Ángel de Brito comparte detalles sobre sus próximos proyectos en televisión y streaming. De Brito habla sobre su papel como productor en el nuevo programa de Yanina Latorre, su experiencia con el streaming 'Bondi', y reflexiona sobre su carrera en los medios. Además, aborda temas candentes del espectáculo argentino, incluyendo rumores sobre Marcelo Tinelli y Susana Giménez. Con un enfoque honesto y directo, De Brito también discute las dinámicas detrás de cámaras y la importancia de la autenticidad en la televisión.
00:00I think he didn't want to come, he didn't want to play as a visitor here, he wanted to be strong in the places that he knows, the spaces that he handles.
00:11That's why I say good afternoon Angel, how are you? Go ahead Antonella, introduce yourself, sorry, sorry.
00:19Luis, team, good afternoon. You said it, we have it here, Mr. Angel Lebrito.
00:25I don't want to make you jealous for the presentation, but we have to say that he is one of the most important show reporters, he always has the right word.
00:31They told me, receive him well, we are here on the thirteenth floor, so that you have a note with him.
00:36Thank you, thank you. How are you Luis? How are you? So many years.
00:40Do you know how to start fighting? Do you know how to start fighting?
00:43And that we don't know another style, right?
00:46No, no, whenever you want, I'll go. Today I just couldn't because I have a meeting here in a while, but whenever you want, I'll go through the floor.
00:56Well, but I want to ask you, because you are addressing other genres, other places, other hierarchies, right?
01:03Maybe being a program producer, beyond driving, taking streaming forward.
01:11And it seems to me that you are encouraged and that for that you need training, but also courage, right?
01:18Because you have to be encouraged many times to take the leap when you don't know if there is land on the other side.
01:26Yes, well, as always, our work is like this for all colleagues, right?
01:30We never know where we are going, but we are trying.
01:33I am very happy with the streaming. We have been doing Bondi for 10 months and we have already been able to locate it with very good numbers.
01:42And well, working in Mandarina, it is already year number 10.
01:46I started with Mariana first, then Lam came up, and here we are with several projects.
01:52Happy in America for the fourth year already, and well, let's see what this year brings us.
01:59What Angel brings you is, let's say, the fact that one of your little angels, Janina La Torre,
02:07gives me the impression of one of the references that you have next to you.
02:12I don't know if she is leaving or if she is expanding her spectrum.
02:16In the sense that I understand that she is going to have a space in America Television,
02:20a journalist, where you are going to be the producer.
02:27She is going to do her show from March, very, very soon, at 7 o'clock in America, from 7 to 8, in the preview of Lam.
02:34It will be a different program, Lam will not have the same theme.
02:39And the producer is figurative, I mean, I'm going to accompany her, I'm going to help her.
02:46We talk a lot about the program, because she feels safe with what we talk about and with what we think.
02:53But it's not that she's going to be on the show every day and above the show.
02:57Yes, everything they need, because Mandarina does it too, and they are all friends.
03:00And obviously, it seems to me that Janina, it was time for her to prove herself in driving.
03:05For me, it's been a while, two or three years that she should be driving.
03:10Maybe I'm more certain than her in that, I have more faith in her, but it seems to me that we all have to go through that role at some point.
03:20It is not common for a team leader to be happy because some of those who accompany him make their own destiny, their own path.
03:32Generally, it bothers, it generates jealousy.
03:35It's natural.
03:36It's natural, but not everyone accepts it.
03:38I know what you're saying.
03:40I know what you're saying, and it's probably happened to us with a lot of people we've worked with.
03:46They cover you up, they cut your wings, they put sticks in your wheel.
03:51But no, I love it.
03:53And it was a bit the idea of the AME since it started, when I was going on vacation.
03:57And it was hard, because sometimes the channels don't accept it.
04:00I asked my colleagues to drive, in 2013 or here in America.
04:05Now I took three days and Feudale did it, Nazarena did it, Marixa did it, Janina did it.
04:11In general, I like it because the people who see us every day, the people who see you, the people who see us,
04:17it seems strange to them sometimes that, I don't know, the Chino Leonis comes to drive Lamb.
04:23What does it have to do with it?
04:24I mean, people watch the show every day, they get used to the more or less fixed cast that the shows have.
04:29Why do you like to feed the figure of the villain, of the bad guy on TV?
04:35Because later, when one meets you in a restaurant or you meet somewhere,
04:41when he treats you, he's another character.
04:44But on television, you like to be the bad guy. Why?
04:49But it's weird that you ask me.
04:52Don't you feel the same way?
04:53Well, I ask you.
04:54Well, let's see, Josefina asks.
04:57We sit down to have a coffee, Luis and...
05:03What are you doing, Jose?
05:04But I say, outside of the role we have on TV, maybe in the dance it was much more cruel or worse,
05:14but one is a person outside of the program, of the field.
05:18That's why I'm more spicy on air, on Twitter, but then, I really love all my colleagues,
05:24with most of them I've worked, I try to get along with everyone.
05:28Then, well, we have differences, crosses, some momentary fights,
05:33but I'm not like that, of fights to death, irreconcilable, like some you have, Luis, but...
05:41I'm more temporal with the fights, they are temporal.
05:45I give you ideas, I don't know, with Pachano.
05:47With Pachano I've killed myself, with Ricardo Forn I've killed myself,
05:50but then, with time, we become friends.
05:54I'm not about long fights, I'm... I'm changing.
05:57When did you decide that your destiny was TV, was journalism, was the world of the show?
06:03When did you make that decision to say, well, the path comes this way?
06:10I've always liked it, I started with Laura Uffal on the radio.
06:16I listened to you on the radio.
06:17First with her.
06:19Of course, of course, the show was very well listened to on Radio 10,
06:22so the TV came immediately.
06:24And then I was with Viviana for many years, with Canosa,
06:28we competed there, with you, with intruders.
06:32And well, and then it just happened, right? It just happened naturally.
06:35I worked a lot in America, in other seasons, with Pamela, with Fantino, with Santi del Moro.
06:41And well, the truth is that I started, luckily, I never stopped.
06:44I love TV, it's the medium I like the most, I defend it to death.
06:48The open TV, our show styles, which we are more and more, luckily.
06:54I think the TV is great, it's what I like the most.
06:56And what was the worst thing that happened to you on TV?
07:05The truth is, I always enjoyed it.
07:07At some point we had a very tense moment with Garbellano,
07:11when it was all about Wattpass with Moria.
07:16Good answer!
07:17Then when they kicked me out of Canal 9 without...
07:20Yes, yes, yes, yes, me and Luciano.
07:21Then over time I spoke, it was more of a fight with Canosa,
07:24with Moria, with Nazarena, all that scandal was.
07:28Then it was resolved, me and Luciano, I get along well.
07:31Sometimes, you see, you get involved.
07:33When it was all the mess with Nito Artaza and Milone,
07:36we ate a trial, all the panels of Canosa, and we had nothing to do with it.
07:40Those things happen to you, working.
07:42But then I don't have big bad moments on TV.
07:46The truth is, I always had a good time, I enjoyed it.
07:54What place would you like to occupy?
07:56The nipple of who, of those of us who are and are turning around in this medium?
08:03And I would like to be the president of APTRA, perhaps.
08:06What a bomb!
08:07Sorry, sorry.
08:08I tell you one thing, I would vote for you.
08:12No, no, I'm charging you, I'm charging you.
08:14No, no, no, no, but I'm not charging you, I'm talking to you seriously.
08:18Because to occupy that place...
08:20You have to tear it down, of course, it's rotten.
08:21No, but to occupy that place you have to have, first...
08:23No, you have to banish it, I imagine.
08:25You have to have a lot of knowledge and also authority to...
08:29I see you, Luis, every Martin Fierro who goes with all his might,
08:34with the influence, and I see you in the aftermath,
08:36when it ends, that everything is disarmed there, in a corner, tired.
08:40No, not crazy, not crazy, I get into that.
08:43Yes, I am a pro-Martin Fierro, I always go, I always support him.
08:46With the criticisms, obviously, that later come in the programs,
08:49but I love the prize.
08:51No, the truth, speaking seriously, no, no...
08:54I always tried to find my way, different from the others who had already done the same, right?
09:00I never wanted to look like Lucho, I never wanted to look like Real.
09:05Obviously not like Viviana or Monti or Rocasalvo either.
09:08It seems to me that each one wins by doing their own thing.
09:12You doing yours, I doing mine, I don't know, Polino doing his.
09:16Each one is very different.
09:18It seems to me that Garpa is the most genuine.
09:21If you imitate someone, you lose.
09:23You lose.
09:24When I joined Bailando, I also did mine.
09:26Tell me one thing.
09:28I wanted to do what Moria did, what Polino did, what Alfano did.
09:31How are you today with Morena Real?
09:35And you saw that Morena is changing.
09:39The truth is that I haven't spoken to her for a long time.
09:41The last time was when she came to LAM and it was the episode of the robberies in the dressing rooms.
09:46That you are aware of?
09:47And from there I didn't talk anymore, the truth.
09:49Are you aware of what happened in the dressing rooms?
09:51Yes, yes, she was More's friend.
09:53Look, More came that day with two people, a girl and a boy.
09:58Morena was always on the floor.
10:00You know the Gorritti building, perfect.
10:02She put on her make-up and from there the producers took her to the studio.
10:06She was there all night and when the night was over, she went straight to the street.
10:10She didn't spend half an hour in a dressing room.
10:15Instead, her friend stayed in the hallway, in the middle of the bell tower.
10:21And the friend was the one who took the things at that moment.
10:25Luckily, the credit cards were returned to the girls.
10:30And the physical elements were returned to Mandarina and the channel.
10:37And they put it in America, without asking anything.
10:40They took care of what had happened.
10:42That's why it was solved like that.
10:44We told her and that's how it ended.
10:47But I've known Morena for many years, since she was little.
10:50She also came to America a lot to see the shows.
10:54She also came dancing a lot.
10:58She wanted to enter but she never did.
11:00She came with Facundo.
11:01Then she came alone.
11:03She participated in a salsa.
11:05I feel sorry for her.
11:07I feel sorry for her that she doesn't find a good destiny,
11:10that she doesn't get around well,
11:12that she doesn't let herself be helped by people like you,
11:15who have helped her a lot.
11:17I remember Natacha Haid, who also helped her a lot.
11:21She went through a lot of people who wanted to help her.
11:25And she has something broken inside that leads her to make bad decisions.
11:31Because she doesn't need to go out and steal.
11:33I think that's what draws our attention in this case.
11:38First, that she doesn't need to because Real has given her everything in life
11:42and other people have helped her.
11:44And second, that she exposes her son.
12:14What do you have to do to be an angel?
12:17And why do you fill all your panels with women
12:24and not with men?
12:29When we started LAMM the first year, it was Suar's idea.
12:35We played the show with Ángel and all the girls.
12:37I chose the voices.
12:38And there we were choosing what we proposed at the beginning,
12:42that they were all very different.
12:45And today we keep that thing.
12:48Because if you see the panel today, Yanina and Feudal have nothing to do with each other.
12:52Or Marixa with Yanina.
12:54Or Nazarena with Matilda Blanco.
12:57They are all very different.
12:59In terms of personalities, careers, where they come from.
13:02And that feeds the debate every day.
13:04That's why we never agree on anything.
13:06Because everyone has their own life story.
13:09And I would like Marcela Tiner to come one day as Angelita.
13:14Or Dalma Maradona.
13:15I like Carmen.
13:17I would like that too.
13:19Not to mention Moria.
13:20Moria would be brutal.
13:21I don't think Mirta would want you.
13:26And Mirta, no.
13:27Mirta still owes me a hand.
13:30So I'm far from being Angelita.
13:33Ángel, I don't want to play behind your back.
13:36I ask you, if you allow me, for my colleagues to ask.
13:41So there are no misunderstandings.
13:44I open the game. Who goes first?
13:46Ángel, Cora greets you. How are you?
13:49What's up, Corita?
13:51Ángel, who wouldn't you work with again?
13:53And who wouldn't you work with directly?
14:02It's difficult.
14:03As I said before, I get along with everyone.
14:05I think I could work with anyone.
14:09I don't like very politicized places.
14:12I don't choose them.
14:13Because I don't like to be linked to any particular party.
14:17Obviously, we all have affinities.
14:21And the people I worked with...
14:26I think I would repeat everything.
14:28There were people who were unbearable on the show.
14:31Who fought with everyone.
14:33Like Nancy Paso, who fought with all the girls.
14:36Alfano fought with everyone too.
14:38But I would work with them again.
14:40I don't have...
14:42With the people I worked with, I would work with everyone.
14:45I was very lucky.
14:46With Mariana, Santiago, Fantino, Marcelo...
14:49With Viviana?
14:50With everyone, really.
14:51With Pamela.
14:52I got along with everyone.
14:53With Viviana, we fought for a long time.
14:55And then we met.
14:56With Canosa?
14:57Why did you fight?
14:58Yes, yes, yes.
14:59How did that happen?
15:00Look, I didn't know that.
15:02Why did they fire you?
15:05She says it was Channel 9.
15:07Channel 9 says it was her.
15:09But in short, I had a relationship with her.
15:11It's like when Real did Aventura.
15:13Yes, it was Channel 9.
15:14No, no, no, no, no, no.
15:16No, no, no, no, no.
15:18Marcel, please.
15:19I'm going to clarify.
15:21You are teasing me, but I'm going to clarify.
15:23You're doing it again.
15:24No, I'm bringing up topics.
15:26No, Real never fired me.
15:27Today he tweeted you.
15:28Well, but Real never fired me.
15:30He never had the balls he needed to say,
15:33You're fired.
15:35Oh, he missed.
15:37He gave me a license, which is another thing,
15:39that the next day he changed it.
15:41But well, he dedicated it to me.
15:42I'm going to read it later.
15:43I don't want to read it before.
15:44I didn't get a license.
15:45I didn't get a license.
15:46I didn't get a license.
15:48Ugly, the tweet he gave you.
15:49He didn't give me a license, Viviana.
15:51But well, nothing.
15:52Later, over time, I recomposed it,
15:54because it wasn't that complicated.
15:56And the truth is, from the moment he fired me,
15:58it was better for me.
15:59Much better.
16:00They called me to work everywhere.
16:02I came to work in America.
16:04At that time, I came to work with Fantino,
16:06who immediately called me, Alejandro,
16:08when he found out that I had been fired.
16:10Jorge also called me that same day to go to Intrusos.
16:13And he needed someone to fire him later, you see.
16:19But I preferred to work with Fantino,
16:21because Jorge at that time was very, very angry.
16:24I'll tell you something.
16:25Look at the coincidences, right?
16:27Fantino, when I was left without Intrusos,
16:29was the person who called me.
16:32Alejandro Fantino and Juan Cruz.
16:33I remember, he loves you a lot.
16:34He always talked about you.
16:36And not only that.
16:38I was without a handle.
16:39I remember, I was without a handle.
16:41And Fantino put his hand in my pocket
16:43and gave me a bundle of money.
16:45I said, use it.
16:46If you can, give it back to me.
16:48And if not, don't give it back to me anymore.
16:50And another one that I always thank the Lord.
16:52And did you return it?
16:53Yes, yes.
16:54Even with the coins.
16:56And another person,
16:58to whom I thank, right?
17:00Liliana Parodi, Marta Bucana,
17:02Daniel Vila and Pamela David.
17:05Those people,
17:06it's like,
17:07maybe without knowing it, right?
17:09Maybe it happens to you,
17:10that when you're going through a bad moment,
17:12you don't realize it,
17:13and then you take a distance and say,
17:15these people behaved well.
17:17Of course.
17:18Of course.
17:20You see, because the media is always very demonized,
17:22but there are always people who work well.
17:24Well, America has a little of that.
17:26Not with everyone, but with one.
17:29Today we talked a little about that,
17:30just when we aired Pamela's show,
17:32with the colleagues,
17:33how a cycle ended,
17:34now a new one begins,
17:35starting on Wednesday.
17:36We talked about this, right?
17:37About the family that America implies in itself, right?
17:40Unlike other channels,
17:41without talking about other channels,
17:42it seems to me that there is something very particular.
17:44But I also want to get a little bit,
17:45now that you are a streamer,
17:46and that you are with Bondi in full,
17:48there was a cross with migranados in networks.
17:52That now migranos,
17:53it seems, I don't know,
17:54that they accuse him of being a panelist thief,
17:56a thief of people.
17:57What happened there?
17:58Who did he want to cheat on you?
18:00And well, he had a lot of trouble,
18:02because they called many of the USU,
18:05of his direct competition to work,
18:07and they offered him three times more money.
18:10So, on the other hand, they say,
18:12it's a disloyal competition.
18:15Disloyal, of course.
18:16But he called you now.
18:19You said something and he answered you.
18:21Who did he call?
18:22Above all, if you grab, you see,
18:24whole programs and you take them.
18:26Of course.
18:27In my case, it was very, very, very simple.
18:29He called Dalma, who works with me.
18:32No, Migue, I have no relationship with him,
18:35that's why I didn't answer him either,
18:36because it wasn't with him.
18:37He called someone from his channel
18:40to do an event.
18:41An event of streaming?
18:46Yes, the day of Maradona,
18:48the Maradona Day.
18:49You saw that they did several thematic days.
18:52And since we had had a chat with Migue
18:56and with his producers at the time
18:58of not falling for these things,
19:00and they fell,
19:02I put it on Twitter and bye.
19:04But that's where it ended.
19:05It's not that I don't hate Migue Granado,
19:07nothing happens to me.
19:08In fact, Dalma came and told me.
19:09They called me from here for this,
19:11pum, pum, pum.
19:12Tomorrow you can remember it again.
19:17Yes, yes.
19:18And besides, it doesn't seem bad to me
19:19that if they offer something better,
19:21people leave.
19:23It's part of the game, right?
19:25Another channel comes and offers you something better
19:27and well, you talk about it
19:29and then you decide.
19:30What I don't like is that if you're in a good mood
19:32with someone,
19:33they come after you.
19:34A call, it doesn't cost anything.
19:36Or as they call to ask
19:37that we don't pass certain notes
19:39or that we don't do certain nonsense.
19:41That existed,
19:43then he said it didn't exist, look.
19:45Can you tell who called you?
19:46A meeting.
19:47Who told you?
19:48Yes, it happens, it happens.
19:49Can you tell us some
19:50that we never knew
19:51and that you already prescribed today?
19:52Yes, yes.
19:53I don't remember when it was,
19:55but Migue at some point
19:57had some controversy
19:59and asked us
20:00if we could avoid it.
20:03Buena Onda.
20:05And we did it.
20:06No, no, it was before Pesebre.
20:07We did Pesebre.
20:10I don't remember that topic.
20:11It was a minor thing
20:12that didn't work,
20:13that was discussed.
20:15I'll take you out of the road for a moment.
20:17Hello, Pava, long time.
20:18Long time, dear Angel.
20:19I cross you when I go to the radio
20:21and always with the date.
20:23Well, let's get to the point.
20:24I had a lot of fun
20:25when we did the passes.
20:26The passes, of course,
20:27because you are very brave.
20:28With you, with Luis, with you.
20:30I want to ask you,
20:31about your private life,
20:33I don't know if you talk or not,
20:34but since we are here,
20:36I want to ask you
20:37and I want to make you work.
20:39For example,
20:40until now,
20:41all questions from interviewees.
20:42Work, throw a scoop.
20:44Does Tinelli come back to TV?
20:47is there a season this year?
20:50They are probably the two.
20:52Marcelo is talking.
20:53One by one.
20:54No, the doubts are theirs.
20:56I tell you the reality.
20:58Tinelli wants to do El Bailando,
21:00in fact,
21:01he already spoke to us,
21:03to all the judges,
21:04of the last one,
21:05to Polino, to Mori,
21:07to Pampita and to me.
21:08And well,
21:09he is already negotiating with America
21:11to see if they close the budget
21:13and if there is a season.
21:15When did you speak last time?
21:17Yes, when did you speak last time?
21:19This week.
21:20This week?
21:21This week.
21:22And when would it start?
21:23This week.
21:24This week because I think
21:25there was a meeting of him
21:26with all his production
21:27or with part of his production.
21:29And no,
21:30I don't know the date,
21:31but it will be May or June.
21:32Listen to me.
21:33And the aunt of my daughter,
21:35is she still there with Marcelo
21:36or not?
21:37What happened there?
21:38I don't know.
21:39I don't know.
21:40I don't know.
21:41I don't know.
21:42I don't know.
21:43I don't know.
21:44What is next?
21:45What happened there?
21:48Is she not in Peru?
21:49I think she is in Peru working.
21:50She is in Peru,
21:51but it seems that
21:52she has a relationship
21:53and she doesn't have it.
21:54What is going on?
21:55Are they there?
21:56What is going on?
21:57Do you know?
21:58They have a relationship.
21:59They are coming.
22:00I don't know,
22:01Marcelo hasn't been to Peru yet,
22:02has he?
22:04He doesn't know the family either.
22:05He knows the mother.
22:07but he came here.
22:08They came here,
22:10Milet announced
22:11the wedding.
22:12In fact,
22:13My sister came to the party and Marcelo was in Uruguay, so my sister doesn't know her.
22:18Yes, yes, Marcelo spent Christmas alone.
22:21I just said, Luis, Angel, Angel, I want to see, how are you doing with Masoco?
22:28With Karina, fine, fine.
22:30She has a certain resentment for I don't know what thing we said on the 13th at the time,
22:35because when I come to America, she says to me, oh, welcome, finally, now you can tell me things face to face,
22:41but no, nothing happened.
22:42Then I get her with hats, with that bullshit.
22:46Let's see, correct me, correct me, because you saw that the full ears are on the agenda.
22:52At some point, they came to me with the little story that in the AM they were saying that Llevantaba,
22:59and you get hot fast too,
23:00no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
23:03I heard them, I heard them, I heard the cat's boyfriend, I heard him.
23:13What? The cat's boyfriend?
23:17He passed by here, he killed himself, and now he's going to come from the other side.
23:22No, daddy, not that one. In your case, no.
23:25Wait, wait, because there are many cats. How many cats?
23:28There's the cat, there's Don Gato and his gang, there's Benito, there's Demóstenes, there's Silvestre, there's... that's it.
23:39Yes. Well...
23:42No, I thought a cat was a girl, they told me.
23:45No, no, how can a cat be a girl?
23:48That, never.
23:50Well, well, well, let's go.
23:54But wait, let him answer me, let him answer me, let him answer me.
23:58Was it handled or was it handled? That, it was an aversion, it was murmured, someone turned it upside down, someone...
24:03What happened? Or was it an operation?
24:07That I told them to lift the program?
24:09No, no, no, no, it was said... I don't know who in your program, but they told me...
24:13I say, well, give me a name, and they didn't bring it to me.
24:16Then I ask you.
24:19Maybe they mentioned it in the cut, or something like that, but...
24:23But well, all the programs can be lifted, mine, yours, Carina's, Mariana's...
24:27Well, no, wait, wait, wait, wait, Angel, because you...
24:29They are things that happen.
24:30Wait, you always have the bet, and I'm very used to it.
24:33I mean, when you lifted the chicken program, you said it before.
24:36When Carmel came, you said it before.
24:38And they denied everything, and you always knew it.
24:40How, I mean, that information is very difficult not to believe when you say it.
24:46Ah, well, I didn't say it, that's the problem.
24:48The cat's boyfriend said it.
24:50With all the adventure.
24:51Tell me something.
24:52When I have the information, it's because someone tells me, and I can tell it.
24:57Susana, Susana, you didn't answer.
24:59Until now? I don't know.
25:02That they are all in control, desperate.
25:04No, shut up, Luis, shut up.
25:06No, that would never happen.
25:08No, Angelito, please.
25:10If it were Johnny Vidal, he would stop.
25:12And because Luis has to be gagged.
25:14Luis has to be gagged because he starts and doesn't...
25:17Every time Luis Alam comes, they start in the afternoon.
25:23Watch what you ask him.
25:25Slowly, be careful, don't overdo it, don't talk about this, don't talk about the other.
25:29And then Ventura talks about what is sung to him, as it should, he has an entity for that.
25:34Well, you're already preparing me for not long.
25:39For the next one.
25:40Angel, I was telling you, do you like to talk about your private life?
25:44You said no.
25:46But you know everything about everyone.
25:47No, I don't talk.
25:48And I was at least zero of you.
25:49Let's go to the bone, let's go to the bone.
25:51You're in a relationship, you'd like to be in a relationship, you're in love, you want to fall in love.
25:56What are you up to?
25:59What I just told you.
26:00I never talk, I'm not going to talk, it's not going to change.
26:04But you can't say anything?
26:06He gets in and starts a debate.
26:08You can't say anything?
26:09I have to say something, I have to say something, because I was present and I heard you, Angel,
26:14on the air, in an interview that Pampita gave you on his show a few years ago,
26:19he asked you something and you had spoken, if you wanted to adopt at some point,
26:26form a family, and there you did talk a little.
26:29Yes, yes, no.
26:30Ah, with Pampita, yes.
26:31Ah, with Pampita, who has Pampita?
26:33And Pampita has things that you don't have.
26:38I want to get in there.
26:39Would you like to be a father?
26:41It has another charm.
26:43No, no, no, no, I never had the need, no, no, no.
26:46You never fantasized, not for now?
26:49The truth is no, no, no, no, I'm not going to chameleonize you.
26:53You don't like to change diapers, prepare a diaper, all that, no?
26:56No, less, less.
26:58I don't see it with a lot of patience.
27:00Not sleeping, I don't know, I don't know how mothers do not sleep.
27:04And they don't sleep either, like Muscari, a bigger one.
27:10Angélico, what was the most, eh,
27:13impact of the bombs you've thrown for so many years, for so long,
27:17that you say, look, this I told you,
27:19exploded in a way I didn't think.
27:22Do you remember?
27:23After so many bombs.
27:25Well, eh,
27:27as well as important cases, the Wanda one, the Wanda Gate,
27:31that was brought by Yanina in her time at 13
27:34and those four years that we are, that every so often
27:37resuscitates as it happened now
27:40Pampita's separation. Of the last ones that I remember
27:43the strongest were those, Pampita's separation
27:46and Moritangui, the reasons.
27:49And then, well, the pregnancies always
27:52yield a lot too. And what are the reasons
27:55for the separation? Pregnancies, we count thousands.
27:58What are the real reasons for the separation
28:01of Pampita and Moritangui?
28:04In part, hoaxes.
28:07In part, from?
28:10From whom? From him. What else?
28:13From him. No, Pampita, to be honest, is quite
28:16colorist. If they do it, we don't know.
28:19That there was something else? No, Pampita, the day
28:22they separate, that she puts as dates, do you remember?
28:25September 21, September 20, I don't know what.
28:28It was the day we counted in LAM
28:31three or four relationships that Moritangui had.
28:34Someone from the legislature, one from I don't know where.
28:37It was three or four, now I don't remember.
28:40A hairdresser, I also remember who it was.
28:43And that day, Pampita, they call us, they start calling us
28:46in unison, Pampita and Moritangui, we were live.
28:49Me and Yanina. Since we didn't attend her,
28:52both of us. Yanina tells me, what do we do, do we attend her?
28:55I say, no, we don't attend her because she's going to fuck us.
28:58And besides, it was the last five minutes of the show,
29:01we didn't even have time for them to fuck us in the air.
29:04So we left it there. And then Pampita told me,
29:07thank goodness you didn't attend, because she was going to fuck him,
29:10she was going to say anything, she was pissed off.
29:13And well, that day we were counting that, we weren't counting
29:16the political problems of Moritangui that nobody cares about.
29:20No, not so much.
29:23You know it too, you tell us everything about the world.
29:26No, I always say my proportion is 30-70.
29:29There are characters that interest us.
29:32And yes, I don't have the proportion, but there are
29:35a lot of things that come to us, that are people that
29:38it's not a topic, it doesn't interest us.
29:41In general, what is most talked about on TV and in our shows
29:44is about the people who lend themselves,
29:48of the people who lend themselves to... I don't know.
29:51Not always, Ángel.
29:54There are people who many times...
29:57Except Pouso, you came out with Real,
30:00what do you want me not to tell you?
30:03Well, they said things that weren't true.
30:06Beyond that, I also want to highlight...
30:09Are you fighting?
30:12No, Ángel knows a lot of things that he never told.
30:16I'll call you later at night if you tell me, Ángel.
30:22Well, Pouso has a lot to tell.
30:25Do people love you or do people hate you?
30:28The people on the street.
30:31The public loves me.
30:34And the celebrities, are they afraid of you?
30:37Have you ever had a problem with someone from the public on the street?
30:43I don't know if it's because they're rich or because they're a son of a bitch,
30:46or because they're bad at dancing.
30:49And the celebrities, I don't know if they're afraid of me, Carmelo.
30:52A little bit, yes.
30:55How are you today?
30:58They have to be dirty to be afraid.
31:01With Viviana, yes.
31:04And with Tawada and Brey,
31:07who were part of a show that you did for many years,
31:10and suddenly you don't have any of the two.
31:13How do you see them?
31:16It was different with Andrea,
31:19I worked a lot until we decided to finish LAM,
31:22which was two or three years ago.
31:25And yes, we see each other here on the channel,
31:28we cross paths, we have food in front of us.
31:31And with Mariana,
31:34she left us when we spent the night,
31:37because she didn't have anyone to take care of her,
31:40she was separating at that time.
31:43So I lost her there, and now she came a couple of days.
31:46But no, I get along well with both.
31:49And with Flor de la Vé?
31:52We don't see each other that much, but...
31:55Ah, what happened?
31:58And the truth is, with Flor,
32:01I got along well, bad, well, bad.
32:04We are going and coming.
32:07We had a dance that we were fighting.
32:10But why?
32:13With her husband, very angry too.
32:16They saw that Pablo always gets angry and wants to fuck you.
32:19Why did he get angry? Did he say something about her?
32:22No, I don't remember, it was because of that dance at that time.
32:25He wanted to fuck your husband?
32:28You said he wanted to fuck your husband?
32:31No, he always wants to fuck someone.
32:34He always wants to fuck someone, Pablo, but...
32:37Sorry, if you want, I'll tell you.
32:40You know what he says? I start telling and then he says,
32:43No, don't say that!
32:46There are images, also.
32:49How was it?
32:52No, no, no.
32:55I want to say one thing, the incident was with Florencia,
32:58not with Pablo. Pablo did the opposite.
33:01Pablo came to look for Rial and me.
33:04We didn't know the problem was with us.
33:07We didn't know.
33:10Then, when I saw the video and we left,
33:13we realized that it had been all the mess,
33:16with the mess of things here and that they broke.
33:19That was because they had told something to intruders.
33:22No, I had gone to...
33:25I had gone to...
33:28The Angel's place.
33:31Look, there it is.
33:34It was the place where they did great choreographies
33:37of travesties.
33:40And there was Pequeñape, there was Godmother Florencia.
33:43So, I tell something to Jorge,
33:46in the cut, out of the air.
33:49So, Jorge, I told him, this is not for the air.
33:52I hadn't gone to cover it either.
33:55I had gone because they hired me and I went.
33:58And he started, so you had the same, right?
34:04So, I told him, Jorge, I told you not to tell him.
34:07Yes, no, but he never gave a name.
34:10Obviously, someone misinterpreted something.
34:13He called a phone.
34:16Florencia was recording the Roldán
34:19and she called him directly to the channel
34:22to solve the issue that they had told him.
34:25And obviously, later,
34:28everything was clear.
34:31And then, the one who came was Pablo, as you told.
34:34And then, when I saw him at the door, I told Jorge,
34:37I think they are coming to look for us.
34:40And then, Pablo came, he stood in front of us
34:43and, as I tell you,
34:46Luis, Jorge, Estol...
34:49And he started crying.
34:52We hugged and at night I went to do a cover
34:55that Florencia presented in a theater or something.
34:58The same day.
35:01Because Jorge tells me, here you have to make a note tonight with Florencia
35:04that premieres or that goes to such a side.
35:07And well, okay, I'm going to ask for a camera and I'm going to send someone.
35:10And he says, no, you don't have to send anyone, you go.
35:13And that's how it was with Florencia.
35:16Ángel, how did you see the issue of the NATO,
35:19everything that happened between the families, the statements, the back and forth.
35:22And that note that you made to Elba, which also brought a lot of controversy.
35:25Because some said, not so much time has passed
35:28and she is already talking.
35:34Yes, I think that
35:37everyone was talking and everyone was giving us material
35:40all the time to talk about the issue.
35:43If not, such intimate details of what was happening inside the house of the employees,
35:46of how the daughters were getting along with Elba,
35:49Elba with the daughters. It is impossible, we are not spies.
35:52We are journalists who talk to people on the phone and tell us things.
35:55We don't have microphones
35:58in the bed of the NATO or in the office of the radio of the NATO
36:01or when he talked to his daughters.
36:04They were telling us about one side and the other.
36:07The same applies to any case.
36:10I find it funny when the surprised, the offended,
36:13the non-media,
36:16because now I don't know what to do with your life,
36:19I don't know what Carmela does, except when we are working together.
36:22You don't even know what I do.
36:25How do we find out the things that have to do with the famous?
36:28So I find it very funny when the offended are made,
36:31the downgraders of a journalistic and moral line
36:34when they have nothing to do with journalism.
36:37The journalist was the NATO.
36:40And the NATO, if there was something that it didn't have,
36:43Jorge was limits when it came to telling questions.
36:46Questions that had to do with the news, with the governments
36:49or the leukemia of Guadalajara.
36:52He went without scales and considered that everything was information
36:55and that he had to tell it because it was of public interest
36:58if the information was true.
37:01We talked a lot about the interns.
37:04And they got along a lot with Lam because of the relationship we have with Elba.
37:07Because Elba was Angelita at some point,
37:10she worked here in Mandarina with Mariana.
37:13So obviously there was a closeness.
37:16But I find it very exaggerated.
37:19We know you have to go.
37:22We make you the last one.
37:25Yes, and I want to ask you about Marley.
37:28Last year was a busy year for Marley.
37:31Today she is with her daughter's birth.
37:34But last year was very complicated
37:37because a lot of things were said.
37:40I am involved in a very delicate topic,
37:43similar to the Seymamon topic.
37:46What happens with Telefe and Marley?
37:49Because Telefe, when it had to be hard and make decisions, took them.
37:52With Marley it is different
37:55because they have 30 years of work together.
37:58The cases are different.
38:01The reactions are also different.
38:04I am not a friend of Marley.
38:07I don't know him.
38:10He gave me a spectacular note in Lam
38:13when the intruder came.
38:16He decided to talk to me and tell me all his life
38:19how he had never told him that he was gay,
38:22that he was in a relationship,
38:25everything that happened with adoption,
38:28the baby they had lost in the middle of all this.
38:31It seems to me that Marley was smart in the reaction.
38:34He spoke quickly, explained quickly,
38:37told this relationship he had had and how it had been in detail.
38:40He clarified the lies because the guy was older.
38:43The guy said it was a house that Marley had not bought.
38:46Today, if you ask Lucas Benbenuto
38:49about Jay Mamon,
38:52and you suffered this case better than anyone else
38:55because it started here,
38:58Lucas Benbenuto still holds on to every point of what he said.
39:01He did not change a comma of what he said
39:04neither of Jay nor of the other denounced at the time.
39:07And they also had a record,
39:10Lucas, of having said that he was gay.
39:13He did not start with a famous and nothing else.
39:16So it seems to me that the cases were very different.
39:19Marley is smart, he is a professional guy
39:22and he knew how to deactivate a topic
39:25that evidently for me was also a lie.
39:28Angel, I thank you for this time you have dedicated to us.
39:31You spent some time together.
39:34I know this is going to be expensive for me.
39:37Very expensive.
39:40Very expensive.
39:43You have to go to Angelito.
39:46The year is long.
39:49The year has just begun.
39:52We have a lot of time to visit us.
39:55I send you a big hug and thank you very much.
39:58I send you a kiss for everyone.
40:01I wait for you in Lama tonight.