Let's talk about today's HUGE new base game update!
Playing Sims on Twitch today! https://www.twitch.tv/lilsimsie
Patch notes! https://www.ea.com/games/the-sims/the-sims-4/news/update-2-25-2025
More info on burglars! https://www.ea.com/games/the-sims/the-sims-4/news/burglar-dev-diary
Use my creator code “LILSIMSIE” when purchasing Sims packs to help support my channel! I’ll earn a 5% commission on your purchase! #EAPartner (This video is not sponsored, but I do have an affiliate code & I've been gifted Sims packs in the past.)
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This video is family friendly, but The Sims 4 is rated T for Teen and this video is intended for an audience aged 13 and up.
Business Inquiries: teamlilsimsie@unitedtalent.com
Playing Sims on Twitch today! https://www.twitch.tv/lilsimsie
Patch notes! https://www.ea.com/games/the-sims/the-sims-4/news/update-2-25-2025
More info on burglars! https://www.ea.com/games/the-sims/the-sims-4/news/burglar-dev-diary
Use my creator code “LILSIMSIE” when purchasing Sims packs to help support my channel! I’ll earn a 5% commission on your purchase! #EAPartner (This video is not sponsored, but I do have an affiliate code & I've been gifted Sims packs in the past.)
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★ Twitch Streams: https://www.twitch.tv/lilsimsie
★ Stream Reuploads: https://www.youtube.com/c/moresimsie
★ Sims Gallery: lilsimsie
This video is family friendly, but The Sims 4 is rated T for Teen and this video is intended for an audience aged 13 and up.
Business Inquiries: teamlilsimsie@unitedtalent.com
00:00We have been waiting for this day for 10 years and The Sims 4 is finally getting burglars in
00:07today's base game update. I feel like some context here is important because if you have not played
00:12older Sims games, you might be like, Kayla, why are we celebrating the addition of thieves in this
00:18game? But burglars are kind of an iconic Sims staple, they've been in all of the previous
00:24Sims games and basically this cartoon-like character with the striped shirt and the eye
00:29mask and a bag over their shoulder would break into your house and start taking your stuff.
00:33The older games all had a burglar alarm that would automatically call for help if somebody broke in,
00:38you could choose to fight them if you wanted, you could get your stuff back that way. It's
00:42kind of funny for me talking about this now because I look back on it quite fondly,
00:47but at the time when I was a kid playing The Sims 3, I used to hate the burglars. I have always been
00:53a legacy challenge player and that means that I would start out on a big empty lot with basically
00:58no money, so I would really slowly try to work my way up to building a house. I know, sounds
01:03familiar, right? These are the roots of Stanley Humphrey. But I'd be playing these legacy challenges
01:08and maybe I finally bought a couch, and that's kind of a frivolous purchase because you don't
01:13need a couch to survive. So you know, I get my bed, my fridge, the shower, your skill building items
01:19first, we finally have an enclosed box, I just got my first place to sit. My Sim is peacefully
01:25sleeping before work the next day, and here comes the burglar. And what do they do? They take that
01:31brand new couch and they take the stove, for good measure. And then what? Where does that leave you?
01:36Miserable and stoveless. They had this horrible music that would play when the burglar was coming,
01:41and of course you can't afford a burglar alarm, you don't even have a couch. So they were just
01:44kicking you while you were down, and I love that about The Sims. This has always been something
01:48that I was kind of sad that The Sims 4 didn't have. I think The Sims 4 in general is lacking
01:54in a lot of the chaos that the older Sims games had. All the previous games had a lot more chaotic,
02:00funny little moments like that. In general, a lot less bad things happen to you when you're
02:05playing The Sims 4, it's just an easier game to play. And since it had been 10 years since launch,
02:11I had kind of written off the idea of burglars coming to The Sims 4, I was kind of over it.
02:16I figured it would just never happen. Well, over the past few weeks, they've been really
02:20hinting at something. It all started with the roadmap in honor of The Sims 25th anniversary.
02:26On this original roadmap, they put this eye emoji on the 25th of February, and then later on we got
02:31a second roadmap going out until May, and they put the eye emoji on the 25th again. So we've known
02:37for a while that something was gonna be happening today, and there's been all these little signs.
02:43Like, they made these little milk carton collectibles for the new event. One of them
02:47has a classic, iconic Sims burglar on it. There's a whole raccoon thing going on with
02:52the new expansion pack, there's loads of them in the trailer. And what are raccoons? Thieves.
02:56Then they hosted this big party for Sims creators in New York City. I wasn't there,
03:01but they hosted a big party for Sims creators in New York City, and they had a bunch of actors
03:05in that like, burglar costume come around and just walk around the party, and at that point
03:10we kind of knew. Like, that was basically a confirmation. They did also post a video,
03:15and this is maybe a spoiler, but I kind of want to watch it anyway just to see.
03:19I- I honestly feel like I could start crying because I'm so excited about this.
03:23It's just taking me back to my childhood. Like, look at how fun it is.
03:30Oh, I wonder if they can get a fear from the burglar. And look at her sneaking in!
03:36Dating up my Sim. Winning. Oh, and that's the new alarm!
03:47Okay, so you see when they have the alarm, it'll automatically call someone to help.
03:52Wait. Are you having fond memories? Are you in love with her?
04:05Oh, I don't think it's love. Maybe it- wait.
04:11Oh, maybe it is. The burglar is back! This is also the full pre-expansion pack patch,
04:17so usually these updates are pretty big. And speaking of base game update, one of the things
04:22that I wanted to look at first is the new tattoo mode. So this tattoo menu is completely different
04:28to how it used to be, they've organized them a little bit better now. None of these tattoos are
04:32new, these are the same that we used to have, they're just in a slightly better menu. And also,
04:37as you can see, it's letting me layer a few of them together. It's interesting because it looks
04:42like we don't have the full scope of the tattoo stuff that we've seen. Like, we don't have the
04:47create a tattoo or the layer editor, those things must be coming in the pack. But we do have a
04:53slight tattoo overhaul here. Because the tattoos are categorized a little bit differently, I can
04:58keep this lower arm tattoo and also have what they call an upper arm tattoo. It looks like all
05:04the leg tattoos are only in one category, so I can't layer those really. But the back tattoos
05:09are separate, so I can have a lower back tattoo and an upper back tattoo now. Interesting. I am a
05:14little bit disappointed by this because I sort of thought that we would be getting all of the
05:20tattoo customization in the base game, but I guess in hindsight that was kind of silly of me to assume
05:26because that paint mode is always in a pack. We have paint mode in cats and dogs for the cats and
05:32dogs, we got it again in werewolves for the werewolves, and then again in horse ranch for
05:37the horses. So I guess I shouldn't sit here and act surprised that the paint mode is a part of
05:41businesses and hobbies. I think because it's a tattoo, I just assumed everybody would have access
05:45to it, and I suppose it is a major feature of the pack, so I guess it makes sense. Interestingly,
05:51we did get the burglar mask in CAS, so you can use that if you want to. I think that these are
05:56new as well, I think that these are merch items from the Sims merch store. I'm pretty sure that
06:01we did not have these in the base game until today. Okay, and look at this. Normal turtleneck
06:06t-shirt, right? Super cute, super casual, boom. Burglar outfit. I think I'm gonna wear that. Okay,
06:11in the alarm category we now have the alerts burglar alarm. Here's what it looks like up close.
06:17Whoa, it turned on. It comes in a couple different colors. A state-of-the-art burglar
06:21detector that can be upgraded with all the fanciest features. Helps you sleep safe and
06:25sound unless a burglar is spotted. Also effectively wakes the whole family up as it should,
06:30very, very loudly. Buy one for any door the burglar could enter from, so you need to have
06:36it for the front door and for a back door if you have one. I think these work as long as it's in
06:41the same room. It doesn't have to be next to the door or anything, just in the same room,
06:45and I'm very pleased that it's not expensive. 85 simoleons is doable. Then the other new thing
06:50is this new lot challenge, Heist Havoc. Lock the doors and hide all valuables,
06:55burglars visit more often on this lot, and the trusty alarms have a mind of their own.
07:00I want to turn that on because I would love to force the burglar stuff to appear. I'm just gonna
07:05have my sim sleep until it happens. Oh, go away. Not today. I'm busy, Emmett. When we got the
07:11telescope update and the meteor death first came out, I got really lucky and it happened in my sim
07:15like, first try without me even trying. That's supposed to be really rare, but the burglars are
07:21also supposed to be really rare, so I don't know if we're gonna get lucky with this or not. I am
07:26gonna play until we get robbed, though. There's no way it happens on our first night in the house.
07:32Oh! Oh my God!
07:37It's happening on our first night in the house! This is robbing banks, there's no way.
07:43She walked in, the alarm's going off. She hates it. Oh, she didn't even get to rob us, though.
07:48I'm gonna fight her. I hope I win. I'm so happy right now. This is like, the best day of my life,
07:55that's so, so dramatic. I got married two weeks ago. I've been wanting this for so long, though.
08:02And I won! Burglar scared off. The burglar was successfully scared off and won't be seen again
08:07anytime soon. Your lot is safe and sound. Well, the police never even showed up. And the alarm
08:12is still going off. Oh, I do have the heist havoc lot trait, so that does mean that the alarm is
08:19gonna be kinda finicky. So I guess I shouldn't judge it yet. Oh, you can turn it off. I was
08:23gonna say the cops are useless, but I won't blame the sims police for this yet. It sounds like I can
08:29also make some upgrades. The police link security upgrade, I can robustify the inner workings,
08:35and I can have a take that shock upgrade. Do you think that that one will shock Robin when she
08:41comes to my house? Well, let me cheat for that. I'm gonna get our handiness skill up. Oh, I need
08:45upgrade parts. Hey, that would help too. Okay, I bought some. The police link will automatically
08:51call the police when it's triggered. Oh, I thought that's just how it worked. Okay,
08:56it needs upgraded to do that. Robustifying the inner workings will make it break less often,
09:00and the shock upgrade will shock the burglar and force them to drop any stolen objects. Oh my god.
09:06I almost don't want those things because I want her to rob me again, but actually take something,
09:11so maybe I'll get rid of the alarm this time. Heroic efforts from winning fight with burglar.
09:16Vivian won the fight against the burglar, that should make them think twice about coming back
09:20around here. Oh my god, I'll take free money. That's not from the update, that's from life and
09:24death. Look, we also hate Robin now. Okay, it's night two and I think it's very unlikely that
09:29I'll get robbed twice in a row, even with the lot trait, but I guess anything could happen.
09:34Nothing happened. Robin did not come back. Okay, well while we wait to get robbed again,
09:38maybe I could read the blog post about how the burglars work. I will link this down below in
09:42case you want to go and read the whole thing for yourself, but I'll point out the highlights for
09:46you. This is awesome because the person who wrote the blog post is a longtime simmer who has been
09:51begging for burglars like we have. They said that even during their job interview, they asked what
09:55would it take to bring the burglar back. So Robin Banks only strikes at night, sneaking into your
10:01sim's home while everyone is fast asleep or even if they're awake. Before you know it, she'll be
10:05grabbing whatever's valuable and making her escape. The burglar can be arrested by the police
10:10if one of your sims calls promptly, and for those who want to play it safe, the burglar alarm is
10:14back too. Handy sims can upgrade it like we already saw. If you'd prefer to handle it yourself,
10:19you can take action by waking up to call the police or by getting into a fight like we did,
10:23and apparently special sims can unleash new defenses. Stopping the burglar will feel unique
10:29depending on who's in the household. Special sims bring even more exciting possibilities.
10:33So if you have a dog, they'll chase the burglar out. Werewolves can intimidate the burglar into
10:39leaving. Spellcasters can do confusion spells or transformations. Servos can zap the burglar
10:45into place. Scientists can use the freeze ray to immobilize them. Vampires might want to bite them
10:50first. Teenagers might stop to take a selfie with the burglar before bolting to safety. And Agnes
10:56Crumplebottom and Bonehilda won't run. They are ready to fight. In total, there's over 50 unique
11:02reactions across the base game and 17 different packs, along with 37 player-directed interactions
11:08you can do. So there's a lot of new ways that your sims can engage with the burglar. I wasn't
11:13really expecting that, but it sounds like they went back and added a lot of cross-pack compatibility
11:17to it. Burglar visits are rare because they want those moments to stand out, but for those of you
11:21who thrive on chaos, we have the heist havoc lot trait. And with this, the burglar will visit more
11:26often, as we saw, and the alarms might start acting up. Okay, that is actually really helpful.
11:31They also have an FAQ with some more helpful tips. Apparently the burglar can steal most
11:35furniture, but not build objects, so they won't steal your window, your door, stuff like that.
11:40Apparently you can interact with and befriend Robin, I kind of ruined our chances for that.
11:45And if you add her to your household, the game will just generate a new sim, kind of like how
11:48it works with Santa. There has to be a Santa. Oh my god, Snap is really excited about this update,
11:54as you can see. She wants to be involved. But with Daddy Winter, if you add him to your household,
11:58the game will just spawn a new Father Winter. And oh, like it says here, if she dies,
12:02it'll generate a new one as well. Okay, my house is being broken into again,
12:06but not by the right sim. I'm being attacked by Vlad and not by Robin. This is not the kind of
12:12burglar or robbery that I wanted to see today. This is ridiculous, you're taking away my Robin
12:18Banks time. Thank you so much, Vlad, I hope I never see you again. Also, it's really stormy,
12:23and it's kind of scary. The weather is like, freaking me out. Okay, I just saw this and I
12:27was like, the burglar's here! No, that's me. That's my sim. Something I just realized is that
12:32we have the ability to set stuff as residential, public, or employee only on our lot, and I'm not
12:40sure if that's supposed to happen. That's how it's supposed to work with the new expansion pack, but
12:45I don't think it's supposed to happen if you don't have a business on your lot. Maybe it's because
12:50of things like Get to Work, or like, the vet's office in Cats and Dogs, but I am a little bit
12:54surprised that I can just do it here. I feel like this is not supposed to happen. That doesn't seem
12:59right. It sure would be nice if they would post the patch notes and explain this stuff, huh? I'm
13:03gonna try it with a different family and see if we can get lucky first try again. Well, it's looking
13:08like the answer is no. I don't think we will be getting lucky first try again. What the heck?!
13:13What happened again when I said that?! That's so funny! She's back! Hey, Robin! We should call
13:19someone, right? Maybe I'll let her take some stuff first because I want to see what it looks like.
13:23Okay, if you want to get robbed, you just have to say that you think you won't be robbed.
13:27Look, she's taking it! Oh my God, take it again, take it again, take more. Wow. She like,
13:32sucks it up in her giant sack. That's horrible. Is she gonna take my stove? She is! Oh, it's like
13:40my childhood! Okay, we should call the police. You may want to call the police station real quick,
13:43buddy. Uh-oh, I've seen her. Hey, don't just panic, call someone! What do you think you're
13:48doing? She took my fireplace! And it's your fault, Alex. Hey, um, still no one has called the police.
13:54Cassandra, it's up to you. Call the police station. She's getting away with everything!
13:58It's too late to catch the burglar. She just left with all my stuff. It even gave me a list of the
14:03objects she stole. Portrait of a marriage, the crow wood burning cook stove, the fireplace,
14:09and the grandfather clock. That's so much money she just got for me and I just let her get away.
14:13Stolen goods from being burgled. I'm so happy, I'm having so much fun. I don't even care about
14:20seeing the police. No, that's a lie, I would like to see the police. I'm gonna try one more night.
14:24Wow, I don't think I'm gonna get burgled today. That's too bad. Oh, it didn't work when I said
14:32that. It's morning. Dang it! I'm in the pancake house now and I'm realizing they have a lot of
14:36back doors. Well, the fun part is that there's a bunch of stuff that we haven't even seen because
14:41I haven't tested out what happens if you have a werewolf in the household, so hopefully there'll
14:46be a lot of fun surprises with this feature for a long time. Also, if you don't want to be
14:51burgled, this is an option that you can turn on and off in your gameplay settings. You can just
14:56scroll down and then disallow burglar visits, so if this scares you or if it makes you uncomfortable,
15:01you're not interested in having it happen, you can change it so it won't happen to you.
15:05And it won't happen as often as it's happening to me. I have that special lot challenge on
15:09to intentionally make it happen more often. This is supposed to be kind of a rare
15:13thing. My burglar! It's happening again! Okay, I'm gonna call the police this time.
15:18You're not getting away this time, Robin. She's in the house, the alarm's going off,
15:22call police station. Quick, call someone, call someone! Don't just stare at her,
15:26call somebody! The police are on the way, get to safety and do not engage.
15:30Marcus Flex is the police officer? And he's sitting down? Bob's paranoid now,
15:36I don't blame him. Okay, well I trust that Marcus Flex can beat her up. Have you seen that guy?
15:40Wait, no! She beat him up! Wait, she got away! Oh no! Marcus is passed out on the floor!
15:48Oh my God, what a letdown. From burglar escaping police. What? The police lost a fight? Eliza
15:55can't believe that pesky burglar is getting away with this. Well, this is embarrassing.
15:59The burglar slipped right through my fingers. Not my best work, stay safe out there. What,
16:04so you're just leaving? Okay, well that's all I needed to know. I'm not surprised.
16:08I'm not surprised. Okay, and the patch notes are out. I'm gonna link these down below too
16:12in case you want to go read through all of them. Some of this we've already seen,
16:16like obviously the burglar. We also briefly looked at the new tattoo stuff. Another major
16:20thing that I didn't notice is that you can change the opacity now of the tattoos,
16:24so it'll work kind of like makeup where you can change the hue, saturation, opacity,
16:28and brightness of them. There's also a new gallery category for tattoos because players who have
16:33businesses and hobbies will be able to create, share, and upload them, but they're making sure
16:37we know that it's only players who have businesses and hobbies. We did also see this, the couple of
16:43merch hoodies. I did not notice this. There are three new swatches for the cheapest base game
16:51counters. I cannot believe that I didn't see this. So this base game counter has even more
16:56new swatches. It looks like the last four swatches are new. Interesting, so they have some new wood
17:02tones as the countertops, and the base? Doesn't that almost look like concrete? Do you see what I
17:07mean by that? Wow, that is really nice. And you know what, this is a new wood tone that matches
17:13a lot of the other packs a bit better. They've been using that sort of lighter wood tone in
17:18most packs these days, but we didn't have a counter that matches it. I will admit that I don't,
17:24I don't know about the upper cabinets. I'm not sure if I like those. I like this wood stuff,
17:30I like the stone texture as the countertop, I don't know about the stone texture as the base.
17:36I find that a little bit strange, but this nice dark wood color is lovely.
17:42Yeah, I don't really think I like this version. I wish it was flipped, I wish it was brown with
17:47with the stone. Yeah, I don't know. I don't want to complain about new swatches, like I don't want
17:52to be a brat, but I don't know if I like it. Interesting, they made it so that when you open
17:56build mode for the first time, it'll now show objects by room instead of the styled rooms,
18:00which I think is smart because nobody uses styled rooms. And they also changed the study and dining
18:06room icons in build mode. I did notice this and I thought maybe I was imagining it, but these icons
18:11are different. They've added a bunch of new club activities if you own get together, including
18:15viewing collectibles, sipping tea, using the activity table, playing table games, giving
18:20massages, playing with pets, making and drinking nectar, arranging flowers, doing laundry, and many
18:25more. You know what, I wonder if they did that because they were going through and making a big
18:30long list for the new expansion pack of all of the activities you could do with businesses and
18:34hobbies, and they just went and added them to get together as well. I am really glad they did that,
18:38though. It looks like they've changed it so you can also mentor more skills, and you can mentor
18:44from skill objects directly. So like, if you click on the flower arranging table, you can mentor with
18:49flower arranging. Okay, Mortimer doesn't have a very high writing skill, but I'm gonna cheat it
18:53real quick. Because he is maxed the skill, he can now click on this computer and oh, you can offer
18:58paid mentoring! Oh, that's cool! So he can offer writing mentoring to his daughter. He obviously
19:04won't charge her because that would be weird. I hate that he's in his pajamas, but he's mentoring
19:09her right now and look at how quickly she builds the writing skill because of this. That is honestly
19:14huge. That is a massive change. I think I'm gonna use that all the time. And they also changed it
19:20so that on the map, you can see your sim's current location. So look, it's highlighting that Mortimer
19:25is right here. I can even see which world he's in. That's gonna help a lot of new players because
19:29there are so many worlds now, it's easy to forget and to get lost. And then lastly, they're teasing
19:34the next two creator kits. Sibillette's Sleek Bathroom and A. Harris O.O. Britney's Sweet Allure
19:41will be coming out in April. These are both CC creators that I really, really look up to and
19:47respect and have enjoyed all of their content, so I am looking forward to these kits. They had
19:52teased that the kits existed, but we didn't know what they were until today. This plant is kind of
19:57speaking to me, I am very much looking forward to that. And that's just all the new stuff, that's
20:02not even counting any of the bug fixes. Privacy restored! The mysterious disappearing bathroom
20:07walls of the Willow Creek Gym have been found. Those have been missing for years. They finally
20:12fixed that. You're able to put those wreaths from the Cozy Celebrations event on the front door now
20:18before they were blocking the door. There's not gonna be floating flowers during City Living
20:22Festivals anymore. I was really annoyed at all of those in the planter boxes. The thrifty bubble
20:27counter from high school years is gonna work again because before you couldn't really order
20:30anything because the barista was just never there. There was a bug where you weren't getting paid
20:34when you did Dream Home Decorator gigs, they fixed that. Knitting was kind of broken, if you stopped
20:39mid-interaction it wouldn't queue properly again when you tried to start again, they fixed that.
20:43And also the Home Chef Hustle Sims are gonna stop breaking into your house, which will be a huge
20:47improvement. And again, I didn't read all of these out loud, there was a lot more bug fixes, I just
20:51mentioned the ones that stood out the most to me as being the most annoying bugs for me personally,
20:55but there's a bunch. I think I will stop testing it there just to leave some room for you to get
21:00surprised by some of the other variants. If you're planning on testing this out for yourself, I would
21:04recommend putting on that Heist Havoc lot trait and then maybe making a few different types of
21:08sims. If you have other packs like werewolves or vampires, it could be kind of fun to try that out.
21:13I also switched between a few different households and I got burgled on the first night in that new
21:17house twice. So in the Fresh Save with the lot trait, got burgled the first night. In Bella Goth's
21:22house, burgled the first night. And then in the Pancake House, I got burgled the second night.
21:26So I feel like with that trait, it's pretty easy to see it a bunch of times. Without the trait,
21:30I have no idea how often it happens. I'm guessing that it's probably similar in rarity to the meteor
21:36strikes, but I am gonna be live tonight playing The Sims on my Twitch channel and we'll just
21:40test it out like normal and kind of see what happens. So if you want to watch that or chat
21:45about burglars more with us live, I'll link my Twitch stream down below. My name is just
21:48lilsimsie over there. Also, the next couple of weeks are gonna be really big for The Sims because
21:53the new expansion pack is coming out next week, and that means that we can start posting early
21:57access content soon. So if you're interested in seeing businesses and hobbies, make sure you're
22:01subscribed to me here on YouTube. The first video I'll post will be a massive review showing off
22:06literally everything coming in the pack, and you're not gonna want to miss it. Thank you again for
22:10watching, everybody have a wonderful rest of your day, and I'm gonna catch you all tomorrow, okay?
22:14Bye, everybody. Oh my god, I was so excited about the burglar that I forgot to take screenshots.
22:19I'm not even gonna have pictures for the thumbnail.