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Trump Gold Card: अमेरिका में ट्रंप प्रशासन ने 5 मिलियन डॉलर में गोल्ड कार्ड योजना (Gold Card Program) की घोषणा की जो अप्रवासियों को अमेरिकी नागरिकता देने का रास्ता तैयार करेगा. जानिए ट्रंप की नई 'गोल्ड कार्ड' योजना के बारे में.यह Gold Card, Green Card का प्रीमियम वर्जन होगा और इससे न केवल ग्रीन कार्ड के खास अधिकार मिलेंगे, बल्कि अमीर अप्रवासियों को अमेरिका में निवेश करने और नागरिकता प्राप्त करने का अवसर भी मिलेगा.

#DonaldTrump #USA #USCitizenship #GoldCard #America #GreenCard #Trump #TrumpGoldCard #USGoldCard



00:00Since the time when Trump has taken over the power, many new announcements have been made by the US President.
00:06On one hand, Trump is expelling illegal immigrants from the country, and on the other hand, he is selling American citizenship.
00:12Yes, US President Donald Trump has announced a new gold card scheme on Tuesday, which will be sold for $5 million.
00:20What is the gold card scheme, what is its purpose, and what benefits will people get? Let's find out in this video.
00:26First of all, let's understand what the gold card scheme is.
00:30Donald Trump has given the formula for the gold card, and under this, Trump will settle the richest people in the world in America.
00:36In return, the Trump government will collect $5 million. This will be the premium version of the green card.
00:42And through this, the richest people in the world will be able to get American citizenship.
00:47Trump has said in the Oval Office that people who buy the gold card will get benefits of the green card and more improvements than that.
00:54The rich people will buy this card and come to America and invest here and create a lot of jobs.
01:01Now let's find out when this scheme is going to start.
01:04So Trump has announced that this program will start in the next two weeks.
01:08And he has also said that his administration does not need any kind of approval from Congress.
01:14However, it is still not clear how this scheme will be implemented.
01:18Now the question is what will happen to the EB-5 program and will it replace it?
01:23Actually, the establishment of the EB-5 Immigrant Investment Program in 1990,
01:27Congress used foreign investors to encourage the American economy through employment creation and investment.
01:35In this program, US Citizenship and Immigration Services, i.e. USCIS, operates.
01:41Vaneja Sachiv Lutnik suggested that the new gold card scheme can replace the current program,
01:48which allows immigrant investors to invest in America and get a green card.
01:53Lutnik said that the money received in exchange for the gold card will be given directly to the US government, which will make it easier.
02:00At the same time, President Trump says that we are going to end the EB-5 program and replace it with the Trump Gold Card.
02:07Under this scheme, immigrants can pay $ 5 million and escape the US government's investigation process.
02:14This is to ensure that they are world-class citizens.
02:17But why is America doing this?
02:19The simple answer is that it will benefit America a lot.
02:23Rich people will be able to buy this card and settle in America.
02:26Obviously, they will be richer and more successful.
02:28This means that they will spend a lot of money in America and pay a lot of taxes.
02:33At the same time, they will also give jobs to many people.
02:35The money collected through the scheme will be used to reduce the US economic deficit.
02:41And if they invest in America, that money can be used to reduce the US deficit.
02:47So what is your opinion on this whole news?
02:49Give us your opinion in the comment box and keep watching Good Returns for such updates.
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