• last month
00:00At the end of all this is actually what we said at the beginning. I don't know if you agree with this or not
00:06But again based on this comment and more but this one from Steve Ashburner of NBA calm
00:12Enjoyed the honeymoon, you know
00:14It's this gets down to the situation of are you gonna believe what he says about the fifth wife?
00:19Are you gonna believe with how it worked out with all the first four watch, you know?
00:23I think that Jimmy Butler is I had to say it. Um, he sort of burns through
00:29Relationships seems to me. I mean look we're off on a tangent about
00:33Jimmy Butler how he got here. The bottom line is I
00:38Don't even care if Jimmy Butler has words with Steve Kerr or the Warriors
00:4616 months from now like I don't care
00:49It's it's worth it based on the fact that in this moment. It feels like he has revitalized
00:56Steph Curry and Draymond Green it has given people
01:00life to the idea that maybe there is still another run left and
01:04The extension they gave him while a hundred and eleven million dollars is
01:10Over in two years. So if this thing goes sideways in two years
01:14It's funny most people's perception right now is that Steph Curry and Steve Kerr are gonna leave in two years
01:19Yeah, maybe before maybe retiring at that point exactly Jimmy starts screaming and yelling fine
01:26Fine, I trust the Warriors to be able to handle that and does every marriage
01:31Portend for the exact same result in the exact same relationship in future marriages
01:36And of course not speaking to you and you and I both are to me on that one
01:40we're gonna talk about it together because you and I are both in the multiple category and you've got one coming up and I know
01:47That this relationship and I sometimes tease both of you for the lovey-dovey nature
01:53But we're in the honeymoon phase and you will forever be in the honeymoon phase
01:57Yeah, you two and this is where you know, I'm trying to get you my lunch
02:01I don't think she believes that by the way, I have to convince her sometimes
02:05Okay that I mean we are gonna get old and crotchety together. I can't imagine it
02:11So and this is my point because I don't know your previous relationships very well
02:16but I know this one and they talk about the honeymoon phase and you two are always
02:22Seemingly in the honeymoon phase, which is wonderful and with Jimmy Butler. Okay. Let's just talk about Jimmy in the honeymoon phase
02:29well, Chicago was five years and
02:33The way it ended was not that destructive. It just kind of ran its course and then
02:38Minnesota yeah, that was a bad man got weird
02:41Bad marriage and he got there and he looked around and there was a lot of betas to use your analogy yesterday about Wiggins and
02:48You know, Carl Anthony Towns is not an alpha and Wiggins and the rest of that team bunch of betas
02:54and so Jimmy's like, you know, I want to fight all of you fight me and
03:00Tom Thibodeau is like I'll fight you and Jimmy's like I can't fight you coach
03:04You're you know, you're 52 with a horrendous bald spot. You can't throw hands
03:10Philly was not really a marriage. It was more like a tinder date and then Miami the honeymoon was great
03:15That was a great marriage great marriage
03:17There was no I mean there was no honeymoon like they went to two finals over the course of six years
03:23It was wonderful and maybe it ended in a way that they didn't want so Steve Ashburner. I love his stuff
03:29It was a great interview, but the whole idea of a honeymoon phase
03:33It doesn't mean that at the end of this year and let's say the Warriors go first round and they lose
03:39A first-round series. It doesn't mean that Jimmy's suddenly gonna be sour and wanna, you know
03:44I want a four-year deal didn't Steph just get another year tacked on
03:49Another year tacked on right? Yeah 62. I wonder what he would have said if the Warriors are like, yeah
03:56Kind of old
03:57So we're good. You got this year and next year already on your deal. So yeah off you go to play
04:06You think Steph would have just been like, okay
04:08Well, I think you would have until this offseason
04:12he's making
04:1459.6 next year and then they tacked on a
04:1762.6 and the negotiation took about 19 seconds you take care of your guy. Well, they probably saw him in the hall and
04:25Joe was like hey Steph
04:27Hey, Joe, how you doing? What's going on Steph? You realize you've only got this year and one more
04:33Can I extend you for one more year at?
04:3562.6 Steph goes
04:37All right, call my guy. I gotta go. I gotta go shoot half-court shots. Exactly. I gotta go make 70 footers
04:43That's all that's all I'm getting at. Look it could be when there's a messy divorce
04:47everybody's gonna get their share of
04:49of the blame but but to me
04:53This is sports and I see it everywhere like when
04:57Things are not taken care of when you're eligible for them to be taken care of you buck
05:03Jamar chase didn't show up for the majority of Bengals camp this year. He wasn't even extension eligible yet
05:08He was literally he's literally like sending them a message of like just get ready for what I'm gonna do next year
05:14Because I'm amazing and you need me and you better value me or else there's gonna be a problem
05:19I I don't know man. I see that everywhere Larry and Lafayette. Thanks for calling man. What's going on?
05:24well first I'll say that I generally always
05:28Side with the player because they have a limited career and they have to make the most of it because they after that they're not
05:34Going to make big money. So just generally I believe that and you look at the the leagues
05:41Various teams they're all you know, we're several billion dollars
05:45So I'll go with the worker every day now
05:48Having said that I want to give you guys an explanation of my appreciation of listening to dibs agitation meditations about butlers in
05:57Association compensation expectation and Miami's expiration. Thank you. You're welcome
06:02Yeah, and I feel the appreciation there in all I'm saying is that was amazing. Oh, I'm not done with that yet
06:09That was incredible. Yeah, that's about 10 bucks in there
06:13Although if you would have added a sensation at the tail end, yeah, he never said sensation. So it's nothing actually
06:19Still on the line Larry. Do you want to say the word sensation?
06:22I'll say sensation. Yeah, but you know what? I will say is I should have had my rhyming dictionary
06:27That's all it would have come up and been right there for me. Larry. This is a memorable call
06:34Yes, and yeah, enjoy Lafayette and don't sleep on the hideout. We just went there over the weekend
06:40Oh happy hour two to five. Yeah, I've heard about the hideout. I've never done it
06:45Well, you know having a two and a half year old we don't go out to eat much
06:48We rolled the dice on Saturday night, and she was actually kind of okay. Okay. I heard that that's a 49er beat writer
06:58Get away, okay new location right there on Lafayette Circle
07:02That's weird to change locations of a place called the hideout. It's pretty funny. That's very odd
07:06No, it's really odd because the old place was kind of hard to find
07:10This place is smack dab in the middle of everything. So we might need a name change
07:14But the hideout pretty fun, I appreciate the comments and I'm not one to always side with management
07:21I just sometimes mark I bristle when you're somebody who is
07:27Incredibly highly paid and because certain things don't go your way
07:31Now we're going to fold our arms and throw a tantrum and go in the corner and demand
07:37What we're going to demand
07:38I just I just think it's very very difficult for for us to to relate to this kind of stuff because we let yeah
07:45We let how much money is being made get into the conversation and for those people I cuz look we all know
07:52People who make tons of money right and I don't look at it one. Yeah
07:57I don't I don't think that we look at those people and go boy
08:00Why are you out in the middle of the street throwing hundred dollar bills at everybody who walks by because they're not
08:07We think that they should we think we would boy if I had them if I were making 50 million dollars a year
08:13I would just be like
08:16every day I would wake up and I would have honey peanut butter toast and
08:21Thank the world that everything is perfect
08:25And I'd never asked for anything from another human being again, and I'd paid for all the dinners no matter who is with me
08:31This is not the way it works. I don't want to act like I know I don't have millions of dollars
08:36No, but you hang with some rich people. I'm I like we all do we live in the Bay Area
08:40We know some people probably know some people who do okay?
08:43And and so yeah like I just I don't think it works that way so just because you're well paid
08:50And you're highly talented doesn't mean that you have to just sit there and take it from the organization if you don't like
08:57What's what's being done?
08:59but the other side to this that might be the more important one for warrior fans in this moment is
09:05And I really didn't get here when they initially made this trade because the trade in the extension happened right away
09:11And and I remember what my thought was my perception was I can't believe that this is their big swing I
09:20Want the Warriors to still be able to make a big swing if this is their big swing because this doesn't feel
09:26Like this they should be all-in on this
09:28But I've been comforted by two things since then number one they've played great basketball
09:33Number two the Warriors are trumpeting the idea that no we still have flexibility if this does not go the way we want it to
09:39Go and the more I think about it you look at an extension
09:42That's only two years long, and I just like first of all this year already feels like it's in the hip pocket
09:49Jimmy Butler's not gonna go crazy this year
09:52They're like they're they're sitting here around the campfire on a night-in-the-night-out basis right now by yeah, right
09:59so this year's fine and
10:02Then you come back, and I'm not like who knows what's gonna happen around the bend, but if it goes sideways
10:09Okay, I don't want it to I wouldn't predict it
10:15But I don't care it would still be worth it is my point
10:19It would still be worth it because of what is happening right now in front of our eyes
10:25Well depends on what continues to happen right in front of our eyes
10:29and I know right now at five and one it feels like we're trending toward a
10:34succeed or better and
10:36Nobody wants to play us and a deep run in the playoffs and so yeah with that as the backdrop sure
10:42Then you get to next year and all bets are off because what he would have done for this year would be
10:48Remarkable and that would matter, but there is a possibility that things don't necessarily go that way
10:55And I won't put words to what could happen because they're bad things, and I don't want bad things to happen
11:01I want good things to happen
11:02But other situations have happened with Golden State where players have gotten deals and immediately and this is pre Lakob
11:10Steven Jackson famously went up and got himself a good long extension and about three weeks later demanded to be traded
11:18So I guess I'm a little bit jaded by what has happened with this organization
11:23Players in the past, but you also mentioned that was prior to this era
11:28So I don't even know if that's relevant like yeah
11:30They were wearing jerseys that were the same color and they were playing in the at Oracle in Oakland
11:35But that organization had nothing to do with this organization sure so like that's an interesting question
11:43Has anybody ever walked away from the warrior organization this era?
11:49Joe Lakeham's Warriors has there ever been a player who's just been like furious and at odds with the team
11:58Anyone you got to call clay, and maybe he can answer it. That's one
12:01I mean one and I and even that I mean all of them have complexities to it
12:07I don't think that clay reportedly wanted a big contract and the team
12:14Reportedly didn't give it to him or the team didn't give it to him
12:17Reportedly about that and then clay was also fighting himself
12:21But your question was has anybody left this organization mad
12:25And I don't know how mad clay was we had clay's dad on and his dad talked about him needing
12:31Oh, you're not happy right he needed a change of pace and all the rest of it
12:35No, no, I'm I can go ahead and report that you're not happy right and not happy with the Warriors
12:40No, and he wound up taking less than half of what he sought here to go to Dallas
12:45And you know he's doing what he can in Dallas, and well now you don't have Luca
12:49So Dallas isn't even the Dallas that he signed up for so there have been players
12:54That have left here and not been thrilled sure sure sure sure and I mean Kevin Durant Andrew Bogut Andrew Bogut
13:02Yeah, I mean Dennis Schroeder has already come out and said that you know he's kind of sick of being traded
13:08And yeah, I don't know if that was solely focused on the Warriors
13:11Just gotten traded to the Warriors right a few weeks before
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13:25Apply online or just ask for first NorCal financing to the dealer by the way. I'm asking that question genuinely
13:30I was not trying to make the point that everybody has always loved the Warriors at all times right kumbaya
13:35I like a Jimmy Butler type departure has that ever happened
13:41in the Joe Lake a bear
13:43would you like in any of
13:44these departures that we just brought up to the one that has happened with Jimmy or
13:49Any of the ones that have happened with Jimmy in his career the only one that would be close would be Jordan pool
13:55and he didn't come out and
13:57You know talk about how he wanted to be traded, but they straight-up traded him
14:02They signed him and before the contract kicked in he got dealt, and I wonder how he feels about
14:08The way that went down I haven't ever heard from him
14:11Talk openly about that ouster, but Jordan pool gets a big big bag
14:17He gets punched in the face
14:19He plays a season the contract is about to kick in and he gone and not only is he gone
14:25But you're off to Washington. Yeah, Siberia, right, but you get to go be a leading scorer, okay?
14:34Yeah, and maybe that maybe that matters to him
14:36Oh, I don't know felt to me. It still feels to me like Jordan Jordan's anger is directed at Draymond not the team fair now
14:45By extension, I'm sure there was some anger with the fact that Draymond was not punished right. That's that's
14:52Probable and I do think the other examples you could look at are a little different because
14:57Kevin Durant and D'Angelo Russell when they left D'Angelo Russell was here and then gone
15:03But they both agreed to sign and trades which tells me that they weren't so mad that they wouldn't at least do
15:11The franchise is solid because if you don't like if you're really that mad at Golden State
15:16Then you're not gonna be willing to do a sign and trade. Was D'Angelo a sign and trade? I thought it was
15:20I thought that's what began. I thought that's what got them Andrew Wiggins
15:25Oh, it also, but it also got him a pick like like the Warriors were
15:29That was like the D'Angelo Russell was the the acquisition and in theory the Warriors almost kind of got more in return
15:37It's the pick that ended up being Jonathan Kaminga. I don't remember was that a sign and they got D'Angelo from the Nets in a sign
15:44It's not a trade right a traded D'Angelo Russell and a couple other pieces of Mari Spellman and a
15:51Minnesota for Wiggins and the pick that became I thought that was just a straight trade. I was a straight. Yeah. Yeah
15:57But anyway, I mean your point is
15:59Totally well taken I get that I get that
16:02I guess somewhere in there is what I'm getting at is that I trust the Warriors to handle this and it's not even just the
16:09Warriors organization like what is Jimmy Butler walking into? He's walking into a room. That is the warrior organization
16:17Which is led by Joe Lacob, Mike Dunleavy and Steve Kerr and a locker room that's led by Steph Curry and Draymond Green. I
16:24Have a lot of faith that they're not gonna have this go sideways I
16:29Absolutely could be wrong
16:31I've already got a couple of wrongs on my belt in the Jimmy Butler air and that's only been going for two weeks
16:36so I could be wrong and
16:38We're still getting to know Jimmy's personality
16:40I don't know exactly what's gonna happen next but I do trust this
16:46Organization more than I would just about any other to not have this go crazy
16:51Because when you play at a very very high level for this group, they tend to take care of you. I
16:58Know clay Thompson's online one
17:00I know
17:01Because that was the other thing Kevin Durant's departure did not have anything to do with the Warriors not being willing to give him what?
17:07He wanted that had given him anything to stay that had given him a max deal, but he didn't want it
17:13So the clay one is is the only one that to me has some sort of a comp to what to what?
17:20People might be fearful of with Jimmy Butler, and I do think that if you look at the previous
17:27Instances where Jimmy decided that he wanted to go elsewhere
17:30They were for reasons that aren't in place here
17:32and the only thing that might be in place here is if this year goes well and
17:37You get into next year and you get halfway through next year and things are you know looking good and Jimmy's playing well
17:44and looks like Steph and dream on and Jimmy might do it for another year and a half and
17:49Maybe Steph gets a year added on
17:52Maybe dream on gets a year added on and Jimmy might look and say alright. I want an extension
17:57That's the only fear I have is when you get a year from now and Jimmy's like I'm only 36, and I'm still playing well
18:04I want to get some more years tacked on to this one, and if the answer is no then how does he respond?
18:10I don't know. I don't know
18:12After this experience, I will say I would be very surprised if Jimmy did that that quickly
18:20That'd be pretty quick you to get a hundred eleven million dollar extension, and then because think about that
18:27You're talking about next season, so yeah
18:29You're talking about essentially something that's in the neighborhood of a year from now or even earlier
18:34I mean if by December
18:36This is already a subject matter that would feel a little surprising to me not saying that it's out of the realm of possibility
18:43That would surprise me though if this comes up again that quickly
18:47I mean if it comes up later than that as I said who cares who cares the Warriors are getting what they needed out of
18:54This deal immediately like if we literally think about how this deal defined warrior basketball
19:01What are they saying they're saying we care more about now great and worry about now?
19:06You don't need to worry about what goes on a year from now or two years from now
19:09And there's all kinds of ways out of it. Let's go to uh
19:13Chris and Sunnyvale hi Chris. Thanks for calling
19:16Hey, thank you very much. Yeah, I just wanted to make a comment. I was at the game on Sunday
19:22You know Jimmy Butler. He does not care about the money. He does not care about the compensation
19:28He joined the Warriors to win a national championship
19:33And I think that that is is it has to be kind of looked at because that's why he's here
19:42Chris I have a hard time fit like I'm not gonna say that that winning is not a part of this
19:49I'm sure that it is Jimmy's a winning player
19:50I don't know how you can look at this whole scenario and think that money has nothing to do with it
19:55Do you really think that I?
19:58Really do think if that's the truth and no matter what his compensation is if you want to join a team and win a
20:06National championship, there's one place to do that. That's San Francisco with the Warriors. I'm a season ticket holder
20:12I love these guys and
20:14And the magic of Steph Curry and the rest of the team is it's the place to be
20:20All right, Chris. Thank you very much. I appreciate that
20:23I I don't I don't necessarily share Chris's view on it
20:27I think that that's awesome that he feels that positive about warrior basketball
20:32Remember, I'm old enough to remember three weeks ago when a lot of people thought that this dynasty was done and Steph Curry should be
20:37Traded right, so I don't know that the rest of the league is looking around at the land
20:43Landscape and thinking well, there's only one place that I can win and that's San Francisco
20:47I also remember like six days five days before the trade deadline when the report was that Jimmy Butler didn't want to come to the
20:55Warriors and wouldn't most yes on an extension. Yes, most likely because the Warriors were not offering him the money that he wanted, right?
21:02There's always about the money to a certain degree. Sometimes it's only about the money. And yeah again, I
21:10I'll eat the same food that I kind of put on the table for you earlier. I don't know
21:15What the hell happened with Jimmy and Miami to get them to this situation
21:20Certainly my parent my perception is is that money was at the center of it. That's what's been reported
21:25Yeah, I don't I don't know how else they would have gotten to this situation
21:30Miami seems like a wonderful city. I've been there a couple times great place to play
21:35Quality organization supposedly and they made a lot of music together through the years
21:39I don't know what it would have been about if it weren't if it was not for money
21:43Well, he seemed to enjoy the heat culture and he was the epicenter of it and he was there for six years and he got
21:49him to two finals
21:50So the culture wasn't a problem
21:52The reports are that he wanted more help around him and the team didn't do that
21:56And then the reports are that he wanted more money and the team didn't want to do that either
22:01You remember that that's where Dame said he wanted member Dame Lillard demanded. It was Miami, right?
22:07Now I have no idea why that didn't come together
22:09I Portland was probably trying to hold one over on Miami and Pat Riley told him to kick rocks
22:15So he ended up in Wisconsin, right, which is funny
22:19Yeah, anyway, I don't know. Maybe that factored into it. You're right perhaps
22:22I mean the reports are he wanted more help and he wanted more money and he didn't get more help and he
22:28Wasn't gonna get more money. So then he thought won't forget it
22:31I want out as opposed to I guess he could have waited till the offseason and demanded a trade then but he was fed
22:38Up before the deadline and he forced his way out and here we are
