• el mes pasado


00:00de la ciudad de México.
00:02So here's Pete Alonso Alonso
00:04has lasted back yesterday got
00:06hit on the right hand while he
00:08was taking a swing although the
00:09X-Rays were negative and his
00:11hand felt much better after the
00:12game he wasn't certain that he'd
00:14be in the lineup today he
00:16called Mickey twice and finally
00:18accosted him in the lobby of
00:19the hotel to make sure he'd be
00:21in the lineup today and Alonso
00:23hits went deep to center field
00:24back goes Fowler and that ball
00:27is way out of here above the
00:30amazing home run by Alonso he
00:33goes deep to center field one
00:34more time his eighth home run of
00:36the year his second of this
00:37series he wanted to be in the
00:39lineup against Dakota Hudson
00:41and he hits one about four
00:42hundred and seventy feet to
00:43dead center field to get the
00:45Mets on the board.
00:47The bases loaded to out it is
00:49Paul Goldschmidt at the plate
01:00And Goldschmidt puts the
01:02Cardinals on top like this right
01:04here Paul goes right after the
01:05first pitch it's a line drive
01:08it's like a cutter right there
01:09too it's not a fastball good at
01:11that and now the Cardinals add
01:12to their lead four to one.
01:14Here's a swing in the ball's
01:15line down the right field line
01:16dropping fair the ball goes to
01:18the corner scoring Jose
01:20Martinez and Dexter Fowler gets
01:22his second RBI of the year with
01:24a double a two run inning for
01:26the Cardinals who lead five to
01:28That has to be a big lift for
01:31Dexter Fowler who came into
01:32this game with just one RBI to
01:34up to down here in the fourth
01:36Cinder guard struck out his
01:37first time up and he hits one of
01:39the year in a deep center field
01:40back goes Fowler to the warning
01:42track back near the wall that
01:44goes off his glove over the
01:45fence it's a home run Cinder
01:48guard with a home run off
01:49Fowler's glove and over the
01:51wall Cinder guards fifth career
01:57And the Mets cut the Cardinal
01:59lead to five to two with a
02:00little boost from the glove of
02:03Dexter Fowler.
02:05Oh boy he's got it.
02:07Oh he did not up from that is
02:10the correct call.
02:11Clearly went over the wall and
02:12came back.
02:16Ozuna drives it out to left
02:18field this is trouble for the
02:19Mets that ball is down.
02:22Goldschmidt from first to third
02:25to the plate and he'll score
02:27Cardinals and to their lead on a
02:30rope hit by Marcelo Ozuna and
02:32it's six to two fastball right
02:34down the middle again middle in
02:36the one out of nobody on that
02:38Robinson Cano is one for two
02:40which done there a single
02:43Fly ball center field chasing
02:44Fowler back to the warning track
02:46at the wall it's out of here.
02:49Robinson Cano adds a home run
02:51third of the year the Mets third
02:52home run today and it cuts the
02:54Cardinals lead to six to three
02:56ball carried effortless swing
02:59obvious two for three today
03:00reached on their single before
03:02the home run in the fifth his
03:03third of the year and he gets
03:04hit Miller running one inside on
03:07Cano and that one stung he's
03:10already got a guard on that
03:13Did it get him on the guard.
03:14I don't know.
03:15I'm obvious.
03:17But right now the concern as to
03:19whether this is more than just a
03:22He's going to leave coming out.
03:23So that one really hurts.
03:25Mickey Callaway is in heated
03:27conversation with Paul Emil.
03:30Are they saying that was a fair
03:31ball because Miller fielded the
03:34ball as though it was a fair
03:35ball and threw the first base.
03:37They're saying this ball's in
03:38play not a hit by pitch when a
03:40guy got hit on the wrist.
03:41They are calling that a fair
03:43ball on and out.
03:43And I guess what they would then
03:46say is that because Mickey
03:47Callaway didn't challenge it in
03:48time because they were attending
03:50to Cano because you only have 30
03:52seconds after the play is over.
03:54That must be what.
03:56Oh my God here.
03:58So they're just making a muck of
03:59this game.
04:01I know I drive off the bat at
04:02the Ford on the right center.
04:04Thomas is back near the warning
04:05track in front of the wall and
04:06it's gone.
04:08A home run for Michael
04:11It's the Mets fourth solo home
04:13run of this game and they
04:15continue to inch closer.
04:17It was a five to one St.
04:19Louis lead.
04:20And now the Cardinals are ahead
04:21six to four.
04:23As Conforto has hit a sixth home
04:25run lefty lefty shot off of
04:27Andrew Miller for last year
04:29Conforto and ten homers off of
04:31left handers among the league
04:32leaders for a left handed
04:34And the one to pitch by Hicks.
04:37Struck him out with a strikeout
04:40one on four on the gun.
04:42Goodness gracious.