• 2 weeks ago
Emiten telekomunikasi, PT XL Axiata Tbk (EXCL) mengantongi laba bersih sebesar Rp1,81 triliun sepanjang 2024.

Capaian tersebut melonjak 44,7 persen dibandingkan 2023 lalu yang mencapai Rp1,25 triliun.


00:00The PTXL-AXIATATBK telecommunications emitter, which codes as EXCL, has a net worth of 1.81 trillion rupiah as of 2024.
00:16The net worth is 44.7% higher than in 2023, when the net worth was 1.25 trillion rupiah.
00:24The PTXL-AXIATATBK telecommunications emitter, which codes as EXCL, has a net worth of 1.81 trillion rupiah as of 2024.
00:40The net worth is 44.7% higher than in 2023, when the net worth was 1.25 trillion rupiah.
00:50According to a financial report published by Perserawan on February 5, 2025, the net worth is slightly higher than the business income, which was successfully recorded as 34.39 trillion rupiah, or 6.4% higher than the period in 2023, which was 32.32 trillion rupiah.
01:11The PTXL-AXIATATBK telecommunications emitter, which codes as EXCL, has a net worth of 1.81 trillion rupiah as of 2024, when the net worth was 1.81 trillion rupiah.
01:32In addition to the increase, the number of customers is also a positive sign for the presence of EXCL in the market, although the market is still smaller than its competitors.
01:42According to the Samuel Securities research, although the company's clean slate experienced a significant leap in this period, most of the increase was caused by a one-time increase in taxes in the previous year.
01:56Meanwhile, there are challenges that need to be faced by EXCL, including a decrease in the average customer income in Q4 2024 to 41,000 rupiah from the previous 43,000 rupiah in the same period last year.
02:12This decline is caused by the weakening of the people's purchasing power and the increasingly tight competition, especially from SIM cards at a cheaper price.
02:21On the other hand, there is a great opportunity from the EXCL merger with FREN, which can create efficiency and help reduce the price war in the telecommunications industry.
02:32In addition, an additional 750,000 customers from LINK are expected to be able to increase EXCL's income contribution in 2025, or much larger than initial estimates of only 250,000 customers.
02:45Coverage Team IDX January
