八点最热报 l 政坛昨天爆出了惊天的巨款藏在住家的新闻,反贪会突袭前首相依斯迈沙比里的前高级助理住家,发现高达一亿令吉的现金。这堆积如山的现金,刷新了民众对黑金的认知,也如同一颗政治核弹,引爆无数疑问,到底这笔钱从哪里来?藏了多久?为何要以现金形式存放?更关键的是,他当时的顶头上司沙比里知情吗?这个发现不只让全国哗然,更让人不禁怀疑,这是否只是冰山一角?更庞大的黑幕是否即将被揭开?(主播:萧慧敏)
00:00Before watching the video, let me remind you that there is more content on the Hotpoint website.
00:04The political forum reported yesterday that there was a huge amount of money hidden in the house of residence.
00:09The anti-corruption group will attack the former senior assistant of the former prime minister Ismail Shabili's house of residence,
00:13and found more than 100 million pounds of cash.
00:16This pile of cash refreshed people's perception of black money.
00:20It is also like a political nuclear bomb that has caused countless questions.
00:23Where did the money come from and how long has it been hidden?
00:26Why is it stored in the form of cash?
00:29And more importantly, did the former senior assistant Shabili know about it?
00:34This discovery not only made the whole country panic, but also made people doubt.
00:38Is this just a tip of the iceberg?
00:41Will the bigger black fog be revealed soon?
00:44If we continue to dig deeper, will this round of anti-corruption storm hit Shabili?
00:49Or will this be the last anti-corruption action with thunder and rain?
00:56After being arrested last Friday,
00:58one of the former senior officials of Ismail Shabili was released last Sunday.
01:02The remaining three former senior officials were released this noon.
01:07According to the report of Astro Avani,
01:09the president of the anti-corruption group Azan Baji emphasized that the case is still under investigation,
01:13and will call for witnesses to assist in the investigation.
01:16He said that many things need to be kept secret first,
01:18and there are still no details of the investigation.
01:22After the investigation is over, the anti-corruption meeting will announce the results.
01:26According to the source,
01:28the $100 million in cash may be related to political cash.
01:32The head of C4, the anti-corruption and punditism center,
01:36Pusban pointed out that the Malaysian political cash law is full of loopholes,
01:40making political cash the perfect excuse to confess black money.
01:45Every time a huge amount of money is revealed,
01:48people will jump out and talk about legal donations.
01:50But the truth is,
01:51if there is no exposure,
01:53the money will never appear on the account.
01:56And back to the $100 million in cash,
01:58is it a donation of goodwill,
02:00or a bargaining chip for bribing power?
02:02Or is it a preparation fund for the upcoming fistfight?
02:07What is more intriguing is
02:09whether this case will involve more senior officials.
02:14Although the anti-corruption action is aimed at Shabili's confidants,
02:17the focus of public attention is
02:19whether there is a direct or indirect relationship between the money and Shabili.
02:24If the people around him are able to bribe,
02:27will the senior officials of the previous government
02:29also be involved in similar transactions?
02:32If the money really involves more senior officials,
02:35will the anti-corruption action be investigated thoroughly?
02:37Or in the end,
02:38what is caught is just a sacrifice for power struggle,
02:42and the real big tiger is still safe and sound?
02:45The anti-corruption action this time
02:47is aimed at Shabili's confidants.
02:49But the question is,
02:50will it end up with Shabili is safe and sound?
02:54Yang Yingbo, the former chairman of the Legislative Council, pointed out
02:57that at this critical moment,
02:59the patience of the people has been exhausted.
03:02How many times has the case been opened up,
03:05but ended up with nothing?
03:07If the anti-corruption meeting cannot provide a transparent and fair investigation result,
03:10this case may become a political mess.
03:14Instead, it will further undermine the public's trust in the government.
03:19The anti-corruption meeting arrested the former prime minister,
03:21Ismail Shabili's four ex-officials,
03:23and found $100 million in cash in the home of one of the members.
03:26For the ex-officials who are the leaders of the party involved in this case,
03:29the vice-premier of the Legislative Council,
03:30Amor Zazi, said this morning
03:32that he believes the anti-corruption meeting will be investigated
03:34according to all legal procedures.
03:36We hope they will do justice.
03:39We hope that the credibility of the Legislative Council
03:44will be kept at a lower level,
03:48especially the CRM.
03:54As the chair of the Legislative Council,
03:55Amor Zazi's public stance is that
03:57the anti-corruption meeting will be investigated openly,
03:59and will not interfere.
04:00The anti-corruption meeting spent several months
04:01to find $100 million in cash.
04:03Will the anti-corruption meeting be successful
04:05and catch the real big fish?
04:07The former chair of the Legislative Council,
04:09Yang Yingbo, said in an interview
04:11that the anti-corruption action in Malaysia
04:13has always been controversial.
04:14In the past, there have been a lot of
04:16sudden attacks and arrests,
04:17but in the end, it was never solved.
04:19It even evolved into a political weapon.
04:21The head of C4, the anti-corruption center,
04:23said that
04:25as long as the anti-corruption meeting
04:27is still in the hands of the top officials,
04:29the stereotype of political retaliation
04:31and selective accusation will not be eliminated.
04:34When you ask ordinary Malaysians,
04:36they will feel that
04:38corruption in Malaysia
04:40is like the third stage of cancer
04:42and is about to enter the fourth stage.
04:44So a lot of people are not surprised.
04:46But if it continues like this,
04:48it's a dead end.
04:50What the current government is doing is not enough.
04:53And there are a lot of selective methods.
04:57A lot of people feel that
04:59the current MNCC is also selective
05:01in investigating certain people.
05:04So some people will investigate further.
05:08It's the perception that there is
05:10political prosecution
05:12or selective investigation.
05:14And looking at the trend all this while,
05:17it appears to be like that.
05:19The MNCC itself must be independent.
05:22There must be a drive to make sure
05:24they do not park under the Prime Minister's office.
05:26And also, there are larger ecosystems
05:28that need to be addressed.
05:29The ecosystem that allowed for
05:31the 1MDB, LCS scandal,
05:33all the major ones are still intact.
05:36Nothing is stopping another 1MDB
05:38to take place tomorrow.
05:40Pusban pointed out that
05:41as long as there is a larger corruption ecosystem,
05:43the corruption problem in our country
05:45cannot be solved.
05:47He also pointed out that
05:48the 16th, 17th, 18th, and 23rd
05:50bills of the National Corruption Review
05:52are only for small-scale corruption.
05:54The definition is narrow,
05:55resulting in large-scale corruption cases
05:57that are difficult to track down.
05:59These beneficiaries are often
06:00elites and powerful figures,
06:01which makes it easy for them to escape
06:03legal sanctions.
06:04This also explains why until today,
06:06Najib is the only one
06:07who has been arrested.
06:09That's why, if you see Malaysia,
06:12only one big fish has been caught,
06:14which is Najib Razak.
06:16It's perhaps because of the framing of the law
06:18doesn't cover things like conflict of interest,
06:21a larger sense of nepotism,
06:24cronyism, patronage.
06:25So those are not defined properly.
06:28That's why it's very difficult
06:29to capture the real beneficiaries.
06:35Pusban pointed out that
06:36the only way to stop this situation
06:38is to carry out a larger-scale
06:40legal and institutional reform.
06:42This requires a wide range of areas,
06:44such as the Political Cash Law,
06:45the separation of the Chief Prosecutor
06:46from the Prosecutor,
06:47the declaration of property rights,
06:49the Conflict of Interest Law, and so on.
06:51This cannot be done
06:52solely through a single amendment
06:53or reform of a particular law,
06:55but a comprehensive reform.
06:58Without this reform,
06:59the entire corrupt ecological system
07:01will remain unchanged.