• last week
00:00A surprise party. Whose idea was this? I'll kill ya. Not that I don't appreciate the thought,
00:28but who invited the vampires? Don't look at me. I wanted Anya to jump out of the cake.
00:34Wait, that was for my birthday. And much as we'd love to hear that story...
00:39Buffy, where's Tara? She was helping Anya with the inventory. This place was already
01:02pretty vamp infested when we got here. We have to find them fast. Sander, you take the
01:07training room. Spike, head down to the basement. Willow and I'll keep them busy in here. We
01:12will? You're the Slayer, but hello, just Willow here. Will, you're a witch. Totally witchy.
01:21And we're in a magic shop. Find something useful. Oh, good idea. Something with a lot
01:28of bang for my buck. Now that you mention it, Giles just got a first edition of Krause's
01:34Compendium of Magical Combat. If I can find it, maybe I can... Everyone, get going. That's it,
01:55I'm out of here, but this ain't over by a long shot, girly girl. Girly girl? Who are you calling
02:01girly? Giles always puts the books with real power up here. Here, book, book, book. And don't
02:10I hope it doesn't answer back. I'd better search the rest of the shop. Ah, the sun spell, that
02:21should do the trick. Willow, you're okay? Yep, I managed. Well, me and Mr. Krause and this really
02:32bad habit vampires have of never wearing sunscreen. Wait, where's Xander? Is he still back in the
02:39training room? Ah, monkey poop. And look at that. Vampire Zilch, Xander Harris, still alive. But no
02:53onion, no tear in here, which means the basement. Bloody hell. I'm a knight in bloody armor.
03:08Xander, you're in one piece. And look, goodies. Goodies with which Buffy can make the vampires
03:17into lots of pieces. No sign of Onion Tara? Nope, I'm headed for the basement to back Spike up,
03:29or to dust him. Depends if he's rescued them. Enjoy your little victory slayer. Soon Kakistos
03:45will destroy you and yours once and for all. What are you smoking, Spanky? Kakistos is dead,
03:51and so, by the way, are you. What was that about? Kakistos is dead, isn't he? Really,
04:03most sincerely dead. Saw Faith kill him myself. Night all. Next time you're having a party like
04:24this one, leave me off the invite list, yeah? Tara! A few cuts and bruises, but it looks like
04:36we're all okay. Now we just have to figure out where they all came from. The last one Buffy
04:41killed mentioned Kakistos. Kakistos? What was this about Kakistos? He can't possibly be behind this.
04:51Whatever the case, I've just had a phone call from Wesley that confuses matters even further.
04:58Apparently Faith is no longer in her prison cell. Kakistos was the only thing Faith was ever afraid
05:05of? I can't not think there's a connection here. Willow and I could perform a spell to confirm that
05:11Kakistos is really dead, but we'd need to do it in the same place where he was supposedly killed.
05:17Good. I'm going to patrol. Focus on the cemeteries. I'll remain in touch with Wesley. Meanwhile,
05:24however, this place is a shambles if I want to be open for business tomorrow. If? What do you mean
05:30if? Tomorrow's a Saturday. Lots of people bring us their money on Saturday. Well then, Anya,
05:35I'm sure you'll be equally enthusiastic about helping restore a bit of order around here. You
05:40have fun doing that, sweetie. Me, I'm going along to the factory. Willow and Tara may need me.
05:47Long time no see, Slayer. How's Trix?
05:54The one and only. I know, I know, you haven't been the same since I left. The ladies love the wood.
06:02Lovely. You're still a class act. What are you doing here, Sid? I thought when your demon
06:09hunting days were over, your soul had left that dummy body behind. Moved on to the old
06:14proverbial better place?
06:16Been there, done that, babe. And now I'm back. You're not the only one. I know. Kakistos.
06:23Wait, how? No time for punchlines, sweetheart. If you're looking to go after Kakistos,
06:29he went that-a-way. Fine, but I want to know what's going on around here.
06:34We're gonna have a talk later, you and me.
06:41If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck.
06:46You're not easy to kill, are you, Slayer? I could say the same thing about you.
06:54Oh, I'll have my turn at you eventually. But there's another I've got my eye on.
07:01You're just the appetizer. You can keep running, but you know I'm gonna dust your ugly carcass
07:07eventually. Yeah, I think I will. And you, Slayer, you can decide what's more important.
07:16Catching me or stopping the spell before it resurrects all of the dead in this boneyard.
07:27Oh my god, no. Mom.
07:38I'm getting so full I can't get any rest in this town.
07:42Well, that was a rude awakening. What's going on around here, Buffy?
07:47I don't know, but that's going to change.
07:50Whoever's responsible for this is going to get a serious beating.
08:08Well, that was bracing. Not to criticize my favorite witches, but
08:15was there supposed to be something besides stinky incense?
08:19I don't get it. We followed the ritual exactly.
08:22We were definitely looking for more than stinkiness.
08:33My, my, my.
08:35Ethan Reign.
08:37Quiet, boy.
08:39Willow, what's going on? First Kakistos and now...
08:43Ethan's probably behind it all, aren't you, you chaos-worshiping toad?
08:49You caught me to the quick, girl.
08:51Oh, do it again.
09:04Willow, what's Ethan doing? He's never had this kind of power.
09:15I still don't. This isn't my doing. I only want what I came for.
09:48Terra, no!
09:52Will, there are people here. Prisoners in cages. I don't like the look of this.
09:56All right, wait. Think, Willow, think.
10:00Xander, you go and get those people out of here.
10:03I'll track Ethan, get Terra back, and meet you outside.
10:07Okay, right. Get the people out, try not to die. Good plan. You go get Terra.
10:12Already gone.
10:18No! Get me off this machine!
10:29Xander Harris doesn't need doors. I make my own.
10:41That's my good deed for the day. I wonder how Willow's doing.
10:54Don't know where those vamps came from. If Ethan's not behind all of this,
10:59I'm not sure I want to know what is. Terra, sweetie, where are you?
11:13Terra, can you hear me?
11:16Willow, I'm here. I tried to fight them, but...
11:21You'll be all right. I'm coming for you.
11:29You know, Willow, I really am pleased to see you doing so well.
11:41What? It makes you happy that the witch is going to kick your uptight,
11:46English, chaos-worshiping butt?
11:48Sticks and stones, my dear.
11:59Are you all right, sweetie?
12:10I messed up my shoulder. I think I'll be all right.
12:14But you're gonna have it looked at.
12:29Spike was going to hit some of the vampire hangouts,
12:40see if he could get a line on Kakistos. And then there was Sid.
12:46The dummy. You remember. How could you forget?
12:50Looks like Kakistos isn't the only dead guy up and walking around.
12:53And Kakistos was being all cryptic. No pun intended.
12:56But he kept making comments that make me think there's more going on here.
13:00I've got a few theories, but they require more research.
13:03Sid seemed to know something about it, but he was all mysterious, too.
13:07I hate that in a wooden puppet.
13:09Yes, we all do.
13:11So you said you had theories? Let's hear them.
13:16Giles just doesn't want to tell you that his big theory, actually, my theory...
13:20I'm sure you haven't forgotten the visit we had from Willow's vampiric doppelganger.
13:25We owe that wonderful brush with alternative dimensions to Anya.
13:29Yay me!
13:31You know, if I hadn't brought evil skanky vampire Willow into this dimension by accident,
13:36we would all be completely lost in this conversation right now.
13:39So what then? We're dealing with alternate dimension Kakistos?
13:44Our research certainly turned out plenty of precedent for dimensional bleed.
13:55Tara, are you all right? What's happened?
14:00The old factory? Morphed into a big old vampire blood factory,
14:05human cattle, all kinds of fun stuff.
14:08And in the middle of it all, Ethan Reign and a bunch of bakimono.
14:13Ethan? What does that oily little snake have to do with this?
14:18I got the impression he had nothing to do with the factory changing.
14:22As for Ethan himself, I got the feeling he was testing me, but I don't have the first clue why.
14:29Maybe it's an alternate reality version of Ethan.
14:32I'm getting Tara to a doctor.
14:36Yes, I think that's wise.
14:37There's nothing more to be done this evening.
14:39I think we could all do with some rest at this point.
14:42Let's meet back here in the morning and we'll start a search for Ethan.
14:45See if we can't force these puzzle pieces together.
14:48Agreed. I just need to fill one last mail order.
14:52You go ahead. I'll wait and walk you home.
14:55I don't think any of us should be alone right now.
15:04All right. I'll just be a moment.
15:07I'm not going anywhere.
15:19Hello again, Slayer.
15:22Just a quick visit to satisfy my curiosity.
15:26I've been wondering, you see, how well you would function without your watcher.
15:40What are you talking about, Hoof Boy?
15:42Giles is fine. He's in the basement.
15:48Yes, and he isn't alone.
16:12Giles, you okay?
16:14Did they ruffle your tweed?
16:17Bit worse for the wear, but I'll survive.
16:20Thanks to the security cage.
16:23Remember when I said you were paranoid for wanting to lock away the priceless occult goodies?
16:27I meant it.
16:29But here's a big yay for your paranoia.
16:33I nearly didn't make it into the cage in time.
16:36Took some powerful magic to bring those gargoyles to life.
16:38So now what?
16:40These stone uglies seem pretty unkillable.
16:44The gargoyles aren't like demons or vampires, certain.
16:47Magics are required to revert them to their natural state.
16:51I don't know the spell offhand, but if you can get out into the store and
16:55retrieve my copy of Bilbo's Compendium of Corgons and Stone Demons, I should be able to figure it out.
17:02It would have been much too easy if that was one of the books valuable enough to keep in here.
17:08Here you go, Giles.
17:09One copy of Bilbo's Compendium of Gorthings and Stonewitchamacollids.
17:15Thank you, Buffy.
17:17No, let me see.
17:19Ah, gargoyles are susceptible to gorgon venom.
17:24A stake dipped in the venom should be sufficient to dispatch them.
17:28There are some in the shop that make absolutely sure you use the right venom.
17:33Use the wrong one and they'll become so powerful that you'll never defeat them.
17:37All I know about the venom is that it reacts strongly to anything of gargoyle origin.
17:42Maybe you'll find something in the shop to help you.
17:47Buffy, you have the stakes, excellent.
17:51Destroy the gargoyles.
17:54Excellent work, Buffy.
17:55Now let's get out of here.
18:38Hey, V. What's shakin'?
18:40What's shakin'? Simple as that.
18:43Last time I saw you, you tried to take over my life.
18:46Went all body-snatchers on me.
18:48Then there was the L.A. rampage.
18:50Now you break out of prison and I'm supposed to say, what, welcome home?
18:53I was thinking more along the lines of pull up a chair, grab a beer.
18:57But yeah, basically.
18:59We don't got a hug or nothin'.
19:01Say what you want, I'm still a Slayer.
19:03Bad as you might want to, you can't take that away.
19:06And the jailbreak?
19:09You just needed a breath of fresh air?
19:11Hell no, prison sucks.
19:13Shine a light on that revelation.
19:15But between fighting off the Butch Sisters and trying not to rise to the guard's bait,
19:19I'm getting my head straight.
19:21Not lovin' it there, but it wasn't my idea to leave just now.
19:24Okay, so if the jailbreak wasn't just because you missed the stellar Sunnydale nightlife,
19:29what the hell are you doing here?
19:31Long story, Chica, but I got the answer, man, right here.
19:35Hello, Slayer.
19:37Oh, for... forget it.
19:40Look, I need to get Giles to the hospital.
19:44When you're done wellin' on Witch Boy here, they can patch him up.
19:47Doctors now, answers later.
19:57Whoa, hang on!
19:58You promised not to beat Ethan to a pulp until I got here.
20:00And now you're here.
20:02Let the beating commence.
20:04Talk to me, sconehead.
20:05Happily, darling.
20:07During my captivity, I prayed often to the Lords of Chaos I've worshipped for so many years.
20:11But my pleas for aid fell upon deaf ears.
20:15Naturally, in time, I turned my devotions elsewhere.
20:18I began to worship the entity known as the First.
20:21You're joking.
20:23No, of course you're not.
20:25What the hell is this thing?
20:26The First?
20:27The First what?
20:28The First is as old as the primordial darkness.
20:31It's absolute evil.
20:33Older than humanity or demonkind.
20:37It's a power that transcends reality, time, and space.
20:40So, chaos wasn't enough?
20:43Now you're playing bootlick for the thing that gave evil its capital E?
20:48Not exactly.
20:49The First did agree to help me escape, but I also wanted power.
20:53So much power that I would be nearly a Lord of Chaos myself.
20:57The First enjoys a challenge.
20:59So I challenged it to a contest.
21:02With that very power as the prize.
21:04I'm sorry.
21:05Still half asleep.
21:06You did what?
21:08It's simple, really.
21:10A contest of will and cleverness.
21:12The First and I each choose five individuals as our champions in combat.
21:17I thought of the Slayer first, of course.
21:20Or, more properly, the two Slayers.
21:22Willow's a witch.
21:24Spike's a vampire with marvelous credentials.
21:27I'd originally planned to use the Werewolf as number five.
21:29But he skipped town, apparently.
21:31So young Mr. Hassell has to do.
21:34I broke Faith out of prison against her will.
21:36But she at least was reasonable.
21:38Sounds like a party.
21:39Girls gotta have some diversion once in a while.
21:42Okay, so I get what happens if you win.
21:44What if you lose?
21:46If I lose, I'll suffer eternal torment as the whipping boy of the lowest toadies in the First's dark dimension.
21:52Oh, and we wouldn't want that to happen.
21:56If I get to stomp the granddaddy of all evils, that's gotta be major karma points, right?
22:01You can forget it.
22:02Boggles my mind that you'd even think any of us would help you.
22:11You really think I'd tell you all of this if you had any choice?
22:14I've already named you as my champions.
22:17I've told the First.
22:20It's done, Buffy.
22:23The First?
22:24Oh, Lord.
22:25Buffy, listen.
22:27You cannot combat the First directly without the dagger.
22:30It can only be harmed with Hope's dagger.
22:33You got us into this.
22:35You're coming along for the ride.
22:42God help you all.
22:50It's the magic box.
22:52Or this world's version of it.
22:54You are so dead.
22:56Where are the others?
22:57What is this dimension?
22:59This isn't some alternate reality, Slayer.
23:02This is the First's own dimension.
23:05It controls everything here.
23:07As for my other champions, I guess they're scattered about.
23:12While you were busy, however, I made this.
23:17And this is?
23:20Once you find them, splash them with it and they'll immediately be transported back here.
23:26Did I mention how dead you are?
23:29You might have.
23:30Now you'd best find your friends before they're dead.
23:37This place is a trip.
23:39A nightmare version of my already nightmarish hometown.
23:42But no time to play tourist.
23:44I've got to save the day and find the gang... again.
23:49Buffy, can... can you get me out of here?
23:53Not yet.
23:54It's locked with a keycard and I don't have one.
23:57You mean like this one?
24:00That's the one.
24:00And I'll get that from you how exactly.
24:03That's the one.
24:04And I'll get that from you how exactly.
24:07Can you work your way around to the window?
24:09I'll throw it down to you.
24:11No problemo.
24:12Give me a minute.
24:19Motide at last.
24:21Now if only it didn't have that aromatic motide smell.
24:25Buffy, here!
24:28Thanks, Will.
24:29Be right with ya.
24:30Don't suppose you brought any popcorn?
24:33Maybe we can get some on the way out.
24:48Looks like we've finally found somewhere that can hold ya.
24:52Give a girl a hand, Buffy.
24:54Gettin' kinda claustrophobic in here.
24:56I'll see what I can do.
24:58Come on, board now!
25:01Just so many distractions around here.
25:03So much to see.
25:04I was soaking up the ambience.
25:17I was wondering how long it would take before you showed up.
25:20Does it come as a surprise that you're not my top priority?
25:23Look, Slayer.
25:24I didn't ask to be teleported here.
25:27This dimension?
25:40So what happened?
25:41Had a little window shopping to do.
25:57Hey, sweet.
25:59I was wondering when you was gonna get here.
26:02You couldn't have explained all this to me the last time I saw you?
26:05The First knows I'm sneaking around.
26:08So how are you here?
26:10I met into the First a long time ago.
26:12Back when I was still human and hunting demons.
26:15And I royally pissed him off.
26:17The First trapped me here.
26:18Caged my spirit in a duplicate dummy body he whipped up like it was nothing.
26:23Anyways, when I got wind of what was going down,
26:26well, I figured I'd sneak through the bleed to give you a hand.
26:30And now we're trapped here with you.
26:32How's that old song go, doll?
26:34If you were the only girl in the world and I was the only dummy?
26:37Nah, that ain't it.
26:38There's got to be another way to do this.
26:40What choice do you have?
26:42Somebody's gotta win the contest.
26:44Better for you if you survive it.
26:46Maybe there is a choice.
26:47If we can destroy the First, then we all get to live and Ethan doesn't get the power he wants.
26:53Giles mentioned Hope's dagger.
26:56Have you ever heard of it?
26:56As a matter of fact, I have.
27:01Start again.
27:03What is this dagger now?
27:05Hope's dagger.
27:06It's some kind of blade constructed from the very first ray of light ever to shine on the Earth.
27:11It was magically gathered in the 12th century and forged into a blade by Cassandra Raine.
27:16I'm sorry.
27:17Did you say Raine?
27:19Yes, Ethan.
27:20Your ancestor.
27:22Seems she was a warrior for the powers that be at that time.
27:26So what happened with Cassandra and the First, I mean?
27:29They fought.
27:30Cassandra hurt the First, but before she could kill it, it took her down.
27:34Hope's dagger had changed her, though.
27:35She was immortal.
27:37Since the First couldn't kill her, it tore apart and scattered the pieces of her body
27:41throughout a world of its own creation.
27:44This world.
27:46So, if we put Humpty Dumpty back together again?
27:52The First hid the dagger here, just like it did Cassandra's body parts.
27:56Her soul is tied to the dagger.
27:58So if we can resurrect her, she'll be able to find it.
28:01Then not only do we win, but we destroy Big Daddy Evil forever, and Ethan doesn't get Jack.
28:07Um, not to burst anyone's bubble, but how do we know where to even begin looking for
28:13the scattered remains of a 12th century warrior woman?
28:17Evil Realm big.
28:19Very big.
28:21Oh, I already know where to find a piece of her.
28:23Well, two, actually.
28:25Word in the shadows says Cassandra Raine's eyes are in the morgue at Sunnydale Hospital.
28:29There are too many demons in here.
28:55Sid and I will have to move fast.
28:56I don't want to waste time with fights we can avoid.
28:59Stay here.
29:00Don't move.
29:02We'll be back.
29:16No go.
29:17We'll have to find another way.
29:19Wait, boost me up there.
29:21I'll have a look on the other side.
29:24Hey, hey, easy on the merchandise, sister.
29:27I bruise easy, you know.
29:56Nice work, Sid.
29:57For a puppet.
29:58Hey, I'm no ordinary puppet.
30:00Now, why don't you get us out of here?
30:03I'll check in here.
30:04You take a look through the offices.
30:28It wasn't perfect before, and it is now.
30:40Sid, I wondered where you disappeared to.
30:43You're the one who disappeared.
30:44Come here.
30:47This is the only way out.
30:48And no offense to your hips, babe, but you're not gonna fit.
30:52Better give me a boost up there, and Sid'll save the day.
30:58Nice work, Sid.
31:14Hey, wait, where are you going?
31:20I found a shortcut.
31:21See you in the morgue.
31:28I ought to be able to use these hospital records to figure out where Cassandra's eyes are stored.
31:42I'll find them.
31:43Watch my back.
31:46Got it.
31:46They're in that jar over there.
31:48Grab them.
31:53Have a look.
31:54Getting any mojo vibes, Will?
31:57I don't know.
31:58It's almost like I can feel that using them should be simple, but I don't know how.
32:05Anyone else have any ideas?
32:07Should have just sent the southern puppet.
32:11Wait a minute.
32:11We're all here for a reason.
32:13Well, the rest of us are here because Ethan picked us, and Sid just wants to get away
32:17from the first.
32:17But what about Ethan?
32:19Maybe this is why he's here.
32:20Don't look at me.
32:21You're trying to keep me from getting the power I've worked for all these years, and
32:24you want me to help?
32:25You're all daft.
32:27No, I think Xander's right.
32:28She's your ancestor, Ethan.
32:30You've got to take the eyes.
32:38Now we're cooking with gas.
32:55You are a fool, Slayer.
32:58Did you truly think that you could do such a thing in this place without me knowing your
33:04every move?
33:05You know, for a being that likes a good wager, you seem awful eager to disrupt the contest
33:10before it's over.
33:12Little matchstick man, do not try my patience.
33:17You are not even a part of this contest.
33:20The only reason I do not destroy you is that I am savoring the nurturing of hope in your
33:25heart, just as I will enjoy bearing witness to the destruction of that hope.
33:31Now, Slayer, it is time for the contest to begin.
33:39Can I go home now?
33:41Let's go.
33:47There's me and you, buddy.
33:48And I can see you're not going to be much company.
34:01Ooh, a cryptic message.
34:08The secret to the demon is hidden in the darkness.
34:10I'm just hating cryptic messages.
34:17Okay, guessing this doesn't say surrender, Dorothy.
34:20Now I've just got to figure out what it does say.
34:23The dictaphone.
34:24I can get this on the tape.
34:26No one said it had to be me that spoke the word.
34:31That is the correct password.
34:33A magician's hat.
34:35Hocus Pocus.
34:36Always wondered how they got the bunnies in there.
34:40Guess that hat really is magic.
34:42Look at that.
34:43They're drawn to the pentagrams.
34:44And they're disrupting the flow of magic.
34:46If I'm doing the math right, with enough bunnies, I could bring down that force field.
34:51Wow, a Murgoth weapon.
34:52I thought those demon arms dealers were just a myth.
34:55Too bad there's no ammo in it.
34:56It's in the Murgoth dialect, but it looks like some sort of recipe.
35:00The yellow liquid plus the green liquid equals the blue liquid.
35:04Whatever that does.
35:06Let's see what's on this little beauty.
35:08It looks like a passcode or something.
35:12As I learned in chem class, it never hurts to experiment.
35:16Well, unless it explodes.
35:17Let's see.
35:18Mix them together and see what we get.
35:20Murgoth ammunition!
35:21I'm a genius!
35:22There's always one that won't do what you want it to.
35:29Hey, how's it going?
35:30Don't think the fact that you're an evil, alternate reality version of my girlfriend
35:34is gonna stop me from kicking your ass.
35:36No more vengeance for you, sweetie.
35:38Xander, the grave robber!
35:40I get a few more of these, I can build a woman of my own.
35:43No more vengeance for you, sweetie.
35:45Xander, the grave robber!
35:47I get a few more of these, I can build a woman of my own.
35:58Ooh, spooky.
36:00Just the kind of place I'd expect someone to hide hacked off pieces of a dead woman.
36:06I've been waiting for this day.
36:13I killed you once, ain't afraid of you anymore.
36:43Better get out of here.
37:40Like I thought, regular key won't do.
37:42Gotta be all fancy.
37:50This would be nice if I had a single romantic bone in my body.
38:12Wow, another passageway down below.
38:19Sometimes my appetite for destruction pays off.
38:26Comes down to this.
38:29As I hoped it would.
38:31I want your blood for myself, Faith.
38:34Thick and hot and full of spice.
38:38You've been eating too much Cajun.
38:40Come, Faith.
38:42It is time.
38:45Look into my eyes, Leatherface.
38:47You took the one person who'd offered their hand to me, my Watcher,
38:49and you tore her throat out right in front of me.
38:52Now I get to take back a little piece of what you stole.
38:56That's right, you keep coming back.
38:59I'll be waiting.
39:04I don't see any other human limbs around here,
39:07so I'm guessing this is what I came for.
39:11Bloody typical, take a thrilling jump to an alternate dimension
39:20and end up stuck in a sodding elevator shaft.
39:24Damn, bloody cyborgs.
39:26Must have tripped some invisible alarm.
39:41What do we have here?
39:43The plans for my little cyborg playmates.
39:46They're pulling signals off the Initiative's mainframe,
39:49getting the marching orders.
39:51If I had the right weapon,
39:53I might be able to bugger up the signals.
39:55But if I want to shut them down permanently,
39:58I'll have to take out the mainframe.
40:01Well done, Spike.
40:02That's deactivated the security doors.
40:05Well done, Spike.
40:06That's deactivated the security doors.
40:17Camera-controlled sentry guns.
40:19It's suicide to get in their way.
40:21They'll need to be deactivated first.
40:34Retina scan successful.
40:45Welcome back, Dr. Angleman.
41:04Adam's still alive, eh?
41:17If you can call it that.
41:19But not for long.
41:20Not when he's the only thing standing between me and that leg.
41:24What a ship.
41:26Looks like someone's blown fuel.
41:27I think I'll just assume this is Cassandra's leg.
41:30All the limbs flying about this place can't be too sure.
41:35Breaking water in Willow-style.
42:03Using a key is never this much fun.
42:26Knock knock.
42:27Anyone home?
42:29Witch, I can smell the magic on you.
42:32What does your kind want here?
42:34Just, you know, passing through.
42:37And oh, hey.
42:38Any idea how you open the security doors?
42:41Just curious.
42:42I'm evil, girl, not stupid.
42:45You want information?
42:47But information costs.
42:50I'm a little strapped for cash at the moment.
42:52But ooh, I'll definitely come back and pay you later.
42:56You can trust me.
42:57I have an honest face.
42:59You're lucky I don't tear your face off.
43:01You want to know badly enough?
43:03You'll come up with the cash.
43:06Not good.
43:07The network connection for the security system is trashed.
43:11I might be able to connect remotely if I can find a modem.
43:24That's a lot of cash.
43:25But I guess the guy it belongs to won't mind me borrowing a little.
43:29Him being vamp food and all.
43:40The broken key I have is number A52.
43:43Let's give that a go.
43:49It's clarified that the point of the proposed motion is...
44:00That's all there is.
44:01No more threats now.
44:03I'm trying to do this the easy way, but I can go with the hard way too.
44:08Your call.
44:09This is the key to the computer store.
44:11Take it.
44:11That's where you'll find what you need.
44:15Now let's see.
44:18Cool beans!
44:19Looks like I can deactivate the security doors.
44:47Oh no.
44:49Please, no.
44:50Anything but this.
44:54Come on.
44:54I just want to go home.
44:56Just be where I can hold you and...
44:58And forget all of this.
45:02Can't believe I...
45:03I went through all of that and...
45:06And this is the prize.
45:08Oh, I can't wait to wash my hands.
45:20It had to be penguins.
45:23I hate the zoo.
45:26The shield of Rey cannot be touched by mortal hands.
45:34Leave this place.
45:36Not the warmest welcome I've ever received.
45:38And what is it with people and magical barriers in this dimension?
45:42He must really want to protect something.
45:46That monkey's got something he doesn't want to share with me.
45:50Naughty little monkey.
45:57Say goodnight, monkey boy.
46:05Now, what's he got?
46:15Oh, please.
46:20Make it ripper.
46:29You're shocked, are you?
46:31Look at you.
46:33Useless little tom.
46:35All the gifts of power being the Slayer offers,
46:38and the best you can do is the hurt little puppy dog eyes.
46:43No, this isn't you.
46:45This is alternate reality, Giles.
46:52Well, you're Giles as a prat.
46:55Always talking like he's got an apple up his arse.
46:57All right, ripper.
46:59Bring it on.
47:01Goodnight, ripper.
47:03My Giles might have an apple up his ass,
47:05but at least he ain't pushing up daisies.
47:10Cassandra's torso.
47:12Now that's gross.
47:14I feel like I'm in medical school.
47:25Gee, took your sweet time.
47:28Demons are trying to whittle me down to a toothpick,
47:30and you five are gallivanting around on your nasty little scavenger hunt.
47:35I'm not sure nearly being eaten by zombie penguins counts as gallivanting.
47:42Actually, I'm having a blast.
47:44Beats prison hands down.
47:46Girl can't get this kind of exercise in Star.
47:50Look, can we just put the sodding flesh puzzle together and be done with it?
48:20It's true.
48:24Can't believe it.
48:26My own ancestor.
48:28A warrior for the powers.
48:32Why am I so cold?
48:50It's here.
48:58The First.
49:00I can taste its power in the air.
49:07You, I sense something about you.
49:10Some kinship.
49:12Who are you?
49:13Ethan Raine, madam.
49:15Decidedly not at your service.
49:17He's your great... great... something... a descendant.
49:22I can feel the dark magic in you.
49:26The chaos in your soul.
49:28I was a soldier of light.
49:31This is what my bloodline has come to.
49:35You repulse me.
49:37The feeling is entirely mutual.
49:39This isn't fair, you know.
49:41Technically, I've won.
49:43The power I bargained for should be mine.
49:46But if you destroy the First, then...
49:48Silence, dog.
49:50I would silence you myself if I were able.
49:53Here, let me get that for you.
49:57My thanks, kind sir.
50:00I... I know this place.
50:02This is where I... where I died.
50:06But who are all of you?
50:09We're trying to finish what you started, Cassandra.
50:12Trying to destroy the First?
50:14I'm Buffy Summers, the Slayer.
50:16A Slayer?
50:18This is good fortune.
50:20I am but a lost soul and can no longer wield Hope's dagger.
50:24But you are worthy, Slayer.
50:27It shall be you.
50:29That's... that's great, Eno.
50:30So, thanks, but where does Buffy find Hope's dagger?
50:35Inside the fortress.
50:37It will still be there.
50:39Only one who is worthy may wield it.
50:42You don't gotta be a virgin or anything, right?
50:44Because that could be a problem.
50:46No. Only one can go.
50:49And it should be a champion of the powers.
50:51There are no champions present, but a Slayer will more than suffice.
50:56Buffy must go alone.
50:59Sucks to be you.
51:01At times.
51:03Now, for instance.
51:04Ethan! What... what happened to him? He just went poof!
51:15Perhaps the First has plans for my traitorous descendant after all.
51:20Only one way to find out.
51:34Presto. One instant key.
52:02This worked great at the polling alley.
52:04That is, if I'd ever be caught dead in a bowling alley.
52:34It is over, Slayer. You have accomplished what I could not.
52:56Is it dead?
52:59The First cannot die. It is an integral part of the universe.
53:04But you have dispersed its evil across all realities and dimensions.
53:10It will be centuries before it can coalesce again.
53:13What about Ethan? I... it was the only way.
53:19But I can't just let him die.
53:22Nor can I. Despite my revulsion at his cruel nature, I know that he was but a pawn here.
53:30I will share my essence with his. My spirit with his.
53:34I have touched the purest light in creation.
53:38Perhaps my touch will illuminate some shard of decency in him.
53:53Hmm. From beneath you, it devours.
54:24You did it, B. Thanks for the ringside seat.
54:28So what now? How do we get back?
54:30It will happen on its own. I can... I can feel this place unraveling.
54:35What about you, Cid? What happens now?
54:38Now? Now I get to rest at last. I've heard it said that heaven's different for everyone.
54:45For me, it's gonna involve cards, babes, and whiskey.
54:50Maybe I'll try to look up that doll Cassandra when I get there.
54:54Fellow like me could show a girl like that a real good time.
55:01I bet you could, Cid. I bet you could.
