• 2 months ago
(Adnkronos) - Vicenzaoro January, al via edizione 2025 del boutique show della gioielleria; UniCredit e Ferrari, presentata la partnership: ‘Legati nella passione, uniti nell’eccellenza’; “Una casa per i giovani”: un progetto di Edison per neolaureati; Bper, 'Present4future' modello di inclusione sociale e sviluppo territoriale.


00:00bjbjqPqP Vicenza Oro January Alvia edition 25 from the Jewelry Boutique
00:27Unicredit and Ferrari, presented the partnership, linked in passion, united in excellence.
00:33Una casa per i giovani, a project of Edison, for new graduates.
00:37Biper, present for future, model of social inclusion and territorial development.
00:46The new edition of Vicenza Oro January will open on Friday, January 17.
00:50Until January 21, the best of the Made in Italy production and international excellence
00:55will present new products and collections and will launch the trends of jewelry not to be missed.
01:01The boutique show of jewelry, refinery and watchmaking sees the presence of more than 1,300 brands
01:06from 30 countries in the world and a program of 21 events,
01:10which are added to the activities of business between exhibitors and buyers.
01:14We believe a lot in Vicenza, we are doing everything to make sure that this becomes the home
01:20not only Italian, but the Italian door to bring the wealth of our country all over the world.
01:27The territorial investments, even those that will arrive at high speed,
01:31with also advantages with air connections,
01:34leads us to think that Vicenza can have a bright future
01:39to have this role, basically to protect the wealth of Italian jewelry,
01:46Italian manufacturing and defending it from foreign attacks that are always present.
01:55The opening ceremony saw the presence of the institutions,
01:59including the president of the Veneto region, Luca Zaya,
02:01the president of the province of Vicenza, Andrea Nardin,
02:04the mayor of Vicenza, Giacomo Possamai
02:07and the deputy minister of business of Made in Italy, Valentino Valentini.
02:11This fair represents an appointment that has now become a classic.
02:15It shows how the fair system is able to push and carry on Made in Italy,
02:21adapting to the new needs.
02:23A world that, after Covid, above all, is looking for experience and values,
02:27sustainability, quality and price.
02:29This is offered by Vicenza, by Vicenza Oro,
02:32which is linked to the territory and the link between product and territory
02:37is the key of Made in Italy that we must protect and that gives our characterization.
02:42The sector is experiencing a positive moment.
02:45In the first ten months of 2024,
02:47the profits of the precious metals industry are 5.8% higher,
02:51with more dynamic export than the domestic market.
02:55As for the expectations for 2025,
02:5847.5% of companies expect stability in business volume compared to 2024,
03:0431.2% is expected to worsen,
03:07while the residual value of 21.3% has a positive sentiment.
03:12The share of the ore factory is about 10.8 billion in 2023.
03:19From January to September 2024,
03:22we have already reached the value of 2023,
03:28so a plus 37%.
03:31It is confirmed that this sector is pulling.
03:34We also see that the Veneto share, which is very important,
03:38accounts for about 2.1 billion,
03:41which naturally means that we express about 20% of what is produced in Italy.
03:51Unicredit and Ferrari together to create innovations
03:54and offer new services and experiences for Unicredit customers
03:57and Ferrari HP fans.
04:00The multi-annual partnership announced last September
04:03is now officialized under the motto
04:05Legati nella Passione, Uniti nell'Eccellenza
04:08and will be celebrated with a mega event in Milan next March.
04:12Two Italian brands that have been able to grow abroad
04:16to bring the best of Italy out of our country.
04:20A sodalicio that takes off in conjunction with the arrival
04:23in the Cavallino team of the seven-time world champion Lewis Hamilton
04:27and with Charles Leclerc the show on the track is ensured.
04:31Unicredit will bring added value to its customers and stakeholders,
04:35offering them the opportunity to live the emotion of Formula 1 in a memorable way.
04:40The community is important for both our companies
04:43and this is a way to show attention
04:46and tell them you are very important for us,
04:50for our companies and for our teams.
04:52Based on the collaboration between Unicredit and La Rossa di Maranello,
04:56a common vision, giving the best for people in the right way.
05:00What we have in common is that we discovered on the first day we met
05:05is a vision on how to do things, how to change things,
05:10the importance of our people, the importance of passion,
05:14of the search for excellence and the will to change things for the best.
05:19And from this, a whole series of other things
05:22that led us to this partnership emerged.
05:25Very true, I still remember when we met,
05:28we were at dinner in Bologna and we talked about the best way
05:31to involve people at the corporate level,
05:35be it a bank, be it a car company,
05:38a sports car company.
05:41Without people, companies cannot grow,
05:44without people, certain goals cannot be achieved.
05:47We are two people who want to instill in our companies
05:53the importance of dialogue at all organizational levels,
05:57because if a company works as a network,
05:59it is a bit like a Formula 1 team,
06:01everyone works together to achieve their goal.
06:04This is an important value that unites us.
06:11A plan of company social housing for new graduates
06:14that offers them the opportunity to live in their own house
06:17near the workplace where they work
06:19and thus start a path of personal and professional autonomy.
06:23It is a house for young people,
06:25the new initiative launched by Edison,
06:27an energy company that for 140 years
06:29contributes to innovation and development in the country.
06:32The initiative is aimed at new graduates who do not have a different accommodation
06:36from that of their own core of origin,
06:38to which Edison gives the opportunity
06:40to accommodate a two-room apartment
06:42with a monthly expense contribution
06:44requested to the young and considered sustainable,
06:46as it has a non-superior value
06:48to a third of the net monthly return.
06:51With this project we want to create the conditions
06:56so that young people who, after having studied in Milan,
07:00want to stay, or in Turin, Rome,
07:02stay in the city where they studied to work with Edison,
07:05can start their own personal life project,
07:09as well as a professional life project.
07:11It is very important for us,
07:13because we invest a lot since their formation with the university,
07:18and therefore we have interests
07:20that certainly remain for a significantly long period in the company,
07:25not only because this is to function their growth,
07:28but also to function the important investment that the company makes
07:31to train them and make them grow.
07:33This project is part of a broader commitment
07:36by Edison in support of young people,
07:39a three-year program of development and training,
07:41job modalities that guarantee the balance
07:43between personal and professional life,
07:45as well as a retributive dynamic
07:47that rewards the merit of an integrated welfare system.
07:50Since September 2024,
07:52the initiative has been enriched with a house for young people.
07:55We have noticed in recent years, unfortunately,
07:58a growing problem of difficulty for young people,
08:01especially those who have studied in metropolitan cities,
08:04to remain professionally in these cities,
08:08because the cost of living,
08:10in particular the cost of accommodation,
08:12becomes more and more unsustainable,
08:14even compared to a good first-time income,
08:18and that this is an element that often determines
08:21a choice, often for economic reasons,
08:25to flee Italy and choose to work abroad.
08:31Starting from this observation,
08:33and from the other observation,
08:35the significant increase in the cost of accommodation
08:38in some metropolitan cities,
08:40which has further exacerbated this problem,
08:42we have decided to intervene
08:45precisely on this issue,
08:47the need for housing and the need to help them
08:50so that they can maintain the cost of a rent
08:53in a metropolitan city,
08:55related to their income.
08:57The measures related to the housing problem
08:59contained in the latest law of balance
09:01go, according to Colombo, in the auspicious direction,
09:04there are two conditions.
09:06A structurality in time,
09:08therefore not a temporary episodicity,
09:11on the other hand, they must put together
09:14an immediate intervention of support,
09:17because the problem is today,
09:19and then clearly work over a long period
09:21through a building plan,
09:23which also through the recovery, certainly,
09:25of the patrimony, today little used,
09:27rarely used, regenerated,
09:30can progressively make available
09:33housing solutions at low cost,
09:36which satisfy this need,
09:38but this is a long-term perspective.
09:40Waiting for a process,
09:42a country system,
09:44which gives a structural development,
09:46a structural solution,
09:48also through a specific building plan,
09:51there was a need, in our opinion,
09:53to give an immediate response.
09:56In this sense, our intervention must be read.
10:04More than 3,000 young people and 2,000 citizens
10:06have participated in the 130 activities
10:08carried out in the outskirts of six Italian cities
10:11to create new territorial networks,
10:13promote intergenerational dialogue
10:15to improve the quality of life
10:17in the most vulnerable urban contexts.
10:19These are the results of the Present4Future project
10:22promoted by BiperBanca
10:24in collaboration with the Gruppo Avele Foundation.
10:26The initiative, born in 2022,
10:28is active in six Italian cities,
10:30Rome, Milan, Naples, Turin, Palermo and Genoa.
10:33It has involved young people between the ages of 14 and 24,
10:36it has regenerated neglected public spaces,
10:39promoted education courses
10:41and counteracted school abandonment
10:43through targeted initiatives.
10:45Psychopedagogical sports have been created,
10:47literacy courses have been organized
10:49for young people of foreign origin
10:51and sensitization activities have been launched
10:53on issues of collective interest,
10:55such as legality and the fight against the mafia
10:57or gender violence.
10:59We aim to transform marginalization
11:01into integration.
11:03I think this is the point
11:05where we really have to measure the result,
11:09especially with regard
11:11to the fact that young people
11:13can give and must give.
11:15But in order to give,
11:17we must allow them
11:19a really important contribution,
11:21living as protagonists
11:23that ability to react
11:25that we must favor,
11:28The presentation of the results
11:30was held at the Bipper Forum in Modena.
11:32The evening was conducted
11:34by journalist Valerio Millefoglia
11:36and he saw the participation of young people,
11:38of the operators and of the president
11:40of the foundation of the group,
11:42Don Luigi Ciotti.
11:44When young people find
11:46real, coherent, credible points of reference,
11:48there are, there are.
11:50Let's invest in our young people,
11:52let's give them opportunities.
11:54If we think that young people
11:56who have gone abroad
11:58in recent years,
12:00only last year there were 100,000,
12:02Italy is increasingly poorer than young people
12:04and many go abroad because
12:06here everything is precarious,
12:08everything is in trouble, everything is uncertain.
12:10My experience has been very positive.
12:12We have done many projects
12:14around Italy,
12:16we have made exchanges with other young people.
12:18The message I bring with me
12:20is certainly a message of hope
12:22that many young people
12:24can get involved
12:26like me, like the others
12:28who have collaborated with me
12:30to try to make a difference
12:32and to change a few things.
12:54The new co-financiers of the group ERA
12:56for the management of waste
12:58are born Circular Diard.
13:00Sustainable nutrition
13:02is the fight against waste,
13:04the project of active citizenship
13:06for conscious consumption.
13:08Almost 13 million
13:10of investment in design
13:12and construction of new plants,
13:14re-qualification, optimization
13:16of infrastructure and equipment
13:18in the context of circular economy
13:20that can be used
13:22already from the first year
13:24a reduction of 15%
13:26of undifferentiated waste.
13:28These are the numbers of Circular Diard
13:30SRL, the nucleus of Fincantieri
13:32and the group ERA
13:34which aims to realize
13:36in the 8 Italian construction sites
13:38of Fincantieri
13:40an innovative integrated system
13:42of waste management
13:44aimed at their enhancement.
13:46Born following the memorandum
13:48signed in July 2024,
13:50Circular Diard
13:52is a project
13:54that aims to reduce
13:56to 100,000 tons
13:58of industrial waste per year.
14:00It is a good project
14:02because there is no rhetoric,
14:04there is a desire
14:06to pursue sustainability
14:08combined with the desire
14:10to improve the processes
14:12and generate operational efficiency.
14:14So it is, if you want,
14:16a very serious example
14:18Industry is strongly dependent
14:20on the provisioning
14:22of raw materials
14:24from abroad
14:26and with this
14:28Circular Diard company
14:30we launch a strong and clear message
14:32and we want more and more
14:34to become the engine
14:36of the circular economy
14:38of the Italian and European industrial fabric.
14:40Circular economy
14:44to become
14:46less and less dependent
14:48on the provisioning of raw materials
14:50from abroad.
14:52Circular Diard is formed
14:54at 60% by the ERA Group
14:56and at 40% by Fincantieri.
14:58The ERA Group will be present
15:00with ERA Ambiente and Industrial Services
15:02at 55%
15:04and ACR of Reggiani Albertino S.p.a.
15:06with the remaining 5%.
15:08Both companies are controlled
15:10by ERA Ambiente,
15:12among the main national operators
15:14and the main objective is
15:16to reduce waste
15:18and to reduce
15:20the waste produced
15:22by the company
15:24by going into the Fincantieri
15:26production processes.
15:28To do this,
15:30we make a good amount of investments
15:32starting from Montfalcone
15:34and working on other construction sites
15:36in particular where we are
15:38leaders in Italy
15:40in the treatment of the so-called
15:42waste that is generated
15:44in the work of the shipyards
15:46and today they are transported
15:48abroad. We will design
15:50on-site systems
15:52that will save
15:54CO2 transport
15:56and will allow to reduce water
15:58and reintroduce it in the local
16:00natural system.
16:02Sustainability is based on strategic choices
16:04that are no longer deferrable.
16:06It is necessary to promote models
16:08of production and consumption,
16:10and to increase
16:12the awareness of consumers
16:14regarding the issues of
16:16sustainable nutrition,
16:18the importance of certified branches,
16:20food safety and the fight against waste.
16:22These are the key elements
16:24of the sustainable nutrition project
16:26L'Otto Agli Sprechi, launched by Cittadinanza Attiva
16:28in collaboration with the research center
16:30Engage Minds Hub
16:32of the Catholic University
16:34and the non-conditioned support
16:36of the Italian Union Olio di Palma Sostenibile
16:38is presented in Bologna
16:40at Marca 2025, the international
16:42exhibition of the distributor's brand.
16:44There is a lot of confusion
16:46regarding the very concept of sustainable nutrition
16:48where we understand it as
16:50the possibility
16:52by the consumer
16:54to act in a conscious way
16:56a choice behavior that allows him
16:58to act in the first person
17:00orienting with his own choices
17:02also the production
17:04and distribution processes,
17:06choosing the most sustainable
17:08and circular branches.
17:10Sustainable nutrition and reducing waste
17:12are two approaches that every citizen
17:14should be able to adopt easily
17:16and all the actors of the food branch
17:18agriculture, transformation
17:20and distribution are called to collaborate
17:22to facilitate the choices of consumers.
17:24It is very important
17:26because, unfortunately,
17:28Olio di Palma was attacked
17:30years ago
17:32and still continues
17:34with some contrary articles
17:36but thanks to that
17:38Olio di Palma
17:40has organized itself
17:42with the association
17:44of Olio di Palma Sostenibile
17:46for this reason it is important
17:48to make sure that our oil
17:50sustainable, certified
17:52safe, can be used
17:54with confidence
17:56and safety by the consumer.
17:58The research of active citizens
18:00Italian Union Olio di Palma Sostenibile
18:04how it is necessary to discuss
18:06their habits and get informed.
18:08There is a need
18:10of a cultural change
18:12in food consumption
18:14and we hope to be able
18:16to activate a participation
18:18a greater involvement
18:20a greater awareness
18:22of consumers
18:24but also of all stakeholders
18:26of the production
18:28and distribution
18:30so that sustainability
18:32is not only a fascinating label
18:34but also
18:36a pragmatic principle
18:38of behavior.
18:40Eva Alessi,
18:42responsible for sustainability
18:44of WWF Italia,
18:46presented the campaign
18:48Food for Future
18:50with which WWF wants to bring
18:52sustainability on everyone's lips
18:54underlining the importance
18:56of segmenting the public
18:58and banalizing complex issues.
19:00We are also looking
19:02for communication activities
19:04carried out in Italy
19:06to bring sustainability
19:08on everyone's lips.
19:10WWF Italia has chosen
19:12to launch this campaign
19:14called Food for Future
19:16to promote an ecological transition
19:18of food systems.
19:20We need to find a way
19:22never to banalize,
19:24to simplify,
19:26to reduce complexity.
