• 2 weeks ago
(Adnkronos) - "Soltanto il 34% delle donne ha sviluppato interesse nelle materie Steam, cioè Scienza, Tecnologia, Arte, Ingegneria e Matematica. Nella Giornata internazionale delle donne e delle ragazze nella scienza, promossa anche dall’Onu, vogliamo ricordare che dobbiamo istruire, sensibilizzare, educare, i nostri bambini e le nostre bambini a quelle che sono le loro attitudini, indipendentemente dal genere”. Lo ha detto Nicoletta Gandolfo, la presidente della Società italiana di radiologia medica e interventistica in occasione del convegno 'Sostenibilità in radiologia: ricerca, innovazione e responsabilità', promosso a Roma da Sirm.


00:00Only 34% of women today have developed an interest in STEM sciences,
00:13that is, science, technology, art and everything that is science.
00:23This is a very relevant fact and we absolutely need to make awareness campaigns.
00:32Not for nothing, we have an international day, also promoted by the UN,
00:37which is the International Women's and Girls' Day in science.
00:42Why? Was it enough to just say women? No, girls, because since we were little,
00:47we have to educate, sensitize, educate our children and our girls
00:54to what their attitudes are, regardless of gender.
00:59And with the Bracco Foundation, we have always supported Mind, Stand, Gap,
01:04which is the project of sensitization towards these girls.
01:12The topic of today, which we have addressed, because today it is the commitment of women and girls in science,
01:18is a very important topic, which is sustainability.
01:22Sustainability, of course, for what concerns us in the radiological environment, in the health environment,
01:28but it is a commitment that we all, as citizens, as doctors, as radiologists,
01:34we have to take for the planet.
01:36The eco-sustainability, the sustainability of, in our case, the so-called green radiology,
01:46which means consuming less, which means making eco-sustainable policies,
01:52also in the construction of equipment, in the dismantling of some substances,
01:58such as, for example, the use and dismantling of contrasting means, of radiopharmaceuticals,
02:03in the design through not more linear economies, but so-called circular economies.
02:15So we recycle, we reproduce, we reuse, because all resources are not unlimited, they are not infinite.
