• 2 weeks ago
Dealul Vânturilor Episodul 175 subtitrat în română
Dealul Vânturilor Episodul 175 subtitrat în română
Dealul Vânturilor Episodul 175 subtitrat în română
Dealul Vânturilor Episodul 175 subtitrat în română
Dealul Vânturilor Episodul 175 subtitrat în română
Dealul Vânturilor Episodul 175 subtitrat în română
00:02:57You're the biggest
00:03:03Sons of your source
00:03:25Yeah, they've got
00:06:02I don't know
00:06:49Sen nasıl kaldırırsın çarşafı ya
00:06:53Derdin ne senin fırsat mı kolladın ben çarşafı hiç dokunmadım bile
00:06:57Ama sanırım aramızda engel istemem birisi varsa
00:07:07Oda sensin
00:07:10Yok artık
00:07:12Ben var ya elimde olsa aramıza tuğladan demirden duvarlar örerim
00:07:17Senin aramıza koyacak her engeli böyle paramparça ederim
00:07:21Yok ederim fark etmez
00:07:25İtiraf ettin işte fırsatçısın sen
00:07:32Ben bir şey yapmak istiyorsam fırsat kolladım
00:07:37Ama yapmadım
00:07:39Ayrıca göğsümde uyuyamda sensin
00:07:47O işte bu hareketinde de onu halledin beni karım
00:08:00Dur ne yapıyorsun bana bırak ben toplarım
00:08:02Asıl sen bırak yardımına ihtiyacım yok
00:08:04Ben toplarım Zeynep
00:08:06Bırak dedim
00:08:08Zeynep bırak dedim bak yine inat yaşıyor
00:08:10Hayır yani niye ısrar ediyorsun anlamıyorum halledeceğim ben bırak
00:08:27Hırçınsın çünkü yavaş yavaş kardın düşüyor Zeynep Fırat
00:08:33Yapma şunu etrafımda dolanıp durma işte ikna olmak istemiyorum zorlanıyorum
00:08:47İyi al tamam
00:08:49Nasıl biliyorsan öyle yap
00:08:51Yeter ki yatak toplansın hadi çıktım ben
00:08:58Allah'ım her zaman böyle uyanmayı nasip et
00:09:25Ay ne yaptınız çocuklar aramadınız da öldüm meraktan
00:09:33Verecek güzel haberimiz yoktu maalesef
00:09:42Adamla konuştuk adı Umut
00:09:47Anlaşamadık adam ne dediysek razı olmuyor
00:09:51Üzme tatlı canını kızım sayılı gün çabuk geçiyor
00:09:57Sen mahpustayken kocanın hiç bir şeyini eksik etme içim rahat ol
00:10:06Eren gerçekten var mı böyle bir ihtimal hapse düşebilir miyim
00:10:12Niteliksiz dolandırıcılık değiller seninkine
00:10:17İnternet kurcaladım da biraz oradan bileyim
00:10:22Çok değil en fazla 5-10 yıl gayret eklermiş
00:10:28Anne ne diyorsun
00:10:30Ne var yavrum bilsin kız gerçekleri
00:10:35İçinde sindirsin
00:10:41İsabet olur
00:10:49Ne olacak şimdi gerçekten Eren
00:10:55Aşkım öyle hapis falan ben izin vermem öyle bir şeye söz ben çözeceğim bu işi tamam mı
00:11:04Öyle bir ihtimal var mı yani Eren
00:11:07Abla sen
00:11:17Ay Selmoş gitti kız
00:11:19Kendine gel Selma
00:11:21Selma kendine gel Selma
00:11:27Selma aşkım Selma bana bak
00:12:07Günaydın Halil oğlum başın nasıl oldu bugün
00:12:12Günaydın Ayşe teyze çok şükür iyiyim
00:12:16İyidir tabi ya Türk gibi ol maşallah
00:12:22Şu Firar da artık bir yakalansa da evli evine köylü köyüne gitse bizde bir rahat etsek
00:12:37Zeynep kızım sen neler yapmışsın böyle sabah sabah zahmet etmişsin
00:12:44Yok canım ne zahmeti keyifle hazırladım
00:12:47Hem bak yumurtayı da senin sevdiğin gibi yaptım kızarmış
00:12:52Ben de çok severim kızarmış
00:12:57Ellerine kollarına sağlık hadi geç otur oğlum sen de eşinin yanına
00:13:02Geçeyim Ayşe teyze şöyle eşinin yanına
00:13:08O zaman
00:13:12Hadi otur kızım sen de
00:13:22Bak yine sokuldu sepime
00:13:24Ben burada bir rahat edemedim karşıya geçeyim
00:13:33Bunun ayakları sağlam değil şimdi şöyle koyayım da teza maza olmasın
00:13:48O zaman ben çayları koyayım
00:13:55Çok güzel olmuş ellerine sağlık
00:14:09Oğlum şu ekmeği uzatır mısın?
00:14:11Tabi Ayşe teyze buyur
00:14:13Afiyet olsun
00:14:24Afiyet olsun
00:14:55Kayar mısın biraz?
00:15:07Öğle yemeği aceleye gelir bazen bir sofradan bile mahrum bir köşede oturulup yenilir
00:15:14Eşin gücün arasında kim var kim yok fark etmeden
00:15:19Akşamları dersen sofra kalabalık olur
00:15:22Kimi ailesiyle kimi konu komşuyla bazen de akrabalarla
00:15:28Mutlaka sana eşlik eden birini bulursun
00:15:33Ama kahvaltı öyle mi?
00:15:36Sadece birbirini seven birbirine değer veren insanlar o sofrada buluşurlar
00:15:42Aa yalnız kal sorun yok
00:15:45Bazen edersin bazen de unutursun
00:15:48Sen sen ol evlatçım sana kahvaltı hazırlayana el üstünde taşı
00:15:53Her zaman
00:15:55Seni seven sadece sana kahvaltı hazırlar
00:16:18Demek rahmetli eniştemle çok yakındınız
00:16:37Yakındık her şeyi konuşup dertleşirdik
00:16:40Hapishanede malum vakit geçmez
00:16:44Zavallı eniştem iftiraya kurban gitti
00:16:48Anlatmıştır herhalde size de
00:16:50Anlatmaz olur mu?
00:16:52Allah insanı kuru iftiradan korusun
00:16:55İşte onunki de o esin ailesinde sizden uzak kaldı
00:17:01Mapus köşelerinde sizleri hasret ölüp gitti
00:17:06Mapustan çıkınca Halil oğlumu ziyaret etmiştim
00:17:09Şimdi de bir göreyim dedim
00:17:12Oh neyse gerdanlık meselesinin aslını bilmiyorum
00:17:18Ya canım benim o bize hasret kaldı bizde ona hasret kaldık
00:17:24Sonra da kaybettik zaten
00:17:26Siz hapishaneden çıktıktan sonra niye görmek istediniz Halil'i ne sebeple?
00:17:32Rahmetlinin bir vasiyeti vardı
00:17:34Bana bir şey olursa Halil'i bul dediydi
00:17:37Ben de onun için geldiydim
00:17:41Ne vasiyetiymiş bu?
00:17:43Halil'in yuva kurmasını ne pahasına olursa olsun onu korumasını
00:17:48Karısından asla masla ayrılmamasını istedi
00:17:53Hatta ahşaptan da küçük bir ev yapmıştı
00:17:57Halil'e götürürsün benden hatıra saklasın
00:18:01Bu sözlerimi de hiç unutmasın dedi
00:18:06Demek Halil bu yüzden Zeynep'ten ayrılmıyor
00:18:10Babası vasiyet etti diye
00:18:13Bunu söylediğim için çok üzgünüm
00:18:17Zeynep seninle sadece paran için
00:18:22Ve Ömer Aslanlı'nın mallarını geri alabilmek için evlendi
00:18:28Zeynep'in bu vasiyetten haberi var mı acaba?
00:18:35Aa ne bu elimdeki?
00:18:39Babamın emaneti
00:18:41Bunun sayesinde Zeynep'i geri getireceğim evimize
00:18:50Yok sanmam
00:18:52Halil sırf babasının vasiyetini çiğnememek için peşinden gitti Zeynep'in
00:18:57Zavallı Zeynep çıktı
00:18:59Halil'in her şeyi aşkından yaptığını sanıyor
00:19:02Biz de gerçeği fısıldarız o zaman Zeynep'in kulağına
00:19:07Dalıp gittiniz
00:19:09Ha eniştemi düşündüm
00:19:11Müsaadenizle ben bir telefon açayım önemli
00:19:15Neden yemiyorsun kızım?
00:19:17Gerçekten Zeynep o kadar hazırladığın yesene
00:19:23Ne yapayım?
00:19:25Ne yapayım?
00:19:27Ne yapayım?
00:19:29Ne yapayım?
00:19:31Ne yapayım?
00:19:33Ne yapayım?
00:19:35Ne yapayım?
00:19:37Ne yapayım?
00:19:39Ne yapayım?
00:19:41Zeynep o kadar hazırladığın yesene
00:20:01Niye açmadın kim aradı?
00:20:03Bilmiyorum ki göremedim elimi aldığımda şarjı bitti kapandı
00:20:12Çiz yok
00:20:16Ben alırım Ayşe teyze sen dur
00:20:18Sen otur kocanın yanında zaten sabahtan beri koşturup duruyorsun
00:20:22Ben alırım
00:20:42Bak hiç içmedin buz gibi olmuş
00:20:44Tazeliğimi ister misin?
00:21:11Sen de beni seversin
00:21:46Elimde çay var
00:22:23Bana çok kızgınsın biliyorum
00:22:33Hiç söylemeyeceğim şeyler söyledim sana
00:22:35Öfkeliği bir andan ağzımdan çıkıverdi nasıl oldu anlamadım bile
00:22:42Canını yakmak
00:22:45Kendi canımı yakmak gibi
00:22:49İnsan hiç biri isteye kendi canını kıyar mı?
00:22:53Sen şu çayı bilerek eline dökebilir misin?
00:23:03Demek ki bazı kelimeleri hafife almamak gerekiyormuş
00:23:06Bıçak gibi keskin olabiliyorlarmış
00:23:09Ağızdan bir kere çıktı mı kontrolden de çıkabiliyormuş değil mi?
00:23:16Yani şu an ne desen ne söylesen
00:23:18Başım üstüne
00:23:25Elim çarptı
00:23:26Bir şey oldu mu eline?
00:23:27Yok olmadı elime bir şey
00:23:30Dur sinirim
00:23:33İkna olmamak için dinlemekten kaçıyorsun
00:23:35Kaçma Zeynep
00:23:37İkimiz için dinle
00:23:57İçeri girmişken yukarı çıkıp
00:24:00İçeri girmişken yıkadığım yünlere de bakayım dedim
00:24:05Onları bir çuvala yerleştirip ihtiyacı olanlara dağıtacağım
00:24:11Ben şimdi halledeyim onları Ayşe teyze
00:24:13Ben yemeyeceğim zaten
00:24:15Peki madem
00:24:25İstediğin kadar kaç
00:24:27İkna olana kadar peşindeyim
00:24:45Neyse şu adamı göndereyim
00:24:47Beni ararım
00:24:49Zeynep bir yere kaçmıyor mu sizden?
00:24:52Siz Halil'le neden şimdi görüşmek istediniz?
00:24:54Bir şey mi söyleyecektiniz ona?
00:24:56Halil ne zaman başı sıkışırsa
00:24:58Bana gel dedi
00:25:00Ben de biraz darda kaldım da
00:25:02Onun için geldi
00:25:10Bu ihtiyacınızı karşılar mı?
00:25:14Bunu sizden almam uygun olur mu?
00:25:17Olur olur
00:25:19Ha Halil ha ben fark etmez
00:25:21Güle güle ağacıyım
00:25:23Peki efendim bana müsaade o zaman
00:25:25Sağ olun teşekkür ederim
00:25:27İyi günler
00:25:34Eh vaktimi aldın ama
00:25:36Aslanlılardan kurtulma biletimi de elime bıraktın
00:25:39Aferin sana
00:25:41Aslanlılardan kurtulma biletimi de elime bıraktın
00:25:43Aferin sana
00:26:03Bu mısırımız
00:26:05Bu da laptop'um
00:26:07Sinemaya gidememiştik ama
00:26:09Unuttuğum anlamına gelmiyor
00:26:11Ben de sinemayı buraya getirdim
00:26:13İzler misin?
00:26:17Olur olur izleriz
00:26:19Tavukları yemeyeyim öyle izleriz
00:26:21Ben de yardım edeyim bu zaman çabuk bitsin
00:26:39Ben komşularla vedalaşmaya gidiyorum çocuklar
00:26:41Ben komşularla vedalaşmaya gidiyorum çocuklar
00:26:43Ben komşularla vedalaşmaya gidiyorum çocuklar
00:26:45Ben komşularla vedalaşmaya gidiyorum çocuklar
00:26:47Ben komşularla vedalaşmaya gidiyorum çocuklar
00:26:49E firari daha yakalanmadı
00:26:51Yalnız gitme
00:26:53Evet Ayşe teyze seni biz bırakalım
00:26:57Gerek yok oğlum zaten şurası bahçede bekliyorlar
00:26:59Hık desem duyarlar
00:27:01Tamam en azından ben geleyim seninle hadi
00:27:03Yavrucuğum sen günleri çırpacağım demedin mi?
00:27:05Yavrucuğum sen günleri çırpacağım demedin mi?
00:27:07Sen de hanımını yalnız bırakma
00:27:11Firari ortalarda dolaşıyor bilenmiştir de size gelir gelir maazallah
00:27:13Firari ortalarda dolaşıyor bilenmiştir de size gelir gelir maazallah
00:27:17Ben hanımımı bir saniye bile yalnız bırakmam Ayşe teyze
00:27:19Ben hanımımı bir saniye bile yalnız bırakmam Ayşe teyze
00:27:21Sen merak etme
00:27:25Ben çiçeğin suyuna bir bakayım
00:27:27Ben çiçeğin suyuna bir bakayım
00:27:37Ah, I almost forgot the goat.
00:27:41Let me take it to the neighbor.
00:27:44My little lamb,
00:27:48you should rub your eyes.
00:27:51Oh, what are we left with alone?
00:27:55I want him to come out and talk to me.
00:27:58Let's take care of that boy.
00:28:08I want you to be happy.
00:28:12I want you to be happy.
00:28:17I want you to be happy.
00:28:29We will not put an end to it, Zeynep.
00:28:33In the end, our love will overcome you.
00:28:37I won't go anywhere without my wife.
00:29:03My love.
00:29:05I made tea for you. It's good for you.
00:29:10And you succeeded.
00:29:15Oh, you're letting yourself go right away, Selmoş.
00:29:18Wait a minute, nothing is clear yet.
00:29:21What else can it be, aunt?
00:29:23The man doesn't want to make a deal.
00:29:25You heard I was cheating.
00:29:29I'm done.
00:29:31I'm ruined.
00:29:37It's all because of you.
00:29:39If you hadn't ordered me around, none of this would have happened.
00:29:43Come on, Selma.
00:29:45Come on, really.
00:29:47I'm trying to make you happy.
00:29:49I'm the one to blame in the end. Why?
00:29:52Oh, guys.
00:29:54Don't you ever discuss when you need to support each other the most?
00:29:59Don't, Eren. Don't help me from now on.
00:30:02Even if possible, don't help Gölge.
00:30:04I don't want anything else.
00:30:07It's your fault.
00:30:09That's why I'm telling you, right? Why?
00:30:11Oh, I'm done.
00:30:13You're both stressed out.
00:30:16Think of a solution to your fight.
00:30:22You're right, aunt.
00:30:25I'll call Umut.
00:30:27Don't call him, Eren.
00:30:29We've talked so much to each other.
00:30:31You can never convince him on the phone.
00:30:33We can't do it. We're weak at persuasion.
00:30:35What should we do?
00:30:37What should I do then, Selma?
00:30:39Should I shoot him in the back?
00:30:43Give me that guy's number.
00:30:45And I'll try.
00:30:47Did I tell you to do that, Eren?
00:30:50If you don't like my solutions,
00:30:53I won't even move my hair from now on, okay?
00:30:56I wish you hadn't moved from the beginning.
00:31:02I won't do it again anyway.
00:31:10Let me show you how persuasion works.
00:31:14Wait and see.
00:31:39Don't touch me.
00:31:41I feel like throwing up if you don't.
00:32:35Drink some water.
00:32:40When the dust left,
00:32:42I got allergic.
00:32:52Let it stay there.
00:32:54You can drink it.
00:33:19What are you doing?
00:33:23What suits you the most.
00:34:44Look, come back to our home.
00:34:47Look, even if not for me, for Zumrut Sultan.
00:34:51Who knows how he must have wondered about you?
00:34:55Maybe I'm not in your interest anymore.
00:34:58But at least don't upset that woman.
00:35:03I don't allow my family to really be upset about the ones I have in my family.
00:35:07I won't leave them on the road either.
00:35:09So you can relax.
00:35:13I won't leave you either, Zeynep.
00:35:22I will never leave you.
00:35:34Look, these days have been a little thick.
00:35:37I'm sorry.
00:35:49I'm sorry, I didn't see.
00:35:51What are you doing there?
00:35:53Give it to me.
00:35:55Does it hurt if it's not broken?
00:36:00If you're going to be so kind,
00:36:03if you're going to take care of me,
00:36:05if you want, I'll break all my bones.
00:36:09I don't even care.
00:36:15Just not a joke.
00:36:19Soon all my bones will be broken.
00:36:22First you broke my head.
00:36:24Now my fingers.
00:36:27What should I do?
00:36:29Should I come to you with armor and shield?
00:36:31Should I wear a helmet on my head?
00:36:35I have a better idea.
00:36:37What is it?
00:36:38Don't walk around with me.
00:36:41That's impossible.
00:36:44You can break my bones if you want.
00:36:48Let my death be in your hands.
00:36:52But I can't leave you, Zeynep.
00:36:56I'll only go with you.
00:36:58I'm sorry.
00:37:06Does it hurt?
00:37:08There was ice in the fridge.
00:37:10I'll bring it.
00:37:12Let's stick it on.
00:37:14They said I'd wash my hands and face anyway.
00:37:28I'm sorry.
00:37:30I'm sorry.
00:37:32I'm sorry.
00:37:34I'm sorry.
00:37:36I'm sorry.
00:37:38I'm sorry.
00:37:40I'm sorry.
00:37:42I'm sorry.
00:37:44I'm sorry.
00:37:46I'm sorry.
00:37:48I'm sorry.
00:37:50I'm sorry.
00:37:52I'm sorry.
00:37:54I'm sorry.
00:37:56I'm sorry.
00:38:08You're done, thank you.
00:38:10You're welcome.
00:38:11But your hand must have hurt.
00:38:13Give it to me.
00:38:14No, I'm fine.
00:38:16Okay, let's stick it on.
00:38:18So it doesn't swell.
00:38:20Bring it.
00:38:26I'm sorry.
00:38:55I'll tell you what we did. Did we change our roles?
00:38:59No, no, that's what I'm saying.
00:39:02Well, Aunt Ayşe's goat, look, no, he ran away.
00:39:07I have to call him. You stay here, I'll take a look around.
00:39:11Let me find him.
00:39:12Zeynep, you can't take a step alone while the fugitive is wandering around.
00:39:16I'm coming too.
00:39:26No, leave me alone, don't come.
00:39:29The more I run away from the shooting area, the closer you get. Go.
00:39:55My daughter, I made mixed herbal tea for you. It's good for your nerves.
00:40:08Come on, you said you didn't have a flower shop, but you bought a flower yourself.
00:40:28Pity, you're in love with money now.
00:40:33This flower is the result of my superior attraction.
00:40:39This woman, who will be your aunt, has taken Mr. Umut's influence at first sight.
00:40:48Although the man seemed familiar, I didn't understand.
00:40:53Anyway, you can be proud of me, baby.
00:40:58What do you mean? Are you tired of complaining?
00:41:02Not yet, but as soon as possible.
00:41:09But what a difficult possibility for me. The man is a very unknown type.
00:41:15Your aunt is a woman who does what she thinks.
00:41:20She caught me as soon as she saw me.
00:41:23She wanted to see me again.
00:41:26I didn't miss the opportunity and invited her to dinner.
00:41:30She'll be here in a few hours.
00:41:33What do you mean? Are you serious?
00:41:37Then she will most likely forgive us.
00:41:41My dear, thank you so much.
00:41:45You're welcome.
00:41:47It's up to you to find a car.
00:41:49You're welcome.
00:41:55Normally, Umut is not my style at all.
00:41:59Zero electricity.
00:42:01But we'll have to smile at my nephew's face until he takes his complaint back.
00:42:19I lied to you that I was a little lonely.
00:42:22He's after me again.
00:42:24He's like a lion.
00:42:37No. Okay, let's go back. I don't bother you anymore.
00:42:41I saw it on the way.
00:42:43The goat was dirty. Apparently, he went that way.
00:42:45Let's go there.
00:42:47Well, maybe.
00:42:49Okay, you go then.
00:42:51I'm tired. I'm going to rest.
00:42:55I won't leave you alone here.
00:43:05Don't go too far. I'm here.
00:43:12Come on, go.
00:43:14I'm waiting here.
00:43:22Okay, fine.
00:43:24But don't go anywhere.
00:43:26I'll be right back.
00:43:39Finally, I can rest my head.
00:43:46I'm sorry.
00:44:07It's a shame, kid.
00:44:12It shouldn't have ended like this.
00:44:17Why are you looking at me like that, Cemil?
00:44:22I'm surprised.
00:44:24That's why.
00:44:27If we don't count the times you fell and hurt one of your sides when you were a kid,
00:44:31I think I'd cry for the first time.
00:44:34Oh, come on. You made me heartless.
00:44:40You're sorry for the kid, but you're not close to him.
00:44:44You're sorry for the kid, but what about the girl?
00:44:47What would the girl do?
00:44:49She was devastated on her way.
00:44:52Could she not have gone?
00:44:54She had to go.
00:44:56Well, of course, we're always whining about what's been left behind, but...
00:45:02What about those who have to go?
00:45:06Sometimes they can only have the truth.
00:45:11Like me.
00:45:14One day, of course, I'll leave here.
00:45:18Because I have to.
00:45:23Why do you have to, Merve?
00:45:26Your family, your loved ones, everyone is here.
00:45:30It's not like that.
00:45:34It wasn't easy to wake up in a crowd in the morning when I was a princess in the mansion.
00:45:39Do you think I'm used to it?
00:45:40I couldn't get used to it.
00:45:43Moreover, even if we stay in the crowd, it depends on the cotton rope.
00:45:48My brother-in-law and sister-in-law, whom I find on the street, look at a fight.
00:45:54Look, my sister is gone.
00:45:58What if she doesn't come back?
00:46:00Do you think it's easy to live with these fears?
00:46:03Mr. Halil went after her, though.
00:46:05I don't know.
00:46:06Do you think it's easy to live with these fears?
00:46:08Mr. Halil went after her, though.
00:46:10Bring her, Zeynep. She won't leave you alone.
00:46:14Will I always live in my heart according to their love waves?
00:46:19Let's say she's back now.
00:46:21What if she doesn't come back again?
00:46:30What happened?
00:46:31I promised my mother.
00:46:33I'll take my parents' dinner today.
00:46:35You can leave my laptop to the customer.
00:46:38Okay, okay.
00:46:52You came and confused me.
00:46:55Can I really forgive you and go back to the farm like nothing happened?
00:47:00Can I forget those words?
00:47:15He's still there.
00:47:17Of course, he's still there.
00:47:25Maybe he can control his anger now.
00:47:31What did they say?
00:47:33A disaster is better than advice.
00:47:39No one changes.
00:47:41Halil won't change either.
00:47:44Don't lose hope, Zeynep.
00:47:48Besides, I'm your stress ball, honey.
00:47:51When you're in such a good mood, hold your hand and wrap it around.
00:47:54Then when you're angry, throw it aside. It's done.
00:48:02I'm sorry.
00:48:17Did you lose your way, beauty?
00:48:21What are you doing alone on this mountain?
00:48:24I'm not alone. I'm leaving.
00:48:28You're not alone, did you hear?
00:48:31But we can't see anyone but you here.
00:48:37I told you to go.
00:48:39Don't be afraid.
00:48:41We'll talk, we'll meet.
00:48:43We'll talk.
00:48:44What do you say?
00:48:45I said don't come closer. Go.
00:48:46Honey, she wants to play a game.
00:48:48She's an actress.
00:48:49We can play.
00:48:54I told you not to come.
00:49:00What happened?
00:49:13Let go!
00:49:18I'll break your hand.
00:49:26You're touching, huh?
00:49:29Let go!
00:49:31Let go!
00:49:36I feel pretty lucky right now.
00:49:40At least you're being kind to me.
00:49:49Come here.
00:50:00Are you the men of Kirari?
00:50:03No, we don't know him.
00:50:05We heard from the gendarmerie.
00:50:07He was caught.
00:50:09Don't you know?
00:50:10He wandered around the gendarmerie and informed all the villagers.
00:50:13Did he?
00:50:30Are you okay, Zeynep?
00:50:32I'm fine.
00:50:40Kirari was caught.
00:50:43Are you thinking what I'm thinking?
00:50:48Aunt Ayşe.
00:50:50Why did she hide the truth from us?
00:50:52So that lovers can reunite.
00:50:56God bless her.
00:50:59She's a thoughtful woman.
00:51:05What about you?
00:51:12Zeynep, don't go too far. I'll be back.
00:51:30Commander, good day.
00:51:32I was going to report something.
00:51:35There are two bastards.
00:51:37They disturbed my wife.
00:51:41Okay, if you come to the location I sent, I'll give it to you.
00:51:45Thank you, commander. Good day.
00:51:56I called you from work. Did something happen?
00:51:58Did something happen to my mother?
00:52:00No, dear.
00:52:01We have good news for you.
00:52:07Come, I'll tell you. Sit down.
00:52:14You know Mr. Umut?
00:52:16The one who complains about me.
00:52:19He will come to eat us soon.
00:52:25Where did he come from?
00:52:27Thanks to me.
00:52:32Now you give me the reward for this.
00:52:36I want an expensive gift.
00:52:40While the man has come to our house, he will probably withdraw his complaint, right?
00:52:46I don't think this will be solved today.
00:52:51Son, you can't wash your clothes without seeing the stream.
00:52:56Since this man likes Mrs. Kumruk, he must be a different person.
00:53:02But please, let's not be jealous.
00:53:05This is a family matter.
00:53:07How can I be jealous of you?
00:53:09I take 50 like you out of my pocket.
00:53:15My dear, I have nothing to laugh at.
00:53:20I guess you don't even look in the mirror.
00:53:23How old are you?
00:53:27I'm sorry for what I said today.
00:53:29I was ridiculous.
00:53:32I made a mistake too.
00:53:35I was unnecessary.
00:53:37I'm sorry.
00:53:44Well, well.
00:53:46Have you made up?
00:53:47Have you made up?
00:53:49Praise be to you, praise be to you.
00:53:55We made up.
00:54:02They told me that I was a fool.
00:54:07Now they have made up.
00:54:10I was shocked to hear that this man would withdraw his complaint.
00:54:18Mr. Umut is coming.
00:54:21Look, look, look.
00:54:22Let me open it.
00:54:23Look, look, look.
00:54:24Here you go.
00:54:43Oh, kids, where are you coming from?
00:54:46Did you go out to see the husband and wife?
00:54:49Aunt Ayşe, your goat ran away.
00:54:51We went out to look for it.
00:54:54But we couldn't find it.
00:54:58Are you out of your mind?
00:55:01I said I would leave the goat to the neighbor.
00:55:09Well, I...
00:55:17Oh, Zeynep.
00:55:18Zeynep, did you do it just to stay away from me?
00:55:22Oh my God, I guess he forgot.
00:55:26Let me see.
00:55:30Oh my God.
00:55:38He understood, he lied.
00:55:42What was the need for such a thing, Zeynep?
00:55:57Zeynep, you won't run away anymore.
00:55:58We will talk.
00:55:59There is nothing to talk about.
00:56:03What are you going to talk to me about?
00:56:06Who am I to you that you will talk?
00:56:11Am I not a sandbag that you get angry with just when you want to, Halil?
00:56:19Am I not someone who interferes in your family affairs even though you don't see me as a member of your family?
00:56:26Am I not the only one who doesn't know himself?
00:56:30Do you know who you are?
00:56:36You are my wound, Zeynep.
00:56:40You are the breath I take.
00:56:45You are the place where I find myself, Zeynep.
00:56:49You are the only place where I take refuge in my mistakes.
00:56:56It is too late to say this.
00:57:00Nothing I say means anything to me.
00:57:05I made a mistake.
00:57:10I made a mistake a hundred, a thousand times.
00:57:13I regret it, Zeynep.
00:57:14I regret it, Zeynep.
00:57:18You tried to protect us.
00:57:21You were afraid of what I would do.
00:57:23But I couldn't see it.
00:57:25I couldn't understand it.
00:57:32Now you are talking like this when you are angry.
00:57:36But you don't know that the trees and branches that I have planted in me cannot come back to their old shape.
00:57:42They won't, Halil.
00:57:45Let me go.
00:57:47Without you, I can't stand up, Zeynep.
00:57:53I will fall.
00:57:57You are Cemre who fell into my arms.
00:58:01If it wasn't for you, I would have fallen.
00:58:04I would have been frozen somewhere.
00:58:26My father did it to Halil.
00:58:38The only thing left of him is me.
00:58:39Halil did it to me.
00:58:43But you know what? I don't deserve this.
00:58:48It should be in your hands.
00:58:52Do you know why?
00:58:58Because you taught me to live with a heart,
00:59:03that my home is not just four walls.
00:59:09You are my home.
00:59:27You are my home.
00:59:34I feel like I belong to myself when I have only you.
00:59:39I feel like I belong to you, Zeynep.
01:00:00I want to hug you until I die.
01:00:05Only you.
01:00:09Only you.
01:00:39Only you.
01:01:09Only you.
01:01:19We know what we are doing is not profitable.
01:01:22But believe me, it has nothing to do with you.
01:01:26It's just a misunderstanding.
01:01:29We are sorry.
01:01:30I'm sorry.
01:01:39You are sorry?
01:01:41I hope you really don't feel sorry.
01:01:44You are welcome back again.
01:01:47We know it's a big mistake.
01:01:49But we are ready to do whatever is necessary for the recovery.
01:01:52This is a matter of prestige, not money.
01:01:54It's a matter of life and death.
01:01:58I've been disgraced.
01:02:00I've been broken.
01:02:02I've been humiliated.
01:02:04I've suffered a lot for you.
01:02:06A lot.
01:02:07Wow, wow, wow.
01:02:09The outside is rock, the inside is cotton, blessed one.
01:02:12It's so intertwined.
01:02:16If you don't shut your mouth, I swear I'll tell your son.
01:02:19Oh, Mr. Umut, you're so right.
01:02:26I mean, I accept that it is a very difficult situation for a gentleman like you.
01:02:32You're the only one who understands me.
01:02:38You were great in taking your complaint back.
01:02:40No matter how much I thank you.
01:02:43I didn't take my complaint back.
01:02:45So there's nothing like that.
01:02:49The bottle that came out of the box is entering my dreams every night.
01:02:59My psychology is officially collapsed.
01:03:01I'm scattered like over-boiled strawberry jam.
01:03:07I have an appointment with a psychologist.
01:03:09I don't know how many sessions I'll go to.
01:03:14We'll all get through this together, Mr. Umut.
01:03:20You will forget. Believe me.
01:03:42I made my grandmother eat her dinner.
01:03:45I made my grandmother eat her dinner.
01:03:47I also took her medicine.
01:03:52Mom, what's up? You're smiling.
01:03:57My sister texted me.
01:03:59Halil and Zeynep made up.
01:04:01They're going home together.
01:04:03Finally, good news.
01:04:05Thank God.
01:04:07When my sister comes back, we'll talk about the school abroad, Merve.
01:04:11When my sister comes back, we'll talk about the school abroad, Merve.
01:04:14Mom, I'm leaving.
01:04:18Be careful.
01:04:20I'm tired of walking around under your feet.
01:04:23What do I have to do to get out of this mansion?
01:04:26Should I hold your arm and put it in front of the door?
01:04:29Be careful what you say, Songül.
01:04:32What if I don't?
01:04:34If you're on fire, you'll burn as much as your face.
01:04:37It's not clear at all.
01:04:39Halil and Zeynep made up.
01:04:41They're going back to the mansion together.
01:04:45Be careful not to be the one at the door at the end of the day.
01:04:50Where were we?
01:04:54You're going to replace Cemil's father's watch.
01:05:00Then don't skip Merve's school abroad.
01:05:04It's important to me.
01:05:10You're going to have a big disappointment, witch.
01:05:15Very big.
01:05:18After the girl learns about the will, she will never return to this mansion.
01:05:31You're going to be very careful around there, okay?
01:05:34Promise me.
01:05:35Okay, but you too.
01:05:38Anyway, let's not say goodbye like this.
01:05:40I'll come to drop you off at the airport tomorrow anyway.
01:05:43No, my daughter.
01:05:44Thank you, Halil told me, too.
01:05:46But Serdar arranged a private car for me.
01:05:49He's going to take me to the airport.
01:05:51So this is our last meeting?
01:05:56Give me your blessing, my daughter.
01:05:58I lied to you.
01:06:02You know, the gendarme came last time.
01:06:07The fugitive was caught.
01:06:09I hid you from you so that your home wouldn't be destroyed.
01:06:14I didn't want you to leave this house.
01:06:17I thought maybe if you stayed in the same place a little longer, you'd make up.
01:06:23I know your heart, Aunt Ayşe.
01:06:26Give me your blessing.
01:06:27But you give me your blessing, too.
01:06:29We drank your water, we ate your bread.
01:06:31Give me your blessing, my daughter.
01:06:33I'm waiting for you in the Netherlands, too.
01:06:48I have two pieces of furniture left inside.
01:06:50I'll put them in the trunk.
01:07:04We're going home, flower.
01:07:06Did you miss me?
01:07:10I missed you so much, too.
01:07:42Why is Songül calling me?
01:07:47Yes, Songül.
01:07:49Zeynep, I talked to your mother.
01:07:51You're going back to the mansion.
01:07:53I'm really happy.
01:07:57Yes, thank you.
01:07:59Halil, you don't understand his father's will.
01:08:03You don't respect him.
01:08:05It's a very self-sacrificing move.
01:08:07It's a shame.
01:08:08He's been trying to convince you to find peace in his father's bed for days.
01:08:12He even came here to give you his father's key to the house.
01:08:18I mean, if there was someone else in your place,
01:08:20He would never go back to saying you're working for your father's will, not for me.
01:08:26I appreciate you, Zeynep.
01:08:29Anyway, I can't hold you.
01:08:31We look forward to your return.
01:09:04I mean, if there was someone else in your place,
01:09:06He would never go back to saying you're working for your father's will, not for me.
01:09:13You're wrong.
01:09:16Everything about you is important to me.
01:09:21A smile.
01:09:23A look.
01:09:28A little word.
01:09:33You're the most precious thing to me.
01:09:36Because you taught me that my home is not just four walls.
01:09:42You taught me to live with a heart.
01:09:57You're my home.
01:10:00What an idiot I am.
01:10:03I thought he was after me because he loved me.
01:10:08I thought everything was for his father's will.
01:10:16I'm so sorry.
01:10:26I'm sorry.
01:10:47He's here.
01:11:00What could he have written?
01:11:05Honey, where are you? I'm looking for you everywhere.
01:11:10Look, you need to take your vitamins.
01:11:12You shouldn't miss the time.
01:11:15Look what I found.
01:11:18Kazım wrote a letter to Halil.
01:11:20What else could he want?
01:11:22Don't do it, Kazım. I didn't do it.
01:11:37You're on fire.
01:11:38So he hid Halil.
01:11:52You're on fire.
01:12:10Even seconds feel like hours to me.
01:12:14Come on now.
01:12:17Let's go back home as soon as possible, Zeynep.
01:12:22Let's go.
01:12:52Let's put it in the trunk.
01:12:53No need.
01:13:07What's going on, Zeynep?
01:13:08What is this now?
01:13:10You almost made me believe your lies again.
01:13:12But it didn't work.
01:13:14Just to make your conscience comfortable.
01:13:16Find someone who doesn't know your real face for the show.
01:13:23What do you mean, Zeynep?
01:13:26I'm not your home.
01:14:14Zeynep, stop!
