• 2 months ago
Shan e Meraj | Shab e Meraj ki Raat ki Fazilat | Waseem Badami | 27 JAN 2025 | Khawar Naqshbandi | 27 Rajab | ARY Digital

Host : Waseem Badami.
Mufti : Mufti Muhammad Aamir, Allama Raza Dawoodani & Mufti Ahsen Naveed Niazi
Naat Khuwan : Al-Haj Siddique Ismail.

#ShabEMeraj #WaseemBadami #ShaneMiraj #MerajUnNabi #SpecialTransmission #LiveOnARYDigital #ShabeMeraj2025 #27RajabNight #arydigitallive #mehfilenaat

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00:00We welcome you once again, our gathering is going on.
00:17Of course, the title is Shab-e-Miraj.
00:19You are watching the live broadcast.
00:23And with us, as I said before the break,
00:26Siddique Ismail Sahib has come.
00:27Siddique Bhai, Assalamu Alaikum.
00:29Walaikum Assalam.
00:30How are you?
00:33Are the preparations for Ramadan going on?
00:38The preparations are going on here as well.
00:39Are the preparations for Ramadan going on in Madinah Sharif as well?
00:42You have been trying for the last ten years.
00:46And may Allah bless you as well.
00:48You have come to New York, Madinah Park.
00:51Yes, Alhamdulillah.
00:53May Allah accept it, Inshallah.
00:55Respected Ulema, we have given Mr. Qibla Hassan Naveed Niyazi Sahib some time.
00:58He has requested to come with us.
01:00Mr. Qibla Mufti Aamir Sahib has come.
01:02Assalamu Alaikum, Huzoor.
01:03How are you?
01:04Walaikum Assalam.
01:05Waseem Bhai, I wish you a very blessed night.
01:08May Allah bless you.
01:09Mr. Allama Qibla Muhammad Raza Dawdani Sahib.
01:12Dr. Muhammad Raza Dawdani Sahib is with us.
01:14Assalamu Alaikum.
01:15Walaikum Assalam.
01:16How are you?
01:17You have heard your statement as well, Inshallah.
01:18Mufti Aamir Sahib, I would like you to start this segment.
01:22You can say anything you have to say in connection with this night.
01:26Then we will listen to Siddique Bhai's speech and continue the discussion.
01:29Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim.
01:30Undoubtedly, this night is more important than many other nights.
01:36The perfection that Allah has bestowed upon the Prophet of Allah on this night,
01:43He has bestowed it, but we know it very well that
01:49the most important thing mentioned in Waseem Bhai's Islam is Salah.
01:56This is the night on which Salah has been bestowed upon us.
02:01If someone wants to ask what worship we do on the Night of Ascension,
02:05or what is the excellence of this night, or what happened on this night,
02:09then Allah has bestowed the Night of Ascension upon the Prophet of Allah,
02:13and upon the Ummah of the Prophet of Allah as well, with such a great blessing.
02:19Salah is something through which a person is connected to his Lord.
02:23All the sorrows, pains, and needs that a person has,
02:28whatever problem a person has, he connects to his Lord through Salah.
02:33We have received that Salah on this night.
02:35We should see the importance of this night in this way as well.
02:41How many days do we make such excuses?
02:44You have received Salah, the most precious thing in Islam.
02:49The problem is that we leave Salah on this night as well.
02:52On this night as well, we do not value the great blessing that has been bestowed upon us.
02:58If we had been offering Salah, and we had been benefiting from the benefits of Salah,
03:02then we would have known how important this night is.
03:05What has Allah given us on this night?
03:07It is a clear contradiction that if we keep reciting the verses of the Night of Ascension,
03:12and if we do not receive a blessing like Salah on this night,
03:16then it is a clear contradiction.
03:18You see, this is a very big contradiction, and how great is the heedlessness.
03:25Look at the nations of the world.
03:27If the Jews receive a blessing, the Christians receive a blessing.
03:31They have not forgotten it for three thousand years.
03:33You have received such a great gift.
03:37What does Salah mean to you?
03:39For a believer, for Muslims in Islam, it is such a great thing.
03:44Salah is the most important thing for every person, and you have received it today.
03:49So think about how grateful we should be to Allah this night,
03:52that Lord, you have given us this gift of Salah to connect with you.
04:03So we should never forget this night.
04:07We will learn and understand all the benefits and objectives of this night from Ulema-e-Ikram.
04:14Because this night is a night of light.
04:18Siddiq Bhai, if I request you to recite the same words from the beginning,
04:23and then we will listen to more words from Ulema-e-Ikram.
10:34What to say?
10:39What to say?
10:40Raza Dawdani Sahib, while connecting with this,
10:43tell us the fact that even during the night of the Miraj,
10:47even in these moments, when there was the world of closeness,
10:49and we read about it in the Quran.
10:53The Prophet of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him,
10:57even in these moments, as we hear from Ulema-e-Ikram,
10:59he did not forget about the Ummah, but kept it as a priority.
11:03When we talk about love, it is always a two-sided relationship.
11:08So, if he remembered the Ummah of this world and kept it as a priority,
11:13kept asking for the Ummah, kept asking for forgiveness,
11:16then this becomes a two-way responsibility.
11:18So, with this title, he will say that in these moments,
11:21in what words or in what context did he remember the Ummah?
11:24And while reciprocating it,
11:26what is my responsibility as an Ummati?
11:28Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim.
11:30Obviously, the gift of Tabari should be given in connection with the night.
11:35In the service of all, and the Lord of prayers should answer everyone's prayers.
11:39And in the charity of these moments, in the charity of Sahib-e-Miraj,
11:42it is in its place that it is their connection and means of acceptance.
11:48If you look at the relationship with the Prophet,
11:50the Holy Quran has also said,
11:51In kuntum tuhibboonallaha fattabi'ooni.
11:54O Beloved, tell them that if you love Allah, then follow me.
11:58Then where have I come from?
11:59If you have a general concept of the Oneness of Allah,
12:04then the same Allah has sent me as His Messenger.
12:06So, how can it be that following is negated with the passion of love?
12:11This is not possible.
12:12In fact, love is a prelude to following.
12:14If a person has love in his heart, then the one he idealizes,
12:18then he tries to become like him.
12:20This is connected with the saying,
12:21laqad kaana lakum fee rasoolillahi uswatun hasana.
12:24For you, the life of the Messenger is a perfect example of action.
12:27Now, there is a completely dry matter,
12:29that there is an example of action, but there is no relationship of love.
12:32So, you can guess that the bond that will be formed,
12:35it will be very dry.
12:37If you continue to add the flavor of love and love,
12:41then that relationship will continue to be strong and strong.
12:44Its strength will increase a lot.
12:46So, you will see that the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him,
12:52has himself stated the matters of the unseen,
12:56so either Allah states it in the Qur'an,
12:59or the Prophet states it in his own language.
13:02So, through that, we can reach those things.
13:04So, we see that the Hadiths of the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him,
13:06if you look at all the things in the Hadiths of the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him,
13:10then there are moral advices in relation to the Ummah.
13:12The Lord of the worlds sometimes addresses us by saying, Ya Ahmad,
13:15or sometimes by saying, Ya Muhammad.
13:17Most of the time, He addresses us by saying, Ahmad.
13:19So, we see that it is a matter of trust,
13:21to give this message to the Ummah,
13:23to trust in the Lord of the worlds.
13:25It is a matter of Zuhud,
13:26that if a person is showing indifference,
13:28whether he lives in this world or not,
13:30why are all these advices being given at that time?
13:33Obviously, the purpose of doing that is,
13:35that this message should reach,
13:36that the Ummah in which you are,
13:38in whose Ummah you are,
13:39he is Sahib-e-Meraj,
13:40he remembers you in his prayers,
13:42the Lord is also kind to you,
13:43but don't think that everything is given.
13:46It shouldn't be like that.
13:47In fact, the Lord of the worlds has kept a custom for you,
13:49a custom is life,
13:50there are some customs,
13:51there are some customs that are liked,
13:53if you keep creating them in your life,
13:56then remember that the result of that will be,
13:58that Allah will also give you His nearness,
14:00according to the limit.
14:01What can I say?
14:04Khimla, it is obvious that your poetic taste,
14:08Dr. Dawgani Sahib's and yours,
14:11you are learning a lot from him,
14:14his meaning is obvious and I like it a lot,
14:17so you repeat it,
14:18and he will say from that language,
14:19Tu Ghani Azhar Du'alam Man Faqeer,
14:22Roza-e-Mahshar, Uzrah-e-Man Fazeer.
14:25So he will say from this context,
14:27that there is a jurisprudential debate,
14:29that is fine in its place,
14:30this is halal, this is haram,
14:31this is its reward,
14:32this is its sin,
14:33so don't do this,
14:33if this happens, go to heaven.
14:34This is maths,
14:35this is jurisprudential,
14:36this is rules.
14:37But there are some matters that are fine,
14:40but there shouldn't be any embarrassment,
14:42so please tell us about this poem and its title.
14:45First of all, as far as the poem is concerned,
14:47it is Iqbal's poem,
14:48and Iqbal had dedicated this poem to someone else,
14:52but it is Iqbal's own taste,
14:56but our taste is a little different from this.
14:58I don't have this taste,
15:01what the Halal Adrat said,
15:02I have that taste.
15:03He said,
15:04I should hide my face from you,
15:06in front of whom?
15:07I should hide my face from you,
15:09in front of whom?
15:10Have I expected anything else from anyone?
15:13Where should I go,
15:14whom should I call,
15:15who should I be in front of?
15:16What is the use of going to Pursh-e-Shor,
15:17you are of no talent.
15:18Okay, if you want to take Iqbal's point in its place,
15:21then hide it from him.
15:22We say that,
15:24by the grace of Allah,
15:26we have nothing hidden from him.
15:28There is nothing hidden from him,
15:29and secondly,
15:30he is the support of our intercession.
15:32He is the one who will intercede for us,
15:35so this is our taste.
15:37Now, let's come to the point,
15:38that the love that is required from the Prophet of the world,
15:43the fundamental demand.
15:44First of all, I would like to talk about this with two topics.
15:47One is that,
15:48some people repeatedly try to convince us,
15:53that the mention of the Prophet of Allah should not be done too much,
15:58or it should be done like this,
15:59or it should not be done like this.
16:00So, when there is love,
16:03who loves the one who mentions him a lot.
16:08So, the fundamental demand of love from the Prophet of Allah is this,
16:13and this is a necessary demand,
16:15that the mention of the Beloved of Allah should be done.
16:17That the mention should be done in a proper way,
16:18and that the mention should be done outside of the gathering.
16:20Yes, the mention of the Beloved of Allah,
16:22Glory be to Allah,
16:23whose mention is in the Qur'an,
16:24our Qur'an,
16:25the Prophet of Muhammad,
16:26whose mention was the tip of the tongue of the companions,
16:29whose mention was the tip of the tongue of the followers,
16:31whose mention was the tip of the tongue of the followers,
16:34whether they are the commentators,
16:35the Muhaddithin,
16:36the Mutakallimeen,
16:37the Auliya,
16:38the Ulema,
16:39the Fouqa,
16:40whoever you see,
16:41when they mention the Prophet of Allah,
16:44then, you can see their superiority.
16:46The one who was a car driver,
16:47he mentions someone else who he likes,
16:49we will mention him.
16:50Whoever he loves.
16:52So, when there is this demand of love,
16:54then, the mention should be done.
16:54There should not be any objection to the mention.
16:56Now, coming to the next point,
16:58that not only the mention should not be done,
17:00but there is also the next demand of love.
17:02So, you are saying that these two things are not the insistence of each other,
17:04that either mention him or follow his thought.
17:07No, no, no, the demands of love are more than one.
17:10One demand is that the mention should be done in abundance.
17:14The second demand is that you have to obey your beloved.
17:16The one whom you love, you have to obey him.
17:20You have to follow what your beloved has said.
17:23And the third point,
17:24to which you were pointing out,
17:26is that I interpret it this way.
17:28Iqbal has said it in a different way.
17:30I say it this way,
17:31that why do we become such sinners and followers of so many tribes,
17:37that the Prophet of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him,
17:38intercedes for us.
17:40And no doubt, he will intercede for us.
17:42We will get our share of the intercession, God willing.
17:44But why do we not try to become such that when we go to the Day of Judgment,
17:49seeing us, the head of our Master, the Prophet of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him,
17:53will rise even higher.
17:55It is already high.
17:56It will rise even higher that,
17:57look, this is my Ummah.
17:58Seeing that, the head of our Master, the Prophet of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him,
18:01will express his pride and glory.
18:04Seeing us, we should try to become such that
18:07the blessed eyes of our beloved should be cool.
18:09Seeing us, seeing our actions, seeing our character,
18:13and we should carry such virtuous deeds,
18:16and we should prove to be so beneficial for the creation of God,
18:20and we should have such a positive impact on society,
18:22that when we go there, seeing the beloved of Allah there,
18:25and with us, there should be light, there should be brightness,
18:27and after Allah, we should say, this is my Ummah, this is my Ummah.
18:30So, we should try to become like this.
18:32Why are we going to a low category?
18:34Just like in the world, we want that in everything in the world,
18:37we try to be the highest, to take the highest branded thing,
18:41or we try to be the highest, to be the best.
18:44So, in the matter of religion, in the matter of the Hereafter,
18:47why do we go to a low category?
18:49Even in that, we should have a high profile.
18:51We should try to become like that.
18:54Sheikh Saadi said,
18:56You should attain perfection, so that you become respected in the world.
19:04I say that you should become respected in the world,
19:07and you should also attain respect in the presence of Allah.
19:09So, you should attain perfection, such a perfection,
19:12such a scale, that you become respected in the eyes of the world,
19:16and you become respected in the presence of Allah,
19:19who is with Taqwa, who is with Nafi, who is with the fear of God.
19:23Amazing, and obviously, the fame and respect are all because of him.
19:27Neither fame nor high status is enough,
19:31the name of the Faqir is enough.
19:33The name of the Faqir is enough, the name of the Faqir is enough.
19:38Sheikh Shablah, you always, whether it is a Ramadhan session or any other topic,
19:43you talk about it, so I want that in every gathering,
19:45there should be a repetition in this regard,
19:47that you always say that reading the Quran is very important,
19:50and it should be made a part of a routine,
19:53it should be a few minutes of the day, it should be in the form of a modern app.
19:57So, I want that today's topic should be made a part of this topic.
20:01If we talk about this topic,
20:06then see, there are countless miracles and wonders of the Prophet,
20:12whose mention is found abundantly in the Hadith Mubarakah.
20:16In fact, all the poetry that you have read and heard from the Naatkhans,
20:20in that every other poet has translated a Hadith or a miracle.
20:25But the miracle that is mentioned in today's Raat,
20:29Allah Almighty has mentioned it in Surah Bani Israel and Surah Najam in the Quran.
20:34This miracle has been mentioned in detail in the Quran.
20:38That is, that miracle is also blessed, which is not mentioned in the Quran,
20:41and this is also blessed.
20:42But if someone's importance has to be increased,
20:45then Allah Almighty mentions it in His book.
20:48Not every miracle has been mentioned in the Quran.
20:49Not every miracle has been mentioned in the Quran.
20:51I read about a non-Muslim, he said that someone gifted him a book,
20:55in which the Prophet of the Muslims, Muhammad,
20:59was mentioned to go to the Meeraj,
21:02and he was mentioned to cut the moon into two pieces.
21:07I was surprised that how is this possible?
21:10Anyway, he said that since I was a student,
21:13when I read physics, chemistry and my subject,
21:17I was surprised that how many of these things,
21:21the verses of the Quran are saying,
21:23science itself is taking us to that direction.
21:27Theory of relativity, speed of light,
21:29the constant of time, all these phenomena are discussed in science.
21:32So what we have understood in the Quran,
21:34that just kiss it and recite it for blessings.
21:39If someone gets sick, then suffocate him.
21:44If you read it, then you will see that great nations of the world,
21:49have prostrated themselves before it.
21:51There is that Meeraj of knowledge in it.
21:54There is that place of consciousness in it.
21:57That great scholars appear helpless before it.
22:01You see, with reference to Ambrose,
22:03what Keith Moore had said,
22:06that the verses of the Quran are probably from Surah An-Nur.
22:10In which it is written,
22:11that I create you in the wombs of your mothers in the darkness of the three worlds.
22:15I create you after the creation of creation.
22:19That I create you in the wombs of your mothers in the three worlds.
22:25He said that this is impossible.
22:27Today, after microscope and telescope,
22:30we have come to know that the evolutionary stages of a human being,
22:35in the womb, and the development of the embryo,
22:39how many layers and stages it is in today.
22:43But if 1400 years ago,
22:46when there was no existence of telescope,
22:48there was no concept of science,
22:49how is the Quran telling this?
22:51He said that I had no other option.
22:54That I believe that this is a divine book.
22:57I had no other option.
22:59This is a strong argument for the existence of Allah and the truth of Islam.
23:03Yes, exactly.
23:03How it was written 1400 years ago.
23:05So, we do not consider the Quran to be only for blessings.
23:09It is indeed a blessing.
23:11But there are instances,
23:13that today is the day of Ascension,
23:14so the verses of the Ascension of the Prophet,
23:16in Bani Israel,
23:17in Surah Najam,
23:18how did Allah describe it?
23:20For us, this is a big issue.
23:23Some people,
23:25if they cannot explain it,
23:28due to the weakness of their consciousness,
23:30they say that it was a dream.
23:32It was a dream.
23:33Even a child,
23:35after seeing the content of the Ascension,
23:38will not say that it was a dream.
23:40If I present the Hadiths of the Ascension in front of you,
23:43you will understand.
23:45Even I don't know how far I can go in my dreams,
23:47so what is the issue of mentioning it in the Quran?
23:51My vision is like that,
23:53so it goes up to the sky first.
23:56Do you understand?
23:57What was amazing about this, tell us.
24:00People cannot answer,
24:01how will we do its scientific reasoning?
24:04If there is an objection from the science,
24:05what will we do?
24:07Then they apologize.
24:09They apologize.
24:11That it was a dream.
24:15Many people have interpreted it.
24:17However, this is a form of knowledge, consciousness, and progress.
24:23That is, the lines of reason, the lines of understanding.
24:26The Ummah that is traveling in the air and space today,
24:29the incident of the Ascension knocked on those closed doors.
24:33That is, who gave the idea of flying in the air?
24:37My master gave it,
24:39when Huzoor went to the Ascension.
24:41You read these verses of the Quran,
24:43and research them, especially our young people.
24:46They are youth, they are students.
24:48They study physics, chemistry, biology.
24:52You go and see the verses of the Quran.
24:55Where acquired knowledge ends,
24:59there you will see the Quran starting.
25:02You will see it giving a proper result.
25:04Amazing, there are so many such things,
25:07relating to the Big Bang theory.
25:09Birth of stars, creation of stars, end of stars.
25:15I am amazed, sometimes even the words.
25:20These days, the Parker probe,
25:22the fastest traveling planet,
25:24the closest to the moon,
25:26no other planet has ever reached so close to the sun.
25:30There are a lot of documentaries about the sun.
25:32I was watching them the other day,
25:34and they said that after so many billions of years,
25:37the sun will die its natural death.
25:40The sun will just lose its brightness.
25:44I remember that when the sun will lose its brightness,
25:46in the Quran.
25:47Until then, it was a strange thing,
25:50how will the sun lose its brightness?
25:51Science is saying that one day,
25:54when the sun will lose its brightness,
25:5514 years ago, it will be gone.
25:57Today, the astronauts,
26:01who were the first to go to space?
26:03A woman went to space,
26:05then Apollo 11, Apollo 12, Apollo 15, Apollo 16.
26:12When they went, people are reaching there today.
26:15And you are still asking,
26:17was it a dream or reality?
26:19I am amazed.
26:20Wow, what to say.
26:21Let's listen to Siddique Bhai's words,
26:23and then we will continue the conversation with Dawood Ahani.
26:27May Allah's peace and blessings be upon the Beloved.
26:33Now in my eyes,
26:40Now in my eyes,
26:45No one is worthy,
26:50No one is worthy now in my eyes.
26:59Now in my eyes,
27:07No one is worthy,
27:15like my master.
27:22Like my master.
27:29No one is worthy,
27:36No one is worthy,
27:40like my master.
27:45Ibn Yaqub was given the form of Allah.
27:53Ibn Yaqub was given the form of Allah.
28:01Jesus was given the wealth of Christ.
28:09Although every prophet was given a status,
28:15a greatness, a fame,
28:21but my master,
28:25my master,
28:29was given a hidden status.
28:38Like my master,
28:44no one is worthy,
28:50like my master.
28:58No one is worthy,
29:08like my master,
29:13like my master.
29:18He is after God,
29:24He is after God,
29:30then what is there to say after this?
29:38This is the secret of Shari'ah,
29:45that the end of the prophets,
29:49is the demand of love,
29:58that the beloved of God,
30:02is like my master.
30:11No one is worthy,
30:19like my master,
30:25but look at him with respect.
30:34Like my master,
30:39but look at him with respect.
30:47This is the dome of Khadr,
30:53this is the dome of Khadr,
30:59there is no spectacle.
31:06This is the dome of Khadr,
31:12there is no spectacle,
31:19like my master.
31:26What does the Prophet say?
31:30He is more beautiful than a pen,
31:36and more beautiful than a woman's heart.
31:44He is the creator of all creation,
31:51He is the creator of all creation,
32:01like my master.
32:07No one is worthy,
32:16like my master.
32:23I have heard this name before.
32:26I have presented two verses of Hazrat Hassan bin Thabit.
32:30You can ask the scholars of the Quran as well,
32:33to translate it in Urdu.
32:37No doubt, JazakAllah.
32:39Wa Ahsanu Min Qalam Tarakun.
32:42Will you say it, then I will ask Raza Bhai.
32:45Hazrat Hassan bin Thabit is saying,
32:46Wa Ahsanu Min Qalam Tarakatu Ayni.
32:48My eyes have never seen anyone more beautiful than you.
32:52And how could they have seen,
32:54Wa Ahsanu Min Qalam Talidun Nisau.
32:56No woman has ever been born more beautiful than you.
33:00And then he says,
33:00Khulikta Mubarraam Min Kulli Aibin.
33:03Beloved, you have been created pure of every defect.
33:07Ka Anaka Qad Khulikta Kama Tashau.
33:10It means that you have been created as you wanted.
33:13It is a metaphor.
33:16So, this is the belief of the Sahabi-e-Rasool,
33:20and this is how the Sahabi-e-Rasool says it.
33:22And we say this in a similar way.
33:24The Sahabi-e-Rasool himself has been taught this.
33:26After being taught, the Holy Prophet said,
33:28Tere to wasf-e-betanahi se hain bari.
33:31Hairan hu mere shah, mai kya kya kau tujhe.
33:34Kehle ki sab kuch unke Sana Khan ki khamshi.
33:37Chup ho raha hai keh ke mai kya kya kau tujhe.
33:40Lekin Raza ne Khatme Sukhanis pe kar diya.
33:42Khalika Banda, Khalika Banda, Khalka ka Aka kau tujhe.
33:47Wow, wow, wow.
33:48What a great statement.
33:50Raza sahab, at the end of this segment,
33:52please tell us about this.
33:55You also talk a lot about the Quran and meaning.
33:57So, if you could give a message on this too.
33:59And I also feel that in today's time,
34:03there is a need to talk about similarities and similarities,
34:05and to emphasize them.
34:06So, the way Allah the Almighty,
34:11it is obvious that all Muslims have a unity and harmony.
34:14There are no two opinions in this.
34:16In the same way, everyone has a harmony on this.
34:20Whether it is any school of thought or any religion.
34:23That after Allah, you are the only one.
34:26So, just like the Quran is Allah's book.
34:29Just like Allah is Allah.
34:31In the same way, after Allah,
34:33the ruler of the world, peace be upon him,
34:35the creator of the world, the master of the creation.
34:38If all Muslims have a harmony without any difference,
34:40then this person also gives us a message of great unity.
34:45What is the doubt about this?
34:46In fact, I would also like to add to that.
34:48That you were born in such a way that anyone can desire.
34:53Just as you have desired for yourself.
34:55That is, what is the nature of a person?
34:57That he will desire the best for himself.
35:01So, if desiring the best means that
35:02after the creation of the creator of the world,
35:05the existence of the Prophet is so pure,
35:10that if a person desired for himself and wanted the best for himself,
35:12then this could have happened.
35:13If you look at this,
35:14then in the Quran itself, you will find two places,
35:17in fact, many places, but two places are similar.
35:20Where a strange support is seen in terms of both speech and action.
35:24That is, one is the same Surah Najam,
35:26which was also being mentioned.
35:27If you look at it, then the Lord of the worlds says,
35:30that our beloved does not speak with his will and his willpower.
35:37He says what revelation is revealed to him.
35:40So, one is creation.
35:41He says what revelation says.
35:42He says what revelation says.
35:44So, if you look at it,
35:45one is that he made it that way,
35:47and then he maintained it in the same way.
35:49Then the Prophet, with his willpower,
35:52the way he has trained his character and the way he has presented it,
35:57that if there is speech, then the speech is also according to revelation.
35:59And if you talk about action,
36:01then the Lord of the worlds says,
36:03Say it,
36:06That I am following the action that is revealed to me in the form of revelation.
36:12So, if you look at it,
36:13that the words of the Prophet are also in accordance with the words of the Lord of the worlds.
36:17And the action of the Prophet is also in accordance with the words of the Lord of the worlds.
36:21So, if this whole life is in this way,
36:25then that personality will be called innocent.
36:27On whose innocence the Lord of the worlds has testified,
36:30on whose innocence the Lord of the worlds has given proof.
36:33And when there is such an innocent, such a great character,
36:37then it is obvious that he is the most perfect.
36:39When he is the most perfect, then he is the most liked.
36:43And when he is the most liked, then he is the most beloved.
36:45And if someone does not like perfection,
36:47then he is looking inside himself,
36:49what is the flaw that he does not like perfection.
36:52When the Prophet is perfect,
36:54when the Prophet is perfect,
36:55relative perfection, which can be the best possible in someone,
36:59that is present in the Prophet.
37:01And after that, all the people,
37:03in the eyes of the people, the Prophet should be loved.
37:06And not being loved will become the argument of the Qaji,
37:09that if the Prophet is not loved,
37:11it means that there is some crookedness in his own self.
37:15This is a very clear proof that in the eyes of the Prophet,
37:18no matter what sect he belongs to,
37:23there is no difference of opinion,
37:24everything is based on this.
37:26The Prophet is the common denominator,
37:29because of which the whole Ummah is united with each other.
37:33If you look for a binding force with each other,
37:36then there are many communities.
37:39But if you want to find the biggest common denominator in the communities,
37:44that is Khatm-e-Martabat,
37:45Ahmad-e-Mustafa, Muhammad-e-Mustafa, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him.
37:48And if you look at it from the point of view of ifs and buts,
37:52there is no ifs and buts in it.
37:54No ifs and no buts.
37:56The Prophet is such a common denominator,
37:59that there is no room for ifs or buts in him.
38:02Nothing can be greater than him.
38:05I have presented the quote of Maula-e-Kainat, Ameer-ul-Momineen, Ali-Ibn-Abi Talib.
38:10Maula says that I am a servant of Muhammad.
38:14I am a servant of Muhammad.
38:19Maula says that I used to follow the Messenger of Allah in the same way
38:26as a baby camel follows its mother.
38:29Look at it, he is telling us this style himself.
38:31He is a follower of the Prophet, Maula-e-Kainat, Ameer-ul-Momineen, Ali-Ibn-Abi Talib.
38:36And all the companions, you will find the same style, the same sentences.
38:40Who can be greater than the Prophet?
38:42If you look at it, no one can be greater than the Prophets,
38:45no one can be greater than the Imams, no one can be greater than the Saints.
38:49The summary of the words is the same as you said,
38:51after Allah, you are the elder one.
38:52A brief story.
38:54Then why don't we all say and hear two sentences from you,
38:56that if I make a request, then it is up to you.
38:59If Allah is the greatest of all, then let our Prophet say it,
39:01or else you can say whatever you want, two sentences.
39:03No, no, your request.
39:04I don't want to force you, but I have made my own request,
39:07it is really up to you.
39:08What great words.
39:09I thought you were going to say, Allah is the greatest of all.
39:12Allah is the greatest of all.
39:16Allah is the greatest of all.
39:22Our Prophet is the greatest of all.
39:31Allah is the greatest of all.
39:37Our Prophet is the greatest of all.
39:48Our Prophet is the most beloved of our Mothers.
39:59Our Prophet is the most beloved of our Mothers.
40:10Our Prophet is the most beloved of our Mothers.
40:21Our Prophet is the most beloved of our Mothers.
40:31Our Prophet is the most beloved of our Mothers.
40:45Who is it that gives and who is it that wants to give?
40:56Who is it that gives and who is it that wants to give?
41:10Who is it that gives and who is it that wants to give?
41:21Who is it that gives and who is it that wants to give?
41:33Who is it that gives and who is it that wants to give?
41:44Who is it that gives and who is it that wants to give?
41:55Who is it that gives and who is it that wants to give?
42:07Who is it that gives and who is it that wants to give?
42:19Who is it that gives and who is it that wants to give?
42:27Who is it that gives and who is it that wants to give?
42:35Who is it that gives and who is it that wants to give?
42:43Who is it that gives and who is it that wants to give?
43:13What are you saying?
43:16May Allah keep this unity and brotherhood intact.
43:21We will listen to them as well.
43:22We will come back after a short break, Inshallah.
43:26O, the night of the announcement of the creation of the universe!
