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👉 En Villa Sarmiento, cerca de la autopista del oeste, los robos a mano armada se han convertido en un problema recurrente. Los delincuentes aprovechan la cercanía de vías rápidas para escapar fácilmente tras cometer sus delitos. Vecinos reportan la falta de patrullaje y viven con miedo constante, vigilando antes de salir de sus casas. Un reciente incidente involucró el robo de un automóvil con una niña adentro, lo que ha incrementado la preocupación en la comunidad. La policía tardó una hora en llegar al lugar, mientras los delincuentes ya habían escapado hacia el cercano barrio Carlos Gardel.

👉 Seguí en #BuenDíaA24
📺 a24.com/vivo


00:00Unfortunately, a new case of armed robbery of cars that we told you about the other day is one of the great scams today in the metropolitan area.
00:09Paula Wilberger is working in the place. Good day, 24 Niña.
00:14How are you? Good morning. This is Villa Sarmiento.
00:17Notice that we are very close to the west highway, about a block away, which means that the criminals escape very, very quickly.
00:28This is a shortcut, a street that has only two blocks, which means that the cars, the neighbors, also circulate in two-way, despite the fact that the street has only one direction.
00:39And this means that the criminals, when they come to rob, escape at full speed, very quickly, and can evade controls, patrols and others.
00:48Patrols that, I'm going to tell you, there is never, or in a very, very sporadic way, that's what the neighbors here have told us.
00:55The car was parked in this place.
00:57A woman who had come to visit her parents, who live in this house, when she was leaving, already had the little girl in the back of the car, was finishing to say goodbye.
01:08She was about to get in the car, her parents were on the sidewalk of the house, and at that moment the three criminals walk by.
01:15You see at least one of them wielding a gun, but they pass in an attitude, looking at everything, at the bully, obviously, because they were on the run, waiting for a situation like this, of carelessness of this type.
01:29And at that moment, when they see that they can act quickly, they return to their steps and swing against the car, against the woman.
01:38In fact, she goes out and walks backwards to go to the back door and take out her seven-year-old daughter, the little one, seeing everything.
01:46The audio was recorded in this security camera and the screams and despair of everyone, both of the family and of her, screaming, and of the criminals too, of course.
01:58Fortunately, they let her take the girl out, she takes the girl out, and the criminals leave.
02:04Neighbors who had seen these criminals arrive and who were about to leave, saw them, got inside, or changed direction, saw them later how they escaped in this car.
02:20So far the car has not appeared, according to the information we have so far.
02:26And I tell you, the police took about an hour to arrive here, after the call.
02:33Do we have any testimony there, Paula, that we can share?
02:38Look, some neighbors spoke early and told us, they reiterated in the testimony, in the story.
02:47We live like this all the time, all the time.
02:50First, checking if someone is coming, before leaving, if a car passes, if a motorcycle passes, we prefer to protect ourselves and leave when there is no one.
02:58If you think, we listen to them.
03:01Three individuals arrived, as always, walking normally.
03:06We were very close to the neighborhood, I will not deny that.
03:09What neighborhood?
03:10The neighborhood of Carlos Gardel, just a few blocks away.
03:13The truth is that we feel that whenever someone comes, whether he has a cap or not, or whatever he has, we feel that something is going to happen.
03:21Because we are always spying.
03:24And well, that happened, he crossed, he saw the car, which sometimes we say, among the neighbors, we do not stay so much outside.
03:30He saw the car open, and well.
03:32I had just gone to buy, I was standing here at the door.
03:38They were walking here, I was with my motorcycle.
03:41I stopped there, when I saw them, kind of weird, I turned around.
03:46They went that way, I went straight.
03:50And I left.
03:51In a little while I saw the message in the group, it says that they had stolen a car.
03:55When I got here, well, it was them.
03:58Those three who stole the car with the girl inside.
04:02I was saved because it was a motorcycle, they were three and they could not do anything.
04:05A neighbor around here was also saved, he was taking the car out of the garage.
04:08He got inside quickly.
04:10I mean, they were waiting for someone.
04:12Besides, they were walking and they saw them, who was an older man, an older lady and a woman with a girl who could not do absolutely anything.
04:20That's how it is constantly, every day, every day.
04:23If it's not because of that, it's because they steal a house around here.
04:26Because they are jumping the walls.
04:29We are like that.
04:35Well, there were then the testimonies of this.
04:38I keep saying this, Gustavo.
04:40It's going out to the house of what I'm seeing.
04:43I thought they were walking, they see that the family was there next to the car, they go and attack this.
04:47Yes, one does not want to stigmatize any neighborhood.
04:50But it is true, as the person who lives there in Villa Sarmiento said, that it is very close to Fuerte Apache.
04:58It is the neighborhood Carlos Gardel, where, unfortunately, some of the criminals take refuge quickly.
05:06And the other thing that calls me a lot of attention.
05:09They are walking in the middle of the afternoon, three armed people on the street, without having their faces covered.
05:16Absolute impunity.
05:18Thank you, Gustavo.
