• 2 days ago
Hudson and Rex S06 E11


00:00The following program is rated PG
00:03and contains mature subject matter.
00:05Viewer discretion is advised.
00:11The driver saw him on the side of the road
00:13and called 911.
00:14He was unconscious.
00:15Did they say how long he'd been there for?
00:17No, no.
00:18They said apparent head trauma.
00:20Well, that could mean anything.
00:25Did they do a neuro exam?
00:27Yeah, I think I passed.
00:30How are you feeling?
00:31Splitting headache.
00:33Any nausea?
00:34Yeah, I guess.
00:36Charlie, what happened?
00:38I don't remember.
00:41What's the last thing you do remember?
00:44Rex and I responded to that call and...
00:53Where's Rex?
00:57I don't know.
01:22The man who found you and dialed 911 didn't see Rex
01:25and neither did the responding paramedics.
01:27Rex wouldn't have left my side unless something happened to him.
01:29Let's not jump to conclusions until we know where you last saw him.
01:33You were at Willow Farm.
01:34Stolen horse case.
01:35Yeah, no, I remember that part.
01:36I just...
01:37We were at Willow Farm.
01:40We saw the horse trailer there.
01:43We were chasing it.
01:55That's where it goes black.
01:56And Rex definitely jumped onto the trailer with you?
02:00Did you see the driver?
02:01Anyone on the trailer?
02:04Yes, wait.
02:05There was two guys that were standing by the horse trailer when we first spotted it
02:10and then they jumped on it right before it started to drive.
02:13Any description?
02:14Yeah, one of the guys was big.
02:16He had a dark jacket.
02:20No, I didn't get a good look at him.
02:23Excuse me.
02:25Look, Charlie, why don't we just try to roll everything back to the beginning, okay?
02:28See if we can jog some of your memories.
02:29Yeah, we got a call this morning that a horse, Athena, was stolen from Willow Farm.
02:34Athena's a championship broodmare worth hundreds of thousands of dollars.
02:37And you went to go talk to the owners?
02:40We talked to them.
02:41We did.
02:42Then we went to the stables to look around.
02:46Rex caught the scent of something we tracked it across the field.
02:51And then that's where we saw the horse trailer.
02:53It was on the road beyond the field.
02:57What is it?
02:58What's wrong?
02:59There was blood on your coat when they brought you to emergency.
03:02I sent it to the lab.
03:04Yeah, I put a rush on the test results.
03:07Charlie, the blood belongs to Rex.
03:17You look like you've seen better days, pal.
03:24Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa.
03:25I got it.
03:26I got it.
03:27Yeah, I'm a new face.
03:28It's smart to be cautious.
03:32But trust me, I'm a friend.
03:34And lucky for you, I come prepared.
03:39Blood has a way of making things look worse than they actually are.
03:43But I'm not the squeamish type, so...
03:47If you let me get a little bit closer,
03:50I'll be able to clean you up in no time.
03:54And you're going to be good as new.
04:09Charlie, you have a grade two concussion.
04:11A doctor has not agreed to discharge you yet.
04:13Yeah, well, a landing bed's not going to help me fight Rex.
04:15You're not going to be able to help him if you make yourself worse.
04:17Charlie, I will send uniforms to the farm.
04:19The rest of us can go.
04:20No, no, I need to go, okay?
04:22Jesse, can you, um, can you get me a...
04:27Jesse, can you get me anyone who has a history of horse theft
04:32or anyone at Willow Farm who has a record?
04:35Charlie, this is not a minor condition.
04:37You really need to...
04:38Look, Rex could be injured.
04:39He could be...
04:40He could...
04:41He could be...
04:42He's still out there.
04:45Okay, I'll drive.
04:50And Jesse, let's put an alert out on that trailer, okay?
04:53It's, um, red and white siding.
04:55Just please be careful, okay?
04:57I'll keep an eye on him.
05:15Good thing you're getting hurt.
05:16It slows you down.
05:24The fence goes around the entire property.
05:26It's nice, secure, private.
05:33Hey, hey, hey, come on.
05:34Come on.
05:35I don't mind a little stubbornness,
05:36but you've got to let me clean that wound.
05:39It's for your own good.
05:40Come on.
05:41Come on.
05:45There is nothing for you out there.
05:47Come on.
06:09You having a little trouble there?
06:12He's under control.
06:13Why don't you just let me take care of him?
06:16Now, how are you proposing to do that?
06:19What do you want with him, anyway?
06:21I should have never let you see him.
06:23Don't you talk to your mother like that.
06:45Come on.
07:04Never should have let him chase that trailer.
07:06You couldn't have known what would happen.
07:09I put him in danger.
07:11No, you were doing your job.
07:12Charlie, there's no point in beating up on yourself.
07:14It was being a cowboy.
07:17God, if he...
07:18Rex is tough.
07:19You know that better than anybody.
07:20He can take care of himself.
07:24How much blood was on my jacket?
07:29Okay, so this is the spot
07:31where the paramedics picked you up.
07:45There doesn't appear to be any blood on the ground.
07:47That could be a good sign.
07:51We gotta go back to Willow Farm and retrace my steps.
08:04That horse was the most valuable one in our stables.
08:09was a gift from my father.
08:11She's worth more than money.
08:13She's produced three champions.
08:15Her broodmare fees are the highest this side of Ontario.
08:19I've never known a more calm or a more confident horse.
08:22Or one who's more expensive to keep.
08:26She was here.
08:28In her stall last night.
08:30I took her for a ride before supper.
08:32I brushed her down, I fed her,
08:34and then I locked up the barn.
08:37Have you seen anybody...
08:39unfamiliar around the barn lately?
08:41No. No one besides our usual riders and staff.
08:45Um, Billy's the only one with a key to the barn.
08:47He's our groom.
08:48I'm gonna need to speak with him.
08:49Okay. Um, I've left him a couple messages,
08:52but, uh, he just hasn't gotten back to me yet.
08:55Look, they took the hoof clippers, too.
08:58What does that mean?
08:59Well, the hoof clippers, they hang over here.
09:01Why does that even matter?
09:02What did they look like?
09:04Yay big. Black with red handles.
09:07I remember them.
09:08I saw them earlier, but...
09:11there, though, they weren't on the hook.
09:13Rex was interested in them, and then he started...
09:19Honestly, why would you even bring that up?
09:22Is this where you went next?
09:23Yeah, Rex was, um, tracking the scent from the clippers.
09:26Then we went to that field,
09:28and then he was searching for something,
09:30and that's when we saw the trailer.
09:32And now the clippers are missing.
09:36Maybe that's what they came back for.
09:44Just as I thought.
09:47Your bark is bigger than your bite, huh?
09:52You're gonna be fine. It was just a graze.
09:56You're a brave boy.
10:03You remind me of my old dog.
10:07Whip-smart, just like you.
10:09Whip-smart, just like you.
10:11He followed me everywhere I went.
10:16I was never lonely when Rocky was around.
10:18We were a good team.
10:29I think he would be honored if you took his name.
10:35Oh, okay.
10:37Rocky it is.
10:40Well, there you go.
10:42You'll be better in no time.
10:45As long as you stay out of trouble.
11:10Okay, so whatever Rex was tracking could lead us to the thieves.
11:13Let's go over it again.
11:14Right. So Athena was taken at some point before 7 a.m.
11:17when she was discovered missing.
11:19You and Rex responded to the call at 9,
11:21and then you were found in the road just after 10.
11:24So somebody came back after that to take the clippers.
11:28Maybe that's what they were here for when we first saw the trailer.
11:32Okay, so, uh, they steal the horse,
11:36they come back, they see Rex tonight,
11:40get rid of us somehow,
11:42and, um, then they take the clippers.
11:45That's a big risk.
11:46Take a tool that you can presumably buy pretty easily.
11:53Yeah, that does make sense.
11:58Jesse's trying to track down the groom.
11:59He said no luck reaching them so far.
12:01He's sending uniforms down to their house.
12:03We found something.
12:06Let's go.
12:15Tell Jesse to call off the search.
12:18This could be our missing groom.
12:36What can you tell me about the victim?
12:38Uh, Billy Spencer.
12:40Um, he's been with us for years.
12:43Uh, he just worked his way up to head groom.
12:48He's the only one who knew Athena like I did
12:52or loved her as much.
12:56You said that Billy wasn't supposed to be in the stables last night.
13:00I-I don't know what.
13:02I don't know what he would have been doing there.
13:03Billy having any money troubles?
13:05What? No, no.
13:07Um, Billy was not involved in this.
13:09I can promise you that.
13:10Um, him and his girlfriend just bought a house.
13:14Oh, Heather.
13:17I mean, she's gonna be shattered.
13:20I'm sorry. I really need to go and, um...
13:27Cause of death is blunt force trauma to the head.
13:30Uh, and Billy's lacerations are distinct.
13:33No hoof clippers?
13:34Yeah. The gash is consistent with the blade at the head of clippers.
13:38Billy must have, uh, caught the thieves in the act of stealing Athena.
13:44The body was moved, too.
13:45He was wrapped in the blanket and brought out here in the field after he was killed.
13:49So they kill him, then they rush to move the body and leave the murder weapon.
13:53They come back here the next morning to retrieve it.
13:56Find you and Rex.
13:58Just as you two are about to discover the body.
14:00We gotta find that horse.
14:02We do that, we find the killers.
14:05And Rex.
14:13What do you have on our victim?
14:15Uh, 31-year-old William Spencer.
14:17Talked to his girlfriend, Heather. He was out with a few friends the night of the theft.
14:21But, uh, realized he left his wallet at the stables.
14:23Went back to get it.
14:25He wasn't reported missing. She didn't notice when he didn't come home?
14:28No, she's working the night shift at the hospital.
14:30Do we think Billy or Heather could be connected to the theft?
14:33Neither of them have a record.
14:34I checked their phone and financial records. There's nothing there.
14:37I mean, they both live well within their means. They even have some savings.
14:40Yeah, that lines up with what Tonya Hughes said about him.
14:42I just don't think any of them could have been involved.
14:45Did you find anyone else with a record of horse theft?
14:48Nothing current. I mean, horse racing stopped on the island ten years ago.
14:51And all the valuable horses were moved to different provinces.
14:54There's not really anything there.
14:55And Athena, she's really the only valuable horse left in St. John's.
14:59Making her that much more of a commodity.
15:02We have no leads on who might have taken her.
15:04Oh, I didn't say that.
15:05No, I cross-referenced theft arrests with employment records for equine businesses in the area.
15:09And I found a former employee of the racetrack with a substantial record.
15:14On my way to interview him now.
15:20Okay, Shane Warren. Shane Warren.
15:23You have a serious history of theft here, Shane.
15:26History being the operative word there.
15:28I'm reformed now.
15:29Yeah, right. But you used to work for the racetrack, so I can assume that you're comfortable with horses.
15:34I know what this is about.
15:35I heard about the broodmare and the dead groom.
15:39You heard?
15:40Wow. Okay, you heard fast.
15:42Maybe you heard from some contacts you still have in the business.
15:45You're barking up the wrong tree, my friend.
15:47I'm in hospitality now.
15:48I don't even work with horses anymore.
15:50Yeah, I see that. I see that you're in hospitality.
15:52I see you have a diploma in hospitality.
15:54And that's good progress towards your reform.
15:56I graduated top third in my class.
15:58That's impressive. Wow.
16:01I also see that you work as a custodial engineer at a hotel near the airport.
16:05It pays the bills.
16:08Point is, I'm not interested in breeding for a buck.
16:11And that's the only way you're going to make any money off a broodmare.
16:14But you do know who might deal in the black market for breed horses?
16:17Nobody I'm telling the cops about.
16:23I mean, that's a poor attitude, Shane.
16:24I mean, look, these charges on your record,
16:27they're really getting in the way of your hospitality career.
16:29And a good word from us, I'm just saying,
16:31a good word from us could open some doors.
16:39Something to think about.
16:44Tracey thinks he might get a tip on possible horse thieves
16:46from someone who used to be in the business.
16:48You know, I've been thinking, not just anyone can hide a mare.
16:51Well, no, we're looking for someone who had access to stables or a barn.
16:54Well, farms are registered with the province.
16:56Jesse sent me the records.
16:57There are 273 registered farms in the province.
17:02I know. Let's go.
17:14No luck at three farms now.
17:16Yeah, but we can't give up.
17:21That's not Athena.
17:22And still no Rex.
17:30All right, listen to me.
17:32This is the third message I've left for you.
17:35I don't like being ignored.
17:37Now, I held up my end of the bargain.
17:39You better hold up yours.
17:42I better hear from you,
17:44or you're going to have even bigger problems.
17:46Do you understand?
17:48Somebody's coming up the drive, Craig.
17:50All right, all right.
17:51Keep the dog quiet, and I'll deal with it.
17:54Somebody's coming up the drive, Craig.
17:56All right, all right.
17:57Keep the dog quiet, and I'll deal with it.
18:25This was supposed to be an easy job.
18:27Now it's murder.
18:28That's why the price is going up.
18:32For me, too.
18:33More risk, more reward, Dean.
18:36Just keep your head on straight.
18:38You'll get yours.
18:40I need the money now.
18:41I've got to get out of town.
18:42That's not how it works.
18:43When I get paid, you get paid.
18:45Until then, you just keep your mouth shut,
18:47keep your head down,
18:48and you'll never get the money.
18:50I don't care.
18:51You get paid.
18:52Until then, you just keep your mouth shut,
18:53keep your head down.
18:55No, I can't go to jail, man.
18:56I'm not built for that place.
18:57How is that my problem?
18:59How about when you told me to shoot that dog?
19:01Or maybe when you...
19:02Watch what you say next.
19:04Watch it.
19:09Okay, the point is, I'm not going down for...
19:12What happened?
19:14Either you finance my trip out of here,
19:16or I might be in a position to get some help elsewhere.
19:19What are you talking about right now?
19:21A lot of people are looking for that horse.
19:23Maybe I might go look for a reward.
19:25For a deal.
19:30What, what, are you going to call the cops on me now, Dean?
19:33Are you threatening my son?
19:34Mom, I got it.
19:36This is between me and him, ma'am.
19:38What did you just call me?
19:41Sorry, Mrs. Peck.
19:45You know, in all the whining and the threatening
19:47you've done today, you've had one good idea.
19:49Get out of town.
19:51That's my preference, 100%.
19:53But I'm owed what he told me.
19:54I don't care how much he owes you.
19:56You should feel lucky that you're getting out of here alive.
19:59And you threatened my son again,
20:01and you are a dead man.
20:08Get his phone.
20:18Okay, well, that's dead end number seven.
20:22Somehow they seem to be getting progressively more ornery.
20:30Hey, Jesse, tell me you got some good news for us.
20:32Oh, I got something better.
20:34I got a name.
20:35Dean Curtis.
20:36Your racetrack vehicle?
20:38I got a new name for it.
20:40It's a new name.
20:41It's a new name.
20:42It's a new name.
20:43It's a new name.
20:45Dean Curtis.
20:46Your racetrack thief came through?
20:48Yeah, well, I convinced him that having friends in law enforcement
20:51could lead to a brighter future.
20:52Changing the world one ex-con at a time, hey, Jesse?
20:58So who is this Dean Curtis?
20:59Shane knew Dean when they both worked at the track.
21:01Dean was an exercise racer.
21:03Was he a suspect in Athena's theft?
21:05Well, it turns out that Dean had been dealing in
21:07black market performance enhancing drugs for racehorses.
21:10Shane said they kept in touch after the track closed.
21:13He was doing odd jobs for shady characters.
21:16I am sending you his picture right now.
21:20Is it possible this is one of the men you saw by the trailer?
21:26Jesse, have the uniforms bring him in.
21:29We're coming back to the station.
21:30I want to talk to this Dean Curtis.
21:32You got it.
21:44I don't trust Dean.
21:45He's the wrong person for the job.
21:47He knows how to keep his mouth shut, okay?
21:50You better be right about that.
21:54You need to move the horse.
21:55I can't have it in here.
21:56It's for a few more days.
21:58I mean, what is the big deal?
21:59Nobody's going to see it in here.
22:01If Dean doesn't go to the cops, you mean?
22:04Take it to the back paddock.
22:06All right, fine.
22:08Give me that.
22:10You are useless.
22:12No wonder you needed Dean to help you.
22:18Hey there.
22:19Hey, girl.
22:21Yeah, you're beautiful, aren't you?
22:23Yeah, look at you.
22:25Okay, that's it.
22:28Yeah, that's it.
22:30That's it.
22:31That's it.
22:32That's it.
22:33That's it.
22:34That's it.
22:35That's it.
22:36Yeah, here we go.
22:41This is why the farm fell apart after your dad died.
22:44What kind of man is afraid of a horse?
22:46I'm not afraid of horses.
22:50Bring some water.
22:52Here we go.
23:07How'd the farm search go?
23:09No sign of Rex.
23:11But Charlie wanted to come back to talk to Dean Curtis.
23:14How's he feeling?
23:16He's pushing through.
23:18I know you tried convincing him to rest.
23:20You know, let someone else take the case.
23:22Well, I would win that battle if it wasn't for Rex.
23:24I can't say I blame him.
23:26I feel the same way if my partner were missing.
23:37Yeah, yeah.
23:38Come on.
23:39This way.
23:44Here we go.
23:45Come on.
23:46Let's go.
23:48In we go.
23:50Come on.
23:51Come on.
23:52Let's go.
24:05I thought I told you to fix this.
24:23I have to do everything around here.
24:35No, I don't recognize him.
24:38Doesn't necessarily mean that he wasn't there, though.
24:40If he was on that trailer, he'll definitely recognize you.
24:46For all he knows, I could be dead.
24:49Maybe he'll be able to tell if he's surprised to see you.
24:53Unless he's a really good bluffer.
24:55Doesn't look like much of a poker player.
25:04Hi, Dean.
25:08You look surprised to see me.
25:10You got thrown off a moving trailer, man.
25:12How did you even...
25:13No, no, that's not...
25:14That's not how this works.
25:15You see in an interrogation, the police get to ask the questions.
25:18Yeah, I didn't know you were a cop.
25:20And got pretty crazy out there, right?
25:24Yeah, it did get pretty hairy, didn't it?
25:27But we made it through.
25:30You know, I know my side of the story, but...
25:33Why don't you tell me yours?
25:37Dean, you cooperate with us,
25:40and then we try and help you not spend several years in jail
25:45trying to figure out all the mistakes that you've made.
25:47So, why don't you tell me what happened?
25:55It was crazy, man.
25:57You and that dog chasing after us.
26:00There's no way you should have caught on.
26:09Get him off me!
26:12Shoot the dog!
26:37What happened to Riggs?
26:38Where is he?
26:39Last I saw, he was still there.
26:41Dropped me off at the next crossroads.
26:42I had to hitch home.
26:43Oh, sounds like a real rough day for you, Dean.
26:46Yeah, it really was.
26:48That's why I don't do inside jobs.
26:49They always get messy.
26:54You want me to help you,
26:56and you need to give me something.
26:57I already said too much.
26:58A name.
26:59The person who told you to shoot Rex.
27:01Listen, I'm in a dilemma here.
27:03Either I rat on some very dangerous people,
27:06or I get sent to jail, right?
27:08That's my nightmare.
27:09Then maybe you shouldn't have gotten involved in a murder.
27:15That's right, Dean.
27:16We found the body.
27:17Billy Spencer.
27:19Hard-working young groom.
27:20You know, I think his grieving girlfriend's gonna make a real impact on the jury.
27:24I didn't kill him.
27:25But you know who did.
27:26If I say anything, then I'm next.
27:27I already admitted to shooting my partner.
27:28That was in self-defense.
27:30If I were you, I'd be a lot more worried about what's happening in here
27:33than what could happen out there.
27:36You don't understand these people.
27:38I'm better off in jail.
27:49Do you believe Dean Curtis doesn't know if Rex is okay or not?
27:53I don't know. Maybe...
27:55Maybe Rex didn't make it and he's afraid to tell me.
27:57He seems like he's afraid every which way he turns.
28:00So what do we know about Dean's associates?
28:02I might have something there.
28:03Dean made a bunch of calls to the same number over the last couple days.
28:06Great. Who?
28:08Well, I mean, the unfortunate thing is it's a burner phone.
28:11I'm out for cell phone tower data, which could hopefully link the burner phone to a farm.
28:15It could take a while.
28:19Hey, you okay, Charlie?
28:20Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine.
28:22Okay, so Billy, he went back to the stables the night of the theft to get his wallet.
28:27He catches the thieves in the act, gets hit over the head.
28:30The thieves, in their haste to get rid of the body, they leave the murder weapon.
28:34So when they came back to get it, that's when you and Rex saw them?
28:37Yeah, well, the hoof clippers were gone when we went back,
28:39so after they knocked me out, they must have gone back to the stables.
28:42We believe the hoof clippers must have had prints on them to justify taking the risk.
28:46Which could mean there's a previous record of prints on file.
28:49I don't think Dean Curtis was the killer.
28:50It was his associate that was calling the shots.
28:52So how do we use Dean to find his partners?
28:54Well, I'll check his contacts. Maybe the other guy used a burner phone for the job.
28:58There's someone else we can ask.
29:00Dean said this was an inside job.
29:02Robert and Tanya Hughes.
29:03Okay, I'll call Willow Farm.
29:38You active in the stables, Robert?
29:39That's Tanya's thing. Her family are the Equestrians.
29:42But you're joint owners of Athena.
29:44We're married.
29:46She's a moneymaker. Do you take insurance out on her?
29:49Of course. How much?
29:50I don't know. About a million.
29:53That's more than market value.
29:55Her coverage is based on earning potential as a broodmare over her lifetime.
30:00Wait, you think I stole my own horse for insurance?
30:05Kind of makes sense, doesn't it?
30:07Find somebody to take her, make the insurance claim, set up a sale at the same time.
30:11I would never do that to Tanya.
30:13Look, I was arranging a sale, but it was all above board.
30:18What do you mean?
30:20I had a buyer coming to see Athena at the end of the week.
30:24Did Tanya know about this meeting?
30:25Are you crazy?
30:28Cardinal rule of marriage, Detective Hudson.
30:31Ask for forgiveness, not permission.
30:37I mean, I feel awful.
30:40Well, I'm sure whoever arranged this never wanted Billy to be involved.
30:48No, not at all.
30:52Well, as you probably know, if a murder takes place while a crime like theft is being committed,
30:59then everyone involved is guilty of manslaughter.
31:04Do you mean all of the people who were at the Staple when Billy was killed?
31:11And anyone who hired them.
31:12Now, if someone wasn't stealing, but rather moving a horse that legally belonged to them, that would be different.
31:21Would it?
31:23That person would be guilty of public mischief for reporting the horse stolen, but the manslaughter charge wouldn't apply.
31:32But if you do know something, and you don't, tell us now.
31:38That's accessory after the fact.
31:41Why don't you tell me what happened, Tanya?
31:44A few months ago, Robert had some investment losses.
31:54He started talking about selling Athena.
31:57I said, absolutely not.
32:00I love that horse.
32:04Well, we fought about it for weeks.
32:07Well, we fought about it for weeks.
32:09And then he just dropped it.
32:13Which is not like him.
32:15So I started keeping an eye on his email.
32:20And sure enough, he was looking for a buyer.
32:24I was so furious.
32:27And you hired someone to take Athena.
32:30Look, I wasn't thinking about anything but protecting Athena.
32:34I just thought that if I could make it look like she was stolen long enough to find a divorce lawyer and to get full custody, then...
32:50Bailey wasn't supposed to be at the stables.
32:53Where's Athena now?
32:56I don't know. I swear.
32:59I don't know.
33:01They won't tell me. And I haven't seen her since they took her.
33:07And now they want more money.
33:10Once I saw what they did to Billy, I was just too scared to pay.
33:14Who is the guy who did you hire?
33:20His name is Craig.
33:23I know Craig on Dean Curtis' phone.
33:25The only calls he made were numbers that belonged to Tanya Hughes and a guy named Carl Goosen.
33:32Maybe Carl's the driver.
33:35Jesse, bring up Carl's record. See who he's been arrested with in the past.
33:40Okay, here we go. Yeah, he's got more than a few misdemeanors.
33:44Does he have any known associates named Craig?
33:46Let me see.
33:47Yeah, yeah. Here, he's arrested alongside a Craig Peck.
33:52Yeah, that's him. That's the guy from the trailer.
33:54Do we have an address?
33:55Looks like he lives with his mother, Laura Peck. They have a farm, but it hasn't been registered in years.
33:59Okay, Jesse, have the uniforms pick up Carl Goosen. Sarah and I are going to go visit the Pecks.
34:08If she's not going to keep up her end and pay you for doing the job that you did, then we'll sell the horse.
34:14How are we supposed to do that without getting caught, though?
34:17I'll make some calls. You just get it off the island. You leave tonight.
34:26I'm going to need a new trailer if I'm going to move the horse.
34:29So get one.
34:33What's the problem?
34:35Why don't I just get out of town? And you can take care of it until it's safe.
34:40Get out of town? Why?
34:42There was a situation when we were picking up the horse.
34:47What situation?
34:49There was a guy, and he saw us, so I had to take care of it.
34:54You killed him.
34:55To get the horse.
35:00You told me to take the job.
35:01Well, I didn't think that I would have to tell you how to do it.
35:03You told me to take the job.
35:06You told me to take the job.
35:07Well, I didn't think that I would have to tell you how to do it.
35:12A grown man can't even think for himself.
35:18That was why Dean was threatening to go to the Coffs. Did he do it?
35:23I don't know. I haven't heard from him.
35:27Okay, fine.
35:36Listen, you've got to help me.
35:39Oh, hey. Can you believe my son here? Yeah? Maybe it is better if he does leave.
35:45Then it'll be just you and me. Right, Rocky?
36:06Hey. Hey, what'd you hear, boy?
36:12This here, it's just a little sedative to keep you quiet, honey.
36:21Hey, hey, hey, hey.
36:36Take him out the back way, Craig.
36:37Take him out the back way, Craig.
36:38Take him out the back way, Craig.
36:39What is it?
36:40What is it?
36:43Billy just heard a rax.
36:44Billy just heard a rax.
36:45Billy just heard a rax.
37:12A stolen horse, huh?
37:15Isn't that a sin?
37:17Those owners must be crazy worried.
37:20I would hate to lose an animal like that. It's just awful.
37:27Um, you can look around as much as you like.
37:33So you haven't heard anything about Athena. No idea who could have her.
37:38Afraid I haven't been keeping track of horse gossip these days.
37:42I'm just content puttering around my farm, you know?
37:47Do you have a horse trailer?
37:49You know, we sold it years ago. It's just not much use for it anymore.
37:57Do you run this place by yourself, Miss Peck, or do you have help?
38:01Please call me Laura.
38:03Yeah, it's a lot of work, but not more than I can handle.
38:07Is this a bit big for you?
38:12It was my husband's coat.
38:15He's not with us anymore, unfortunately.
38:17I'm sorry to hear that.
38:18What about your son, Craig? He lives here, doesn't he?
38:20Oh, sure does.
38:22I hardly see him, though. He's at work right now.
38:27You recognize this man?
38:31No, I've never seen that man.
38:37I'm sorry I couldn't be more help.
38:51That was a jacket Craig was running on the trailer.
38:54There was a wallet and keys in that jacket pocket.
38:57Craig's here.
38:58Let's park down the road, come back on foot, catch the North Guard.
39:02Any sign of Rex?
39:03Oh, yeah. He's been in that barn.
39:10That woman has Rex.
39:27Come on.
39:47Come on.
39:57Come on.
40:22Stand back.
40:28Let's split up.
40:29Okay, I'll go this way.
40:30Charlie, if you see anybody, get out.
40:32Okay, backup's on the way.
40:33Could it be a cowboy you meet?
40:34Yeah, another blow to the head could be serious.
40:36I'll keep my head down.
40:53Stop right there.
40:58You're trespassing on private property, Detective, unless you've got a warrant.
41:02I'm here for my dog.
41:04Let go of my son or I shoot.
41:07Where's Rex?
41:09Behind you!
41:12Where's my partner?
41:14You mean the one that got shot in front of you?
41:17I don't know, he must be dead by now.
41:22Hey, take him.
41:46Hey, buddy.
41:49There you are.
41:50Hey, hi, buddy.
41:53You okay, partner?
41:54Not hurt, are you?
42:01You found Athena, buddy.
42:03You've got a new friend.
42:12I think Rex has got something.
42:24I think Rex just found the murder weapon.
42:30Hey, you've been busy, haven't you?
42:35Okay, well, I think you both deserve a break.
42:40Forensics will take it from here.
42:42What do you say, pal?
42:43Want to head home?
42:48Better call in a trailer from the station.
42:51I don't think Rex is leaving until his new friend is safe.
43:17I don't think Rex is leaving until his new friend is safe.
43:47I don't think Rex is leaving until his new friend is safe.
43:48I don't think Rex is leaving until his new friend is safe.
43:49I don't think Rex is leaving until his new friend is safe.
43:50I don't think Rex is leaving until his new friend is safe.
43:51I don't think Rex is leaving until his new friend is safe.
43:52I don't think Rex is leaving until his new friend is safe.
43:53I don't think Rex is leaving until his new friend is safe.
43:54I don't think Rex is leaving until his new friend is safe.
43:55I don't think Rex is leaving until his new friend is safe.
43:56I don't think Rex is leaving until his new friend is safe.
43:57I don't think Rex is leaving until his new friend is safe.
43:58I don't think Rex is leaving until his new friend is safe.
43:59I don't think Rex is leaving until his new friend is safe.