• 2 weeks ago
Their mothers loathe each other and their grown-up children are caught in the crossfire of mutual distrust. But the real casualty? The hapless viewers who have to sit through this insipid romantic comedy featuring #StarCrossedLovers Puneet and Saanjh (played by #SunnySingh and #SonnalliSeygall, respectively).
Full Article here: https://gn24.ae/942db1e64472000
Dubai Cinema Timings: https://gulfnews.com/cinema-listing#cinema/movie/HO00007704
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00:00Their mums loathe each other and their grown-up kids are caught in the crossfire
00:04when they fall in love with each other.
00:06But you know who the real casualty is?
00:08It's the hapless viewer who has to sit through this insipid romantic comedy.
00:17This is a prime example of a movie where the lead pair does not have any chemistry.
00:22And you know that romantic comedy is as good as the lead pair.
00:26If they have chemistry, they can even elevate a very mediocre script.
00:30The script is very mediocre and predictable.
00:32And it's filled with screeching mothers, confused children and hapless husbands.
00:38There's nothing redeeming about this film per se.
00:40I had to sit through this two-hour-plus movie and I was wondering why it was made in the first place.
00:45What also baffled me is, apart from the chemistry between the lead pair,
00:49my first question, why was this movie made in the first place?
00:52Some of the jokes did land.
00:54It shows the middle-class milieu of those living in middle-class Delhi.
00:57It is fun but the charm wears away very soon.
01:00How much can you really enjoy the inherent snobbery about neighborhoods in Delhi?
01:05I mean, apparently Ghaziabad is not as fancy as downtown Delhi
01:10and therefore the people living there look down upon it.
01:13I mean, these middle-class milieu, it is fun to watch for a bit
01:17but after a point it gets really tiring.
01:19Another thing that really bothered me about this film
01:22is that the lead pair who are so-called in love are so confused.
01:26You don't even know why they fall in love.
01:28You also don't know why their mothers hate each other.
01:30In fact, by the time we realize what the reason is
01:32or when we are given a certain direction to why they loathe each other,
01:37there's not enough heft there.
01:39This movie continues to show women in bad light.
01:41Why should every woman in this movie be screechy or dimwitted?
01:46That's a question that you'll never get an answer for in this movie.
01:49The men are collectively hapless.
01:51It's almost like they don't have any agency
01:54or they don't have a spine or a mind of their own.
01:56Whereas the women, they may have a spine
01:59but they simply don't have the right mind to put it into action.
02:02So what you have is like a collection of bumbling idiots
02:05trying to make a sensible movie.
02:07Jokes don't land and I did not really enjoy this movie at all.
02:11In fact, apart from a couple of songs that I truly enjoyed,
02:15it's called Lamborghini and another one which are club anthems,
02:18that was really slickly made.
02:20It's great to see great looking women perhaps dance in the company of fancy cars.
02:25It's regressive, yes.
02:26But what we have is also a regressive movie.
02:28The women are painted in broad strokes of being different shades of screechy.
02:34So it's no fun to watch.
02:36And also I have to say actor Sonali Sehgal and Sunny Singh,
02:40they do not have the charisma or the magnetism to pull such a movie forward.
02:45This is the first time that they are appearing on the screen
02:47where they are supposed to do the heavy lifting
02:50and take a movie to the finish line.
02:52But somehow they do not have the combined charisma to do so.
02:55Overall, I was very disappointed with this movie
02:58and I won't put a ring on this romantic comedy.
03:00I've gone with a very abysmal 1.5 out of 5.
03:04For my full review, go to gulfnews.com slash tabloid.
