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Judgemental Hai Kya is a hugely satisfying, snappy thriller with its 1 hour and 56 minutes running time. Entering Bobby and Keshav’s muddled heads is a risk worth taking.
#BollywoodFilmReview #JudgementallHaiKya #CinemaListings


00:00National award-winning actors Kangana Ranaut and Rajkumar Rao are a diabolical pair in
00:06Judgmental Hai Kya, directed by Prakash Kovulamudi.
00:14This is Manjusha Radhakrishnan from Gulf News Tabloid and I've just been to watch Judgmental
00:19Hai Kya.
00:20Bobby is someone who's quirky and is living with a mental health disorder where she hears
00:26multiple voices in her head.
00:28It's not an easy disease to live with but Kangana Ranaut makes it very, very convincing.
00:34She's so much fun as this odd, quirky, eccentric landlady Bobby Agarwal.
00:40She's a treat to watch.
00:41In fact, raise your hand if you have ever wondered if Kangana Ranaut has lost the plot
00:47or not.
00:48I mean, she's one of these belligerent divas in Bollywood today who headbutts the media,
00:53has an opinion about everything and is brazenly outspoken.
00:57So there are many times where you wonder whether she's gone overboard or not.
01:02This movie doesn't provide you with all the answers but it introduces you to a very lovable
01:07character called Bobby who's wonderfully unhinged.
01:11And then there's Rajkumar Rao, another award-winning actor.
01:15To see both Kangana Ranaut and Rajkumar Rao unite, reunite on the big screen with Judgmental
01:22Hai Kya is a reason enough to go watch this film.
01:25They are a diabolical pair, as I said, and it's almost like they're competing to win
01:31the crown for who's more cuckoo than the other.
01:34Judgmental Hai Kya is a compelling psychological thriller, lays with wit and some smart writing
01:40by Kanika Bilan.
01:41One of the best parts about this movie is that it's powered by some very good performances
01:47by its lead players and its supporting cast.
01:50There is Hussain Bilal, who's amazing.
01:53You can see Bilal's impressive command over his comic timing and his scenes set in a supermarket.
01:59There's Bobby, who's slightly unhinged, she's in a bad mood, she's asking her dispensable
02:04date, played by Hussain Bilal, then why can't he be more like the vegetable potato?
02:10Because according to her, potatoes are very amiable, they go with everything and they're
02:15an easy vegetable to mix with any dish.
02:17What she doesn't realise is that she's prickly as a cactus and is not so amiable but demanding
02:22that out of her partner and a very dispensable date that she uses is hilarious.
02:27The witty scenes between Kangana Ranaut's character and Bilal's character are hilarious
02:32to watch.
02:33This is one of the best examples of a well-cast film, where the lead players are diabolical.
02:38They're so good at what they do, but even the supporting cast is equally good.
02:43Even Jimmy Shergill, who's in a very half-baked part as his drama coach in London, is quite
02:51Even with very little, he does his bit to add some life and work into his character.
02:57Before the promotions of this film, all the attention went to Kangana Ranaut because she
03:00had a spat with the Indian media and the Indian journalists and there's a lockdown and boycott
03:05of this actress.
03:07But the actual hero of this film seems to be Rajkumar Rao, who's waiting in the shadows
03:14to shine.
03:15Rajkumar Rao in a scene threatens Kangana Ranaut not to push his buttons because Kangana
03:20Ranaut is this cranky and eccentric landlady who likes to pry into his life, along with
03:25his new wife, played by Amaira Dastoor.
03:29He tells her that don't push his buttons, he can be more psycho than her.
03:33So it's a very interesting scene and a very telling scene, where you're not sure whether
03:38he's actually joking or whether he means business.
03:42This is one of the powers of Rajkumar Rao.
03:44He keeps you second-guessing throughout the film.
03:47The mystery that unravels at the end is very predictable.
03:51You may have smelt it a mile away, but don't give up on these war players.
03:56Another thing that goes for this film is the snappy length.
04:00It's around 150 minutes long and it's just the right length where the thriller does not
04:05seem overstretched or does not seem too bloated.
04:08While the collective acting is splendid, one of the things that let me down is the references
04:13to the Indian mythological text, Ramayana.
04:17There's a twist where the actress, Kandana Ranaut, thinks she is the avenging heroine
04:23Sita in Ramayana.
04:26Those scenes seem very contrived and forced and I did not particularly take to it.
04:31However, it's a small blip in an otherwise enjoyable film.
04:34I've gone with 3.5 out of 5.
04:37For a full review, go to gulfnews.com slash tabloid.
