• 2 weeks ago

👉 Una niña de 10 años resultó gravemente herida tras ser atropellada por un conductor que manejaba con 2,44 gramos de alcohol en sangre en Punta Lara. El hombre, con 2.4 gramos de alcohol por centímetro cúbico en sangre al momento del análisis, pasó por encima de la menor que jugaba al costado del camino. La niña se encuentra internada con múltiples fracturas y traumatismo de cráneo. Este trágico incidente pone en evidencia la irresponsabilidad tanto del conductor como de los adultos a cargo de la niña.

👉Seguí en #VivoElDomingo
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00:00I'm not going to say a word.
00:03Did you see that?
00:05Well, now you're going to see it in black and white.
00:07Look at what we have to cover.
00:10Next to the cord, a 10-year-old girl playing.
00:17Come on, give it to me on the big screen.
00:18Come on, leave it there.
00:20Come on.
00:23Come here.
00:26This is a 10-year-old girl.
00:28First, does the 10-year-old girl have to be there?
00:31No, of course not.
00:32First, as is.
00:33There is someone with a lot of irresponsibility who left her there.
00:36First, okay?
00:39Second, does he drive drunk?
00:432.4 alcohol in the blood the moment they did the test.
00:45Almost three when he was driving.
00:47Three shots inside the car.
00:50That guy is in prison.
00:53This man, as well as the venue where I had to stop the video,
00:57passed above this 10-year-old girl who was playing on the side of the road.
01:02Oh, my God.
01:04As we are parents, I wanted to show you.
01:06Now, the girl, I'm not going to show you the video, follow me.
01:09This is the full video.
01:11The girl is in a very serious condition.
01:14With multiple fractures.
01:16The situation is more than complex for this girl.
01:19The man has been arrested.
01:22I would tell you that it was delayed.
01:25I repeat the same thing.
01:27This happened in Ensenada,
01:29in one of the busiest roads in Ensenada.
01:33Now, this man is a murderer.
01:35Is it clear?
01:37This man is a murderer.
01:39Look at him again.
01:40Look, look.
01:41This man is a murderer.
01:44This man is a murderer.
01:45Look at him again.
01:46Look, look.
01:47Look, look.
01:48Stop him, stop him, stop him, stop him.
01:52All this could not be.
01:54If time could go back,
01:56you could not be.
01:58The girl does not have to be there.
02:00The girl does not have to be there.
02:02I don't know who the parents are, I really don't know.
02:04And this drunk man either.
02:06The two things that are in that image
02:08should not have happened.
02:10The ten-year-old girl
02:12is currently hospitalized
02:15with multiple fractures.
02:17She has a skull trauma.
02:21She has a clavicle fracture.
02:26She has her two legs apparently
02:28also with different fractures.
02:30She has different types of bruises.
02:32And apparently, they are finishing the analysis,
02:35the vital organs would be healthy,
02:38except that it could be the prosperity of a lung
02:41due to a broken rib.
02:46If I let this video run,
02:49the man passes it over with the wheel and everything.
02:54what do we do?
02:55Tell me.
02:56The production told me to do the subject like this.
02:58I was going to ask you that.
02:59At least he stopped and left.
03:01He tried to run away.
03:02No, he tried to run away.
03:03He tried to run away.
03:04And apart, I say,
03:06Ale, as you say,
03:08the girl did not have to be there.
03:10This boy was with blood alcohol,
03:13almost three.
03:15So, the truth is that an accident,
03:18if you break the steering wheel
03:19and end up on a square,
03:21this is a succession of events,
03:24of irresponsibility.
03:26This happened
03:28at the entrance of what is Punta Lara.
03:30Punta Lara is a place of recreation,
03:32swimming pool.
03:33In 1974.
03:35The person goes there,
03:37spends the day,
03:38eats a barbecue,
03:40with family, with friends.
03:42Unfortunately, he drinks.
03:44Those irresponsible, like this man,
03:46who, in addition to drinking alcohol,
03:48gets in his car and drives,
03:492.4 grams per centimeter of blood.
03:53At the time of the analysis.
03:56We are talking about a drunk man
03:59at the wheel.
04:02no matter how much the girl
04:04was in a contraindicated place,
04:06you see in the video,
04:07as the white car that passes in front did.
04:09That dodges him.
04:10Not only dodges him,
04:11follows his line.
04:12Notice how it goes to the right,
04:14as a result of the impossibility of driving.
04:17If the man was not drunk,
04:18nothing collided.
04:19We all agree, right?
04:20Yes, yes.
04:21If the man was not drunk,
04:22nothing collided.
04:23No, of course.
04:24As the white car in front did.
04:26The white car in front.
04:27If we can put the video back.
04:29If the girl was ...
04:30The white car that passes in front.
04:31If the girl is ...
04:32There we see it.
04:33That white car.
04:34It passes through the area.
04:36The girl will surely see it
04:38and think,
04:39well, what a responsibility.
04:41Look at this.
04:42Look how it moves towards the bench.
04:44Of course.
04:45It seems to point at him.
04:46As a result of drunkenness.
04:47I'll tell you something.
04:48We, in this program,
04:50today is the last,
04:51but there are issues that we always decide not to do.
04:54For example,
04:55today we are going,
04:56the delay is real.
04:57You see,
04:58you had to mess with the parents,
04:59which we do not do.
05:00This we doubt to do it,
05:02but we can not do it.
05:03Because when we talked in production
05:06and we talked about the subject,
05:07I say,
05:08I told you,
05:09I have to mess with the parents of the girl?
05:10Yes, I have to mess with the parents of the girl.
05:12I can not avoid
05:14not messing with the parents of the girl.
05:17How do I do?
05:18Not to talk about the parents of the girl.
05:20I can not.
05:22How do I do not talk about this drunk,
05:25murderer who was driving a car,
05:26who was using it as a weapon?
05:27And I can not either.
05:28I can not either.
05:29We do not like to do this.
05:30But how do I do this?
05:32Look at this image.
05:34Really, look at this image.
05:36Suppose it was a photo.
05:38It's all wrong.
05:40If this was a photo
05:42and not a video
05:44and you see a girl
05:46like this
05:47playing on the side of the street
05:49in this way,
05:50it's wrong.
05:52It's all wrong.
05:54All wrong.
05:57What does the driver know?
05:59He is 44 years old.
06:01He was with the family.
06:03He was with the family.
06:05I repeat.
06:06He was
06:08spending the day.
06:09Does he have children?
06:10The day ends.
06:12We have not ratified that.
06:14The day ends.
06:16He goes home.
06:17And look at the state.
06:19The girl was taken to the Sestino Hospital
06:21in Ensenada.
06:22It is the municipal hospital
06:24of excellence in that locality.
06:26As Ale said, it is very serious
06:28with multiple fractures.
06:30But today we could be talking
06:32about a little girl who died.
06:34Adm. Brown and 144.
06:36They ratify my address.
06:38I said Maldonado 74.
06:40Adm. Brown and 144.
06:44This is in Punta Lara.
06:46The man
06:48arrested is called
06:50José Baez.
06:52If you want to send me a letter
06:54or a document,
06:56you can send it to me.
06:58He is 44 years old.
07:00And he is a murderer.
07:02This man,
07:04José Baez,
07:06you are a murderer.
07:08You are a murderer.
07:10If you have children, relatives,
07:12nephew, little brother,
07:14you are a murderer.
07:16You can't drive
07:18a drunk car.
07:20You are a murderer.
07:22And I say again,
07:24it's hard for me to walk
07:26on the same floor as the murderers.
07:28It's hard.
07:30Look at the picture
07:32of the car.
07:34And what was there
07:36was inside the car.
07:38What was there
07:40was inside the car.
07:42The twisted bumper
07:44is the head of a 10-year-old girl
07:46who was sick.
07:48Yes, forgive me.
07:50The parents
07:52will have to
07:54advise them
07:56that it is wrong
07:58for a girl to play
08:00on the side of the street.
08:02It's wrong.
08:06a man of this magnitude
08:08drives with 2.44
08:10when he is drunk,
08:12with the family,
08:14on top of that,
08:16he is a murderer.
08:18We were talking
08:20with Ernesto Riaga.
08:22He says,
08:24it's not a car anymore,
08:26it's a weapon,
08:28a weapon.
08:30It's a weapon.
08:32That's why I agree
08:34with your reading
08:36that this guy is a murderer.
08:38A powerful murderer.
08:40Call him Riaga.
08:42Call him Nuevo Riaga.
08:44that controls that no one gets drunk like this guy.
08:46In the province of Buenos Aires, it's zero alcohol.
08:50Of course, well.
08:50But it doesn't matter if it's zero or 0.5.
08:53If there's no control, it's the same thing.
08:55But of course, someone has,
08:57you go out to eat from a camping, from a barbecue,
08:59they have, just as they stop you to ask you
09:02for the papers of the car, they have you,
09:04let's see, sir, let's do a control.
09:06Was he alone in the vehicle or was he with his family?
09:08He was with his family, apparently.
09:10Oh, oh, oh.
09:11He wasn't alone.
09:12It's terrible.
09:13Victims of him.
09:14Of course.
09:15And yes, because he can kill.
09:17Victims of the guy.
09:19But he can kill the family, drunk.
09:20He could have hit a tree.
09:22A front truck.
09:23But there are a lot of people who say,
09:24no, don't worry, I drive better than ever.
09:27Are you okay?
09:28If I'm drunk, I can drive.
09:30As far as his condition of a drunk to drive.
09:34I drive better than ever.
09:35As far as that.
09:36It's connected.
09:37Ernesto, are you watching TV?
09:39How are you doing?
09:40Sorry to bother you again.
09:41No, no, no.
09:42I called you for another reason.
09:44Yes, I agree.
09:45I'll tell you this quickly.
09:47On Sundays in the morning, Saturday night,
09:50Sunday morning,
09:52it's the worst day of the year for alcoholism.
09:56Let's face it.
09:57Because it's logical.
09:59It's Saturday night,
10:01and then Sunday until seven in the morning.
10:06Yes, I'm listening.
10:07Sorry, sorry.
10:08Did you see the video?
10:09Could you get it?
10:10Let's see if...
10:11Yes, yes, I saw it.
10:12I just saw it.
10:12What do you think, Ernesto?
10:14Look, it's very, very, very serious.
10:17Because if this person who ran away from the place
10:23does what happens,
10:24it has the worst aggravating effect
10:26of the transit sinister.
10:28Abandoning the person.
10:31Yes, of course.
10:32You can have an error.
10:33You can go out drunk.
10:35You can have everything against it.
10:36You can have some alcohol.
10:37Suppose one, you drank two glasses of wine,
10:39which is wrong.
10:40But when you abandon a person for the prosecutor
10:43and for the judge to decide,
10:45it's the worst, worst of the aggravating effects
10:48that abandoning a person has in transit.
10:52Because that's terrible.
10:54You made a mistake, a red light.
10:56But if you stop,
10:57you call the S.A.M.E.,
10:59you pick him up with a doctor,
11:01and you take him to the hospital.
11:02There's always a possible solution.
11:05Ernesto, as happened to him,
11:06I'm remembering,
11:08thinking that abandoning a person is aggravating,
11:10and that's why you called the S.A.M.E.
11:11as it happened to Leo Mattioli's son.
11:14He had the reaction of,
11:16as you're marking it, Ernesto,
11:18to call the S.A.M.E., to call the S.A.M.E.
11:22Very well, very well, very well told by you.
11:26Because everything has a solution.
11:28We are all humans and we make mistakes.
11:30Now, abandon...
11:34This is, well, it just got cut off.
11:35Abandoning a person condemns him,
11:38and it's okay for him to be abandoned.
11:40Yes, there's something detectable,
11:42and it's very important to say
11:43when you abandon a person.
11:45When you abandon a person,
11:47that person can die
11:49because you don't assist them quickly.
11:52I'll call this or that,
11:53until people love me.
11:54I see a person lying there,
11:55but you stop immediately,
11:57you turn off the car,
11:58you throw him to the side,
11:59pa, hello, ambulance,
12:01come quickly.
12:03You are also part of the guilt
12:05of what can happen to that person.
12:07Without going any further, Ernesto,
12:08the cyclists just now,
12:09the man stopped.
12:11No, exactly, perfect.
12:13The man ran over, stopped,
12:1610 meters ahead, 15 meters ahead,
12:18called himself to the emergency,
12:21to the highway,
12:22called an ambulance.
12:23We all make mistakes.
12:24We all make mistakes.
12:26We all have something to blame for,
12:27but abandoning a person
12:29for a judge
12:30is the number one aggravating factor
12:32that can affect the conscience
12:34of a human being.
12:36The video is very strong
12:37to see it in full, Ernesto.
12:40Now, the little girl playing
12:42next to the highway too, right?
12:44Of the street, sorry.
12:47Of course.
12:49The parents have to be aware
12:52of what it is to take care of a child.
12:54I don't know if you know this too,
12:55the other day,
12:56in Pinamar,
12:58remember the four-cycle,
13:00with the girl at 14 years old,
13:01because it's a race
13:02that everyone takes part in.
13:03A 14-year-old girl,
13:06racing a race
13:07with 50 more motorcycles.
13:09A motorcycle.
13:10There, the parents
13:12have a fundamental difference.
13:14The privilege in a society
13:17is the family, of course.
