• letzten Monat
1971 fand in Mexiko City die erste Frauenfußballweltmeisterschaft statt, bei der Teams aus sechs Ländern gegeneinander antraten. Der Dokumentarfilm Copa 71 gibt den damaligen Spielerinnen erstmals eine Bühne. Sie erzählen von Sexismus und den Widerständen, mit denen sie konfrontiert waren und wie sie sich bei dem Turnier beweisen konnten.

Mehr dazu: https://www.moviepilot.de/movies/copa-71


00:00This is unbelievable.
00:09What year was this?
00:111971, Mexico City, a tournament of unprecedented scale, hidden for over 50 years.
00:21The Women's World Cup.
00:23110,000 people.
00:25Mamma mia.
00:26It was impressive.
00:28It was euphoric.
00:32Little did we know what was to come.
00:37What's a nice girl like you doing playing football though?
00:41I don't like anything about it.
00:42There's a lot of resistance.
00:44I think Soles is a good guy.
00:48When we came back...
00:50No bunches of flowers, nobody there to meet you.
00:53And then we found out we got banned.
00:55Thus women's football is crushed.
01:01I have some women to tell you about.
01:04You don't know them, but you will.
01:08We paved the way for what it's become today.
01:13It was important for women to see that this was possible.
01:23These women were challenging so many norms.
01:26They're warriors.
01:30Perception of women's soccer has changed dramatically.
01:33There's no stopping us now.
01:36It's up to us to make sure that history is right.
