• letzten Monat
"Brave New World" setzt die TV-Miniserie "The Falcon and the Winter Soldier" fort. Sam Wilson ist der neue Held hinter dem Vibranium-Schild.


00:00You know I've been no fan of heroes, but even I can't deny the good that you've done.
00:11Work with me, Sam. The country needs Captain America.
00:19Tonight is the first step towards lasting peace across this great new world.
00:28Stand by for proof of death.
00:34Your inner circle has been compromised.
00:35Either you can't see dead, or you don't want to.
00:40The country is on the brink of war.
00:44There's someone behind all this.
00:47Watch yourself. You're not Steve Rogers.
00:50You're right. I'm not.
00:57Let's go!
01:00What do you think they talk about? Talk about us!
01:04Captain America.
01:07Caught without his wings.
01:15You want me? Come and get me!
01:18Captain America Brave New World.
01:20Make sure the suit's ready.
01:22Tell me I don't make your old gear look brand new.
01:24Who's saying that?
01:25Everybody. Everybody is saying that.
