• 2 months ago
January 28 marks Munawar Faruqui's birthday and the reality star celebrated in grand style by hosting a lavish party with friends and colleagues. Amidst the festivities, he also took time to celebrate with the media outside the venue, cutting a cake while the paparazzi sang 'Happy Birthday.'

#munawar #munawarfaruqui #munavar #munawarfaruquibirthday


00:00Munna and Bhai, Happy Birthday!
00:02Happy Birthday!
00:04Happy Birthday to you Munna!
00:06Happy Birthday to you Munna!
00:08Happy Birthday to you Munna!
00:10Happy Birthday to you Munna!
00:12Happy Birthday to you Munna!
00:14Happy Birthday to you Munna!
00:16Happy Birthday to you Munna!
00:18Happy Birthday to you Munna!
00:20Happy Birthday to you Munna!
00:22Happy Birthday to you Munna!
00:24Happy Birthday to you Munna!
00:26Happy Birthday to you Munna!
00:28Happy Birthday to you!
00:30Happy Birthday to you!
00:32Cut it!
00:38Congratulations Bhai!
00:40Munna Bhai!
00:42Munna Bhai, give us some update on your Birthday!
00:48We are releasing our first music video on 3rd.
00:50Our first music video is going to be announced after 2 days.
00:52It's going to be released on 30th.
00:54It's going to be announced on 30th.
00:56It's going to be announced on 30th.
00:58You will get to know the date.
01:00Happy Birthday!
01:02It's going to be released on February.
01:04Cut the cake!
01:06Cut the cake!
01:08Happy Birthday!
01:10Play a song for Vishal!
01:12That song is on Pakistan Net.
01:14No, no, play a song for Legend Tiwari!
01:16Is it Vishal's song?
01:18No, no, no!
01:20Who is hitting me?
01:22He has hit me!
01:24This is wrong!
01:26Take a family photo!
01:30Rajan! Rajan!
01:32No, no, no!
01:34Thank you!
01:36It's done!
01:38It's done!
01:40Thank you!
01:42No, no, no!
01:46Take a family photo!
01:50Happy Birthday!
01:54Happy Birthday!
