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P.O. BOX : 9451 A Central Ave #130 Monclair Ca 91763

Editing Software- Final Cut Pro
Camera-Sony ZV1


00:00Hey guys, welcome back and today we're gonna be making my mom a little valentine's basket and spending valentine's alone, I guess
00:18Alrighty hi guys, welcome back to another video today
00:21We're gonna be making my mom a valentine's basket because last year she made um me and my sister's one
00:25But I didn't make that one last year. So I feel like this year i'm gonna make her one
00:28I'm gonna put a lot of effort into it
00:30So it looks super cutie
00:31Hobby lobby and i'm gonna just buy like a basket paint and stuff like that to decorate the basket with also if I look like
00:36Very like cowboy-ish because we came back from the donkeys right now
00:39I think right now i'm gonna get her um, like a stanley and then some flowers. I think it's gonna be so cute
00:45So you think it's gonna be cute? Are you gonna make one for me girl?
00:48Yeah, let's head into hobby
00:55Don't mind the messy eyes
00:59Bag secured
01:00We're home after 45 years. We went to a flower shop
01:07Got these little geralds, I think that's what they're called dude. Hello
01:11Anyways, um, my mom is home and well, obviously I live in the same house as her so I need to get these done today
01:16And i'm giving to her today, right super cute idea for your mom because I feel like moms do the most for all of us
01:22Have to do that. First. You guys are gonna see my hobby. Lobster. I got an a10 model kit and
01:28I don't know where your glue is, but he got some glue. I got some three dollar glue
01:32You know, we'll be back if he finishes by the time this vlog is done
01:35Anyways, I got this what i've done with the floral foam probably gonna take it out of there
01:39I also got a bunch of little other cute stuff because I was gonna decorate
01:42Book for my friends and then um for my mom
01:45I got her because my mom literally loves decorating her kitchen and I got her this little like, um kitchen mat
01:50So I feel like she'll love it. It's so pretty and I also got her this cup
01:54I was near stanley
01:55But when I saw this I was like girl
01:58And my mom has a bunch of these of this brand and I was like girl
02:01She's gonna love that and I also want to go buy her a couple other things
02:05From like sephora or something. Let's do this bar. So i've never actually done floral foam before
02:10Okay, so you have to place it in water. Is that the like green foam? Yeah
02:15Like the one we would put holes in. Yeah
02:17Dude, right now my mom will leave some outside. I'll just like
02:20Yeah, what if I can I just spray it in water? Like do I have to submerge it in water?
02:25You gotta just leave it in the water. It's what the hell did I just say?
02:28No, but like you have to let it sink into the water because then air bubbles will get inside and then they won't escape
02:34That's what submerge means to you
02:37Oh my god, that hurts my whole soul
02:41Oh my god, my mom's gonna kill me for making this mess in the kitchen
02:45Okay, there we go perfectly I made a mess though, bro
02:48Like my mom's gonna actually like blow me up
02:50So my inspo is to make this like a picnic basket but like flowers coming out of it plus like perfume
02:56And cups, you know what I mean? Like that's the freaking vibe we're going for
03:02Okay, it's just so done place them now, let's see how i'm gonna organize them
03:06I got this in these little carnations. I feel like it's so pretty dude
03:10What the fuck this time I have to cut with these because like they don't open back up
03:14It's gonna be the longest like fucking
03:16Hour of my life like doing flowers is like aesthetically pleasing and all until you actually have to do it
03:22Once you have to do it, it's like whoa, what the fuck am I doing?
03:32Oh my god i'm eating why am I eating like actually i'm cooking i'm literally the best person on this planet i'm
03:39Amazing at doing this
03:42You know what? I'm doing guys. I'm cutting a circle for the cups. I feel like I should have done this before but i'm not the smartest
03:49Pretty no, that's no. You're so jealous. I'm gonna call you
03:53My cookie. Why don't you invite me? I want to do this and go home
03:58I have a lot of flowers green thingy and i'll put flowers in there and it's gonna go right here in this corner
04:02I don't like that. You might be the favorite daughter after
04:13My god, i'm kirking i'm kirking. Oh wait from this side. I think I need to add some more volume on this side
04:19Oh, yeah, this side is looking a little more flowers
04:26I'll be right back once i'm done with everything in three two one and we're back
04:31This is what it's looking like. Honestly, i'm not I don't think I did horrible. I really like it just this I think kind of throws
04:37It off. I really liked when it was just the bottom part by itself
04:41But I think it's just cute. It adds a little bit. It's just really like
04:45It's not giving valentine's honestly
04:46It's giving more like spring but I really like it
04:48It's super cute. I think she could put it in the middle of her table, you know still stressing over his one
04:53Dude, I haven't even done the first part
04:56This is done i'm gonna head over to the mall right now and go buy a couple of little
05:01Small things. All right, and although
05:04I look like a baddie in my book. It's not socially acceptable to go out like this
05:08But I looked really cute and like it makes my butt look so big
05:11Anyways, i'm just gonna put these sweats on because honestly i'm way more comfortable now i'm ready to go
05:16I freshened up my makeup because my mascara was like not giving and then guys. I lost my lip liner at freaking
05:23The donkey so I think i'm gonna have to go buy a new one right now. I just got out of the mall
05:28I didn't even film in there. It was low-key packed even though I just went to sephora
05:32I got my mom two things. Honestly, it's like I got her just like her essentials to be honest
05:36And it's just a valentine's basket. It's like not like a birthday basket or anything
05:40I got her a um dry shampoo. I was gonna get her the big one, but they didn't have any
05:45So I just got like a little small one and then I also got her a little hand sanitizer because I think it's just a cute little
05:50So yeah, let's head back home or and organize that and and then we can give it to her
05:55So she's happy for the rest of the week and I can go out
05:58I'm, just kidding just so she can see how much I appreciate her even though it's just valentine's. She was my original valentine's
06:05Yeah, let's go home now
06:08Add this into here
06:11All right, that's how we're gonna leave it because it's the best it's gonna get
06:15And um, I don't want to mess with it. Don't worry. It's just gonna get uglier
06:17But um, yeah, let's just wait for her to come and look at it because she's not even here and then plus this
06:25Close your eyes
06:29Close your eyes. No close your eyes. I'm, I close your eyes
06:33Close your eyes
06:51Plus this
07:02Do you like it? Yes
07:05Did you like it mom? Yeah, I do like it you like it
07:10I cooked I cooked
07:15She's putting it in the middle of the living room guys she liked it do you like it man?
07:22Mm-hmm. Yes mission accomplished. I'm I cooked. Hey
07:33Give me a head up. Hey guys
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09:54So yeah, let's get back into that video and thank you so much to cooper for sponsoring this video several days later
09:59Hey guys, okay. Today is valentine's by the way
10:03Today is valentine's we're obviously in the valentine's spirit
10:06But um don't have a significant other to spend valentine's with so so let's just like experience a valentine's day when you don't got a valentine
10:15These pjs are super comfortable. They're from skims
10:17My makeup is done already, but i'm gonna redo it because I mean it doesn't look the worst
10:22But it could look better. I went to school. I went to school these pjs just with the hoodie on over this one
10:27Because it was pj day like it was spirit week
10:30And I was like, I want to be like valentine's themed and these are so valentine's coated valentine's valentine's coated
10:36So yeah, um right now i'm gonna head over to my school's
10:41cif game
10:43Because we lost in cif
10:45Just kidding. We shouldn't have lost that don't even get me started, but we should not have lost that so we lost in cif
10:51So yeah, um get dressed with me and get ready with me
10:54I'm gonna actually do my makeup again and maybe touch up my hair because holy shit. My makeup is leaving crust
10:59It's so yeah, actually my mascara didn't drop a lot today. Normally they like really like go down, but today wasn't that bad
11:06I don't even know what i'm aware because it's freaking freezing like everywhere. I didn't go wipe off my face. Should I just wipe it?
11:12I'm gonna do my bathroom wipe. Yeah, i'm gonna go and like go and wash my face
11:16But honestly doing too much doing too much, but let me summarize valentine's day so far for you guys
11:22It's more like a galentine's day for me to be honest because i've been having um
11:27I hung out with my friends today in the morning. We wasn't really hanging out
11:30I just picked them up and we went to get um dutch bros because like
11:35Dutch bros before school is amazing. And also because we had a late start. We don't enter till 9 30
11:40so I was like girl like let's hit up dutch bros before school because like
11:44We can go and then like we can have an amazing time. I hate I hate valentine's day the whole day at school
11:50I want to fucking kill me
11:51So yeah, pretty much sums me up as a person because like i'm a hater to like my core
11:56But this game is until seven. So we have to wait. Hey y'all. Well, my sister's taking me
12:01So you guys are gonna have a special surprise than that in here
12:03So we're gonna start off with some lanage
12:05You can see how bad my under eyes are like you guys just don't understand like how bad it is
12:10And there's no remedy for it. I've put on like every damn
12:14Eye cream in the book and nothing makes it better. Like it's just like death to be honest
12:19Okay, and also, okay. I need your opinion on something. So house of cb
12:22what do we think like are they worth the price point because
12:26I really love a dress on there for my birthday and i'm not loving that price point
12:31But I was seen on tiktok and a lot of girlies were like this is definitely worth the price
12:35It's definitely worth the price. It fits me amazing. And I was like, is it worth the price or is it just
12:43And after dutch bros we went to go get conchas because like conchas are like
12:46So we got conchas and then we went to school and we just chilled in my car
12:50For like 20 minutes before school started like literally amazing. Like I love my girls like, okay
12:55So i've also been really loving superfood skin drip from the youth to the people. It's really pricey. But honestly, I love it
13:02I love how it sits on my skin and I don't know what it really does
13:04It's supposed to brighten but and I think it does like I mean it makes my skin look good
13:09On no makeup days and I feel like it makes my freaking makeup just sit super perfectly on top
13:14So yeah
13:16I was supposed to go to gym today. But um, i'm gonna go to this game and i'm probably not gonna get out till like
13:22Late as hell. This is what I gotta do because like i'm bored as hell
13:26And like literally at school every girl I swear had like a bouquet of flowers or like a little teddy bear and I was like
13:35We got that pretty much sums up my high school experience as a whole
13:41Actually, no last year I did have a valentine's but like let's be a little more specific here so it was this dude
13:48Honestly, honestly like all of to you because you treated me really good girl
13:52And I was a piece of shit not gonna lie. It was I remember literally the exact date
13:56It was valentine's was or it wasn't valentine's
13:58It was like a couple days before valentine's or after valentine's or it might have been valentine's actually
14:02But um, it was a day of our cif game, right? We were in the third. I think it was quarterfinals
14:08This guy like actually like he asked me to be his valentine and everything but I didn't even
14:13Like with all honestly, like I I can't I can't I just didn't like
14:18Like and I know that sounds like i'm an asshole, but I swear i'm not guys like he had gotten me like flowers
14:25and chipotle
14:27and I was just like
14:28I was like, I felt bad. I was like
14:31I didn't get him anything. I didn't even
14:33Girl, I didn't even know like for real free me
14:36So I was like free me for real and honestly bless his soul because he was really nice
14:40Real man of god for real
14:42I think he has a girlfriend though. She's actually super pretty
14:46I've seen her before and she's actually pretty but like
14:49He followed me on everything after I was like, I think we should just actually no, I didn't even say anything
14:54I just ghosted that man like four times
14:56Honestly, I was a really heartless person and i've matured since then
15:00No, actually I would feel really bad because like if anyone would have done that to me
15:02I would have like hated them for the rest of my life
15:04But I was just going through it so badly mentally last year that I was just like no
15:09Immediately. No, it was pretty much my sophomore year
15:12I was just reminiscing on it because I was just like I was a real big piece of shit last year, dude
15:17Like like actually who let me be is such an ass. How did we get to this? Oh something about valentine's
15:23So yeah, he had got me chipotle and the other thing
15:27Looking back on it. I feel bad
15:30But I guess I got my karma this year because this year I didn't get anything
15:35So, yeah
15:36Sums up my life as a whole
15:38I'm, honestly, i'm not even that sad this year. It was just more sad towards the end of the day because
15:43Um, I saw so many girls bro, and then I was like, okay, maybe y'all are pushing it now too many people
15:50Got something. Yeah, then I started hurting my soul, but
15:54It's fine i've already done 16 solo valentine's what's one more also back to the birthday conversation
16:01So yeah, i've been looking at a lot of dresses. I've been looking at like a lot of like
16:05spring I every time I search up it's like
16:08Um the milkmaid ones because I like how it looks right here the top and I like how it's long. It's like a
16:15Springs or milkmaid sundress and they always comes up with things. I like and it's like
16:20Do I want to spend the money do I know it's gonna fit me good because I don't have big boobs
16:24I think that like the girls in pictures have like so
16:27And i'm like, I don't look like that honey
16:30Yeah, so if any one of you guys have like have like has like bought from um
16:36House of cb their sundresses, uh, please send it to me because I want to know how it looks and like tell me your honest
16:42Review on it because honestly, I want oh my god, my eyes hurt want it so bad
16:46But i'm not sure it's worth the price point. I'm paying that girl
16:50Like if I pay it and then it's like horrible i'm gonna kill myself
16:53Honestly, I think it's really bad that every time I have a slight inconvenience. I say i'm gonna kill myself
16:58I feel like getting ready feeling pretty is the only way to like make myself happy
17:03because if I just sit and sulk then like
17:07Life is just gonna suck. So might as well film a video we can get out and about guys
17:12Oh and then back on the conversation from the last video or the two videos ago
17:16I remember I remember which video is going up first because I have another video filmed and i'm like
17:19I don't know what video is going up first
17:21But from the video where I filmed it and it was like a day in my life. I was talking about quitting soccer
17:26done done done
17:28Honestly, like i'm I don't know
17:31I don't know because I loved my seniors is my senior this year
17:35She was like amazing. I loved her and she's not gonna play with us next year. No, obviously she's graduating
17:40so she's kind of sad, but I also love the girls in my class like my
17:44but it's just
17:45Soccer just seems like a chore if you know what I mean
17:49But I don't know maybe like maybe I just need the summer break
17:53To like reset me because i'm so drained from soccer this year
17:57So, yeah, this conversation is tbd or no tbt wait tbc tb continued
18:04Maybe I need to stop focusing on soccer and start focusing on school
18:07So you guys I actually have been doing super good in school
18:10Thing called an frq for my spanish class and i've been like for the first month like for a while
18:16I was getting like super bad scores and i'm finally understanding how to do them. So i'm getting high scores. I got my first like
18:22Full credit one and I was like, yes
18:24And I was about to get a full credit one today
18:26And he was like if you just wouldn't have wrote this you would have gotten a full credit one and I was like, ah
18:31All right, I put these jeans on with this top
18:34I think it's cute, but I think i'm gonna put a jacket over it because i'm freaking freezing
18:39I don't want to be emo like sad
18:42Depressed I zip it up fully but if I want my pink out i'll just unzip it
18:46All right hair is done
18:48Curled I haven't brushed it out yet because I don't want to brush it out and then this is a fit and i'm gonna
18:53I'm gonna put shoes on I have my Yeezy slides on actually I might just go with my Yeezy slides because I don't want to put shoes on
18:59But um, yeah
19:00I think i'm gonna head over to the mall right now because I need to buy a lip liner because look
19:05I have no lip liner because I freaking lost my lip liner
19:11That's a whole story on its own. I kind of look like the rock meme. Oh, you see like this
19:17With the fanny pack no one gonna spoil me so i'm gonna spoil myself the fuck
19:22So yeah, let's go and go spoil myself the fuck. All right, we're back at my house. I didn't even leave because
19:28Basically, they told me to change because they're like, why are you trying to go like that? So I was like, oh my god
19:34So i'm just gonna change I ended up changing my outfit into like this sweater into black jeans
19:39I haven't worn black jeans in literally so long guys. Like I feel like I grew out of them
19:45so before we go to this game i'm I decided that i'm gonna spoil myself a little bit because
19:50Um, it's valentine's day and I feel like valentine's day is the day of love and like friendship
19:56So my friendship to myself
19:58Is giving myself a little sweet treat i'm gonna get myself a lip liner and a lip gloss because
20:04I don't have a lip liner or lip gloss
20:06Well, I do but like it's like a mini one and it's about to run out
20:09So I mean like if I forgot it at home might as well already get a new one
20:12You know what I mean?
20:14So yeah
20:16My wrist hurts so bad, I think a lot of all these i'm gonna get the top one
20:23Got my lip liner dude, I was so hard to film in there. It was so loud
20:27I ended up just getting the lip liner. I didn't go and buy a
20:30Lip gloss because girl
20:32This lip liner was 25 bucks and it's not even the shade. I like but it looks similar to it
20:36So i'm gonna sit still and if it's not i'm gonna cry
20:41Wait, why do I love that? It's more natural than my last one. Okay, this is my lips before
20:47This is my lips after I actually love this. Oh my god
20:52maybe losing my
20:54Lip gloss was a good my lipstick was a good thing because now I really like this one. Oh my god
20:59Let's head over and I might pick up a poster to make for um our team, but i'm not sure. Oh y'all are huge
21:06Y'all are huge. What is this?
21:08Throw a pizza away. Oh, y'all ate without me
21:11It was it was for uh hungry people that weren't us, bro. Y'all are mean
21:17I was starving waiting to open the pizza box. Yeah, there's nothing in there
21:22Okay, so yeah and jay just picked me up. Oh, i'm so cold
21:28Jacob she says she was
21:30Tell her to freeze
21:32Let's go chat. Are you guys ready? Like we can hear the game from outside. We're like 30 minutes late. Oh shit
22:00All right, we just made it back to the car they won by
22:03Like a little bit but like a lot at the same time
22:05But it was really close for like the first two halves like we were like
22:09The whole time huh net it was pretty 10 out of 10 game. I think I would say so myself
22:14and now
22:16We're gonna get head home because i'm tired
22:19So much ice cream, holy crap
22:21We are home. I'm literally like i'm buckling my pants
22:25We had um chocana, but like I didn't even want to film there
22:29It was like high key ghetto there. Like I was nervous. I was like, um, what's going on? I was like
22:35What's going on guys putting my little
22:37Mickey minnie mouse heart pants on they're literally the cutest
22:41And i'm just gonna play some fortnite and that's gonna close off my night. I'm gonna go wash my face
22:46And that's gonna be the end of our night i'm gonna go change the sweater as well because
22:50Um, I took it to freaking outside of the house and i'm not gonna wear it to bed. So yeah, that's gonna
22:56Wrap up my day
22:58And I hope you guys loved the video even though it was a little short one
23:02And i'll catch you guys in the next one. Bye
