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Viața care ne unește Episodul 123 subtitrat în română
Viața care ne unește Episodul 123 subtitrat în română
Viața care ne unește Episodul 123 subtitrat în română
Viața care ne unește Episodul 123 subtitrat în română
00:30I just want to ask one last thing about this subject.
00:58Do I remind you of your mother?
01:02I mean, I never thought of it that way.
01:06But you may be right.
01:10No, no, I didn't say it to upset you.
01:13It's just that you've been with my mother lately.
01:17I mean, even in the last minute.
01:20Maybe when I see you, I remember those moments.
01:25I don't know. I'm so sorry.
01:27I'm sorry, Yasemin.
01:29Kerem, it's ridiculous. I know.
01:31But now that I think about it, I realized I didn't come to where you were.
01:35I realized I ran away from you.
01:37It's like when I talk to you, it's always about my mother.
01:41It's ridiculous. I'm so sorry.
01:43Oh, come on. Okay, don't apologize.
01:46It's normal for you to feel things like this.
01:50If I could do even a little bit to be with you, that's enough for me.
02:01Do you know, Kerem?
02:03You're the only person around me who's been with me without judging me.
02:08You've always been with me from the beginning.
02:11You trusted me. You didn't even ask me a question.
02:16I was going to be in trouble because of me, but you weren't even afraid.
02:21How could I leave you like that?
02:24Not everyone does what you do.
02:27You're a really good friend.
02:30I hope one day I can do something for you, too.
02:36Well, I have to go now. My break is over.
02:41I'm glad you're here, Kerem. See you.
02:47See you.
02:57Ezgi is right. She's running away from me.
03:02I'm so glad you're here. You've grown up so fast.
03:07We're going to have to work a little hard, but we're going to make a lot of money.
03:12It's better to have a lot of work. That way, I'll learn faster.
03:17How did you get out of this alone, Firdos?
03:22I don't know.
03:25How did you get out of this alone, Firdos?
03:33You're unbelievable.
03:35When I started working for you, I realized how hard it was.
03:39It doesn't look like it from the outside.
03:42It's my father's job.
03:44My father taught me everything.
03:46I've always helped him since I was a kid.
03:48It doesn't feel like a different job to me.
03:50I've been used to this pace since I was a kid.
03:52Sometimes I wonder what I'd do without this job.
03:55Believe me, I don't know.
03:56But don't worry, you'll get used to it.
03:58I'm used to it.
04:02Look at me, Firdos.
04:04Work is different, friendship is different.
04:06If I can't do your job, you'll tell me.
04:13If that's the case, I'll tell you.
04:15I'm sure you'll speed up my work.
04:18I'm sure.
04:19Even if you go and buy fabrics today, you've saved me time.
04:22This duo will do a good job.
04:24Look, see.
04:25Firdos, thank you so much.
04:29Because you hired me.
04:31Even Halil didn't believe I was going to work.
04:33Is that possible?
04:35But I want to say something.
04:37Say it.
04:39We both know you won't stay here for long.
04:43Don't get me wrong.
04:45I wanted to work because you were very depressed at home.
04:48You don't neglect your home and children.
04:51No, I don't.
04:53But I'm determined to work.
04:55That's better.
04:57I know you're going through a difficult time as a family.
04:59It will be good for you to work.
05:01I need a helper in this tight time.
05:06I'm glad you came.
05:08I'm glad I came.
05:10Firdos, let's have a cup of coffee together.
05:14I'm tired.
05:15We deserve it.
05:16We'll take a break.
05:17It would be nice.
05:23Good day.
05:25Good day, Firdos.
05:27Welcome, Suzan.
05:30We took a break.
05:32We were going to have coffee.
05:33Would you like to join us?
05:38I forgot.
05:40I have a lot of work to do in the mansion.
05:43I haven't started getting ready yet.
05:45Okay, Suzan.
05:47Your master is waiting for you.
05:51What kind of a word is that?
05:55I'm saying in the mansion.
05:56The evil queen is waiting for you.
05:58God bless.
05:59If the service is not seen, the man's heart will be broken.
06:03Don't be rude.
06:05It doesn't suit you at all.
06:07Obviously, you haven't met Ms. Münevver enough.
06:11But I think it's better for her.
06:16Don't make her wait.
06:19Tell her you saw Ayfer.
06:21Tell her that Ayfer has started working and Halide will start working again.
06:24Tell her that she doesn't need you anymore.
06:26Say hello to her.
06:28Come on, get ready.
06:30Good luck.
06:32See you.
06:34Let's go.
06:40Do you like what you did, Ayfer?
06:42Why did you have to break my heart and fight?
06:47I'm sorry.
06:49It happened in your shop.
06:51I'm so sorry.
06:52What can I do?
06:53When I see someone from the mansion, all the demons come to me.
06:57You were rude.
06:58I'll go make coffee.
07:06Didn't you go out?
07:07No, I've been here all day.
07:13I'm glad I came early.
07:15Can I ask you something?
07:16Of course.
07:17Can you look at my place for an hour?
07:19I have something to do outside.
07:21No problem.
07:35Welcome, retiree.
07:37Do you need help?
07:39Not at all, ma'am.
07:41This is my job.
07:42I'll take care of it.
07:56What happened, retiree?
07:58You look sad.
08:00No, ma'am.
08:01Nothing important happened.
08:04I still want to know.
08:09I saw Ayfer in Firrefs's shop.
08:12She said some nasty things about you.
08:16I was so angry.
08:19But I didn't show it to make her happy.
08:23When I see Ayfer, I lose my temper.
08:28How many times have I told you, retiree?
08:31Don't take Ayfer too seriously.
08:33I don't want her to upset you.
08:37It doesn't matter if she says something about me.
08:40But I feel bad when she doesn't speak.
08:44I mean...
08:45You don't deserve what she says, ma'am.
08:49And she says it in public.
08:53People don't get upset when they eat, ma'am.
08:57Don't say that, retiree.
09:00Don't bother her.
09:02We can't interfere with anyone's thoughts.
09:05Everyone sees life the way they want to see it.
09:09Don't worry.
09:13I forgot to tell you.
09:16Maybe you want to know.
09:19Ayfer started working for Firrefs.
09:23They're looking for another job for Halil.
09:28Ayfer is very stubborn.
09:32Whether she's right or wrong, she doesn't change her mind.
09:38I've seen it before.
09:57Where's Rüştü?
09:59What are you doing here?
10:00We have a job, boss.
10:03You have a job?
10:06Okay, get out.
10:12We're stuck here.
10:17Get well soon.
10:21I know what to do.
10:23I know.
10:28Where's Rüştü?
10:37Rüştü, where are you?
10:40You told me to leave money to Salih.
10:42I'm taking him.
10:46Say hi to me.
10:48Look at me.
10:49Don't go around.
10:51Go back as soon as you're done.
11:06How are you?
11:07I'm fine, thanks.
11:09You took Mine to school.
11:14I'll take her, mom.
11:16Yasemin can think whatever she wants.
11:19I'm not going to entrust my niece to someone else at a time like this.
11:23Come on, mom, don't worry.
11:25From now on, things will be under my control.
11:28I don't want you to be sad anymore.
11:32I'm glad you're with us.
11:34I'm glad you're back, son.
11:37Otherwise, I don't know how I would have carried all this burden alone.
11:45I wish I had come back earlier.
11:47I blame myself for that.
11:49I don't know, maybe...
11:51...we would have met my sister earlier.
11:54Maybe this wouldn't have happened.
12:00...my sister would still be alive.
12:04You can't go against your fate.
12:10Is there any news from Yasemin?
12:13No, there's no news.
12:16She left yesterday.
12:19I don't know what she's doing or what she's thinking.
12:23I wanted to call her today.
12:26But I couldn't dare to.
12:30I think it would be better if you didn't call her.
12:32Let her think about it.
12:35Maybe she'll come to her senses.
12:39Where were you?
12:41I was waiting for you to come after you dropped Mini off at school.
12:47Look, there's nothing you haven't told me so I don't get upset, right?
12:51No, mom. Don't worry.
12:54I went to the shop after I took Mini to school.
12:57Brother Halil came half an hour later.
12:59We got things together.
13:01He's still there.
13:06Don't say that when you're talking to Ayfer.
13:09Be careful.
13:11I told you I was looking for a new job for Halil so that Ayfer wouldn't get upset.
13:15Be careful, son.
13:17I don't want to leave Halil in a difficult situation in front of Ayfer.
13:22Okay, mom. Don't worry.
13:24I'm going to my room. I have to work a little.
13:29You're not going to leave us and go again, are you?
13:33I'm not going, mom.
13:35I'm not going to leave you again.
13:38I just have a few reports to finish and send.
13:41I sold some things. I'll take care of them.
13:44Okay, son.
13:50Aunt Suzan will make you coffee.
13:53I'll get it when I get out.
13:56Come on, mom.
14:11Yasemin, are you available?
14:25I'm waiting where we always meet.
14:31Is something wrong?
14:40There's nothing to worry about.
15:21Yeah, I saw your messages.
15:24I know.
15:26I've been delaying this project a bit.
15:31we lost my sister.
15:34And I can't leave my mom alone.
15:37I know.
15:39I know.
15:41I know.
15:43I lost my sister.
15:46And I can't leave my mom right now.
15:53I appreciate your understanding.
15:56Yeah, sure.
15:58I'll send you the data.
16:02And it would be better if...
16:05someone else could handle things instead of me.
16:08Of course.
16:13I don't know.
16:15I don't know when I'll be able to come back.
16:19Okay, then.
16:34I can't leave my mom alone.
16:37I don't have Tahsin anymore.
16:41I can't go back now.
16:56What happened? Did something happen to Mine?
16:58Calm down.
16:59There's nothing to do with Mine.
17:01And there's nothing bad.
17:03Then why did you call me here?
17:08I just wanted you to breathe a little.
17:11I really don't have any other intentions.
17:14And my favorite...
17:16sugar-free, cream-free coffee.
17:19What are you trying to do, Burak?
17:21Do you really think I'm going to drink coffee here like we used to?
17:27Yasemin, please don't.
17:30Look, I've been thinking about how I can cheer you up for days.
17:34Please let me be with you for a little while.
17:37Let me make you smile like we used to.
17:40I don't have time for this, Burak.
17:42I have to work.
17:44Do you understand?
17:46My brother didn't want me.
17:48I'm hurting right now. My heart is broken.
17:50And you're talking about laughing at me.
18:20Come here.
18:25Look what we're doing.
18:27Ayfer, what are you doing here?
18:31Why are you so surprised?
18:35You didn't believe I was going to work, did you?
18:38What a lie. I really didn't believe it.
18:41Look what we're doing.
18:49What are you doing, Burak?
18:51Yasemin, can you wait two minutes?
18:55I just wanted you to calm down.
18:58Because I'm so sorry, Yasemin.
19:00I don't know how I can help you.
19:02We're in the same house, but it's like we're miles apart.
19:06But I'll do anything to make you happy.
19:10I just wanted to remind you of these stairs.
19:14We used to sit here and play silly games, but we still had a lot of fun.
19:20Yeah, it was really a silly game.
19:24But you'd still laugh.
19:27You'd have fun, too.
19:32I forgot all your troubles in a short time.
19:36We forgot our troubles.
19:40I wanted it to be the same again.
19:46Please, please don't get me wrong.
19:50At least I wanted to make you smile until our coffee was over.
19:56But if you want to go, you can go.
20:00I can't force you.
20:02I have things to do upstairs.
20:04I don't have time to drink coffee with you, to laugh, to play those silly games.
20:20Look, you see, I started working.
20:24Look, people do anything they want.
20:27I think you should think about it, too.
20:29We don't need that woman.
20:31Ayfer, please.
20:32Is it the same thing?
20:33I gave my life for those shops.
20:35It's not just about Münevver Hanım.
20:37I mean, there's labor, there's dozens of workers.
20:40I have to think about them, too.
20:42Not at all, Halil.
20:43It's like you have someone to think about.
20:45Besides, every sheep hangs on its own leg.
20:48I think you should find yourself a new way.
20:52Welcome, Halil.
20:55Thank you, Firdevs.
20:57I'm sorry, I'm so surprised.
20:59I didn't believe it when you said you were going to work for Ayfer.
21:03Why, Halil?
21:04Ayfer has been at home for years.
21:06I was wondering what she was doing.
21:09You see, Firdevs?
21:12Homework is not a job.
21:14All men are the same.
21:16They just don't know that the hardest work is cleaning, laundry, ironing, washing, babysitting.
21:25Ayfer, I didn't mean that.
21:27I mean, they're hard work, too.
21:30But there's no secret, Halil.
21:32Look, Firdevs needs an assistant.
21:34I'm here.
21:35I really needed Ayfer's help, Halil.
21:38There were so many orders.
21:40I was thinking about how to get them.
21:42Well, Firdevs, I'm sorry.
21:44But this is a professional job.
21:46I mean, it's not an obstacle to you, is it?
21:48Because I've never seen Ayfer sewing at home.
21:52So I don't need to go, Halil.
21:55I'll remind you.
21:56Before I got married, I went to sewing courses.
22:00Firdevs, you don't know.
22:02Before I married Halil, I was a secretary in a shop.
22:05I was going to courses.
22:07But then Halil didn't want me to work.
22:10Honey, I feel sorry for you.
22:13I mean, sit at home and enjoy it.
22:16That's right. Of course, I enjoyed it.
22:18But no.
22:19A woman should work.
22:21No, it's not like sitting at home.
22:23You see, the world has a thousand ways.
22:25Look, the situation is clear.
22:29Firdevs, can ours do it?
22:36Oh, no, I didn't mean that.
22:38I mean, he's doing it now.
22:41It's different to know a job, it's different to do it.
22:43It's completely different to do it as a job.
22:45I mean, Halil, you know me.
22:47I don't have time to entertain anyone.
22:49I mean, if it doesn't work for me, I'll tell him directly.
22:52But it's really skillful.
22:54I showed him what to do once, and he started right away.
22:58I already know how skillful my wife is.
23:02But Ayfer doesn't need to work.
23:06I mean, thank God we're not hungry, we're not hungry.
23:09Maybe you want to work for someone in need.
23:12Halil, don't make me angry.
23:15Let me decide what to do.
23:18Besides, we'll talk at home later.
23:21Halil, I really needed help.
23:23Otherwise, my orders would be delayed.
23:28Okay, then.
23:29What can I say?
23:30Good luck.
23:31Good luck to you.
23:32Honey, I'm going home.
23:34When will you come?
23:35Well, I'll come when I'm done, Halil.
23:37You go home.
23:38I put the meat in the fridge.
23:40You start cooking it.
23:42Pınar will be late for school.
23:44I don't understand.
23:45Should I cook?
23:46What should I cook, Ayfer?
23:47How would I know how to cook?
23:48Okay, do as you understand.
23:50There's always one or two things to do.
23:52That's how it is from now on.
23:53Whoever is free will cook.
23:56Okay, then.
23:58Good luck to you and me.
24:00See you, Halil.
24:01See you.
24:03Good luck, Halil.
24:05See you, honey.
24:08See you.
24:12My God, Ayfer.
24:13You're the best.
24:15Of course, I am.
24:17Wait a minute.
24:18What else am I going to do to get my husband out of this mansion?
24:21This is just the beginning.
24:25Firdevs, thank you so much.
24:28I know you hired me for good.
24:31But I was going to sit at home and eat my head.
24:34I was going to play with my mind.
24:36I don't know.
24:37Maybe you'll get some help here.
24:39Then I'll be happy.
24:41And these orders are over.
24:44I can go if you want.
24:45Let's finish this first.
24:46We'll talk later.
24:47Come on.
24:48Come on, come on.
24:57This needs to be processed in a system.
24:59Okay, I'll do it.
25:03Something happened again.
25:05No, nothing happened.
25:06I mean, nothing new happened.
25:08I want to call Mine.
25:10I can't wait to hear Ms. Münevver's voice.
25:14If Burak calls, you can hear your voice.
25:17No need.
25:18I think it's better to wait.
25:21My brother won't give up easily.
25:23I'm sure he'll call.
25:28I'll tell you something, but don't be mad.
25:30Maybe the best thing is to live with them.
25:54Oh, Feriha.
26:01I'm willing to fight with you.
26:05I'm so used to you welcoming me when I come home.
26:19Welcome, daughter.
26:20Thank you, father.
26:23Where's my mother?
26:25You're looking for her, too, aren't you?
26:28I mean...
26:31My mother is with Firdevs.
26:34Is she sewing herself?
26:36No, she's sewing herself.
26:39I don't understand.
26:40Anyway, change your clothes and come.
26:42I'll tell you.
26:43Tonight we're going to cook.
26:45You'll understand a little bit.
26:47Let's go.
26:56Can we talk to you for a second?
26:59About what?
27:02You were right.
27:04About Yasemin.
27:06I talked to Yasemin.
27:10She admitted that I reminded her of her mother's bad experiences.
27:17Actually, she wasn't aware of this, and she didn't stay away from me.
27:22But when I told her, it made sense.
27:27I was right about everything I said.
27:31But of course you didn't want to see me.
27:34Anyway, I'm going.
27:35Ezgi, stop.
27:40What did you mean?
27:42I think you know why I'm talking about.
27:44I'm talking about Burak and Yasemin.
27:46I'm talking about their love for each other.
27:49I told you not to worry about it, but you didn't even hear me.
27:54Ezgi, where did this come from?
27:57What does it have to do with what we talked about?
28:00I just wanted to remind you that I was right.
28:03And I want to ask you something.
28:07What did you mean at the cafe this morning?
28:10I didn't understand.
28:12You said, I don't want to bother you.
28:14What did you mean?
28:15Why did you think I bothered you?
28:17I mean...
28:21I don't know, I didn't want to bother you.
28:23Hope or something.
28:26I don't know.
28:28I understand.
28:32Anyway, okay.
28:33See you.
28:35See you.
28:46See you.
29:16See you.
29:33What am I doing?
29:36The police have already searched this place.
29:38What do you think I'll find?
29:47But Remzi was also a cop.
29:51Maybe he thought like a cop and put it in a place where no one could find it.
29:57But where?
30:12I'm going to look at Remzi's shop now.
30:15If someone finds it empty and doesn't collapse, I'll let you know.
30:20Maybe we need to clean it up a bit.
30:26Yes, yes, we cleaned it up after the incident.
30:28But I'm going to go and check again.
30:31Where are you?
30:35Okay, come on, I'm waiting.
30:37I'll be there in a few minutes.
31:14What is this?
31:40They didn't give it to me.
31:43What is it?
32:11What is it?
32:41What is it?
33:03Remzi, you really opened the shop in the right place.
33:06No one can come here.
33:09We need to clean it up.
33:12Cleaning is like a flower.
33:25Yes, we broke three eggs.
33:28Yes, yes.
33:31Did I add salt to this?
33:34Yes, I did.
33:36Black pepper.
33:37Black pepper.
33:39Let's add.
33:48Is this too much?
33:50No, no, it's good.
33:51It increases immunity.
33:57Oh my God.
33:58Were you the kind of man to fall into this situation?
34:04He's carrying it.
34:06He's carrying it.
34:09Dad, you have to cut this.
34:12You're going to cook it like this.
34:14I knew that.
34:16I forgot the gold when I was roasting things.
34:22It smells great.
34:24From now on, you'll cook our dinner.
34:27It's too late.
34:28Don't bother me.
34:29Give me some chili peppers.
34:32Give me some chili peppers.
34:33I'll give it to you.
34:34This is a battlefield.
34:37Don't make it long.
34:38We'll pick it up.
34:39What's in it?
34:40I'm already hungry.
34:42Okay, okay.
34:43Take it.
34:45Take it.
34:51Why is my mother with Firdaus?
34:54You said you were going to tell her.
34:57She's sewing a dress.
34:59My brave mother.
35:01Why is she sewing herself?
35:03My daughter, your mother started working with Firdaus.
35:08What does she do there, mom?
35:10She's a butcher, my daughter.
35:13What can you do with a tailor?
35:14She's helping.
35:15She's going to be a tailor.
35:16She's going to plant.
35:20Give me the olive oil.
35:23I'll give it to you.
35:42Dad, what are they?
35:43I'm going to make salad, my daughter.
35:45Dad, give me the soup.
35:47I'll mix it up.
35:48You go make the salad.
35:50Okay, okay.
35:51Take it.
35:52Be careful not to carry it.
36:29The world is on fire.
36:31What are these?
36:33Emre Roz.
36:39Now it's definitely sunshine.
36:42Well, they're horse racing.
36:48What are you doing?
36:50I'm making a salad.
36:52I'm making a salad.
36:54I'm making a salad.
36:55I'm making a salad.
36:56I'm making a salad.
36:59It's torn in a page.
37:02What kind of a book is this?
37:10Why would a person hide a notebook where he writes a few lines?
37:17Halil would be happy if he found something.
37:28How long will you be away from me?
37:34Where are you going?
37:35I'm going home.
37:37To your own home?
37:41Yasemin, I don't want you to go home.
37:43But Burak, I have to go home.
37:45Ok, you should go, but not now.
37:47Come on, let's go together.
37:49But I can't come to you all the time.
37:51I have to start somewhere.
37:53I have to start to organize my life.
37:55I have to start to organize my life.
37:57You don't have to, Burak.
37:58You're right. You have to start.
38:00But not now.
38:05The things that happened to you in that house are very fresh.
38:07I don't want it to affect you.
38:09Besides, you haven't been able to see Mine after all these events.
38:12Don't you want to be with her?
38:16Of course I do.
38:18But does Mine want to spend time with me?
38:20I don't know what's going on between them.
38:22Of course she does.
38:24No matter how angry she is with you, we know that she loves you very much.
38:29Come on, let's go.
38:36Dad, you can't chop it like that.
38:38You're going to chop it for dinner.
38:40Don't interfere with my work.
38:42The onion needs to cool down a bit.
38:45Okay, do whatever you want.
38:50Can you tell me about my mom's new job?
38:53Your mom didn't want me to go to the store.
39:01Don't make fun of me, I'll kill you.
39:15Boss, I'm here.
39:18I'm not late, am I?
39:21You're just in time.
39:27Tahsin, you son of a bitch.
39:31I'm going to kill Tahsin.
39:37If you say we're going to kill him, we'll do it.
39:39We don't have to hang out with him.
39:42I'm going to kill him.
39:48That's right.
39:49First, I'll gain your trust, and then you'll see me.
39:52I'll take my weakest moment down.
39:54I'll take revenge on Salih.
39:56Don't worry.
39:58Of course, my son.
40:00Salih was like a brother to me.
40:02I asked him if it was enough.
40:03I told him not to go after this bastard.
40:05He didn't listen.
40:06You know, he's a fan of Tahsin.
40:08He left without realizing that he was such a bastard.
40:14Okay, I'll call you.
40:16Come on.
40:20What's up, Commissar?
40:22No, no.
40:25Come with me.
40:28Let's talk, man.
40:31Commissar, I didn't get into trouble.
40:34It's okay to get involved.
40:37I don't have a problem with you, man.
40:39My problem is with someone else.
40:42Like you.
40:51I heard him talking on the phone.
40:54You wanted to pull his strings.
40:57Maybe we can cooperate.
41:02If you want to kill him...
41:05Why are you helping him?
41:08It's not like you know, sir.
41:11I need to know a lot about Tahsin.
41:13Where does he get his power from?
41:15Who's behind him?
41:17I can't push Tahsin in without knowing that.
41:22My brother Salih...
41:24...is in jail because of you two.
41:27It wasn't Salih who killed Chief Remzi.
41:30I know.
41:32But I'm not in that mess.
41:35There's no evidence against Tahsin.
41:37Salih confessed.
41:39How can I put a handcuff on Tahsin's wrists?
41:42Let's say I did.
41:44What if there's someone important behind him?
41:48If you step on them...
41:50...they'll step on you.
41:53Tahsin will come out waving his hands and arms.
41:57And I'll pull my strings.
41:59Got it?
42:02Let's say I kept him in there legally.
42:05And this time they kidnap him.
42:07When Tahsin is released...
42:09...anyone who betrays him...
42:11...or hurts him...
42:13...will get their revenge.
42:16How can you be so sure...
42:18...that he's behind this man?
42:22I'm not exactly sure.
42:26...looking at his past...
42:28...his file is a mess.
42:30But he managed to pull it off every time.
42:34Why do you think?
42:42...he's hanging around outside.
42:45They won't leave you alone...
42:47...without a solid background.
42:49Even if you're lucky...
42:52...it's too much.
42:56What I'm trying to say is...
42:58...Tahsin's connections...
43:03...his connections to the money, I can guess.
43:06You should have said that from the start.
43:09Your problem...
43:10...is not putting Tahsin in jail.
43:12You want to find out the source of the money.
43:16You really did it.
43:19Okay, kid.
43:20The source of the money is important.
43:23But finding Tahsin's punishment...
43:25...is more important to me.
43:30...if you help me...
43:32...I promise you...
43:33...I'll catch Tahsin red-handed.
43:35I'll skin him.
43:36He'll never get out of there again.
43:40We'll prove that Salih is innocent.
43:43We'll get him out of jail.
43:46What about the money?
43:50Kid, use your brain.
43:52When Salih gets out, he won't have any money left.
43:55When Salih gets out, he won't have any money left.
43:57He's already in jail.
43:59He can't find a job.
44:00He doesn't trust Tahsin either.
44:05But if we find the source of the hot money...
44:10...we'll all be revived.
44:14Do you have it?
44:21This is the center I told you about.
44:23How did you find it?
44:25It's manageable.
44:27Of course, we need to sort it out.
44:30But we can't gamble here.
44:32We'll manage what's going on in the places we gamble.
44:38...Tahsin knows this place.
44:39He knows what we're going to do.
44:42That's why you have to be very careful.
44:44I need to know every word he says...
44:46...every step he takes.
44:49Okay, brother.
44:50I got that.
44:51You explained it very well.
44:55Will we have a woman, brother?
44:58We'll gain Tahsin's trust first.
45:01You're in charge here.
45:05You must have realized...
45:08...Tahsin is not a man who shares every secret.
45:12That's why...
45:13...we have to be very careful.
45:16You have to learn everything that will hurt him.
45:19I've started to get to know Tahsin.
45:22Trusting me will take some time.
45:25He doesn't even trust his own shadow.
45:28You're right, Rüstü.
45:30But we have to be patient.
45:31Who knows?
45:32Maybe a chance to gain his trust will knock on our door.
45:37Okay, brother.
45:41Keep your eyes open.
