• 2 days ago
Miami Dolphins HC Mike McDaniel speaks at Combine and reveals that Tyreek Hill underwent wrist surgery. Will Terron Armstead be on the Dolphins next year? What will the Fins do with 13th pick? Tobin gets sent to the bad take corner!
00:00Mike McDaniel speaking right now at the NFL combine, speaking at the combine,
00:10he says Tyreek Hill had surgery on his wrist, called it a ligament issue.
00:18Apparently, according to cam Wolf, which by the way, just a great, great reporter
00:24cam Wolf McDaniel said the plan is for Hill to resume catching the football
00:30in the summer near training camp.
00:32He will spend the spring running and recovering.
00:37All right.
00:37Well, it doesn't sound, it doesn't sound like they're moving on from, uh, from him.
00:42Things could change between now and then.
00:44Certainly, certainly could change the draft day.
00:48There's a, there's a lot of things that can happen between now.
00:54And then the great thing about all the things you hear and all the things
00:58people say right now is there's no football being played.
01:02So don't read into it too much.
01:05Let's see.
01:06Uh, we have on quarter Roy.
01:09Thanks man.
01:10I got it at Panther land.
01:12You have like three of them, right?
01:14I like the gold one.
01:15This one, I got the gold one.
01:16Well, here's what I have.
01:18My camo trucker one, which is my favorite, but they don't have the new arrow on.
01:22They didn't have it a pan like, cause I went to go get a new one.
01:24I was like, I didn't have it.
01:26It was sold out.
01:27They had another one, but it was kind of flimsy.
01:29So then I was like, all right, I guess I'm getting the new Panthers hat.
01:31And they had these two with the throwback logo.
01:33I was like, all right, I'm going with that.
01:36That's the way to go.
01:39I like to go.
01:40Thanks guys.
01:40Uh, what are you bald?
01:43No, I'm just a hat guy now.
01:45He was Mike McDaniel.
01:47Uh, I don't think I got like a little thing, but I'm not.
01:51Dude, this is looking pretty good.
01:53I can't even see the top of your head.
01:55I don't have a lot of, there's not a lot of baldness in my family.
01:58I'm the only bald one.
02:00Oh, I'm the only bald person in my family.
02:04Is that true?
02:05You know why you're always so stressed.
02:08Well, sorry.
02:09You got pro athletic genetics.
02:10Not bad.
02:12It's like a, it's like a helmet.
02:14You ever see those memes of the, of, uh, of God creating LeBron James.
02:18And it's just like, you pour the water in.
02:20It's just like talent, athleticism, uh, uh, muscles, speed,
02:27jumping, and then with hair,
02:32what's amazing is like, most people think because of how I talk that I'm always mad.
02:41I'm like, no, Mike McDaniel says from David Faronis of the sun,
02:45Sentinel Dolphins coach, Mike McDaniel said to Ron Armstead is not yet ready
02:51to make a decision on playing, but the team will operate as if he won't play.
02:58That's how you should do it because half of the season, he won't
03:03look, don't take this the wrong way.
03:08The Dolphins are a better football team with Toronto Armstead on, but you, but
03:15you can't make the assumption and then get screwed by it.
03:20So if he's, if he comes back, it's a bonus, but if he doesn't, you have
03:27prepared, can I give you my second bad Toronto Armstead idea?
03:30Remember when Dwight Freeney would join on as a, as like a pass for a specialist
03:35for some contenders by the end of his career for like the last four years.
03:38What if we just saved Toronto Armstead for the back half?
03:43We call it the back nine.
03:48Two games.
03:48You know, hold on.
03:50Here's the problem with all of your ideas.
03:54You know, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I,
04:00money, he's already getting paid.
04:05He's under contract.
04:07If you want to run, you need to run, but would you rather have, it's
04:11kind of like Jimmy, but we call it, dude, you are shooting.
04:15Maybe you're not listening to the equivalent of last night.
04:19You're over 22 right now.
04:21You are Alec Berks.
04:23You want to run, you need to run.
04:25I say it again.
04:27You know what he says it again.
04:31Come on.
04:31Minus one.
04:33Um, but no, no, no.
04:35We call it, we call it the Jimmy Butler plan, which is you just sit till a sprint
04:40and we just have to run Armstead out there.
04:42No, but okay.
04:43Last day here.
04:49I love how you make the assumption that if we sit to run for half the year,
04:56that he still won't get hurt after game three, maybe, but less likely.
05:00Like, no, you get, you get to this age, right.
05:05And to where he is health wise, last nine games, since the 17 game season,
05:12it doesn't, it doesn't matter.
05:14Seven and two with 72.
05:18If you give them a point, I will.
05:20No, I'm not giving him a point.
05:24You know what?
05:25Go sit in the corner where Mark
05:29that's terrible.
05:31That's terrible.
05:33That's terrible.
05:36That's terrible.
05:38No, no, it wasn't.
05:42Like it's terrible.
05:44No, I thought it was just seven.
05:45And so you probably didn't hear him seven and two with 70.
05:49No, no.
05:51Now he's producing on the other computer.
05:53Unfortunately, you guys made him dude.
05:55He's back to his roots.
06:04Finish off the segment with your, your counterpart and, and your hat.
06:09You're both minus one again.
06:10What was it again?
06:11Uh, if you want to run, he's going to give him a point in that because
06:15you need to run, that's a point, dude.
06:17You don't want to hear it on this side.
06:19Now that I hear it on this side, it's pretty good.
06:22Pretty good.
06:22Better audio.
06:23What was yours?
06:24What was it again?
06:26I think, I think this is what I think we have to run.
06:28Armstead play the last nine games and we call it seven and two with 72.
06:41Anybody else want to come on this side?
06:43I like this side.
06:43Try some bits.
06:44It's like the inmates are trying to run the asylum.
06:49Like a J pig is sneaking behind, sneaking behind, uh, told business
06:54camera, man, I don't know.
06:56I think we should do the show like this from now on.
06:58I like it.
06:58You hobnobbers over there.
07:00You can be as late as you want from break.
07:02No, don't worry about it.
07:03We'll do it.
07:04No fuss.
07:04No muss.
07:06Stop it.
07:07That's what that's going to smell like later.
07:09What do you mean, dude?
07:12What smell like muscle over here?
07:16We're doing our best to solve that.
07:18Slow down on the coffee.
07:19I was going to tell you, have you gotten coffee?
07:21Every break?
07:22Look how many he's collecting cups.
07:25It's an hour in.
07:26It's your second or I need to go verify it again.
07:28Uh, two-step verification.
07:30Unfortunately, I thought, I thought he was bringing headphones.
07:34Uh, I thought the headphones were connected to his, his chair.
07:40Oh, he's going to go back.
07:42All right.
07:42Miley Cyrus.
07:45They had the, uh, free Willy, the free Willy song on earlier as I was walking
07:49in and I was like, Tobin, what are you up to that?
07:51They're playing in the hallway.
07:54He took over, took over light of them.
07:57They were playing the free Willy song earlier.
07:59That did happen.
08:00That did happen.
08:02No way for a little Cooper flag.
08:05Oh man.
08:06What about Cooper flag with you guys?
08:09There is zero chance that this team ends up with Cooper flag.
08:13Zero chance.
08:15Only zero chance.
08:16If we're not in the lottery.
08:17Zero chance.
08:18Why would you say that?
08:19Cause I don't, I don't think you're going to end up in the lottery.
08:24Oh, well, okay.
08:24If you're saying that, then yes.
08:26Zero chance.
08:26Cause you live, you can't get in the dance without ping pong balls.
08:30You know what they say?
08:31What do they say?
08:36Why dude?
08:37First of all, why are you guys egging each other off?
08:41Why are you egging each other on why is it the production?
08:48It needs to be a lot.
08:48Oh, by Telemundo.
08:51You guys are sending me to radio Libre.
08:53They don't seem very friendly over there.
08:55I don't think we're going to want them.
08:57We won't be nothing wrong with ping pong.
09:01You see what I did there?
09:01Because no, that's terrible.
09:03That is so bad.
09:05No, it wasn't so bad.
09:06Mine is one.
09:07It was bad for us.
09:09Yeah, that was terrible for SAS.
09:12So, so here's the deal.
09:13And any of these sports where a draft is coming, right?
09:19The worst thing you could do is assume, right?
09:24And you can, if there's a question, whether a guy's returning or not, you
09:28can't assume that he's coming back.
09:30You have to prepare and plan accordingly.
09:33So what I would say is, I think within the, within the, within the
09:41I think with any offensive lineman, a draft is going to be an interior lineman.
09:48I think defensively, not early though.
09:51You don't think at like 13, um, very early for a guard.
09:55It is, it is.
09:56Um, but see, here's what I would say about the draft that I'm going to admit to.
10:07I don't know how any of these players grade out.
10:09And so if I say the Dolphins really need to get this type of player and then they
10:16get to their pick and the best available player is a different position, I'm not
10:22going to be mad because you're only getting trouble, the teams that get in
10:27trouble in the draft or the teams that reach and draft guys because they feel
10:33they need them and then that guy doesn't pan out or even resemble what should have
10:38been drafted at that pick.
10:40And, and this happens with quarterbacks because let me present this to you.
10:45I was thinking about this as I was driving in the car, thinking about all
10:49the coffees I was pondering this.
10:53If the Chicago bears had traded the number one pick and kept Justin Fields
11:02and drafted two or three other positions of need, would they be better off with
11:07Justin Fields than they are with Caleb Williams?
11:10Because you've basically taken another quarterback and plugged them
11:14in the same terrible situation.
11:16Yeah, but they got a lot of, like they had multiple picks last year.
11:18Like they got to do, they got to understand all that.
11:21It's not like they were weaponless.
11:22No, I understand that, but teams that always feel that we're going to draft
11:30the quarterback until we get it, right.
11:32Neglect the rest of their team.
11:33And then when they finally get that quarterback, they don't have a supporting
11:36Yeah, but in the fairness to the bears though, like they don't play like the
11:40Texans got to play in the AFC South.
11:42Like they, they, they play in the toughest division in football.
11:44Which means even more.
11:45So you got to have the support staff around your quarterback.
11:49You can't just throw a quarterback in the mix.
11:51But you also got to have the patience and time, like to put it together.
11:54All right.
11:54I was just asking if they still had Justin Fields, but say they had an
11:59additional pass rush or a diff additional offensive lineman, would they be better
12:05than having killed Williams and watch him struggle behind the same bad
12:09offensive line and struggling defense?
12:12We'll take a break here on the show.
12:13Can I get out of the corner now?
12:15I guess.
12:16You seem good.
12:19Having you two in the same room with them.
12:21See, that was, that was my plan.
12:23It's like, let's just make our situation for them worse with me over here.
12:26But you know what?
12:27I do like this whole thing where someone gets sent to the corner.
12:30We just need to make this a computer easier to utilize quicker.
12:36Why does my room, the punishment room though?
12:39I really feel like, well, because half the time you're not there.
12:42So it's empty.
12:43It's aggressive.
12:49Seven and two is 72.
12:51Pretty good.
12:51Come on.
12:52You got to hear it on this side.
12:53Does everyone come in here?
12:54That's all going there.
