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Was Joe Mazzulla to blame for the Celtics loss to the Rockets? Did Ime Udoka outcoach him?
Are you concerned for the Celts?
00:00Celtics loss last night
00:02You also use the tube which you used earlier this morning at the start of the show
00:07two guys having career nights excuse so
00:11They did I mean
00:14Dylan the villain averages 13 points per game and last night he had a 36 piece
00:20So I mean good for them and at the end I get what he's talking about because he put
00:24Luke Cornett in a bad position for some reason
00:27I don't know why he was on that side of the court trying to cover either Jalen Greed or the kid. Amen. It's it
00:33Amen. Amen. Yeah, he's new to their starting lineup to like that that that change has helped them a lot
00:38And he averages like 13. Yeah, what do you have it? He had a 33, right?
00:42Game dog in the twitch chat says that Joe Mazzuola clearly out coached by Ime Udoka
00:49We talked about that earlier this morning as well. I would say that last night. Yeah, I think he got out coach
00:54I think he there was a couple decisions that he made
00:57I mean he wasted his timeouts at the end of the game. So
01:01Challenge and I think you I forget what the challenge was. Oh, did you holiday?
01:06You know try to pull the seat from underneath them foul
01:09So yeah, I think last night he got out coach, but I'm not concerned one bit about this team
01:15There's still got the I mean, I don't know how you would be like what concerns you
01:19It just concerns me that I expected that they were going to at this point in the season
01:28Under 10 losses, right? I would I mean this no one pays to win 60 games
01:32Okay, and I would say that you at the beginning of the season said nobody's stopping this team and they've been stopped 15
01:38No, no. No, I was I listen I co-signed Greg's 82 and oh because you know, I was hoping for it
01:44But for me, I I knew they were gonna be one of the best teams in the NBA
01:47I mean, yeah, what are they last 20 games? What are they 500 or just above like I that's a that's a fourth of the season
01:55500 as the most talented roster. Yeah, I would say that's kind of alarming. I think they're 500 in the last 10
02:01Yeah, I mean I shine could go back and do it. Yeah, cuz at one point they were at through 16 games
02:06They were eight and eight so and that was probably last week sometime
02:13Don't like I'm not concerned one bit. They're still gonna end up the season. We stipulate that you're not concerned
02:18No, I mean because you just keep saying well, they they didn't win they
02:24They didn't they're not setting a record when it comes to wins. Thank you. I mean, that's what you're saying
02:29No, it's Curtis. Are you just saying you're worried cuz you hate Joe Missoula? I don't hate anybody
02:34Curtis is probably not worried about it. He just likes Joe Missoula. You don't love him
02:38You say someone hates someone when they don't agree with you. I don't hate him at all. I've never met the guy
02:42I don't know anything about him personally. I really don't he seems like I didn't mean it as like a personal attack
02:47I just meant it as you disagree a lot with Joe Missoula, you know
02:50I disagree with wiggy that Joe Missoula is the best coach in the NBA and the rest of the league agrees considering you didn't get
02:56A single vote for coach of the year. Well, I would say this that they're probably gonna end the season with more than 51 wins
03:03Correct. I was there over under I don't know. I think it might have been like 60 something
03:08I'd have to double check. They're gonna put it like this. They're gonna end the season with a better record
03:13Then email Doka had when he may took him to the NBA Finals, right?
03:21Is this team much more talented than that it's the most talented roster in the league by hands down
03:26What was their over under the year? They made it to the NBA Finals
03:31Yeah, they have the best player in the NBA I would say that Drew Holliday and Derek White are not playing up
03:38They're having off year, right?
03:40So when you look at or they had exceptional years last year, right when you look at do they have talent?
03:46Yes, I would say they have the best player or one of the top three got two max guys first off, right?
03:53Jalen Brown's not having the same year. He had last year. That's cuz he's been assigned a new role. That's I
04:02Bozingas is getting healthy. I
04:04Just if there's there's not one team in my opinion that whether it's an
04:09Western Conference team or an Eastern Conference team seven game series that's gonna beat them four games
04:14So that's why I'm not concerned when the playoffs come
04:17I I am NOT concerned one bit at all that there's a team that I would even go
04:24Yeah, they scare me Subaru of New England text line from Rhode Island. Hello, Rhode Island
04:31Thank you so much for supporting this show
04:34in Rhode Island
04:36Celtics are 11 and 10 in the last 21
04:40So 500 yep plus yeah, we won't talk about the coaching staff until they're eliminated. Yeah, we won't that's good
04:47That but that's the way it works in sports
04:50Really the Patriots in the middle of a season going 500. We wouldn't be talking
04:54Oh, no, no, but we're talking if the Patriots go 500
04:57Then that means that they're sitting there in the middle of the season
05:00They're sitting there four and four when the Patriots would
05:05We are talking about a team that is sitting there with the third best record in the NBA that has went
05:12500 in their last 20 games
05:14There's a major difference
05:16you would acknowledge starting the season and going 20 and 5 or whatever it was and then going
05:24500 adding 11 losses is a little bit concern
05:27No, because I listen I know this team this team is still good. They're still gonna finish the season with 60-plus wins
05:36so I
05:37My thing was when they have the fourth best record the Rockets are one game ahead of them. Oh, yeah
05:42That's because they've played one more game than the Rockets. All right, so there they have the fourth best record in the NBA
05:48And I mean 508 texter says email was pants down the best coach last night
05:58Yeah, he did have on the tightest pants dog give him that I mean he had some nut huggers on last night
06:19This is
06:21Eddie in the car. Good morning, Eddie
06:24Hey guys, good morning. Listen, wiggy drives me crazy. You've been driving me crazy for years
06:29The problem I have right now is this cook this coach could not get these guys
06:34Motivated to play a game last night to win that game with everything that went on in the last road trip
06:40Then them playing the way they did in LA
06:42They needed to come home and they needed to show up and they needed to win that game and this coach
06:47Cannot motivate this team to win and Jason Tatum when you shoot eight
06:52Threes and you missed every single one of them maybe find another spot and get a little closer
06:57It's just not acceptable and these guys may they just can't turn it on and turn it off
07:01It's just it's not that easy in the NBA. The challenge is too good
07:04I just think he's one of these one for seven, but that might be you know, it's it's it's me
07:11It's not you kind of an issue with us Eddie because like we the NBA
07:16It's a different
07:19The players are a different bird than they used to be so the expectation I would be I would expect that that team
07:27Against the Los Angeles Lakers. Mm-hmm
07:30Your all-time rival is going to be up for and and in that game to win it and they weren't but it's the regular
07:39Season, right? So I these guys don't care
07:43They just don't well
07:44They better care because right now there's a lot of heat on them and all of us fans are
07:49Nervous about what's going on?
07:50And if they couldn't get up for Houston last night, then who can you get up for your old coach comes to town?
07:55You need to come and play that game. You need to win it going away. I mean, it seems like he may got up for it
08:06It sounds like old man Larry Bird diving on the floor Tommy points
08:11Taking charges taking elbows
08:14That's not what the new NBA is
08:16I understand new NBA is you put yourself in a position you get into the playoffs and then you go from there and they're gonna
08:23Be a team that they'll probably be the second seed home court doesn't matter
08:27I think I even Missoula might have said I and I'm not sure I felt like I read this somewhere with like, you know
08:32They're not they're not like concerned about home court. Yeah, so I mean it's
08:37And I hate that way of thinking Larry Bird would have never done it this way well in a
08:44413 texter would disagree with Eddie and
08:48is suggesting that
08:50That was a hard-played game last night Celtics Houston's a very good team
08:54And so they're a good defensive team Tatum was off and there's like a Tatum can't get up for this one
09:00The guys been playing lights out basketball all season long. You cannot compare errors
09:05I ain't listen. I love 80s basketball more than anybody
09:09You just can't compare errors and the game has changed the the players have changed it
09:14Yeah, you might be a little disappointed in but stop trying to compare Larry Bird to the guys that played at a Tatum
09:22Brown just it was a different type of game
