• anteayer


00:00All right, José, can you take us through what happened when you reached first base between you and Yoriba?
00:05¿Puedes explicar un poco lo que pasó ahí cuando llegaste a primera entre tú y Yoriba?
00:09Bueno, yo llegué a primera y él me chocó con los hombros.
00:15Yo me devolví normal y yo le pregunté que por qué él hacía eso.
00:20Y él me dijo porque le daba su gana, porque él quería.
00:23When I went to first base, I just went there normal and he kind of hit me on the shoulder.
00:28So I asked him why did he do that and he just said because I felt like it.
00:31What else was said after that, because we saw some jawing back and forth.
00:34Después de eso es lo que dijeron uno al otro.
00:37No, y ahí me tiró el primer golpe y no me dio, y después de ahí lo cometé dos veces.
00:43From right there, nothing was said. That's when he threw the first punch.
00:46And then that's when I defended myself with the two punches.
00:49I was going to say, did frustrations just kind of boil over at that point from maybe what had happened earlier in the game,
00:55the hit by pitch and Peralta being ejected after that.
00:58Había mucha frustración ahí de lo que pasó antes.
01:00Lo que pasó en esa jugada es algo que no tiene que ver nada con el partido,
01:05es algo que no puede suceder casualmente,
01:08pero hubieron palabras y cosas que se dieron que no se tenían que decir.
01:12Y la calentura del gol pudo que sucediera eso, cosa que no puede pasar.
01:18Yeah, I think there were some words shared that didn't have much to do with the game.
01:22And, you know, that probably shouldn't have been shared there in that exchange.
01:26And it's just one of those moments that got a hot situation in the game itself.
01:31Abner, is it something he said to you? Did he say something first that set it off?
01:36¿Era él que decía algo primero?
01:39Bueno, si tú quieres que te responda a eso, solo tienes que ver el video y te parte del partido y ver todo lo que pasó.
01:45Yeah, I think that's something that kind of, probably best to look back on video and see
01:49how exactly the exchange went down and what happened.
01:54Was the situation kind of escalated and the benches clear, the bullpens clear?
