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10 Weirdest Wwe Smackdown Main Events Ever


00:00Sadly, folks, not everything in wrestling can be the bloodline or Kurt Angle vs. Brock Lesnar.
00:05And for every truly stellar main event in WWE SmackDown's history,
00:10there has been one that, well, stands out like a sore thumb, to be honest.
00:14Hell, there's been that many, we were able to make a whole damn list about them.
00:18Because I am Gareth, this is WhatCulture Wrestling,
00:21and here are the 10 weirdest WWE SmackDown main events ever.
00:25Oh, for the purposes of this list, a main event is gonna be the final match on the card.
00:29Regardless of whether or not they were the final segment of that show.
00:32So now we've got that out of the way, let's get to it.
00:34Number 10, La Familia vs. Batista, Nunzio, Funaki and Colin Delaney, June 6th, 2008.
00:41After winning the World Heavyweight Championship at One Night Stand 2008,
00:46Edge and his on-screen squeeze, Vickie Guerrero, along with their La Familia stable,
00:51were celebrating on SmackDown, when that big, nasty Batista came out to spoil the fun.
00:57The animal was placed into an eight-man tag team match against the faction for the night's main event.
01:02But with one condition, Vickie got to pick his partners.
01:05This led to the multi-time world champion and future box office topper
01:10teaming up with three of the biggest jobbers to have ever jobbed.
01:13Those being Nunzio, Funaki and Colin Delaney.
01:17Even with a group of partners with about three televised wins between them, though,
01:21Batista still held his own against Edge, Chavo Guerrero, Zack Ryder and Curt Hawkins.
01:27After a few brushes with defeat, Big Dave crushed poor Ryder with a spear and a Batista bomb,
01:32giving him the win in what was essentially a four-on-one handicap match.
01:36So not only did the three lower-card lads get to close out the show,
01:40but they actually got to win a match as well.
01:42Dreams really do come true.
01:43Number nine, Kane vs. The NXT Rookies, April 2nd, 2010.
01:48Everybody remembers that the Nexus made their debut on the June 7th, 2010 episode of Raw,
01:54destroying the ringside area, beating up John Cena,
01:57and angering WWE sponsors when Daniel Bryan choked Justin Roberts with his own tie.
02:02Ah, those were the days.
02:03However, this wasn't actually the first time this combination of stars had been seen on the main roster.
02:08On April 2nd, two whole months before their infamous Raw appearance,
02:13Wade Barrett, Justin Gabriel, Heath Slater, David Otunga, Skip Sheffield,
02:18Darren Young, Michael Tarver and Dee Bry all made their SmackDown debut against Kane.
02:24That's right, it was all eight of them versus Kane on his own.
02:28I mean, sure, why not?
02:29This bizarre encounter was over in less than nine minutes after the NXT Rookies,
02:34as they were known at the time, all attacked Kane at once for the DQ.
02:38The Big Red Machine had actually managed to eliminate two of them before this, though,
02:42including Wade Barrett.
02:43You know, the guy who would go on to win NXT later that year?
02:46It's nice to see that WWE were making the Nexus look like absolute chumps even before they'd officially debuted.
02:53These guys really didn't stand a chance, did they?
02:55And while we're talking about the Nexus, I want to know right now,
02:57how would you have booked this whole Nexus thing in WWE?
03:01Because we know how WWE did it, and it didn't go very well.
03:03So, I want to know how you think it should have played out.
03:05You let me know in the comment section down below.
03:07Number eight, Booker T and Josh Matthews vs. JBL and Orlando Jordan, November 4th, 2004.
03:13Whilst most fans will remember Josh Matthews as a play-by-play commentator and one-time vessel for The Undertaker,
03:20he actually began his career as an in-ring competitor.
03:23Real name, Joshua Lomburger, Matthews came second in the first season of WWE's Tough Enough,
03:29but was still hired by the company in 2002.
03:31Two years later, he would find himself on the wrong side of the WWE Champion, JBL, though,
03:37who slapped the poor lad for allegedly not showing enough respect whilst interviewing his running buddy, Orlando Jordan.
03:43This led to Matthews' first match on SmackDown,
03:46in which he was paired with Booker T to take on JBL and Jordan on the November 4th episode.
03:51The future Mr. Madison Reign got his butt handed to him for most of the match,
03:55but still managed to make a hot tag to Booker, who picked up the win after an axe kick to OJ.
04:00The next week, Matthews had his first and only singles match on WWE TV, too,
04:05where he not only took on Jordan, but beat him after some help from Booker.
04:10So, Josh Matthews is technically undefeated in televised WWE matches.
04:14What a world, eh?
04:15Number 7. The Rock, Chris Jericho and Mike Chioda vs. The Dudley Boys and Nick Patrick, October 4, 2001.
04:22Anyone who's seen the Invasion pay-per-view might remember that WWE referee Earl Hebner
04:28took on WCW referee Nick Patrick in a five-star classic of a match.
04:33I mean, that 450 splash from Hebner was truly something, folks. Yeah.
04:36Anyway, it turns out that wasn't the only time officials from opposing companies got into it in 2001.
04:43As demonstrated by this show-closing bout from the October 4th SmackDown,
04:47Patrick returned to the ring for his second and final WWE match,
04:51with his opposite number this time being WWE's Mike Chioda in his one and only competitive fixture.
04:58As for the actual wrestlers, well, the Dudley Boys were backing up Patrick,
05:01whilst Chioda had The Rock and Chris Jericho on his side. Not bad backup.
05:05After a typically nonsense brawl that saw Chioda rip Patrick's shirt off in the worst softcore movie ever made,
05:11Rocky hit a Rock Bottom on the WCW ref, which was then followed by a Lion Salt from Y2J,
05:17which was then followed by the worst People's Elbow of all time from Chioda
05:21to end this insane match in a victory for the good guys.
05:24Poor Nick. What did he ever do, eh? Oh, yeah, Starrcade 97.
05:27Number 6. Finlay and Little Bastard vs. The Boogeyman and Little Boogeyman, February 23, 2007.
05:34Fans watching No Way Out 2007 were subjected to some absolute harsh
05:39when Finlay and his son Hornswoggle, who was legitimately called Little Bastard during this time period,
05:44took on The Boogeyman and, eh, Little Boogeyman.
05:47Rob Van Dam vs. Shelton Benjamin got bumped to the pre-show for this, just so you know.
05:51Because its audience clearly hadn't suffered enough, WWE ran this match back just five days later on SmackDown,
05:58and for reasons known only to Vince McMahon, it was the final match on the damn card.
06:03At least this version was significantly shorter at just 2 minutes, 46 seconds,
06:07but watching well-respected grappler Fit Finlay trying to work with this menagerie of joke characters,
06:13whilst the announce team were making demeaning comments about little people,
06:17was just as painful to sit through the second time.
06:19The Irish crew got the win with Hornswoggle pinning The Boogeyman, as if anyone really cares,
06:24but this feud still was not over.
06:26The two teams fought again on an episode of Saturday Night's Main Event,
06:30before Swoggle beat Little Boogey in a singles match on SmackDown in May
06:34to mercifully banish this feud from television forever.
06:38A strange, strange time.
06:39Cheers for stopping by to watch this WhatCulture Wrestling video today,
06:42you wonderful and probably the best kind of weird person.
06:45Now hit that subscribe button down below, and you will get more of these weird and wonderful videos in your life.
06:50Yes, I can hear it in your soul, that is exactly what you want.
06:53Number 5, Shawn O'Hare vs. Mr. America, May 22nd, 2003.
06:58Andre the Giant, The Ultimate Warrior, Ric Flair, Shawn Michaels.
07:03These are just some of the many names that Hulk Hogan has main-evented a wrestling show with
07:07across his lengthy and accomplished career.
07:10However, when the great history of Hogan is written at some point in the future,
07:14it probably won't mention the time that he closed out an episode of SmackDown against Shawn O'Hare.
07:19Now technically, this wasn't Hulk Hogan.
07:22This was Mr. America, the mask-wearing patriot that turned up on the blue brand shortly after Hogan got fired,
07:28and looked, sounded, and acted just like the Hulkster.
07:31I know.
07:32Whilst Mr. America's main feud was with Vince McMahon,
07:35Roddy Piper was also involved following his return at WrestleMania 19,
07:39as was Piper's apprentice, Shawn O'Hare.
07:42As a result, O'Hare got the opportunity of a lifetime on the May 22nd, 2003 edition of SmackDown
07:49when he fought Hogan in a singles match, and he only bloody won.
07:52Now sure, it was by count-out, but a win over Hogan is a win over Hogan, brother.
07:56As a result of his defeat, Mr. America was then forced to take a lie detector test,
08:01which I'll just leave you to go and check out for yourself if you haven't already.
08:04It sure is something.
08:06Number four, Brock Lesnar vs. Stephanie McMahon, September 11th, 2003.
08:10Stephanie McMahon was having a rough old time of it in 2003.
08:14A series of decisions that she made as SmackDown general manager led to tensions between her and her father,
08:20which the chairman handled with all the grace and decorum that you'd expect from a man of his position.
08:25Just kidding, he made her life a living hell.
08:26In one of the most bonkers matches ever promoted by the company, and that is saying something,
08:31Steph was pitted against human bulldozer Brock Lesnar to close out the September 11th SmackDown.
08:37The billion-dollar princess managed to get some offense in, hitting both The Beast and her father with low blows,
08:42but was ultimately caught and manhandled by Lesnar,
08:46who chucked her into the barricade like she just told him that Minnesota was the worst state in America.
08:50Before Brock could fully dismantle Steph, Kurt Angle thankfully made the save,
08:54preventing everyone in the arena that night from being accessories to murder.
08:57Technically, this wasn't an official match, so maybe it shouldn't count,
09:02but the fact that it did happen and did close out an episode of actual television
09:06meant that it was just too insane to leave off the list, folks, so it's here.
09:09Number three, Zach Gowen and Stephanie McMahon vs. Big Show, July 3rd, 2003.
09:14Just when you thought 2003 SmackDown couldn't get any weirder,
09:18two months before she got pulverized by Lesnar,
09:20Stephanie was taking part in another match she definitely should not have been in.
09:24Zach Gowen, the inspirational one-legged wrestler that WWE treated like dirt when they had him on their books,
09:30was embroiled in a feud with Mr. McMahon following his association with Mr. America.
09:35Gowen wanted a WWE contract, but Vince was not gonna let him have one without a fight,
09:40so this match was made for the July 3rd SmackDown, Gowen and Stephanie vs. The Big Show.
09:46If the babyfaces were able to win, then Zach would officially join the SmackDown roster,
09:51but if they lost, then, well, they'd get beaten up by an angry giant.
09:55Through grit, determination and the power of friendship,
09:59plus a shedload of interference from Kurt Angle and Brock Lesnar,
10:02Gowen and McMahon were victorious in their quest, with Zach himself pinning Show off a top rope moonsault.
10:09It was magical, a feel-good moment for the ages.
10:12Zach Gowen was now officially a WWE superstar.
10:16Just, you know, ignore how the rest of his career went.
10:25Beloved interviewer Mean Gene Okerlund had two WWE matches during his career.
10:30The first was in 1984 when he and Hulk Hogan teamed up to defeat George Steele and Mr. Fuji.
10:36And the second was in 2012? Surely that can't be right.
10:40Oh, no, it is. The date was April 10th.
10:42Mean Gene was in the ring interviewing Sheamus,
10:45who had just beaten Daniel Bryan to win the World Heavyweight Championship at WrestleMania 28.
10:50John Laurinaitis then came out to announce that Sheamus would be facing Bryan tonight in a tag team match.
10:55Debray's partner would be Alberto Del Rio, whilst The Great White would be teaming with...
11:00the 69-year-old announcer. Yeah, that's right.
11:03The heels took out Sheamus and then cornered Gene in the ring,
11:07presumably about to beat him within an inch of his life.
11:09When out came a bunch of legends, led by Roddy Piper, to save Okerlund's hide.
11:14Thank God for that.
11:15This distraction allowed Sheamus to recover, hit Bryan with a bro kick,
11:19and pin the American Dragon once again.
11:21Between his two wins in WWE and his two in WCW, Mean Gene is actually undefeated in televised matches.
11:28What a legend.
11:30The Big Show vs. The Fabulous Moolah, November 28, 2002
11:34The November 28, 2002 edition of Smackers emanated from Columbia, South Carolina,
11:40the home city of women's wrestling legend and, um, dodgy person, The Fabulous Moolah.
11:45Stephanie McMahon, the heel authority figure at the time, was not a fan of Columbia or Moolah,
11:51so put the hometown gal in a match designed to humiliate her.
11:54Her opponent? The Big Show.
11:56Yes, this actually happened, folks.
11:58Moolah was nearly 80 years old at the time,
12:00and looked absolutely terrified as her 500-pound foe made his way down to the ring.
12:05Paul Heyman initially made it seem like Show was not gonna hurt the Hall of Famer,
12:10but then changed his mind and ordered his charge to give her a chokeslam.
12:14Mercifully, Brock Lesnar then ran in to save the day,
12:17preventing what surely would have been an honest-to-goodness homicide from taking place.
12:22The bell never actually rang, so this match technically never happened,
12:25but in kayfabe, if Lesnar hadn't been there,
12:28then Big Show would have surely beaten Moolah to a heavily made-up pulp.
12:32Smackdown, eh? What a weird little show.
12:34Now, if you've had fun with this weird WhatCultureWrestling video today,
12:38then why not check out this weird heel turns WWE icons would like you to forget list too?
12:43It's just as odd. Trust me, I did it.
12:45Haha, bye now.
