
00:05:47奴才已经让人去西边所有住人的宫中问过了 I've already sent someone to all the palaces in the west to ask about her.
00:05:51都说没有一位叫汤圆的小宫女 They all said there was no maid named Tangyuan.
00:05:54废话 连个人都找不到 Useless. I can't even find her.
00:05:57陛下 Your Majesty.
00:06:00陛下 Your Majesty.
00:06:01怎么才能争宠呢 How can I win favor?
00:06:04书里写的是狗皇帝举办狗比赛 It's written in the book that the dog emperor is holding a dog race.
00:06:07有个妃子大放异彩 There's a pretty girl.
00:06:09一鸣惊人 It's amazing.
00:06:11就我这小身板 I'm so small.
00:06:13我只会跳广播体操啊 I can only do radio gymnastics.
00:06:16难道我要去打一套军体拳 Do I have to do a set of military boxing?
00:06:23娘娘怎么像变了一个人 Why does Her Highness look like a different person?
00:06:26狗皇帝烦死了 The dog emperor is so annoying.
00:06:29娘娘既然叫陛下 Since Her Highness calls His Majesty...
00:06:35王侄 Prince.
00:06:36朕记得了 I remember it.
00:06:37那位苏家女是不是住在此处 Did the Su family's daughter live here?
00:06:39正是 Yes.
00:06:41陛下 Your Majesty.
00:06:41苏小姐得了疯病 还是不要 Did Miss Su get the disease or not?
00:06:44朕记得了 I remember it.
00:06:45她一入宫 苏家便出了事 As soon as she entered the palace, the Su family was in trouble.
00:06:48如今一个人住在这里也是可怜 It's pitiful for her to live here alone now.
00:06:50索性今日无事 朕去看看 Fortunately, she's fine today. I'll go check on her.
00:06:52一二三四 一二三四 One, two, three, four.
00:06:55五六七八 Five, six, seven, eight.
00:06:57二二三四 Two, two, three, four.
00:07:00陛下 Your Majesty.
00:07:08哪个不长眼的奴才 Which one of you is blind?
00:07:10砸了咱家的脑袋惊了圣驾 还不快给我滚出来 Why did you break my head and scare the emperor? Get out of here now!
00:07:14什么情况 What's going on?
00:07:16我皇帝怎么来了 Why is my emperor here?
00:07:18行了 That's enough.
00:07:22开门开门 开门 Open the door. Open the door.
00:07:24陛下驾到 还不快出来接驾 His Majesty is here. Come out and welcome him.
00:07:28小唐小唐 你帮我顶住啊 Xiaotang, Xiaotang, hold it for me.
00:07:30我去换件衣服 我去换件衣服 I'll go get changed.
00:07:32开门 Open the door.
00:07:35开门 Open the door.
00:07:41走 Go.
00:07:42你走了不眨眼睛啊 You left without blinking.
00:07:47你怎么在这儿 Why are you here?
00:07:52侍卫大哥 江湖救急 那边有人要杀我 您救救我吧 拜托拜托 我请你吃饭 求你了 Guard, help me. Someone is trying to kill me. Please help me. I beg you. I'll treat you to a meal. Please.
00:07:59他竟还不知道朕的身份 How could he not know my identity?
00:08:01有趣 How interesting.
00:08:02行 我去帮你这一回 Fine. I'll help you this time.
00:08:04人呢 Where is he?
00:08:07人呢 Where is he?
00:08:11滚 Get out.
00:08:22大哥 你是这个 Bro, you're this one.
00:08:25饭 Food.
00:08:31月山坊 发钱 就可以占狗皇帝的便宜喽 Moon Shrine, give me money, so I can take the Emperor's favor.
00:08:46How is it? Is it good?
00:08:48The taste...
00:08:50is good.
00:08:58This taste
00:09:00is different from his.
00:09:02Your Majesty, why don't you taste that one?
00:09:04Is there still no news of him?
00:09:06I have already sent people to ask in the different palaces
00:09:08but none of them have a maid named Tang Yuan.
00:09:12I have an idea, Your Majesty.
00:09:14I know how to find that maid.
00:09:16Let's hold a cooking competition
00:09:18in the palace.
00:09:20Whether it is a concubine or a maid,
00:09:22all the palaces have the right to participate.
00:09:24The winner will be rewarded.
00:09:26Since Miss Tang Yuan is very kind,
00:09:28let's hold a cooking competition
00:09:30and invite her to come.
00:09:32What do you think, Your Majesty?
00:09:34I agree.
00:09:38You want to hold a cooking competition?
00:09:40Your Majesty...
00:09:42Okay, okay. I won't say it anymore.
00:09:44What's the point of practicing dancing
00:09:46all these days?
00:09:48You are not dancing.
00:09:52One, two, three, four.
00:09:54Five, six, seven, eight.
00:09:56Two, two, three, four.
00:09:58The vast world is my love.
00:10:04look at your hands.
00:10:06You are really a dancing goddess.
00:10:10It's my bad luck.
00:10:12It's okay if I don't win.
00:10:14I'll just wait to die.
00:10:16Your Majesty,
00:10:18I heard that the winner of this cooking competition
00:10:20will be rewarded.
00:10:22What is it?
00:10:24The lychee from the Western Regions,
00:10:26the herbal medicine,
00:10:28and the gold.
00:10:32I'm getting interested.
00:11:00Are you talking about me?
00:11:02What's wrong with you?
00:11:04A palace maid is so pretty.
00:11:06I don't know which palace she is from.
00:11:08If the steward sees her,
00:11:10you will be punished.
00:11:12Why are you talking about my lady?
00:11:16I think it's the lady in the restaurant.
00:11:22Xiaotao, don't argue with this little NPC.
00:11:24The book didn't even tell you her name.
00:11:26Am I right?
00:11:28You talk weird.
00:11:30You are crazy.
00:11:34Forget it.
00:11:36I don't think she is here.
00:11:38Your Majesty.
00:12:26It's not even noon yet.
00:12:28Why did you bring me here so early?
00:12:30Lady, we don't have money to cook.
00:12:32We can only enter the imperial kitchen after noon.
00:12:34Look, they are all like us.
00:12:36If you don't come earlier,
00:12:38what if His Majesty chooses a loser?
00:12:40What will you do?
00:12:44Let His Majesty change his mind.
00:12:48what I cook is unique in the world.
00:12:50I don't believe anyone has tasted it.
00:12:52Don't worry.
00:12:56I will cook for you.
00:12:58I don't believe you don't love me.
00:13:22Yan, it's been two hours.
00:13:24Can't you still choose a loser?
00:13:26I think
00:13:28it's good that
00:13:30it's not the Linglong duck from the palace.
00:13:34What is this dish?
00:13:36It's called
00:13:38instant noodles.
00:13:40What's the name of this dish?
00:13:42It's impolite.
00:13:44Take it away.
00:13:48I think the name of instant noodles is interesting.
00:13:50Bring it here.
00:14:08Take it away.
00:14:10Can't you see His Majesty has already...
00:14:22Who did it?
00:14:24Ask him to come here.
00:14:28Do you know
00:14:30what His Majesty is planning?
00:14:32Spare my life, Your Majesty.
00:14:34Spare my life, Your Majesty.
00:14:36If I force that dog...
00:14:38If His Majesty
00:14:40finds out that I sneaked out of the Cold Palace,
00:14:42he will...
00:14:44You go there for me later.
00:14:46After we get the reward,
00:14:48let's have a barbecue.
00:14:50I can't betray Her Highness.
00:14:52Her Highness...
00:14:54Your Majesty, I can't tell His Majesty.
00:14:56Please punish me, Your Majesty.
00:15:04Brother, brother.
00:15:06Why hasn't the leader come out yet?
00:15:08The maid took the lead
00:15:10and was found out by His Majesty.
00:15:12I think she should be beheaded.
00:15:16How dare you cover up in front of His Majesty?
00:15:18This is the crime of deceiving His Majesty.
00:15:20Guards, take her away.
00:15:22Behead her.
00:15:24Your Highness.
00:15:32Don't let her go.
00:15:34Your Highness.
00:15:36Behead her.
00:15:38It's you.
00:15:40It's you.
00:15:42It's her.
00:15:46It's you.
00:15:48It's Wei...
00:15:52A passer-by.
00:16:00Old witch.
00:16:02Damn it.
00:16:04Emperor Kong.
00:16:06How dare you.
00:16:08Your Majesty, he is so unruly.
00:16:10How can he be decent?
00:16:12Mother, I know this matter.
00:16:14In this way,
00:16:16you made the instant noodles.
00:16:18Then you should be rewarded.
00:16:22You don't want to behead me?
00:16:24Do you like to behead others so much?
00:16:26No, no. Of course not.
00:16:28In my heart,
00:16:30you are a good person,
00:16:32so you should be rewarded.
00:16:36I'm sorry.
00:16:38I crossed the line.
00:16:44Isn't it gold?
00:16:48So you don't want to be rewarded?
00:16:50No, no.
00:16:52I want it.
00:16:54Since the loser has been chosen,
00:16:56I have something to do.
00:17:06I have something to do with you.
00:17:26Your Majesty.
00:17:28Su Yao.
00:17:30Don't make a mess.
00:17:32I didn't expect that he didn't die.
00:17:34If the emperor knows
00:17:36that he framed the Su family,
00:17:38the consequences will be unimaginable.
00:17:40Think of a way
00:17:42to get rid of him as soon as possible.
00:17:48It's so embarrassing.
00:17:50Can this world keep Sun Ruiying?
00:17:52How can he be the hero?
00:17:54I admit that he is handsome,
00:17:56but the emperor here is totally different.
00:17:58Do my eyes grow on my head?
00:18:00It's so quiet.
00:18:02Who has a quiet head?
00:18:06I'm sorry.
00:18:08I didn't see it.
00:18:10I am 17 years old.
00:18:12I am a meritorious official.
00:18:14I haven't had a day off since I took the throne.
00:18:16You have worked hard, brother.
00:18:18I know.
00:18:20The most important thing in the imperial family is to start a business
00:18:22and have children.
00:18:24There are people in every generation,
00:18:26but there is no one
00:18:28in the harem.
00:18:30No way.
00:18:32I want you to be my wife.
00:18:34I don't want to be your wife.
00:18:42I was supposed to be your cook.
00:18:44Help me.
00:18:46Why did you say it so fast?
00:18:48It's so embarrassing.
00:18:50Is there a hole?
00:18:52I can't get in.
00:18:54Don't be ashamed.
00:18:56In the palace, all the women I have
00:18:58are your wives.
00:19:00You only need to serve me when I eat.
00:19:02The rest of the time,
00:19:04you can continue to work in the cold palace.
00:19:06You are so sweet.
00:19:08Although I let you
00:19:10serve in front of the jade,
00:19:12you shouldn't
00:19:14move your mind.
00:19:16Don't move.
00:19:22You just let me do two jobs.
00:19:24It seems that
00:19:26no matter in the last life or this life,
00:19:28I can't escape the fate of the workers.
00:19:34Who wants to move in front of you?
00:19:36You are so narcissistic.
00:19:38Your Majesty.
00:19:40Your Majesty.
00:19:42The Empress Dowager is crazy.
00:19:44She is looking for you everywhere.
00:19:46You deserve to be an old witch.
00:19:48Now it should lead to death.
00:19:50The Empress Dowager is crazy.
00:19:52She wants you to be an old witch.
00:19:54Now that the harem has won,
00:19:56I don't need to be an old witch.
00:19:58I have made up my mind.
00:20:02Today, you and your sister...
00:20:04I don't like her.
00:20:06I just conferred her as an official.
00:20:08You don't know that she is Suyao.
00:20:12I'm tired.
00:20:14I'm leaving.
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01:13:24YoYo English Channel YouTube
01:13:36YoYo English Channel YouTube
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01:14:46YoYo English Channel YouTube
01:15:16YoYo English Channel YouTube
01:15:46YoYo English Channel YouTube
01:15:56YoYo English Channel YouTube
01:16:26YoYo English Channel YouTube
01:16:36YoYo English Channel YouTube
01:16:46YoYo English Channel YouTube
01:16:58YoYo English Channel YouTube
01:17:16YoYo English Channel YouTube
01:17:26YoYo English Channel YouTube
01:17:56YoYo English Channel YouTube
01:18:06YoYo English Channel YouTube
01:18:36YoYo English Channel YouTube
01:18:46YoYo English Channel YouTube
01:19:16YoYo English Channel YouTube
01:19:46YoYo English Channel YouTube
01:20:16YoYo English Channel YouTube
01:20:46YoYo English Channel YouTube
01:21:16YoYo English Channel YouTube
01:21:46YoYo English Channel YouTube
01:22:16YoYo English Channel YouTube
01:22:46YoYo English Channel YouTube
01:22:58YoYo English Channel YouTube
01:23:08YoYo English Channel YouTube
01:23:18YoYo English Channel YouTube
01:23:30YoYo English Channel YouTube
01:23:48YoYo English Channel YouTube