• last month
00:00You've really got something here. I think there's a lot of buzz. There's a lot of excitement. There's a lot of people just
00:05Relieved finally that the Red Sox had an offseason that you can feel proud of that. You can feel good about that
00:10It's not leaving you wanting more
00:12That's not leaving you thinking that the team doesn't the franchise doesn't care about the team anymore and that John Henry's completely checked out and that
00:18Sam Kennedy is gonna keep feeding you that same bullcrap line every year about yeah
00:22You know, it's all about winning in the standings and blah blah blah. Now you actually you hear that and you believe it
00:27Yeah, okay, you can say that now you can feed us that line of night and it is still kind of nonsense
00:32Even if you do make moves, but now we're more ready to
00:36Accept the nonsense, you know, it's just kind of a platitude
00:38but it's a platitude that now has some weight behind it because you went out there and you made a big trade and you went
00:43Out there and you spent a lot of money and you did these things that you promised you would do first of all
00:47Which is the first time you've kept your promise in a while full throttle, etc
00:51But you actually went out and did it you waited till the last possible minute
00:55But you went out and did it and you overspent and you weren't afraid to trade prospect capital to bring in an ace
01:02All these things we've been begging for for years and they finally happened
01:06And I think that that's not lost on the Red Sox faithful and I hope it's not lost on Red Sox ownership either. I
01:14Really hope that they
01:15acknowledge this buzz I
01:18Hope that they acknowledge this interest and I'm not sure exactly what's going on with season ticket renewals and all that other stuff
01:23but if I had to guess I'd imagine they're on the uptick maybe even more so than they'd normally be and
01:28That is not a coincidence. All right, so I'm
01:31Listen, I'm all in. All right
01:34I said what I did what I would take for me to get back invested in this team and they checked every single one of
01:39Those boxes they did so listen, I'm in I was skeptical all offseason and you know, I was you heard me
01:46I was skeptical that they were gonna do anything and they did everything that they promised and everything that I wanted
01:52So yeah, here we go
01:54Let's see
