• 2 months ago
New footage shows the first peak inside O.J. Simpson's Las Vegas home ... including his deathbed and the stash of personal items going up for auction.


00:00Who will be the winner of OJ Simpson's home in Nevada who will end up living there right now?
00:07His son Justin is living there and we broke the story that the estate is now
00:12Taking legal action trying to get him out of this house saying he's basically a squatter. Yeah that
00:18He doesn't isn't the rightful owner of it. Although he says on paper legally
00:23My LLC took control of this house because they were trying to shield it from OJ's creditors
00:30Because of that battle we now have the first video inside the home
00:34Since OJ Simpson's death and it really shows all of this stuff. It's basically everything must go
00:40The estate is trying to sell off everything because they're trying to one pay OJ Simpson's his bills
00:47He's got millions of dollars owed to creditors including the Goldman family
00:51And then also whatever is left if there's anything left would go to his heir and this was essentially his deathbed, right?
00:58Yeah, they brought in for hospice care of him. You see what's left behind
01:01This is what the house looked like at the time of OJ Simpson's death. Apparently, he's a fan of Shiner
01:08And then we got the USC we could think of the Buffalo Bills and we also see
01:12At some point the Heisman Trophy, which was of course the reason he ended up behind bars all those years ago, right?
01:19He ended up with the Heisman Trophy at the time of his death sitting there as well the house itself
01:23Those are protected by weird state laws, but all that personal property that's in it
01:27I think it's exactly what Fred Goldman's been trying to get all these years
01:30So who knows if this is gonna open up sort of a Pandora's box for them?
01:34And Malcolm Laverne the executor for the estate says he wants to liquidate as much as as he can
01:40But if Justin's gonna remain there in the house, that's gonna be difficult
