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Carrie Bradshaw: the queen of questionable choices! Join us as we dive into the most cringe-worthy moments that had us screaming at our screens. From relationship disasters to friendship fails, we're breaking down Carrie's most problematic behavior.
00:00And I wouldn't be engaged now, uh-huh
00:04Paper covers rock
00:06Welcome to Ms
00:07Mojo and today we're counting down our picks for the top 10 times Carrie Bradshaw had us yelling at our TV screens asking girl
00:14What are you doing?
00:18Whichever one is near Barney
00:20Are you saying you've never voted in New York City? You are correct. Mr
00:24Number 10 when her laptop broke after Carrie's laptop suddenly stops working causing her to lose all the work
00:30She has never saved she blames the whole mess on Aiden because he was kissing her when it broke
00:35I was you know, I was just typing and then he came over and he kissed me and then then I
00:40Got the bomb not the bomb, you know, that's a good kind of this is funny. Do you think that this is funny?
00:47Just try me, you know, you are mortifying me
00:51Aiden is nothing but patient and helpful in this episode
00:54But Carrie's anxiety over her lost work causes her to take out all her frustration on her boyfriend
01:00Constantly berating him after everything he tries to say or do when was the last time you backed up your work?
01:08Don't do that. You'll back up
01:12No when he generously buys her a new laptop
01:15She refuses to take it saying she just wants her old laptop back
01:19This could be true, but it also seems like a metaphor for their relationship
01:23Carrie doesn't seem to want a perfectly good new boyfriend. She wants her old one. Mr. Big back
01:28I'm not ready for a new computer. I'm still waiting to hear back about my old one. My my whole life was on that computer. I
01:37Get it number nine when she ditched Miranda for big Carrie made a lot of questionable choices when it came to big
01:43But it bothered us the most when her poor taste started affecting her friends. You're at Biggs
01:48You and I are having dinner tonight
01:51Well, he got this veal
01:54You blew me off for a piece of politically incorrect meat in this season 2 episode
01:59Miranda and Carrie had plans to meet for dinner
02:01But Carrie Bales so big can make her veal
02:04Carrie's only attempt to let Miranda know she's not coming is to leave a message on Miranda's answering machine at home
02:10Which of course Miranda never gets because she's already left to meet Carrie, you know
02:14What your relationship is exactly the same as always. It's all about him. Could you put Miranda on please?
02:21Enjoy your veal
02:27No silver lining though
02:29Miranda being left all by her lonesome at the bar gives her the opportunity to meet Steve who goes on to become a regular
02:35On the show and a fan favorite character in the series. Thank you
02:40Steve, thank you Steve
02:43Look, that's really very cute, but I'm not really in the mood
02:47Not really in the mood Steve
02:49Number eight when she made a scene at church with Biggs mother after discovering by chance that big takes his mother to church every Sunday
02:56Carrie desperately wants to join so she can meet Biggs mother. I want to go to church with you and your mommy
03:02How about this Sunday? Well
03:05It's just a private little thing. My mother and I do just the two of us
03:09Big declines wanting to keep his Sunday tradition a private thing between himself and his mother
03:14Despite his clear wishes Carrie shows up at their church anyway and draws significant attention to herself after accidentally dropping a book
03:29So Carrie gets her introduction to Biggs mom in the end though, she's offended he introduces her as just a friend
03:36Maybe you shouldn't try to force relationship milestones before your partner is ready
03:41That is if you want things to go the way you'd like them to Carrie my friend Carrie
03:45You show up at church after I asked you not to what are you trying to do test me?
03:49I mean, why all the sudden interest in meeting my mother?
03:52Well has the woman ever even heard of me? My mother doesn't need to meet another girlfriend. Oh
03:58Number seven therapy for the wrong reasons at Miranda's suggestion
04:02Carrie agrees to go to therapy to talk through her breakup with big but not before getting in a few offensive digs at Miranda's expense
04:10Sometimes it helps to talk to somebody who's objective. Okay, I understand why you see a shrink, you know
04:15Cuz you're always in your head, but I'm fine. I am functioning when she finally does go
04:22She doesn't get much out of it after feeling insulted by her therapist's analysis of her taste in men
04:27Just when she's about to swear off therapy Carrie meets a cute boy in the waiting room played by Jon Bon Jovi
04:34So she keeps going for sessions with the mental health professional, but only to see this guy
04:38I thought we could go and play in this coy game or I could actually introduce myself
04:44I'm glad you did
04:46Especially since I had worn my new dress for the occasion when things don't work out between the two of them Carrie immediately stops going
04:52To see dr. G at least in the end. She finally admits that she goes after the wrong guys
04:57Although you'd think that would have been a reason for her to continue getting help. I believe in therapy. This moment is called the breakthrough. I
05:09Picked the wrong men number six all the time
05:12She abandoned her friends Carrie Bradshaw is a bad friend period throughout the series
05:18We see Carrie acting incredibly selfishly towards her friends and failing to show up for them countless times
05:23Miranda's neck is out. She can't move and I'm just I'm I'm worried that it's too late for me to cancel my meeting
05:29I'll go check on Miranda for you
05:33What when Miranda fresh out of the shower throws out her neck and calls Carrie for help
05:38What does she do?
05:39Send her saint of a boyfriend Aiden to help out her friend because she has a meeting to go to I got the good
05:44Bagels, it's bad enough
05:45You send your boyfriend to help me when I call you but now the bull bagels
05:50So, what are you saying?
05:51You don't want one later in the series
05:53Samantha accompanies the aerophobic carry on a harrowing cross-country train journey to San Francisco
05:59However, just when Samantha has a moment to relax in their hotel room
06:02Carrie kicks her out to make room for big you have to get out bigs here. I need to have sex
06:08I'm taking a bath. I got you a smaller room all to yourself downstairs. I can't get in another small room
06:16I have to get laid
06:18It's unbelievable that Carrie was ever able to keep a group of such good friends after being such a bad one herself
06:24Number five the breakup with burger the way burger broke up with Carrie via post-it note was inconsiderate
06:31Yes, but Carrie handled the breakup in the most obnoxious way possible
06:35Maybe everything does happen for a reason if burger hadn't left me in the most horrible way
06:40Anyone could ever imagine I wouldn't have the afternoon free to walk you to your hair appointment
06:44We're all being protected by the universe right off the bat
06:47She squashes any further conversation about Charlotte's exciting engagement news to announce her breakup to her friends
06:53And it only gets worse from there
06:55If I had never married Trey then I never would have gotten divorced and I never would have met my divorce lawyer Harry
07:03And I wouldn't be engaged now. Uh-huh
07:07Paper covers rock Carrie continues to use the post-it as ammo to guilt her friends into going to a club with her
07:14She throws it in burgers friends faces to make him look bad and even uses the post-it as a literal get out of jail free
07:20Card, we get it Carrie. He was insensitive, but she was planning on breaking things off with him
07:24Anyway, she had no reason to act so over-the-top because a guy she didn't want to be with broke up with her
07:30See your post-it was your get out of jail free card
07:33So if you never met burger, then you would stop you're killing my buzz
07:37Number four when she guilted Charlotte into giving her money when Aiden and Carrie break up
07:42Aiden gives her the option to buy her apartment from him so she can continue living there
07:47But Carrie has no money to her name because she spent it all on shoes. I spent
07:53$40,000 on shoes and I have no place to live. I
07:58Will literally be the old woman who lived in her shoes unable to secure a loan
08:04She turns to big and her friends for help all of whom offer her loans
08:08Except for Charlotte to get where Charlotte is coming from
08:11remember that at this point in the series
08:13She's still recovering from her split with Trey and clearly Carrie has demonstrated that she won't be able to pay back any loan
08:19She receives and for the record
08:21I am aware that I have some financial messiness that I have to clean up and to that end
08:27I am looking into some freelance magazine work. I have been offered $4 a word of Vogue. That is a lot
08:33most people get to
08:35So yes, I have made some mistakes and Charlotte
08:39You have made some mistakes still Carrie confronts Charlotte and asks why she didn't offer her alone
08:46Essentially wearing Charlotte down until she offers her engagement ring from Trey for Carrie's down payment. Carrie
08:51This is a straightforward business proposal clean and simple. Why do I have all this money if I can't help out a friend?
08:58But it would be alone. I would pay you back
09:00I know number three when she dismissed her bisexual boyfriend's sexuality
09:05This plotline is one that definitely wouldn't fly today for you
09:08There was Kayla really neurotic last of the year and before her Leslie couldn't commit and before Leslie there was Mark
09:19When Carrie finds out her latest boyfriend is bisexual
09:22She laments the news to her friends and continuously makes offensive jokes about his bisexuality even questioning its existence in the first place
09:29Maybe I do have a problem with this
09:32I'm an old fart
09:35Correction a hot old fart. I'm not even sure bisexuality exists
09:39I think it's just a layover on the way to gay town. Isn't that right next to Ricky Martinville?
09:44It's a total deal-breaker for Carrie who ends things with him shortly after
09:48Carrie doesn't appear to develop at all in this belief either because in the next season we hear similar dated comments about sexuality from her
09:56After Samantha begins a relationship with a woman it's plot lines like these that make us miss the 90s a lot less
10:02You go to bed one night you wake up the next morning and poof. You're a lesbian. I forgot to tell you
10:07I'm a fire hydrant. Yeah, I'm a shoe. I always wanted to be one and
10:13Number two when she invited big to Aiden's cabin in a relationship full of selfish moments on Carrie's part
10:20This was close to her worst offense. It was Batman. I
10:24I invited him up
10:28It didn't mean to I I
10:31Just got trapped during a romantic getaway to Aiden's country cabin
10:35Carrie gets a call from big who is distraught over his girlfriend breaking up with him for some reason
10:41Carrie thinks it's a good idea to invite big to the cabin
10:44Even though Aiden has made it very clear their friendship bothers him. I would never do this, but he's really hurting
10:50Come on, haven't you ever had a girl break your?
10:54Aiden is as patient as he possibly can be in this incredibly uncomfortable situation
11:00But it inevitably ends with the two men wrestling in mud and Carrie having to break them up
11:04No one is having a good time in this episode least of all the audience
11:08Before we continue be sure to subscribe to our channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos
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11:25Number one her affair. We've reached not only the worst thing Carrie did to Aiden
11:30But also the worst thing she's ever done to Aiden
11:34Number one her affair. We've reached not only the worst thing Carrie did to Aiden
11:39But also probably the worst thing she did period when Charles Dickens wrote it was the best of times
11:45It was the worst of times. I believe he must have been having an affair with his married ex-boyfriend
11:50Carrie's dating Aiden big is married to Natasha yet when their paths cross at a furniture show and big starts to weasel his way back
11:57Into her life Carrie gives in and sleeps with him and just like that. I lost my head
12:03The two start an affair behind their partner's backs though
12:05They are eventually found out of course as if that wasn't bad enough
12:09Carrie's guilt drives her to force an apology on to Natasha who clearly wants nothing to do with Carrie finally
12:15I'm sorry that you felt the need to come down here
12:21Now not only have you ruined my marriage
12:25You've ruined my lunch
12:26It's by far the messiest storyline in the whole series and we still can't believe Aiden forgave her after everything
12:32She put him through which sex in the city character endured the worst from Carrie and why was it Aiden?
12:37Let us know in the comments. You have to forgive me Aiden
12:41You have to forgive me
12:44You have to forgive me
12:52Do you agree with our picks check out this other recent clip from Ms.
12:56Mojo and be sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos
