L'éolienne à axe vertical BSB est conçue pour une utilisation urbaine et maritime. Elle verra sa place sur le toit des immeubles, sur les platteformes offshore ou sur les navires. Elles sont empilables produisent chacune 15 kw de courant électrique ou 216 litres d'air comprimé à 30 bars de l'heure.
The vertical axis wind turbine BSB is designed for an urban and maritime use. it will see its place on the roof of the buildings, the platteformes offshore oil rig or the ships. They are stackable produce each one 15 kw of electric current or 216 liters of 30 bars compressed air by hour.
The vertical axis wind turbine BSB is designed for an urban and maritime use. it will see its place on the roof of the buildings, the platteformes offshore oil rig or the ships. They are stackable produce each one 15 kw of electric current or 216 liters of 30 bars compressed air by hour.