The Hollywood power couple hit up the Nice Guy in L.A. -- a cozy Italian joint with an old-school feel -- and, they were absolutely mobbed by photogs outside ... dozens of cameras flashing as they left the place.
00:00Happy birthday, Reed.
00:01Happy birthday, Rudy.
00:03Oh, yeah!
00:04That's Rihanna and A$AP Rocky leaving the nice guy in West Hollywood, where she celebrated
00:10her 37th birthday, and Rocky celebrated his freedom!
00:14Wow, that is a lot to put on one cake.
00:17It was a pretty small, intimate dinner.
00:19It was just them two and their team.
00:21These guys are living life like they just had a near-death experience.
00:23When your freedom is almost taken, you appreciate life a little more.
00:26It's true!
00:27And Rocky's so happy, he's out here cracking jokes!
00:31Rocky, when's your new music coming out?
00:37They don't even have to be funny jokes.
00:38Who cares?
00:39He's free!
00:40Rihanna is his prison warden now, because he has to do everything she says.
00:46Because you messed up.
00:47You nearly, like, deprived our kids of a father.
00:50His answer to that is, uh, really?
00:52I was found not guilty in less than four hours.
00:54She says, yeah, because I was sitting behind you in court with the kids, looking like I
01:02And hopefully, ASAP got Rihanna something extra special for her birthday.
01:07What did they get her?
01:08Oh, he went into a thrift store.
01:10Whoa, whoa, wait.
01:11The thrift store?
01:12It's a luxury thrift store.
01:14Oh, but luxury thrift is cool.
01:16No, it's not!
01:17Kourtney, those are one-of-a-kind items.
01:19Luxury thrift is actually cooler than a Chanel bag.
01:22Kourtney doesn't want someone else's breath mints on her purse.
01:25Nobody likes second-hand Altoids.
01:28Happy birthday, Riri!