Morena Rial se defendió de las críticas mediáticas tras no presentarse a pericias psicológicas. Alega no haber recibido notificación oficial y expresa su frustración por el trato desigual en los medios. A pesar de su arrepentimiento, sostiene que solo debe explicaciones a la justicia. La conversación también aborda su vida personal, incluyendo su relación con el padre de su hijo y sus planes futuros. Morena enfatiza que no busca esconderse y defiende su derecho a llevar una vida normal mientras enfrenta sus problemas legales.
00:00Hello Mariana, good afternoon.
00:02We are with the most wanted people.
00:04Morena, who is already listening to us, to talk a little about everything that happened.
00:09First, how are you? After everything that is talked about last night, what happened and so on.
00:12How is everything going?
00:14Hello More, how are you? Here we greet you all.
00:17How are you?
00:18Hello Mariana, how are you?
00:20Very well, and you? How are you?
00:22Fine, fine, everything is fine.
00:24There was a mess, you went to dance last night.
00:27And you didn't show up at the psychological exam.
00:30What happened? Didn't you get the notification?
00:33I didn't get any notification.
00:36When I was arrested, they took it as if they had warned me.
00:43And I didn't get any notification.
00:47So you didn't know you had to go.
00:49Of course, they told me when I was arrested.
00:51You can imagine that I don't even remember.
00:54But you should have gotten the notification.
00:56It was wrong then.
00:58Of course, I was waiting for the same thing.
01:00That they tell me the place and the time.
01:02I don't have anything to hide.
01:06And did you get angry with the photo of the boliche?
01:10Because I saw that you posted the elegant thing.
01:13As if it bothered you, that they judge you.
01:15It happens that they kill me in all the channels, in all the programs, all the time.
01:20And when there are people who also have other causes and they throw flowers at them.
01:23So how is it? I don't understand.
01:25I want to know about you, Morena.
01:27We don't know each other very well.
01:29And the truth is that I am very intrigued by how you are at this moment.
01:31How do you feel after what happened?
01:33Because many say, don't be aware, she is rebellious, she is provocative.
01:37How are you, Morena?
01:39How do you feel after all this that happened?
01:41Are you regretful? What can you tell us?
01:45No, yes, obviously I am regretful.
01:48I am not rebellious.
01:50If I have to fulfill someone, it would be justice.
01:53I don't have to fulfill anyone else.
01:56And yes, I am going to be rebellious.
01:58Because it bothers me that they talk about me.
02:01I'm not going to stay quiet.
02:05They are not going to come out to kill me and I'm going to stay quiet.
02:08I always handled myself like that.
02:10It's not now, it was always.
02:12If they look for all the notes, I always went out to defend everything.
02:15So, it's not now.
02:17It's not that now I'm rebellious or want to fuck, no.
02:20I always handled myself like that.
02:22I will never let them dirty me.
02:24And if I have to fulfill someone, it would be justice.
02:27In any case, I have to fulfill them.
02:29I will have to fulfill them, not anyone else.
02:31I don't owe anything to anyone.
02:33But did something change in you from the arrest?
02:36Yes, obviously something changed in me.
02:39But that doesn't mean that they tell me to kill myself everywhere.
02:42I know what I did.
02:44I know all the things I have to do.
02:47But that doesn't mean that I let myself be trampled by anyone.
02:50Or that they come to treat me like nothing.
02:52What bothers you that they say about you?
02:54Because the truth is that people don't know you that much.
02:57Now, in these days, nothing.
03:01Because the whole problem was with Carmen.
03:04That first everything was fine.
03:06And then suddenly she was a criminal.
03:10This, the other.
03:11But stop.
03:12When you called me, it worked for you.
03:14And now it doesn't work for you. I don't understand.
03:16Do you want to work?
03:17She called me knowing that I had already had a cause.
03:21That I had already been arrested.
03:22It's not that she called me not knowing anything.
03:24And that the situation fell to the channel.
03:26No, she already called me knowing my situation.
03:29And you felt that they had used you.
03:31That was your feeling, right?
03:33In reality, obviously, it was the most sought-after note.
03:36Because it is the second program that I speak live.
03:39And it worked for them.
03:41I don't know if it was for ratings or nothing.
03:43Maybe the program was going to be lifted.
03:45It was lifted a month ago.
03:47Yes, the program is already ending.
03:48But do you want to work on TV?
03:50Or do you want to hide more?
03:51Not be exposed?
03:52Because a little what we saw with the photo of the boliche.
03:54Somehow, being in the boliche and being in the photo.
03:57Everyone starts talking, right?
03:59What do you want at this moment?
04:00Yes, it happens that I also have the right to go out for a while.
04:04I'm locked up all day at home.
04:06I went out for two hours.
04:08And that's why they make a lot of noise.
04:10It's okay that I have a legal problem, whatever it is.
04:13But I don't have a home arrest.
04:15I can go out, I can live a normal life.
04:19Did he say something to you, making fun of you?
04:20Did he challenge you because he had gone out?
04:22Did he say something to you?
04:23It's just that they don't challenge me.
04:25They don't have to challenge me.
04:26If I don't have a home arrest, as I explain to you.
04:29I can go out and do what I want, really.
04:31As long as they don't send me some shit.
04:33Who do you follow advice from, Morena?
04:35Who do you listen to?
04:36Who do you feel is good for you right now?
04:38Who do you listen to?
04:41My dad...
04:43My dad hasn't told me anything yet.
04:47And my lawyers, actually.
04:49But they don't tell me anything.
04:51Because I'm not doing anything wrong.
04:53Going out for a while...
04:54No, it's true.
04:55I wasn't doing anything wrong.
04:57I went out for a while to clear myself.
04:59Because I'm also locked up.
05:01Literally, since I went out...
05:03I didn't go out for almost anything.
05:04I went out.
05:05And did you start studying?
05:07Did you sign up?
05:08No, not yet.
05:09You're about to start.
05:10I signed up, but no, not yet.
05:11Because first I have to solve...
05:13everything about the prosecution and everything else.
05:16I have a couple of exams that I have to do.
05:18And after that, I'll start.
05:19And tell me about your dad.
05:20We know he's on vacation.
05:22Did you get back together?
05:24Do you talk?
05:25How is the relationship between you two?
05:28No, we talk every day.
05:30Obviously, he's very present for Amadeo.
05:33But he knows that...
05:35I'm not doing anything.
05:38So, the relationship is not bad.
05:42Everything is fine.
05:43Obviously, there are a lot of things to talk about and clarify.
05:46But nothing else.
05:47Everything is very calm.
05:49Well, everyone wants to ask you, Morena.
05:51And I like that she stands up, talks, and always writes us down.
05:55The truth is that you have to say what she says.
05:58That she answers, that she shows her face.
06:00So, everyone wants to ask you.
06:02Morena, on the street, what do people say to you?
06:06The truth is...
06:08Only one person said something bad to me.
06:10No one says anything to me.
06:12And what did that bad person say to you?
06:14Can we know?
06:15No, the other time.
06:16When I went out, I think two days later.
06:19A woman.
06:20But well, obviously, it's understandable.
06:24Morena, your cell phone is going to open.
06:26Or your cell phone is being checked right now.
06:28Justice will know what's on that cell phone.
06:33Is there another crime on that cell phone?
06:36That you have talked about?
06:38Another robbery situation?
06:39Another situation?
06:40Some other type of crime?
06:42No, no, nothing.
06:44I mean, do you make sure that...
06:45Likewise, clearly, I gave my password.
06:47And I went and spoke directly with the prosecutor.
06:50And I declared.
06:51I mean, I don't have much to hide.
06:53There are only situations on the 18th and 22nd.
06:56Didn't they try to rob another house at any other time?
07:01The truth is that I can't talk to you about the judicial issue.
07:04I mean, it's not for this that I stopped talking, really.
07:08But no, no.
07:10I mean, it compromises me to talk about the cause, really.
07:12You see?
07:13As if I try to take care of myself a lot with that issue.
07:14Because there they do challenge me.
07:15Yes, it's fine.
07:16We understand you.
07:17If you can say anything, don't hurt her.
07:20And they can use it.
07:21It can be misinterpreted, anything.
07:23But I'm very calm.
07:25That's why I gave my passwords.
07:26Yes, Fran.
07:27Morena, in an Instagram story,
07:29hours ago you talked about the legacy of journalism.
07:31We read it a little while ago here.
07:32How do you feel that journalism is treating you?
07:34And how did you live the reaction of some panelists of Carmen Barbieri
07:37who didn't want to share space with you at all?
07:42Nobody said anything to me in the face.
07:44It's like I say.
07:45If you have a problem with me,
07:46the last time I didn't play it fake and say it to my face.
07:49If I don't have any problem with anyone.
07:52Everyone made a good impression
07:54and then they come out to kill you.
07:56And yes, obviously.
07:57It doesn't change me anyway.
07:58Let's see.
08:01If it was someone else or someone with a fragile mind,
08:03I don't know, I would have to be hanged.
08:05With everything they talk about, they don't say or they kill me.
08:08But above all, I'm fine.
08:11I know what I did and I know who I owe it to.
08:14Who I don't owe it to, I don't care.
08:16I don't care what they say.
08:17Morena, is it true that you had a job offer
08:20to be a participant in a weight issue
08:23and that your father advised you not to accept it?
08:29If my father had told me something,
08:31he would have told me not to go to Carmen's.
08:33Because it was obvious that this was going to happen.
08:35I think that, above all,
08:37the weight issue would be a normal program
08:41that has nothing to do with this.
08:44And I don't know if I would be a participant
08:46in such a case that he accepts.
08:48But they proposed it to you.
08:50Yes, they proposed it to me.
08:51It could be.
08:53Morena, how is your relationship with Dr. Zipola?
08:55They went out yesterday.
08:56They were together in that photo.
08:58What does he advise you?
09:03Ale is my friend.
09:06What is he going to tell me?
09:07If I want to go out for a while,
09:08he's going to accompany me.
09:09And obviously he accompanied me
09:10so that I don't get in trouble.
09:12Ah, it was to take care of you too,
09:14to accompany you.
09:15Is he in love with you, Ale?
09:17For me, he has a total love for you.
09:19He's tonic.
09:21With the key, the chip.
09:24No, I don't know, guys,
09:25if he's in love with me.
09:26Ask Ale.
09:28It's a theory of mine.
09:29It's a theory that I have.
09:31Maybe you're in love with him.
09:33You never know.
09:34You never know.
09:35But he's my friend.
09:36Now we're friends.
09:38Well, Morena, you're separated
09:39from your son's father, right?
09:42Yes, everything is wrong
09:43with the baby's father.
09:44But nothing, that's it.
09:45I mean, I felt that he didn't accompany me
09:46when he had to accompany me.
09:47Anyway, let's see.
09:48I love him very much.
09:49He's my son's father.
09:50I have nothing to say about him.
09:53But, well,
09:54right now we're separated.
09:55I can't say that there can't be a return,
09:56or whatever,
09:57because I'm a person
09:58who doesn't know
09:59what can happen tomorrow.
10:00I mean,
10:01maybe today I'll kill him
10:02and tomorrow I'll be
10:03with the father
10:04of my first child.
10:06But nothing,
10:07today I'm separated.
10:08We're separated.
10:09He's in Cordoba.
10:10I'm in Buenos Aires.
10:11He talks to his son
10:12by video call,
10:13as all parents
10:14have to do.
10:15And nothing else.
10:16And, Francesco, Morena,
10:17you're watching him
10:18by video call.
10:19You have the possibility
10:20to travel,
10:21or at least,
10:23to travel
10:24to see him
10:25in Cordoba,
10:26or for him to come?
10:27Let's see,
10:28I think I could travel.
10:30In that case,
10:31I have a little issue there,
10:32that, well,
10:33a person
10:34who is a fugitive
10:35to the cause,
10:36you see,
10:37is in Cordoba,
10:38as far as I know,
10:39as far as I was told.
10:40So, I don't want to go
10:41so that they don't
10:44It's better not to interfere.
10:46So that they don't say,
10:47Morena got together,
10:48Morena and I,
10:49we don't do things
10:50in that sense anyway.
10:51Yes, yes, yes,
10:52because if not,
10:53it's going to be a mess.
10:54Well, speaking of love,
10:55Chipó got in touch.
10:56Morena had to appear
10:57for Alejandro to appear.
10:58How are you, Ale?
10:59Thank you for attending.
11:00No, no,
11:01I would have told you.
11:03I apologize to you
11:04that I couldn't before,
11:05but I was with an audience.
11:06No, please.
11:07I just told Morena
11:08that for me,
11:09this is love
11:10between you,
11:13which is an unconditional
11:14that I have never seen.
11:15Shut up, professional.
11:17Morena would tell you,
11:18you have to show it.
11:19Ha, ha, ha.
11:20Show it.
11:21Show it.
11:22Show it.
11:23But for now,
11:26I made a post today
11:27regarding the exit yesterday.
11:29I went with her
11:30so that no one
11:31would approach her.
11:32You went to take care of her.
11:33Or that they take a picture of her
11:34and then say
11:35that person
11:36has a criminal record.
11:38The reality is
11:39that it was
11:40a two-hour exit.
11:41Morena looked...
11:42I'll tell you,
11:43why don't you see her, Chipó?
11:44Morena looked at me
11:46what a lead, this Alejandro,
11:47who chases me everywhere.
11:48That face.
11:50I like that we go out.
11:51I always like
11:52that we go out together.
11:53Ah, you like it.
11:54Yes, we go out.
11:56nothing ever happened there.
11:59there did happen something.
12:00There was like a...
12:01Was there a kiss or something?
12:02No, sorry,
12:03was there sex?
12:05it was like...
12:07what did you say, guys?
12:08What a strong,
12:09my lawyer,
12:10my friend,
12:12like sex.
12:13And well,
12:14but between you
12:16wasn't there
12:17at some point
12:18a love triangle?
12:21it was never,
12:22it was always friendship.
12:23It's just that it's very private.
12:25that's it,
12:26you already answered me.
12:27It's all very private.
12:29because Alejandro,
12:30you started
12:31the first answer,
12:32the first question of Mariana
12:33since you answered
12:34with the expression
12:35for now.
12:36And then you went
12:37to another place,
12:38but I paid
12:39special attention
12:40to the expression
12:41for now.
12:42Three suspensive points,
12:43you do not rule out
12:46of course not.
12:47Of course not.
12:48There is love there,
12:49there is love,
12:52Morena's face.
12:55Morena is very expressive,
12:56you don't rule out
12:57anything either,
12:59It's like I told you
13:02I'm here today
13:03and tomorrow
13:04you don't know.
13:07speaking of...
13:08That's the subject
13:09that I always
13:10talk about with Morena.
13:13I tell her
13:14that she has to take care of herself,
13:15that she has to present
13:16herself in the psychological
13:18there was a mess
13:19because she didn't present herself,
13:20she didn't get the notification
13:21and so on.
13:22What advice do you give her,
13:27When it was
13:28about the exams,
13:29I told her,
13:30I told her,
13:32look what happened,
13:34it was a whole
13:35issue of notifications.
13:37what I always tell her
13:38is that she tries
13:39to lower the profile,
13:40but we also go
13:41into the context
13:42of the damage
13:43that they also generate.
13:44Because Morena
13:45has not moved
13:46from the house
13:47for three weeks.
13:48Beyond the question
13:49that one can reproach her
13:50or not,
13:51what happened,
13:52the principle of
13:53notifications prevails
13:54and beyond that,
13:55you also have to have
13:56the context
13:57that a person
13:58can go out
13:59even for two hours
14:00to relax
14:01in the middle
14:02of an infernal chaos
14:03in which everyone
14:04attacks you.
14:05The right has it.
14:07drinking alcohol like crazy.
14:08Morena was not
14:09drinking alcohol
14:10and she complained to me,
14:11she told me that
14:12she needed to bring
14:13a little more
14:15because she was
14:16drinking that
14:17and the first thing
14:18she did to me
14:19was that.
14:20That does not look
14:21like a juice,
14:22just like the one
14:23she has in her hand.
14:25it was not a juice,
14:26the one she had,
14:28The one she had,
14:30But you know what
14:32and here I ask you,
14:34because what happened
14:35was serious,
14:36the truth is
14:37that it was serious,
14:38sometimes one
14:39tries to put humor
14:40with love,
14:41let's say,
14:42but someone who
14:43understood was wrong,
14:44but that is what
14:45I think it generates.
14:46But Morena never,
14:48Morena never
14:50I think she
14:51made available,
14:52unlike several
14:53famous people
14:54who were judged
14:55in recognizing
14:56the error,
14:57which if one
14:58makes a file,
14:59there are a lot
15:00of famous people
15:01who are today.
15:02For example,
15:03who are you referring to?
15:05We know that,
15:06I already said it.
15:08Morena also said it.
15:09That you were his lawyer.
15:12but when I was
15:13he was never condemned.
15:14Everyone judged me.
15:15But stop,
15:16I want to know,
15:18Elegante ended up
15:19with three years.
15:20But he was,
15:22Elegante was in prison.
15:23Three months.
15:24I mean,
15:25he was in prison,
15:26Elian too,
15:27Morena also had them,
15:28I mean,
15:29what's the difference?
15:30I don't understand.
15:31You were,
15:33but that's why I say,
15:34it's not right to compare
15:35the causes.
15:37they are different people,
15:38there are a lot of famous people
15:39who are going through
15:40criminal trials.
15:42Teto Medina
15:43is going through
15:44a criminal trial
15:45that I'm taking
15:46for sexual abuse.
15:47And we have a date
15:48to judge him
15:49at any moment.
15:51I would like to take
15:52advantage of this little time
15:53we have together.
15:55but we don't minimize.
15:57that's why,
15:58I want to hear Morena
15:59tell me that.
16:01I want you to have the opportunity,
16:02a lot of people are listening to you,
16:03the TV,
16:04everyone is coming,
16:05you have the opportunity
16:06to say what you felt
16:07and what happened,
16:08that people realize
16:09that you don't minimize,
16:10that you became aware,
16:11because a lot of people say
16:12that they don't become aware
16:13of what happened.
16:14What do you feel?
16:15What would you like to say
16:16about what happened?
16:17I don't understand
16:18what they want me to do
16:19to show
16:20that I became aware.
16:21I don't understand it.
16:22I mean,
16:24as I told you
16:25at the beginning of the note,
16:26if there is someone
16:27that I owe,
16:28that I have to explain something to,
16:29it would be justice.
16:30I don't have to explain anything
16:31to the journalists
16:32with your forgiveness.
16:33It's true,
16:34it's true.
16:35Or to anyone.
16:36Do you understand?
16:37Yes, yes, yes.
16:38I mean,
16:39and if it was another person
16:40and it was me,
16:41as they are killing me
16:42from all sides,
16:43it would be very bad
16:44to be thrown
16:45into a depressive bed
16:46and I don't know
16:47what they want,
16:48that they see me
16:49crying on a cell phone,
16:51they won't achieve it either
16:53I mean,
16:55because no.
16:56The point is also interesting,
16:57what you raise is interesting,
16:59it's interesting.
17:00They kill me 24 hours
17:01on TV,
17:02I understand it,
17:03it's fine,
17:04but I took care
17:05of myself.
17:06Very good,
17:07and he's showing his face too.
17:08And I take care of myself,
17:09I don't stop,
17:10I don't run,
17:11I don't do anything.
17:12When the guys
17:13come to talk to me
17:14and they are very respectful
17:15with me,
17:16the journalist,
17:17I have to clarify it,
17:18more of this show
17:19and another guy
17:20from another show,
17:22very respectful,
17:23I always give them a note
17:24and I tell them,
17:27because when I can,
17:28I can,
17:29and when I don't want to,
17:30I don't want to talk,
17:32you see,
17:33it depends on the day.
17:35Putting roots
17:36in the door of your house.
17:39I send you a big kiss
17:40and I really wish
17:41that life starts to be
17:42calmer for you,
17:43that you can build
17:44your future.
17:45Come on Mariana,
17:46I send you a big kiss.
17:47Thank you,
17:48and Pola too,
17:49for helping us.
17:50I send you a kiss.
17:51Many thanks.