The BJP has promised a clean-up drive for the Yamuna River. Current efforts focus on removing physical garbage from the river and banks.
00:00Let's focus on really the Yamuna and the cleanup drive that the BJP has promised to take up
00:06What's the current situation in the Yamuna? What is the possibility of it being cleaned up?
00:10Is it as simple as you know getting things moving and it happening in a matter of a couple of months?
00:16Neha Mardani files this reality check from the Yamuna Ghat
00:22Well, what you see right behind me is picking up of dirt from the river basically physical garbage that you see
00:29Sometimes floating on the river and at the banks like this one at the Basudev Ghat is what is being done by this machine
00:36Well, it's great that this work is being done
00:38But it's not the first time that this work is being done
00:41The fact is that this kind of work has been going on for quite some time now
00:47The problem is that experts say that this is only this part of the solution a tiny part of the solution
00:54The bigger problem is that the water is dirty and
00:57No amount of picking up garbage from the water can clean it up
01:01Once the water is unclean the water is unclean because sewage which has been treated very poorly
01:07from the sewage treatment plants
01:10goes into the river and
01:12Destroys the ecology and destroys in fact this river and the quality of the water
01:17That is something that needs to be fixed the quality of the sewage going into the river which is something that is done
01:25Needs to be improved
01:26So the STPs or the sewage treatment plants need to function right and that is something that's not happening
01:33This is low hanging fruit. And again, like I said, it's not the first time that it has been done or it is being done