• last week
00:00Wow, I love it. Bravo. Now we got a dandelion. I love me a dandelion.
00:13Okay, no one's ever gonna make that wish. It's a wish trapped in time.
00:21It's very sad actually. This is depressing. 5 minute crafts. I didn't want to cry today.
00:27I was gonna do that later. 5 minute depression. Okay, so we have this trapped wish and a chain.
00:43So, any guesses? I don't know what they're gonna do. It looks like a ring. Maybe it's gonna be
00:50like a huge ring. It's a hard necklace where they will put, you know, it's a ring for this.
00:58Yeah, it could be.
01:05All right, we're soldering this ring together. Making a hole. I think it is gonna be like the,
01:10they're gonna insert it there. Oh, your finger is not getting in there anytime soon.
01:17No way, Jose. It's maybe a necklace then. Maybe they will cut it off.
01:29Why? What is this action was for? Yeah, why did you do that? They're like,
01:33we need a couple extra seconds here, so let's just, I don't know. Let's just do this, I guess.
01:42Okay, his finger is so close to it. Stop. I don't like it. Wear gloves, please, sir.
01:51Just imagine, it's very slow speed. Ah, they sped it up, so that's why it's making me so nervous.
01:58Probably. Who knows? Maybe real diamonds. Probably not, though.
02:03It's like a gyroscope. Yeah, that's awesome. That's awesome. That is the best thing I've
02:08ever seen from 5-Minute Crafts. 25 million out of 10. Wow. 10 out of 10, yes. You can do better.
02:19That is really, really nice. No, no, no, it's fine. 10 out of 10. It's almost worth the lost
02:26wish. Almost. Yeah. Oh, it's earrings as well. Wow. That looks heavy, though. Probably heavy
02:38on your ears. This thing is so multifaceted. Wow. I love it. Bravo. Oh, what is this? Is that honey?
02:50Uh. Oh, I think it is honey. It was honey, yeah. But it's... I think it was a thematic thing. It
02:56wasn't for, you know, actual, you know, crafting. Just to grab your attention. Yeah, look what we're
03:01doing to these screws. Nice. Okay, we're rubbing that on some sandpaper. Smooth it out. It looks
03:12like it's going to be a honeycomb thing. Maybe there's going to be a bumblebee somewhere.
03:16I'll be upset if there isn't. No. No, maybe. Yes.
03:23Put in some yellow epoxy resin. Very fitting to the theme.
03:31So they're making a mold of it. I mean, no. Or, no, no, they're not making a mold of it. No,
03:37no, they're just... No, they just want to fill it in, you know. Oh, okay. And make the shape.
03:41Strange. How would you do that? I don't know. It looks like they're making it look like it's
03:50covered in honey. Yeah, but it's honey. Forbidden honey. Don't eat it. Yeah.
03:59Just some necklaces, I guess, or some... I don't know. It's, like, too bulky to be a necklace,
04:06right? Oh, that shine, though. Jewelry wax. They misspelled jewelry.
04:17I've never heard of jewelry wax.
04:20Ah, where you can, you know, it's a place where you can make any shape, everything, and after
04:27this you can make a mold. Ah, okay, okay. I guess here is it. There's my bumblebee. Yeah, I asked.
04:34So, there it is. They did it. Now I can sleep easy tonight. No tears in my sleep tonight, maybe.
04:48Aha, gypsum. Now we're making the impression, and it's a fossil.
04:56Metal bumblebee. Indestructible. Was that a cucumber? Yes, it was a cucumber, but I'm not
05:03sure it's gonna work like so. Wow, that's already pretty polished looking. Surprising. Yeah, they
05:13pre-made it. They pre-made it, for sure. Yeah, just for us, don't spend time on it. Don't tell
05:19Don't tell anyone we told you. Wow. Okay, looking, looking, see. It looks cool. Yeah, well. And it
05:30is an earring. Pretty heavy, but it's okay. Yeah, it's worth it. Fashion is always worth the pain.
05:36I guess so. No, it should be nice. No! Not my nut! They destroyed, they destroyed the nut. Whoa.
05:44Why would they do that? For what? Aha. This looks satisfying. It does look satisfying.
05:51Oh, and they're smoothing them together. All right, 5-Minute Crafts. All right. Nice. Not bad. It looks
05:57like it's gonna be a pen or something. Like a fancy pen. One of those pens that you see for like
06:0330 bucks per pen. Yeah, so you can do it just using a drill and chisel. Yeah, the kind I will never have.
06:10Okay, wow, that looks very smooth. It looks really smooth, really nice.
06:19Finally, show it again. Stop it.
06:22Why are you doing this? Oh, oh, I have an idea. What do you think is happening? It's a bug.
06:28It's a bug face or something. A bug. Oh, a bug. Yeah. It could be. How do you know?
06:36Let's see. I feel like you have inside information.
06:40No. Wait, didn't you used to work for 5-Minute Crafts? No. Who said it?
06:51Okay, now we got some wings. I don't know what you're talking about. Okay, wow, wings. Yeah.
07:00Yeah, it looks very satisfying. This whole video is just like...
07:05Yeah, yeah, it's a nice wing. Yeah, where should we critique you?
07:12Yeah, we can't really say anything bad about this. It's just nice. Yes.
07:17Just give us, I mean, screw it up somewhere. Yes, do something that we can be like, ha!
07:25Is that a guitar string? No, it's like a really thin saw.
07:28It's a song for Jabberley.
07:36Interesting. It's a song for Jabberley. Okay, oh, these are the legs.
07:43Okay, polish those off. Very nice. But insects have six legs, so...
07:49Hmm, we got you, 5-Minute Crafts. You've met your match.
07:56Where is this information? Six legs? Yeah, insects.
08:01Normally. Normally. It's abnormal. Yeah, it's abnormal.
08:07That's why spiders aren't insects, they're arachnids. That's why they have eight legs.
08:12Yeah, I see what you mean. Wow, that's a pretty, pretty butterfly going on here. Yeah.
08:21It's, no, it's, yes. Yeah, it's a butterfly with a big booty set. Yeah.
08:34It does look pretty cool.
08:42Turn it around and solder it.
08:49They could probably, 5-Minute Crafts people could probably save a lot of money on, like,
08:52engagement rings and Valentine's Day presents. Yeah. Just make it themselves. And there's the
08:59thought behind it too. But it's a copper, right? Yeah, it doesn't matter. They don't know it.
09:06Actually, they show us technique, and you can use any metal, right? I think so, yeah. You should
09:12be able to. Could you be able to repeat it, you know, after watching? Oh, no. No? No, I don't know
09:19how to use any of these tools. I'm also not confident. You could probably do it. I feel like
09:23you have the know-how on some of these tools, where I'm lacking. I can be your apprentice,
09:29and you can teach me how to make bee things. Okay, when we're quick with the reaction. Yes.
09:35We'll do some moves. That's cool. Circle.
09:48It's very satisfying. I like it. Whoa. What a transition. I want to eat it. That looks good.
09:55Wow, nice. Nice work. Excellent job. 9.5. Yeah, but why is it green now? Before that, it was yellow.
10:05I think they just messed up the lighting. I don't know. I like it green. Me too. Yeah,
10:10it feels mystical. It has powers, you know? It's mystical. It can turn you into a bee.
10:17You can see the future. Yeah, exactly. That's what they're trying to achieve at 5-Minute Crafts.
10:23We got it. Oh, sorry. We got it. Why are they milking so many? Because they spent a lot of
10:30time on it, you know? They want to show this puppy off.
