• last month
00:00I've been here in UAE for 21 years now.
00:09We started the restaurant in 2022, officially we opened.
00:14Now we have three restaurants in UAE, and we just started from the humble beginning
00:20from 14 tables.
00:23Now we have 60 to 70 tables all over the UAE.
00:27We choose Korean because it's very famous, you know, during COVID, everyone wants to
00:32do blogging because they cannot do anything, or food trip, you know, if you can see the
00:37Mukbang, Mukbang has 10 to 100 million views.
00:42That's why we choose Korean.
00:43And also we designed the restaurant with Korean vibes, Korean food and Korean culture.
00:51So you can see our restaurant with a lot of Korean pictures here.
00:55When I was about six years old, I always look at the heaven and say, Lord bless us, because
01:01we came from the poor, very poor, we live in the slum area, we don't have water.
01:11We have to fetch the water from, you know, far, we have to carry the water in a container.
01:16We don't have electricity.
01:19The thing that I cannot forget that my mother teach me to pray, and ask the Lord to bless us.
01:29And I have chance to meet one person to offer a job here in UAE, and I started from $1,000.
01:36When I stepped into the plane, I have a great gratitude feelings that, Lord, thank you for
01:45this blessing, I will use this blessing as a channel.
01:49As a ladder for success, I don't know, you know, how I become like this.
01:55But because maybe the Lord knows your heart.
02:01But when I was in the Philippines, I always wanted to be a channel of blessing also to
02:08You know, it's not, I'm not looking for myself also, I'm looking also for my family or the
02:14other people that I can help.
02:18You know, when I was in the restaurant, they used to call me National Bank of Chile.
02:24When I was earning $1,000 a month, why?
02:27Because I saved my salary, and then I'm giving loan to everyone.
02:32And less than two years, I make the savings for $19,000, I will never forget that.
02:38During the hard time, I was mapping the floor of that room, and I was crying, Lord, why
02:47the light is so high?
02:48Because I also have some credit at that time, I know I'm your daughter.
02:56Why you didn't bless me?
02:57I asked, I asked him, bless me.
03:00And that time, the Lord answered me.
03:04And I was asking, Lord, just give me $2,500 salary.
03:09At the same day, after the prayer, I asked my, I asked the owner of the salon, said,
03:15can I go for looking for another job because they wanted us to, you know, they want us
03:21to find another company.
03:23The same day, I got a job.
03:27And I hired for $2,300.
03:30And that's windows of heaven, and the Lord's showing me that I'm one of them.
03:37So I got hired, and I got chance to take the loan after that company, and then I opened
03:46a business.
03:49I'm very thankful because I met Mr. Douglas, 2018.
03:55When I met him, my life changed because he is making me happy in every aspect of my life.
04:04So while we are walking on the street, and we pass by in one restaurant, so it's motivating
04:11us to open the restaurant.
04:13I asked, why not opening the restaurant?
04:16And Douglas is having a YouTube channel, he's doing like crazy mukbang.
04:22You know, during COVID, there's a lot of people doing some vlogging, and mukbang is a trend.
04:29We have a huge line outside.
04:32And I was crying because I don't know where this customer came from.
04:37So the customer uploading it in the social media, they use mukbang word, and they use
04:45And we become very famous in Abu Dhabi.
04:50And we're very happy because we don't reach only Asian, we reach multinationality.
04:58We have locals waiting outside for two hours.
05:012022 that we open Muroor branch, we never expect that that will be the trending in Abu
05:07Dhabi, and we hit the market in Abu Dhabi.
05:12So we have friends that they know us from the beginning, and they are asking us, I want
05:19to invest in your company.
05:21January, when I checked the bank account, I said we are capable to open the third branch.
05:27So we're looking for the location and we found this location December 2022 at the same time.
05:35My advice to the entrepreneur who wants to own the restaurant, I think, get to know first
05:43what is your purpose.
05:45Also study the market, which kind of restaurant you want to put in, and how much the capital
05:51that you can.
05:53And don't be afraid to open.
05:56We should be a risk taker, but be careful.
06:00And when you earn the money, when the Lord bless you, you have to take care of this one
06:08with your heart.
06:10The digits can grow, but the attitude should be always down.
06:16That's all I guess.
06:17And be a channel of blessing.
06:22In these coming years, we will open four branches in Dubai, if God willing.
06:28And also we open franchising now.
06:31We want to conquer villages, because Korean restaurant, Korean food is really amazing.
06:38So I think this business, after five to ten years, will be the top Korean restaurant in
06:44all of this.
06:45When I came here, I really like the vibe, because it's all Korean.
06:50And you know, in the Philippines, Korea is very, very famous.
06:54I mean, Korean food, there are a lot of mukbangs and samgyups in the Philippines.
07:01It is all around the Philippines.
07:03And when I hear the news that it's finally here in Dubai, I'm so, so happy.
07:08And when I try the food, oh my God, it's very tasty.
07:11When I first tried, I first tried this kind of food here only in UAE.
07:17Immediately, I really like the taste.
07:19It's like, especially the beef and how they make the sauce.
07:25It's really, it's like something, it's really something different.
07:29It's really good also.
07:30So that's why I really like, we're always coming back here, because the food is really
