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‘বেকার যুবক যুবতীদের সঙ্গে বিশ্বাসঘাতকা করলেন মমতা বন্দ্যোপাধ্যায়! ২০২৬ সালে বিজেপি পূর্ণাঙ্গ বাজেট পেশ করবে এবং বেকার পরিবারকে একটি করে চাকরি দেওয়া হবে’, রাজ্যের অর্থপ্রতিমন্ত্রী চন্দ্রিমা ভট্টাচার্য বাজেট পেশ করার পর এমনই প্রতিশ্রুতি দিলেন বিরোধী দলনেতা শুভেন্দু অধিকারী।

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00:00The people of Gorkha, Damang, Bhutia, Rai, Rajbanshi, Namashutra, Kudmi,
00:13we have no plans for them in this budget.
00:19We have not given a word to the Muthus in this budget.
00:25We have not given a word to the Shastras in this budget.
00:32This is an unfair budget.
00:34And they will bridge this beautiful sea.
00:40You know that the National Waterway is an inland waterway.
00:45The Central Government and the Inland Water Authority
00:52will not be able to bridge it.
00:56They will not be able to complete a single task
01:01before the end of their 26-year term.
01:05The Ghatal Master Plan does not have a single acre of land.
01:11If there is no land,
01:14the Ghatal Master Plan will not be implemented.
01:20It will not be implemented.
01:26There is no education, no education in this budget.
01:32There is no money in this budget.
01:41If there is a budget in this budget,
01:44only 70 lakh rupees will be increased.
01:47This budget was increased five years ago.
01:51If there is no budget in this budget,
01:54where a MLA like Jharkhand gets five crore rupees for the budget,
02:01there is no increase in the budget.
02:08There is no increase in the budget.
02:12Also, you have seen that
02:15ICDS Asha, a smartphone provider, is mentioned in this budget.
02:21When Siti Irani was the minister,
02:25the Central Government gave 200 crore rupees.
02:2910,000 crores were given to ICDS Asha workers
02:33to buy smartphones.
02:36For three years, that money was kept in an account.
02:41Today, when the Central Government has asked to return the money,
02:45the smartphone provider has mentioned it in this budget.
02:49In this budget, there is a demand for women's protection.
02:55The Maharashtra government is giving 2000 crore rupees a month.
03:00The Haryana government is giving 2100 crore rupees a month.
03:04The BJP government in Delhi is giving 2500 crore rupees a month.
03:09There is no increase in this budget.
03:14There is no increase in the budget of the people who give 800 crore rupees to the government
03:22and 200 crore rupees to the state government.
03:28There is no increase in the budget of the people who give 800 crore rupees to the state government.
03:33Dr. Ashok Lahari has said that
03:38the rest of the people will pressurize the headquarters of the party
03:43to increase the budget of the state government.
03:48I would like to say something about the ICCR's budget.
03:59My time is 5.30, Ashok's time and the state government's time is 6.15.
04:06I would like to say one last thing.
04:09There was a huge gap between the government employees and the police officers.
04:20There was a gap of 35-36 percent.
04:23Only 4 percent was given.
04:26The other 4 percent was allocated to the central government in January.
04:30There was a pay commission in 2015.
04:33There is no mention of a new pay commission.
04:36There is a gap of 31-32 percent between the central government employees and the police officers.
04:45The police officers have been forced to work with the police officers in the low-value market.
04:55As a result, 2.15 crore rupees were wasted.
05:00In the 15th year of Mamata Banerjee's 15th Budget,
05:07the government has been treacherous to the people.
05:14In the next 26 years, the Indian People's Party will have a full budget.
05:20The government will have a full budget.
05:23I would like to end my speech by saying that there is no job in every house.
05:28I would like to end my speech by saying that there is no job in every house.
