• 2 months ago
👉 El partido entre El Talar y Náutico Avellaneda, correspondiente a la tercera fecha de la Liga Nacional de Básquet Femenino en Rosario, fue suspendido tras un incidente de acoso. Las jugadoras del equipo El Talar denunciaron que fueron filmadas mientras se duchaban en el vestuario.

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00:00to dispute the third date of the national women's basketball league in rosario they were going to play the last champion the talar against nautico avellaneda
00:08precisely from that city the talar girls had arrived early they had gone to train they went to
00:14have lunch and from there they went to the locker room of the facilities to take a bath which is usual
00:20and then surely have the rest and prepare for the game that was going to be played one of the
00:25girls began to observe that a hand was approaching some sector many say as
00:30that of the roof as it was half open and they noticed that someone was filming them when they
00:35went to see they did not find anyone but the truth is that obviously they made the complaint the
00:40game was suspended and others and this brought more than one problem to the girls is not listening to the captain
00:45rocio eyebrows who was precisely in the right place rocio how are you good good morning
00:50hello how are you good morning well I don't want to ask you if everything is fine because well nothing
00:59and the truth is that the truth is that we do not travel to rosario with the illusion of going to play
01:04one more basketball game which is what our profession what we love and we had to go through
01:10this horrible situation the truth is that everything is very sad, tell us a little about how it was the
01:15situation is as it is more or less telling if it is a little what you tell but hey
01:22what you described about the connection between the changing rooms, let's say there is a wall and between the roof
01:29of the place there were meters of difference and well on the other side we could see that there was
01:37let's say the table where the torches are to be able to wash your hands and on the other side there are
01:43like some lockers we do not know well on which side the person was but hey nothing the truth
01:51that it was possible to recognize that it was a minor in a suspicious situation you can see through the corridors
01:57obviously in the men's locker room there were no cameras the cameras that could be seen are the ones
02:02that were good as I tell you in the corridors from the entrance to the locker room so good for now
02:08that we hope to be able to define well who it was if the cell phone can be found
02:16obviously we feel obviously super super vulnerable more than anything because we do not know if
02:24what can happen with that no no and also unfortunately rocío what happens is that of
02:32course the viralization of these things can become very outrageous for anyone I say
02:38if that is shared once you never know what can happen who takes screenshots I say we already
02:44started with this logic of the viral that is then very difficult to bring back as it is as it is and
02:53well a little beyond that the moment that we spend that no one does not erase it, of course, that experience
03:03remains for them, that's how they said from the club, well, as soon as this happened, we
03:11communicated it to the team leader to the technical staff, they immediately communicated with the
03:19leaders of nautico with the president, they made the cameras available, as I told you, to
03:24be able to see if they saw something, if they could recognize that person, well, they did all that, I think
03:35that now there is a little bit of the judiciary, if you can get to something specific and obviously when
03:43we made the decision not to show up to play the game because the truth is that obviously
03:48we had the head in everything except in basketball of course they agreed there was no problem with
03:57that obviously that later the decision of whether we have lost the game or not will be taken by the
04:04adc who are the ones who are in charge of making the decisions of the league well we want to believe that
04:10we want to believe that they are not going to give them a game for lost in front of this situation
04:14tell me that this is not going to happen that is not going to happen what I have heard several times that he said
04:19the issue of vulnerability is something that I do not know if you but have you ever experienced similar
04:25situations or that have to do with this where you felt alone or some rivals
04:32some teammates from other teams
04:36the truth is that surely yes, maybe it was not made public in this way, but unfortunately
04:51we are in a very sexist environment, no matter how much it is a female league,
04:56I think that women's sport is surrounded by, as I tell you, many attitudes that leave us exposed
05:07in, as I tell you, in attitudes that are not the correct ones, which may sometimes normalize
05:16today, we decided not to tolerate this, I think it is a drop that overflowed the glass as
05:24a colleague of mine said, I cannot tell you in particular some situation but but well I think
05:33that this is a step forward so that nothing similar or similar will happen again, it is also
05:39important that from the club that there I saw a statement that the club just gave the talar have
05:45taken letters on the matter and have, let's say, acted in an institutional way, I say it is not the
05:50women's team that went to compete, it is not a problem of the girls, it is a topic that the institution
05:56if you want, let's say, took letters on the matter and well, it was taken care of that you are part of
06:04that institution and it is how it has to be, not because if not acting by omission is also acting
06:10so well let's hope that this advances in the best way, Rocio, thank you very much for the
06:16time, we send you a very strong hug and to continue fighting because it is out there, thank you very much,
06:23let me please clarify that obviously our decision was accompanied by all the leaders of the
06:29talar that many of those are obvious men and one hundred percent gave us their support and
06:36accompanied us in this situation thoroughly
